




1、Wewillconti nue improvhecompa ny's inter nal contr olsystem,agas are,and heart S hun ofculture atmospherestrengtheni ng lovefly".To strengthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control, nhaactivelymake use ofinternala uditt oolseeshealth ofchara cter, a nd sta ble of mood nd e一 _ J 一一 _ II
2、_ 一ss rolend pioneer model role ;to conti nuestodete ctpote ntialnterpri sing ofattstre ngthe ning "foial manageme nt, streamli ne,sta ndar dizerel atedtransacti ofattitude, create d friendlyfrater nity ofHumanities, >"fourgood"leadership constructionons, strengt hening operations
3、i n accor dance with la w.Dee pe ningthe i nformationmanagementto ensure ful communication "zero re sista nce".nvironment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt, e nsure thatthe busine ssof"zer orisk". T strengt hene d busi ness pla ns manage ment,willbusi ness busineToconsta ntly perfe
4、 ct ERP, and BFS+ ,and PI,a ndM IS, and SCM, nformation systemba sed constr uction,full ntegrationsspl ans covert oallleve ensurethebusine ss can contr olin control; to ose concer n financial, a nd coalelectri c linkagenformation system,a chiev ed i nformation resource shar ed; expa nd Portalsystem
5、a ppli cation ofbrea dth nd dept h,play nformation systemon enterpri se ofAssi stant role; to perfect da ily unmai ntena nce operati on ofrecor ds, promot e problem reasonsanaly,and e nergy-saving sche duling, nati onal poli cy trends, strengtheni ng track,a ctive shoul d;to im plementati onState -o
6、wne dassets method, furt herspecification businessfi nancialmanageme nt;to perfectrisk t ube control system,achieve driskre cognition,and measursise,aanndd asssyesstsemmehannt,doavern;dreporot,starnedngctontrheningolfBeFeSd+b+a,ckandoEfRcPlo,sedarindSCnMgmtaenagchnoelmoegnyt,iamppplriocvatieonriskof
7、ptrreavininge,ntioncaipmaprovecitye.mployeeTofuartphpelricsattaionndarnfodrimzeattiroandinsgy,staemndsotfricvaetpoaaccithyieve "accndordlienvgetl.Humanistilacw,csatraetondeanrsurdiez"ezearndfair."o.I"nnovatiTostreonngotfhepenrfionrgmaHumnancietiemansagceamrene,t,ctontinuestoensur
8、eftohsatterpotecompantialemnpylwindoyceleears"zanrdo;t o improve i nde pe nde ntCommisupti onw ork level,stre ngthe ning one nterprisebusiness key linkof effectivenessmonitored. Andmaintain stability.T ofurther str engthen publi cityandeducati on, im prove the overalllegalsystem.We must strengt
9、hen safety manageme nt,esta blish and improve the educati on,supervisi on,a nd eval uationas one ofthetraffic safetymanagementmechanism. Toconscienti ously sum up the Olympic securitycontrol s,promoting i ntegrated ma nagementto a higherl evel,hig hersta ndar ds,ahig herlevel ofdevel opment.Empl oye
10、es, oday is l unar cale ndaron De cember 24,the oxBelli saboutto ri ng, atthis time of year, we clearly feelt he pulse ofthe XXpowerge nerationcompa nytoflouri sh,to more clearly hear XX power generati on companie s mature and symmetrybreathing.Re calling pastoneanother across a raili ng,wearee nthu
11、siasti candfullof confidence.Futuredevel opme ntopportuniti es,we mor eexcitingfight more spirited.ploy s,let us toget heracr oss 2013 full ofchall enge s and opport unitie s,to cre atea green,low -costass power ge nerati on compa nyandwork hard! Theoccasi on ofthe S pring Festival my ncere wish hat
12、 youand he families of the st aff in thenew year教师招考教育基础知识核心知识点一、心 理学部分核心概念1. 心理学2. 普通心理学3. 发展心理学4. 教育心理学5. 感觉6. 感受性7. 感觉阈限8. 感觉后效;9. 知觉10. 似动现象11. 诱导运动12. 注意13. 有意注意14. 无意注意15. 有意后注意16. 注意广度17. 记忆18. 瞬时记忆19. 短时记忆20. 长时记忆21. 有意识记22. 无意识记23. 机械识记24. 意义识记25. 遗忘26. 再认27. 追忆28. 前摄抑制29. 倒摄抑制30. 思维31. 创造性
13、思维;32. 问题解决play levels cadre LI operati on, full ofhumanecares in e nterprisedeveolf awoorlpdm-celnt intheofback bone back bone role ;tofullstre ngthe ningmember syouth work ,fullplay youthemployee sin com pany development int heofforcer,good health, happy happy!Wewillconti nue improvhecompa ny'
14、s inter nal contr olsystem,agas are,and heart S hun ofculture atmospherestrengtheni ng lovefly".To strengthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control, nhand ste adyimpr ovement ability to manag e and control ,optimize businessprocesses, to nsure smooth pr ocesse responsi bilities in place; t
15、ofurt herstre ngthe nternal control playa controlpostinde pendent oversig ht ol ofeval uationhelped trappe d,care difficult employee s;carried out style ctivities,ri chemploye es life;stre ngthe ning healt hand labourpr otecti on, orga nizati on car eerhea lthmedi cal, contr olcar eeragainst;conti n
16、ues toimpleme ntation psychologicalwarninceemploy ee evaluati on and lev els of effective communi cation toimpr ove performa nce ma nagement.T ofurther quantify nd refine employ ee standards .Work,ull play party, nd branch,a nd members in"five type Enter pri se" constructionngcopmreplvyein
17、ngtiownitsyhtshtierm,traidni-party rensgpoenmsipbloiliytythe of core ole, andfightingfortreactivelymake use ofinternala uditt oolseeshealth ofchara cter, a nd sta ble ofm ood nd e一 _ J 一一 _ II_ 一ss rolend pioneer model role ;to conti nuestodete ctpote ntialnterpri sing ofstre ngthe ning "manage
18、me nt, streamli ne,sta ndar dizerel atedtransacti attitude, create d friendlyfrater nity ofHumanities, >"fourgood"leadership constructionons, strengt hening operations i n accor dance with la w.Dee pe ningthe i nformationmanagementto ensure ful communication "zero re sista nce"
19、;.nvironment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt, e nsure thatthe busine ssof"zer orisk". T strengt hene d busi ness pla ns manage ment,willbusi ness busineToconsta ntly perfe ct ERP, and BFS+ ,and PI,a ndM IS, and SCM, nformation systemba sed constr uction,full ntegrationsspl ans covert oalll
20、eve ensurethebusine ss can contr olin control; to ose concer n financial, a nd coalelectri c linkagenformation system,a chiev ed i nformation resource shar ed; expa nd Portalsystem a ppli cation ofbrea dth nd dept h,play nformation systemon enterpri se ofAssi stant role; to perfect da ily unmai nten
21、a nce operati on ofrecor ds, promot e problem reasonsanaly,and e nergy-saving sche duling, nati onal poli cy trends, strengtheni ng track,a ctive shoul d;to im plementati onState -owne dassets method, furt herspecification businessfi nancialmanageme nt;to perfectrisk t ube control system,achieve dri
22、skre cognition,and measursis and system handover; ostrengt hening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM te chnol ogy applicati on oftraining, im prove employee applicati on nformation system ofca pacity nd level.Humanisti ccare t oensure"zer o."Tostre ngthe ning Humanitie s car e,continuest foster compa
23、nywind clear ande,and assessme nt,a ndreport,and controlfeedback of closed ri ngmanag ement, improv e riskprev ention capa city. To furthersta ndar dizetra ding,a nd strive toachieve "accordingtla w,sta ndar dizea ndfair."Innovation ofperforma nce management, t oensurethatpote ntialempl oy
24、ee s "z ro33. 想象operati on, full ofhumanecareof aworld-cl ass power ge nerati on compa nyandwork hard! Theoccasi on ofthe S pring Festival my ncere wish hat youandhe families of the st aff in thenew year,good health, happy happy!1234. 再造想象35. 创造想象36. 幻想;37. 言语38. 情绪39. 情感40. 意志41. 人格42. 需要43. 动
25、机的概念;44. 气质的概念;45. 性格的概念;46. 智力47. 创造力48. 学习49. 替代性强化50. 先行组织者51. 知识52. 陈述性知识53. 程序性知识54. 策略性知识55. 概念56. 学习动机57. 自我效能感58. 耶克斯 - 多德森定律。59. 角色60. 教师期望效应(皮革马利翁效应)二、基本原理(简答1. 艾宾浩斯遗忘规律2. 记忆的品质3. 思维的特点、种类和品质4. 感受性与感觉阈限的关系5. 注意的品质play evels cadre inent erprise devel opme nt inthe ofback bone ba ckbone ole;
26、t o fullstrengt hening members outh w ork,full play yout empl oyees n com pany developmenthe offorce role;t o improv e indepe nde nt Commission againstcorrupti onw ork evel, stre ngthe ning on e nterprise business key nkofeffectivenessmonitoreA nd maintai n stability.Tofurtherstrengthen publicity nd
27、 ducation, improve t he overall egal system. Wemuststre ngthe safety manageme nt, esta blish and improvehe educati on, supervision,a ndeval uation asoneofthe trafficsafety management mecha nism.Toconscienti ously sumup the Olympic security controls, prom oting int egrated manag ement toa hig her lev
28、el higher standards, a higher levelofdevelopment.Empl oyee s,todayislunar calendar on December24,theox Bellisabout to ng,atthis time ofyear,w clearly feel the pulse oftheXXpower generation companyourish,to mor e clearly hear XX power ge neration compani es mature nd symmetry breat hing.Recalli ng pa
29、stone nother crossa raili ng, we are nthusiasti andfullofconfide nce.Future devel opme ntopport unitie we more ex citing fight more spirited.Wewillconti nue improvhecompa ny's inter nal contr olsystem,agas are,and heart S hun ofculture atmospherestrengtheni ng lovefly".To strengthe n perfor
30、ma nce ma nagement, process control, nhand ste adyimpr ovement ability to manag e and control ,optimize businessprocesses, to nsure smooth pr ocesse responsi bilities in place; tofurt herstre ngthe nternal control playa controlpostinde pendent oversig ht ol ofeval uationhelped trappe d,care difficul
31、t employee s;carried out style ctivities,ri chemploye es life;stre ngthe ning healt hand labourpr otecti on, orga nizati on car eerhea lthmedi cal, contr olcar eeragainst;conti nues toimpleme ntation psychologicalwarninceemploy ee evaluati on and lev els of effective communi cation toimpr ove perfor
32、ma nce ma nagement.T ofurther quantify nd refine employ ee standards .Work,ull play party, nd branch,a nd members in"five type Enter pri se" constructionngcopmreplvyeinngtiownitsyhtshtierm,traidni-party rensgpoenmsipbloiliytythe of core ole, andfightingfortreactivelymake use ofinternala ud
33、itt ools dete ctpote ntial manageme nt, streamli ne,sta ndar dizerel atedtransacti ons, strengt hening operations i n accor dance with la w.Dee pe ningthe i nformationmanagementto ensure ful communication "zero re sista nce".Toconsta ntly perfe ct ERP, and BFS+ ,and PI,a ndM IS, and SCM, n
34、formation systemba sed constr uction,full ntegrationeeshealth ofchara cter, a nd sta ble of mood nd e nterpri sing ofattitude, create d friendlyfrater nity ofHumanitiesnvironment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt, e nsure thatthe busine ssof"zer orisk". T strengt hene d busi ness pla ns mana
35、ge ment,willbusi ness busine sspl ans covert oallleve ensurethebusine ss can contr olin control;toose concer n financial, a nd coalelectri c linkagess role nd pioneer model role ;to conti nuesto stre ngthe ning "fourgood"leadership constructionnformation system,a chiev ed i nformation reso
36、urce shar ed; expa nd Portalsystem a ppli cation ofbrea dth nd dept h,play nformation systemon enterpri se ofAssi stant role; to perfect da ily unmai ntena nce operati on ofrecor ds, promot e problem reasonsanaly,and e nergy-saving sche duling, nati onal poli cy trends, strengtheni ng track,a ctive
37、shoul d;to im plementati onState -owne dassets method, furt herspecification businessfi nancialmanageme nt;to perfectrisk t ube control system,achieve driskre cognition,and measursis and system handover; ostrengt hening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM te chnol ogy applicati on oftraining, im prove employee a
38、pplicati on nformation system ofca pacity nd level.Humanisti ccare t oensure"zer o."Tostre ngthe ning Humanitie s car e,continuest foster compa nywind clear ande,and assessme nt,a ndreport,and controlfeedback of closed ri ngmanag ement, improv e riskprev ention capa city. To furthersta nda
39、r dizetra ding,a nd strive toachieve "accordingtla w,sta ndar dizea ndfair."Innovation ofperforma nce management, t oensurethatpote ntialempl oyee s "z ro6. 影响识记的因素;7. 思维的过程;8. 创造性思维的特征;9. 问题解决的阶段;10. 影响问题解决的因素;11. 创造想象对活动的意义;12. 言语的种类。13. 情绪与情感的种类;14. 意志的概念与特征;15. 意志品质。的因素;论;的因素; ,尤其
40、是多元智力理论; 的因素。 因素; 发展的基本观点及其评价; 展的基本观点及其评价; 德发展的基本观点及其评价16. 情绪与情感的功能;17. 意志行动的过程。18. 人格的结构;19. 影响人格形成与发展20. 需要的种类;21. 马斯洛的需要层次理22. 动机的种类、功能;23. 气质类型的特点;24. 性格的类型;25. 影响性格形成与发展26. 智力结构的有关理论27. 影响智力形成与发展28. 影响个体心理发展的29. 皮亚杰关于儿童认知30. 艾里克森关于人格发31. 科尔伯格关于儿童道32. 中小学记忆发展的特点33. 中小学思维与智力发展的特点34. 道德发展的特点35. 小学
41、生人际关系发展的特点36. 安德森关于学习的划分play evels cadre inent erprise devel opme nt inthe ofback bone ba ckbone ole;t o fullstrengt hening members outh w ork,full play yout empl oyees n com pany developmenthe offorce role;t o improv e indepe nde nt Commission againstcorrupti onw ork evel, stre ngthe ning on e nter
42、prise business key nkofeffectivenessmonitoren stability.Tofurtherstrengthen publicity nd ducation, improve t he overall egal system. Wemuststre ngthe safety manageme nt, esta blish and improvehe educati on, supervision,a ndeval uation asoneofthe trafficsafety managToconscienti ously sumup the Olympi
43、c security controls, prom oting int egrated manag ement toa hig her level higher standards, a higher levelofdevelopment.Empl oyee s,todayislunar calendar on December24,theox Bellisabout to ng,atthis time ofyear,w clearly feel the pulse oftheXXpower generation companyourish,to mor e clearly hear XX p
44、ower ge neration compani es mature nd symmetry breat hing.Recalli ng pastone nother crossa raili ng, we are nthusiasti andfullofconfide nce.Future devel opme ntopport unitie we more ex citing fight more spirited.Wewillconti nue improvhecompa ny's inter nal contr olsystem,agas are,and heart S hun
45、 ofculture atmospherestrengtheni ng lovefly".To strengthe n performa nce ma nagement, process control, nhand ste adyimpr ovement ability to manag e and control ,optimize businessprocesses, to nsure smooth pr ocesse responsi bilities in place; tofurt herstre ngthe nternal control playa controlpo
46、stinde pendent oversig ht ol ofeval uation complying wit hthir d-party responsibilityhelped trappe d,care difficult employee s;carried out style ctivities,ri chemploye es life;stre ngthe ning healt hand labourpr otecti on, orga nizati on car eerhea lthmedi cal, contr olcar eeragainst;conti nues toim
47、pleme ntation psychologicalwarning preventi onsy stem,traini ng employee evaluati on and lev els of effective communi cation toimpr ove performa nce ma nagement.T ofurther quantify nd refine employ ee standards .Work,ull play party, nd branch,a nd members in"five type Enter pri se" constru
48、ctionthe of core ole, andfightingfortrenceemployquantify nd refineemploy ee standards .Work,ull play party,activelymake use ofinternala uditt oolseeshealth ofchara cter, a nd sta ble of mood nd e一 _ J 一一 _ II_ 一ss rolend pioneer model role ;to conti nuestodete ctpote ntialnterpri sing ofattstre ngth
49、e ning "foial manageme nt, streamli ne,sta ndar dizerel atedtransacti ofattitude, create d friendlyfrater nity ofHumanities, >"fourgood"leadership constructionons, strengt hening operations i n accor dance with la w.Dee pe ningthe i nformationmanagementto ensure ful communication &
50、quot;zero re sista nce".nvironment.T ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt, e nsure thatthe busine ssof"zer orisk". T strengt hene d busi ness pla ns manage ment,willbusi ness busineToconsta ntly perfe ct ERP, and BFS+ ,and PI,a ndM IS, andsspl ans covert oallleve ensurethebusine ss can contr
51、 olinSCM, nformation systemba sed constr uction,full ntegrationn control; to ose concer n financial, a nd coalelectri c linkagenformation system,a chiev ed i nformation resource shar ed; expa nd Portalsystem a ppli cation ofbrea dth nd dept h,play nformation systemon enterpri se ofAssi stant role; t
52、o perfect da ily unmai ntena nce operati on ofrecor ds, promot e problem reasonsanaly,and e nergy-saving sche duling, nati onal poli cy trends, strengtheni ng track,a ctive shoul d;to im plementati onState -owne dassets method, furt herspecification businessfi nancialmanageme nt;to perfectrisk t ube
53、 control system,achieve driskre cognition,and measursis and system handover; ostrengt hening BFS+, and ERP, and SCM te chnol ogy applicati on oftraining, im prove employee applicati on nformation system ofca pacity nd level.Humanisti ccare t oensure"zer o."Tostre ngthe ning Humanitie s car
54、 e,continuest foster compa nywind clear ande,and assessme nt,a ndreport,and controlfeedback of closed ri ngmanag ement, improv e riskprev ention capa city. To furthersta ndar dizetra ding,a nd strive toachieve "accordingtla w,sta ndar dizea ndfair."Innovation ofperforma nce management, t o
55、ensurethatpote ntialempl oyee s "z ro37. 加涅关于学习的划分38. 奥苏伯尔关于学习的划分39. 观察学习的过程40. 概念的学习的策略41. 规则学习及其方式42. 问题解决学习43. 程序性知识学习的一般过程44. 策略的种类45. 学习中的主要认知策略46. 学习中的主要监控策略47. 学习迁移的种类48. 问题解决的策略49. 陈述性知识的掌握方式50. 陈述性知识的教学策略51. 程序性知识的掌握方式52. 程序性知识的教学策略53. 迁移的共同要素说、概括化理论、关系理论、认知结构迁移理论、迁移的产生式理论54. 影响学习迁移的因素
56、55. 动机的种类56. 成就动机理论57. 归因理论58. 自我效能理论三、基 本原理(论述)1. 运用感知觉的规律提高直观教学的效果;2. 运用注意的规律提高学生课堂的注意力;3. 运用记忆和遗忘规律提高学生的记忆效果;4. 联系实际说明机械识记的必要性和意义识记的优越性;5. 结合实际谈谈如何根据记忆和遗忘的规律防止不必要的遗忘;6. 创造性思维能力的培7. 结合学生谈谈如何培养学生创造性活动的能力;8. 根据言语感知与理解的特点谈谈如何培养学生的阅读能力Oplay evels cadre inent erprise devel opme nt inthe ofback bone ba
57、ckbone ole;t o fullstrengt hening members outh w ork,full play yout empl oyees n com pany developmenthe offorce role;t o improv e indepe nde nt Commission againstcorr upti onw ork evel, stre ngthe ning on e nterprise business key nkofeffectivenessmonitored. ,A nd maintai n stability.Tofurtherstrengthen publicity nd ducation, improve t he overall egal system. Wemuststre ngthe safety manageme nt, esta blish and improvehe educati on, supervision,a ndeval uation asoneofthe trafficsafety management mecha nism.Toconscienti ously sumup the Olympic security controls, prom o
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