【人教版】2021届中考英语一轮复习考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34_第1页
【人教版】2021届中考英语一轮复习考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34_第2页
【人教版】2021届中考英语一轮复习考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34_第3页
【人教版】2021届中考英语一轮复习考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34_第4页
【人教版】2021届中考英语一轮复习考点跟踪突破11八年级下册Units 34_第5页
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1、考点跟踪突破11八年级(下)Units 34一、单项选择。1Can I use your camera?Sorry.I _B_ it John yesterday.Amade Blent Cborrowed Dwrote2I was watching TV_D_ my sisiter was playing WeChat at this time last night.Abefore Bafter Cuntil Dwhile3Recycling is good,so don't _D_ bottles or newspapers.Alook for Bhand inCuse up Dt

2、hrow away4Careless driving _B_ many terrible traffic accidents every year.Arefuses Bcauses Chappens Dcarries5Don't worry!I'm sure you'll _C_ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.Abe popular with Bbe strict withCget on well with Dagree with6Can you come on Monday or Tuesda

3、y, Scott?I'm afraid _B_ is possible.I'll be on business on those two days.A. either Bneither Cevery Deach7I feel really_D_ before the interview.Take it easy.Sure you're the best.Apatient Bserious Ccool Dnervous8Are you going to climb the Mountain Taibai?I can't decide.It _A_ time.Ade

4、pends on Bcares about Cbelongs to Dfinds out9Mother's Day is coming.I don't know what to buy for my mother.Why don't you _C_ her a new hat?Abuying Bto buy Cbuy Dbuys10Are you sure you can pass the driving test tomorrow?_A_, I've got everything ready.AI think so BI hope notCI'm af

5、raid I can't DIt's hard to say二、完形填空。I ran into a stranger as he passed by.“I'm so sorry!” was my reply.Then he said,“Excuse me too .I didn't even see you.” We were very _11_, the stranger and IThen we went on our ways after saying good­bye.But at home, a different _12_ is told.

6、How we treat our loved ones,the young and the old.Later,in the kitchen, as I cooked our supper, my daughter _13_,very quietly.When I turned,I nearly knocked her down.“Get out of the way!” I shouted at her.She left,with her little _14_ broken.I didn't realize how hard I'd spoken.That night,as

7、 I _15_ awake in bed,God's quiet _16_ spoke to me and said,“While with strangers,you are polite,but with those you love,you didn't do it properly.Go and look right now on the _17_ floor,you'll find some flowers there by the door.Those are the flowers she brought for you.She picked them h

8、erselfpink,yellow and blue.”By this time,I felt sad and small and now my own _18_ fell.I quietly went to her bed,“Wake up,my dear daughter.” I said.“Are these the flowers you picked for me?” She smiled,“I found them on the tree.I knew you'd like them, especially the blue.” I said,“I'm so sor

9、ry that I _19_ them today .And I shouldn't have shouted at you that way.” She whispered(低声说),“Mommy,that's okay.I still love you anyway.” I hugged her and said,“I love you too and love your _20_, especially the blue.”11A.happy Bhungry Cpolite Dsmart12A.joke Blie Csaying Dstory13A.cried Bsang

10、 Cjumped Dentered14A.heart Bfinger Chead Dtoy15A.lay Blaid Cstood Dslept16A.voice Bsound Cnoise Dsmell17A.bedroom Bliving roomCkitchen Dclassroom18A.hair Bclothes Ctears Dteeth19A.sold Bstole Cbroke Dmissed20A.words Bclothes Csmile Dgift1115 CDDAA1620 ACCDD三、阅读理解。Some people think only school childr

11、en do not agree with their parents, however, it is not true.Communication is a problem for parents anti children of all ages.If it's hard for you to communicate with your parents, don't worry about it.Here are some advice for you to bridge the generation gap (消除代沟)Don't argue(争辩)with you

12、r parents.Don't get to your parents when you are angry.Your parents probably won't consider your idea.If you are shouting at them,you can't express yourself well when you are angry.Go some place to cool_offMake sure you understand why you are unhappy.Then think about what you want to say

13、 to your parents,if you don't think you can speak to them at the moment,try writing a letter.Try to reach a compromise(和解)Perhaps you and your parents disagree on something.You can keep your disagreement and try your best to accept each other.Michael's mother didn't agree with him about

14、buying a motorcycle.They argued over it.But they finally came to a compromise.Michael bought the motorcycle, but only drove it on certain days.Of course, your parents might refuse to compromise on something.In these situations,it is especially important to show love and respect(尊敬) to them.Showing r

15、espect will keep your relationship strong.Talk about your values.The values of your parents are probably different from those of your own. Tell your parents what you care about and why.Understanding your values might help them see your purposes in life.A good relationship with your parents can make

16、you a better and happier person.It is worth having a try!21The passage tells us _ have a communication problem.Aparents and other peopleBschool kids and their parentsCteachers and their studentsDparents and children of all ages22Your parents probably won't consider your ideas if you _Adon't

17、get to them oftenBwrite a letter to themCdon't speak to them politelyDexpress yourself well23The underlined phrase “cool off ” in the passage means “ _”Ato make yourself happyBto get you quiet and relaxedCto have a good restDto hide yourself quickly24If there's really a generation gap betwee

18、n you and your parents, you'd better _Ahave a talk with them oftenBkeep away from themCagree with them all the timeDknow about their values25From the passage we learn that _Aparents anti children should not have a generation gapBparents should show love and respect to their childrenCthere are so

19、me good ways to bridge the generation gapDthere are so many serious problems in families today2125 DCBAC四、书面表达。(一)(2021,本溪)根据要求完成小作文,词数:约30词。请你帮助养老院写一份招聘义工的启事。要求应聘者有爱心、善于倾听、乐于交流等。联系人:王方。联系电话:555­6789。Volunteers WantedDo_you_like_to_help_others?Do_you_like_to_talk_to_old_people?Are_you_patient_enough_to_listen_to_others?If_your_answer_is_“Yes”,please_come_and_be_a_volunteer_at_our_old_people's_home!Call_Wang_Fang_at_5556789.(二)每个家庭都有许多家务,作为家庭中的一员,人人都应该学会做家务。请你谈谈自己经常帮父母做哪些家务,有什么体会,并打算在暑假为家里做什么。要点提示:帮助父母洗衣服;打扫房间


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