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1、六年级英语期末试卷Writing Part笔试局部60%五、Writing正确抄写句子,并圈出其中的元音字母5%LET US GO SKATING_-六、Read and arrange.将以下人名按照英汉字典中的先后顺序标号。5%Mike Mary Jack John Amy( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八、Read and circle. 圈出不属于同类的单词。10%1. older younger taller other2. mall shelf factory shop3. rain wind person cloud4. grow dig polish flower5. b

2、ookstore post card movie park6. month week day tail7. tomorrow magazine dictionary newspaper8. subway bus belt train9. visit sun read buy10.panda banana tiger lion Think and write. 根据要求写字母或单词。7%1.make(过去式) _ 2. let us(缩写形式) _3.isnt (完全形式) _ 4. swim(doing形式) _5. by (同音词) _ 6. big (形容词比拟级) _7. old (2个

3、反义词) _ 8.boring(最高级)_9.do(过去式) _ 10.he(宾格形式)_十、Read and choose. 选择正确的答案。10%( )1. Lucy is ten. Kate is nine years old. So Lucy is _ than Kate. A. older B. younger C. fatter( )2. They like _ to music.A. listening B. listens C. listen( )3. You can go to school by _. A. car B. plane C. spaceship( )4. Th

4、e traffic light is yellow, you may _. A. stop B. wait C. go( )5.What _he_yesterday? A do;did B did; does C did;do( )6. When are you going to Hong Kong? Im going _.A. this weekend B. by plane C. yesterday( )7. The woman is seventy, but she looks so _.A. tall B. young C. thin( )8. I like _. Because it

5、s hot, I can eat ice-creams.A. fall B. summer C. spring( )9. Teachers Day is in _.A. October B. November C. September( )10. Where does the rain come from? It comes from the _.A. clouds B. water C. sun十一、Make sentences. 连词成句。10%1. go, usually, school, I, to, foot, on (.) _2. what subject favourite is

6、 your (?) _3. look, so, you, excited (.) _4. Lisa to has dog the walk Sunday on (.) _5. how ofen you do polish shoes the (?) _十二、Read and judge. 阅读判断。10%Today is Saturday. It's fine. My parents and I go to the zoo.First, we come to see the monkeys. Look at those monkeys! Some are playing with ea

7、ch other, some are swinging on the trees, some are making faces, and some are eating bananas.Then we go to see the peacocks(孔雀). How beautiful they are! They have long tails and small mouths. They are all wearing colorful clothes. They look like pretty princesses(公主). They are dancing together happi

8、ly.At last, we come to see a very big animal. It has a long nose and two big ears. Its ears look like two big fans. What is it? Ha-ha, it's an elephant. It's very friendly. My father takes a photo for it.Today, I am very happy because I have seen many lovely animals. I hope people can get al

9、ong well(与友好相处) with the animals forever.1.I go to the zoo with my dad and mum. ( )2. The monkeys are playing, swinging and dancing. ( )3. The peacocks are beautiful. ( )4. The elephant has a long nose and two big eyes. ( )5. We should love animals. ( )六年级期末试卷二一 看图片写单词 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 二、单项选择。( )1、-Th

10、ank you very much . -_. A. Youre welcome. B. You are all right. C. Oh, dear.( )2、Does his uncle have a daughter? -_ A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isnt. C. Yes, he does.( )3、 -_? He is a worker.A. What does your father like? B. What does your father do?C. Where is your father like? ( )4、 We usually go to

11、school _ 7:3o _ the morning. A. in, in B. on, in C. at, in ( )5、 His father goes to work _. A. by a bike B. by his bike C. by bike ( )6、This is Mr Li's room. _ room is clean. A. He B. His C. Her ( )7、My uncle is _artist and his uncle is_doctor. A、a, a B、an, a C、an, an( )8、Wang Gang likes drawing

12、 pictures,he works in an art room.He is an_. A、artist B、writer C、accountant( )9、Why do you go to school by bus? A、I like by bus. B、I'm a student. C、Because my school is far.( )10、How do you go to Beijing? A.I go to school on foot. B.I go by train. C.I like by ship.( )12、I'm going to flowers

13、this afternoon.( )15.My aunt is a (售货员) ( )16.The post office is on the (左) of the zoo.( )17.( )18.The boy likes .(做风筝) A.riding a bike B.diving C.making kites( )19.I want to buy a (漫画书)( )20.My father teaches (数学)in a school.三从A栏选B栏正确答语1 What is your hobby? A Yes, she does.2 Can he go with him? BHe

14、 is a driver.3 Does your pen pal live in shanghai? C She goes to Hongkong by plane.4Does she teach you math? DI like collecting stamps.5What does your father? E Sure.6 How does she go to hongkong? F No, she lives in Beijing.7 Where does your mother work? G Thanks a lot.8 Where does the rain come fro

15、m? H She works in a car company.9 What are you going to do this afternoon? I It comes from the clouds10 Happy birthday J Im going to plant a flower. 四、根据上下文,补全对话:A: Hello, Liu Yun!B: _ , John !A: _ do you go to school?B:I go to school _ bus .Because my home is far.A:What does your father _ ?B:He'

16、;s _TV reporter.A: _ he go to work by bus?B:No, _ _ .A:How_he go to work?B:He _ to work_foot .A:Good Bye!B:_五 排序( )First, dig the soil and put the seeds in the soil.( )We can see the corn.( )We can see the sprout( )We can see a big plant( )Water it六、阅读下面的短文,指出短文下面的句子是否与短文的意思一致,如一致,请在相应的括号内写“T,否那么写“F

17、:5分 Wu Dong has a good friend. His name is Peter. He is from the U.S.A Wu Dong and Peter are in the same class. They go to school five days a week. They stay at home on Sunday and Saturday. Peter likes China and Chinese food. He likes rice cakes very much. At school they play table tennis (乒乓球)after

18、 class. Wu Dong and Peter likes making things. Now they are making a plane. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Wu Dong speaks Chinese and a little English. They teach each other. (互相) 1、Wu Dong has an American friend. 2、They go to school from Monday

19、 to Friday. 3、They often fly planes after class. 4、Wu Dong teaches Peter English and Peter teaches Wu Dong Chinese. 5、Peter often eats rice cakes because he likes eating them.期末试卷三小学六年级英语上册测试卷 听力局部 听录音,选择你听到的单词,填序号。(10分) 1、A.dry B.my C.try D.wet ( ) 2. A.holiday B.yesterday C.today D.Saturday ( ) 3.

20、 A.these B.there C.those D.here ( ) 4. A.skate B.skates C.ski D.skiing ( ) 5. A.live B.give C.gift D.living ( ) 6. A. sing B.song C.think D.sink ( ) 7. A.ball B.fall C.fell D.mall ( ) 8. A.hotel B.west C. day D.western ( ) 9. A.eat B.eats C. ate D.often ( ) 10. A.day B.date C.today D.way 听录音,选择你听到句子

21、的答语,填序号。(10分) 1. A.Its a 6:00. B.It 6:00. C.Its 6:00. D.It a 6:00 ( ) 2. A.He is siting. B.He is sitting. C.He is sit. D.He sitting. ( ) 3.A.June first. B.September tenth. C.October first. D.December twenty-fifth. ( ) 4.A.She is walking to the park. B.She is going to walking to the park. C. She is g

22、oing to walk to the park. D.She walks to the park. ( ) 5.A.Its winter. B.Its spring. C.Its summer. D.Its fall. 笔试局部 根据汉意写出正确的单词。5分 连指手套 三角形 冰箱 厨房 夏天 根据提示完成句子。10分 1、The green pencil is (你的) 2、Danny (想)to learn Chinese. 3、I am (wash) my hands now. 4、Here (come) the school bus. 5、I have many beautiful

23、(连衣裙)。 6、Everyone in the classroom is (quiet) 7、Today is (rain),I have to put on my rain boots. 8、Danny (love) winter very much, because he wants (play) in the snow. 9、Look! They are ( sit) on the couch. 三、选择题。10分 1、I would like hamburgers. A.eat B.ate C.eats D.to eat 2、Mum eggs on the stove now. A.

24、cook B.cooks C.cooking D.is cooking 3、Lets put a circle usually. A.on B.to C.in D.for 4、I am going to play guitar. A.the B.a C.an D./ 5、I like the shapes. A. a B.an C.the D.all 6、Is your father a teacher a driver? A.and B.or C.of D.to 7、Lets some books on the table. A.put B.puts C.to put 8、Everyone

25、in the room supper. A.eat B.eating C.eats 9、Heres I like to do. A.who B.where C.when D.what 10、 is the temperature? A.How B.What C.Whats D.Hows 四、从B栏中选择A栏相应的答语。(12分) A B Is it a dish? A.Im from China. ( ) Is it a dish or a plate? B.Its a dish. ( )Can you play the piano? C.Three. ( )Hows the weather

26、today? D.Its rainy. ( )How many children are there? E.Sure, I can. ( )Where are you from? F.Yes, its a dish. 五、根据提示补全短文.(20分) Jenny:I want to you to . Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny! Jenny:Yon need to take your shorts and put on your pants. Li Ming: do I need to my pants. Jenny: it is cold outside. It

27、9;s winter. Li Ming: OK! Jenny:Can you skate forwards? Li Ming: I I can. Jenny:You learn fast, Li Ming! Li Ming: Thank you, Jenny! I think you are a good teacher. I want to to ,too. 六.猜一猜, 将正确的词语写在横线上. (8分) 1.You take it on a rainy day. If you forgot it, you will get wet. It is an . 2. This is a sea

28、son. It's warm and rainy. The flowers bloom. It is . 3.It's a man. It makes with snow. It's a . 4.It's a kind of vegetables. It's round. When you cut it. It can hurt your eyes.It's an (carrot, onion, peas) 七. 阅读短文, 判断正误,正确的写T, 错误的写F.(5分) It's October seventh. The season i

29、s fall. The weather is sunny, but cool. The temperature is about 17 degrees. The pupils (小学生) of No.12 School have no lessons. They are in the park. The park is beautiful and large.There are many trees and flowers in it. There is a river and a hill in it, too. Some girls are under a big tree. They are singing and dancing. Tom and Jack are sitting beside the river. They are drawing. Kate is there,too. She is look


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