



1、PART ONEINTRODUCTIONC H A P T E RO n e The Strategic Role of Human Resource Management1Lecture OutlineStrategic OverviewThe Managers Human Resource Management JobsWhy is HR Management Important to all Managers?Line and Staff Aspects of HRMCooperative Line & Staff HRM: An Example From Line Manage

2、r to HR ManagerThe Changing Environment of HR Management HRs Changing RoleA Changing EnvironmentMeasuring HRs Contribution: Strategy, Metrics, and The HR ScorecardAn Emphasis on Performance MetricsThe HR ScorecardThe High Performance Work System (HPWS) The New HR ManagerNew ProficienciesThe Need to

3、“Know Your Employment Law” Ethics and HRHR CertificationHR and TechnologyImproving Productivity Through HRIS The Plan of This BookThe Basic Themes and Features OverviewPart I: IntroductionPart II: Recruitment and Placement Part III: Training and Development Part IV: CompensationPart V: Employee Rela

4、tionsIn Brief: This chapter gives an overview of what Human Resource Management is and how it relates to the management process. It illustrates how managers can use HR concepts and techniques, line and staff managers responsibilities, HRs role in strategic planning, and the plan of this book.Interes

5、ting Issues:Human Resources play a key role in helping companies meet the challenges of global competition.Strategic objectives to lower costs, improve productivityandincrease organizational effectiveness are enabled by human resource strategies and technologies. Students will learn how HR plays a s

6、trategic role in creating high performance work systems that employers need today to thrive.精品课程权威双证招生请速充电你可能准备跳槽或者求职,却为缺少行业经验和专业而被用人百般挑惕!你可能目前衣食无忧,但随着的增长和竞争的增大,因为得不到专业的全新培训而失去竞争的机会和被淘汰的。美华教育携手中国管理大学面向举办迷你 MBA 职业经理双班,毕业颁发双。招生专业及其颁发【授课方式】招生、函授学习、权威双证我校采用国际通用3结合的先进教育方式授课(函授教学电子光盘自修+网络学院持续学习)【颁发】学员毕业后可

7、以获取权威双与学员学籍;1、毕业后可以获取相应专业钢印高级职业经理资格2、毕业后可以获取2年制的MBA课程高等教育研修;认证项目颁 发 双 证学 费职业经理MBA 高等教育双班高级职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元人力总监MBA 双班高级人力总监职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育1280 元市场总监MBA 高等教育双班高级市场总监职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元酒店经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级酒店管理职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元企业培训师MB

8、A 高等教育双证班企业培训师高级资格认证书2 年制 MBA 高等教育1280 元财务总监MBA 高等教育双证班高级财务总监职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元品质经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级品质管理职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元生产经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级生产管理职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元策划师MBA 双班高级策划师高级资格认证2 年制 MBA 高等教育1280 元物流经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级物流管理职业经理资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育1280 元项目经理MBA 高等教育双证班高级项目管理职业经理资格2 年制

9、 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元企业总经理MBA 高等教育双证班企业总经理高级资格2 年制 MBA 高等教育研修1280 元【说明】1加盖中国管理大学钢印和公章(学校电子、随带整套学籍);2毕业获取的与面授学员完全一致,无“函授”字样,与面授学员享有同等待遇,是学员求职、提干、晋级的有效证明;。【学习期限】 3(有工作经验学员提前毕业,毕业获取后学校仍持续辅导2年)【标准】 全部费用1280元(含光盘、认证辅导、学籍等全部费用)函授学习为你节省了大量的宝贵的学习时间以及昂贵的MBA导师的面授费用,是职业经理人首选的学习方式。【招生对象】1、对管理知识感,具有简单电脑操作能力(有2年以上相应工

10、作经验者可以申请提前毕业)。2、在2055岁之间的各界管理知识需求者均可报名学习。【1、完全实战特点】,注重企业实战管理方法与中国管理背景完美融合,关注学员实际执行能力的培养;2、对学员采用1对1顾问式教学指导,确保学员顺利完成学业、胸有成竹的岗位;3、互动学习(、顾问24小时接受咨询,第一时间回答学员的提问和咨询)【1 卷面2说明】:毕业试卷是一套完整的情景模拟试卷(与工作相关联的基础问卷):毕业需要提交2000字的(学员不需要参加答辩但中必修体现出5点独特的企业管理心得)3 综合心理测评等问卷。【颁证中国】管理大学经中民特别行政区批准成立。目前中国管理大学课程涉及国际学位教育、国际职业教育

11、等。学院教学方式灵活多样,注重的实际技能的培养,向学员传授先进的管理思想和实际工作技能,学院会永远遵循“科技兴国、严谨办学”的原则不断的提供优秀的管理。【承办美华管理、教育】学校是中国最早由教委批准成立的“工商管理MBA实战教育机构”之一,由资深MBA教担任学校理事长。迄今为止,已为培养各类“能力型”管理育 近10常务理事徐传,并为多家企业提供了整合策划和企业内训,连续13年被教委评选为优秀成人教育学校甲级先进办学。办学多年来,美认可。独特的教学方法,先进的教学理念赢得了各界的高度赞誉和【咨询】88723232【咨询教师报名须知】1 、报名登记表格后详细填写并发邮

12、件至 xchy007 (入学时不需要提交相片,毕业提交试卷同时邮寄4张2寸相片和一张复印件即可)2、交费后请及时通知招生办确认,以便于当日学校为你办理邮寄等入学手续。【报名地址】哈尔滨市道外区南马路 120 号职工大学 109 室美华教育(:150020)【样本】(招生样本)函授学习权威双证 请速充电)(高级职业经理资格(两年制课程高等教育样本)【学费缴纳方式】可以选择任意式缴纳学费,建议使用第五种方式(中国工商,比较方便快捷)收到学费的当天,学校就会用邮政特快的你邮寄和问卷。高级职业经理资格认证、人力总监、经务总监、企业培训师、酒店策划师等学习认证系列。经理、品质经理、生产经理、物流经理、项

13、目经理、市场总监、通用高级经理资格MBA 高等教育研修(含 2 年学籍)通用、国际互认、电子,是提干、求职、晋级、的有效依据说明:学习期限:3标准:全部学费(工作经验丰富学员提前毕业)元咨询:0451- 8834262088723232邮箱:xchy007学校:颁证:中国管理大学承办:美华管理学校认证系列:颁发双证:方式一邮局邮寄邮寄地址:哈尔滨市道外区南马路 120 号职工大学 109 室:150020方式二学校帐号学校帐号:184080723702015:哈尔滨龙江支付系统行号:313261018018 企业户名:哈尔滨市道外区美华管理学校方式三交通(太平洋卡)帐号:40551220360

14、141505户名:行:交通哈尔滨分行中心方式四邮政储蓄()帐号:户名:行:哈尔滨道外储蓄中心方式五中国工商()帐号:3户名:行:哈尔滨市道外区靖宇I.The Managers Human Resource Management Jobs The Management process involves the following functions: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. Staffing involves: conducting job analyses; planning labor needs a

15、nd recruiting job candidates; selecting job candidates; orienting and training new employees; managing wages and salaries; providing incentives and benefits; appraising performance; communicating; training and developing managers; building employee commitment; beingknowledgeable about equal opportu,

16、 affirmative action, and employeehealth and safety; and handling grievances and labor relations.A. Why Is HR Management Important to All Managers? Managers dont want to make mistakes while managing areas such as hiring the wrong, having their company taken to court because of discriminatory actions,

17、 or committing unfair labor practices.B. Line and Staff Aspects of HRM Although most firms have a human resource department with its own manager, all other managers tend to get involved in activities like recruiting, interviewing, selecting, and training.1.Line Versus Staff Authority Authority is th

18、e right to make decisions, to direct the work of others, and to give orders. Line managers are authorized to direct the work of subordinates. Staff managers are authorized to assist and advise line managers in accomplishing their basic goals. HR managers are generally staff managers.2.Line Managers

19、HRM Responsibilities Most line managers are responsible for line functions, coordinative functions, and some staff functions.C. Cooperative Line and Staff HR Management: An Example In recruiting and hiring, its generally the line managers responsibility to specify the qualifications employees need t

20、o fill specific positions. Then the HR staff takes over. They develop sources of qualified applicants and conduct initial screening interviews. They administer the appropriate test. Then they refer the best applicants to the supervisor (line manager), who interviews and selects the ones he/she wants

21、.D. From Line Manager to HR Manager: Line managers may make career stopovers in staff HR manager positions.II.The Changing Environment of HR ManagementA. HRs Changing Role Human Resource responsibilities have become broader and more strategic over time as organizations' human resource requiremen

22、ts have become more complex. The role of HR has evolved from primarily being responsible for hiring, firing, payroll, and benefitsØNOTESEducational Materials to UseANNOTATED OUTLINEadministration to a more strategic role in employee selection, training and promotion, as well as playing an advis

23、ory role to the organization in areas of labor relations and legal compliance,B. A Changing Environment - Globalization of the world economy and other trends have triggered changes in how companies organize, manage and use their HR departments.1.Globalization refers to the tendency of firms to exten

24、d their sales,ownership, and/or manufacturing to new markets abroad.Forbusinesses everywhere, the rate of globalization in the past decade has been enormous, and has several strategic implications for firms.More globalization means more competition, and more competition means more pressure to lower

25、costs, make employees more productive, and do things better and less expensively.2.Technological Advances have been forcing, and enabling, firms tobecome more competitive.HR faces the challenge of quicklyapplying technology to the task of improving its own operations.3.Exporting Jobs has been prompt

26、ed by competitive pressures and the search for greater efficiencies.4.The Nature of Work is changing due to new technological demands. In addition, the shift from producing products to producing and delivering services is a contributor to the change from “brawn tobrains”.Dramaticincreasesinproductiv

27、ityhaveallowedmanufacturers to produce more with fewer employees. In general,the jobs that remain require more education and more skills. The shift to using nontraditional workers such as those who hold multiple jobs, “contingent” or part-time workers or people working in alternative work arrangemen

28、ts has enable employers to keep costs down.5.Human Capital refers to the knowledge, education, training, skills, and expertise of a firms workers. There is a growing emphasis on the importance of knowledge workers and human capital and the HR management systems and skills needed to select, train, an

29、d motivate these employees.6.Workforce demographics are changing. The workplace is becoming more diverse as increased numbers of women, minority- group members, and older workers enter the workforce. The aging labor force presents significant changes in terms of potential labor shortages, and many f

30、irms are instituting new policies aimed at encouraging aging employees to stay, or at attracting previously retired employees.ØNOTESEducational Materials to UseIII.Measuring HRs Contribution: Strategy, Metrics, and the HR Scorecard HRs central task is always to provide a set of services that ma

31、ke sense interms of the company strategy.Trends of globalization, increasedcompetition, a changing workforce and more reliance on technology havetwo main implications for how companies now organize, manage, and rely ontheir HR operations.First, HR managers must be more involved inpartnering with the

32、ir top managers in designing and implementing theircompanies strategies. Second, the focus on operational improvements means that all managers must be more adept at expressing their departmental plans and accomplishments in measurable terms.A.An Emphasis on Performance Management expects HR to provi

33、de measurable, benchmark-based evidence for its current efficiency and effectiveness, and for the expected efficiency and effectiveness of newor proposed HR programs.Management expects solid, quantifiedevidence that HR is contributing in a meaningful and positive way to achieving the firms strategic

34、 aims.B.Metrics HR managers need a set of quantitative performance measures (metrics) they can use to assess their operations. These metrics allow managers to measure their HR units efficiency.C.The HR Scorecard is a concise measurement system, showing quantitative standards or “metrics” used to mea

35、sure HR activities, employee behaviors resulting from these activities, and to measure the strategically relevant organizational outcomes of those employeebehaviors.The scorecard highlights the causal link between HRactivities, emergent employee behaviors, and the resulting firm-wide strategic outco

36、mes and performance.D. The High Performance Work System (HPWS) Teral aim of theHPWS is toize the competencies and abilities of employeesthroughout the organization.IV.The New HR ManagerA.New proficiencies are required of the HR Manager today in: human resources, business, leadership, and learning.B.

37、The Need to “Know Your Employment Law” is increasingly important as a growing web of HR related laws effects virtually every HR decision. Equal employment laws, occupational safety and health laws, and labor laws are among the areas in which HR professionals need to be knowledgeable.C.Ethics and HR

38、have gained increasing exposure as a result of ethical lapses in corporate behavior. It is clear that ethics needs to play a bigger role in managers decisions. HR has an important role in promoting ethical behavior at work and will be explored more fully later in the text.ØNOTESEducational Mate

39、rials to UseD.HR Certification through the Society of Human Resource Management has become increasingly important as human resource management is becoming more professionalized. Certifications of PHR (professional in HR) and SPHR (senior professional in HR) are earned by those who successfully compl

40、ete all the requirements of the certification program.E.HR and Technology Technology improves HR functioning in four mainways:self-service, call centers, productivity improvement, andoutsourcing.More firms are installing Internet and computer-basedsystems for improving their HR operations. Technolog

41、y also makes it easier to outsource HR activities to specialist service providers by allowing them to have real-time Internet-based access to the employers HR database.Improving Productivity Through HRIS The HR Portal. HR portals provide employees with a single access point or “gateway” to all HR in

42、formation. Portals streamline the HR process, enables HR to redeloy its assets focus more on strategic issuesIV.The Plan of This Book Each topic interacts with and affects the others, and all should fit with the employers strategic plan.A. The Basic Themes and Features- HR is the responsibility of e

43、very manager- HR managers must defend plans and contributions in measurable terms- HR systems must be designed to achieve the companys strategic aims- HR increasingly relies on technology to achieve the strategic aims- Virtually every HR decision has legal implications- Globalization and diversity a

44、re important HR issues todayV.OverviewA. Part 1: Introduction1.2.3.Chapter 1: The Strategic Role of Human Resource ManagementChapter 2: Equal Opportuand the LawChapter 3: Strategic Human Resource Management and the HRScorecardB. Part 2: Recruitment and Placement.Chapter 4: Job AnalysisChapter

45、 5:nel Planning and RecruitingChapter 6: Employee Testing and Selection Chapter 7: Interviewing CandidatesC. Part 3: Training and DevelopmentØNOTESEducational Materials to Use1.2.3.Chapter 8: Training and Developing Employees Chapter 9: Performance Management and Appraisal Chapter 10: Managing

46、CareersD. Part 4: Compensation1.2.3.Chapter 11: Establishing Strategic Pay PlansChapter 12: Pay for Performance and Financial Incentives Chapter 13: Benefits and ServicesE. Part 5: Employee Relations.Chapter 14: Ethics, Justice, and Fair Treatment in HR Management Chapter 15: Labor Relations

47、and Collective BargainingChapter 16: Employee Safety and Health Chapter 17: Managing Global Human Resources1.Explain what HR management is and how it relates to the management process.Thereare five basic functions that all managers perform: planning, organizing, staffing, leading, and controlling. H

48、R management involves the policies and practices needed to carry out thestaffing (or people) function of management.HR management helps the management process avoid mistakes and to get results.2.Give examples of how HR management concepts and techniques can be of use to all managers. HR management c

49、oncepts and techniques can help all managers to ensure that they get results-through others. These concepts and techniques also help you to avoidcommonnel mistakes such as: hiring the wrong; experiencing high turnover;finding your people not doing their best; wasting time with useless interviews; ha

50、ving yourcompany taken to court because of discriminatory actions; having your company cited under federal occupational safety laws for unsafe practices; have some employees think their salaries are unfair and inequitable relative to others in the organization; allow a lack of training to undermine

51、your departments effectiveness, and commit any unfair labor practices.3.Illustrate the HR responsibilities of line and staff managers.Line managers aresomeone's boss; they direct the work of subordinates in pursuit of accomplishing theorganization's basic goals. Some examples of the HR respo

52、nsibilities of line managers are:placing the righton the job; starting new employees in the organization (orientation);training employees for jobs that are new to them; improving the job performance of each; gaining creative cooperation and developinooth working relationships;interpreting the compan

53、ys policies and procedures; controlling labor costs; developing theabilities of each; creating and maintaining department morale; and protectingemployees health and physical conditions. Staff managers assist and advise line managersin accomplishing these basic goals.They do, however, need to work in

54、 partnership witheach other to be successful. Some examples of the HR responsibilities of staff managersDISCUSSION QUESTIONSØNOTESEducational Materials to Useinclude assistance in hiring, training, evaluating, rewarding, counseling, promoting, and firing of employees, and the administering of v

55、arious benefits programs.4.Why is it important for a company to make its human resources into a competitive advantage? How can HR contribute to doing so? Building and maintaining a competitive advantage is what allows a company to be successful, and to remain profitable and in business. HR can make a critical contribution to the competitive advantage of a company by building the organizational climate and structure that allows the company to tap its special skills or core competencies and rapidly respond to customers' needs and competitors' moves.1.Working in


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