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1、Unit 1 Our Earth Unit 2 Technology Today Unit 3 Newspapers and the News Unit 4 The World of Work Unit 5 Big Business Unit 6 WealthUnit 7 Social Issues Unit 8 Honestly Speaking An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit 3 Newspapers and the News An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspa

2、pers and the News In the neighborhoodVocabulary LinkA News makers Look at the pictures. Then match each sentence with the job it describes. Lesson B In the newsLesson A The people behind the newsABCDEFGHA journalist writes stories for the newspaper. _An international correspondent reports from abroa

3、d. _A cartoonist makes funny drawings for the newspaper. _A photographer takes pictures. _.ADGCAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News In the neighborhoodVocabulary LinkLesson B In the newsLesson A The people behind the newsABCDEFGHA copyeditor makes corrections

4、before the newspaper is printed. _A publisher manages and publishes the newspaper. _A critic writes opinions about books, movies, and plays. _A news anchor reads the news from a TV studio. _.FBHEALook at the pictures. Then match each sentence with the job it describes. An English Video Course

5、 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Vocabulary LinkBAnswer these questions about the jobs in A. Then explain your answers to a partner. Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsWhich job is the most glamorous? boring? creative? dangerous? An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电

6、子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Vocabulary Link In my view, international correspondents have the most glamorous job because they can travel worldwide and they get to interview many international figures and write interesting stories. At the same time, it can also be a dangerous job because they m

7、ay be asked to report from war zones or other unsafe locations. The copyeditors job is perhaps the most boring, although it is very important to ensure the newspaper is error free before it is printed. Perhaps the most creative job is the cartoonist, because you get to create funny drawings for the

8、newspaper. In my view, _ _ have the most _ _ because they can _ _ and the get to _ many _ _ and write interesting _. At the same time, it can also be a _ job because they may be asked to _ from _ _ or other unsafe locations. The _s job is perhaps the most _, although it is very important to ensure t

9、he newspaper is error free before it is printed. Perhaps the most _ job is the _, because you get to create _ _ for the newspaper. In _, international correspondents _ glamorous job because _ travel worldwide and _ interview _ international figures and _ stories. At _, it _ dangerous _ because _ rep

10、ort _ war zones or _. The copyeditors _ boring. although _ newspaper is _. Perhaps _ creative _ cartoonist. because _ funny drawings for _. In _ _, international correspondents have the most glamorous job because _ _ travel worldwide and _ _ _ interview many international figures and write interesti

11、ng stories. At _ _ _, it _ _ _ a dangerous job because they may be asked to report from war zones or other unsafe locations. The copyeditors job is perhaps _ _ boring, although _ _ _ _ _ ensure the newspaper _ _ _ before _ _ printed. Perhaps the most creative job is the cartoonist, because _ _ _ cre

12、ate funny drawings for the newspaper.Model ConversationLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Proper namesChristane AmanpourDan EldonNew wordschannel n. 频道correspondent n. 通讯记者photojournalist n. 新闻摄影记者scary a. 令人提心

13、吊胆的Language Notes Activity 1 A dangerous jobListeningLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Vocabulary LinkA Listen to the two conversations. Check ( ) Christianes and Dans job(s).Activity 1 A dangerous jobLesson A

14、 The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsnews anchorinternational correspondentjournalistphotographer1.2.Christiane Amanpour Dan Eldon An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Listen again. Write C if the statement refers to Christiane, D if it refers to Dan, and B

15、 if it refers to both.BListeningLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 1 A dangerous job_ a parent_ wrote a book_ reports from London_ born in London_ worked in dangerous places_ died on the job.5.6.DCCBBDAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and th

16、e News Proper namesJoe Maria The Daily News 每日新闻报 The Times (英国)泰晤士报New wordscomic n. 连环画 feature n. 特点,特写headline n. 头版头条新闻 horoscope n. 天宫图,占星术sensational a. 耸人听闻的 ugh int. (表示延误等)呃,啊news coverage 新闻报道 Good point 说得对,没错。Like 例如 Like what? 例如什么?not so bad 还不坏,不错 stick with 坚持,继续What do you expect?

17、你还能指望什么呢?ListeningActivity 2 Do you like the Daily News? Language NotesLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen. Maria and Joe are talking about The Daily News. Circle the correct words.ALesson A The

18、people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 2 Do you like the Daily News? 1. Maria likes / dislikes The Daily News.2. Joe likes / dislikes The Daily News.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen again. What are Maria and Joes opinions about The Dai

19、ly News? Check ( ) the boxes.BLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 2 Do you like the Daily News? 1. What does Maria like about it?2. What does Joe dislike about it?the comics pagethe news coveragethe horoscopethe pricethe weather forecastthe pricethe news coveragethe headl

20、inesAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Proper namesAmy John Joseph Olivia Randy Tina Tom New wordsattic n. 阁楼 comb v. 梳,梳理mustache n. 八字须 shot n. 照相,拍照hang sth. up 把某物挂起来make a comment 评论name after . 以的名字起名ListeningActivity 3 An old family photo Language NotesLesso

21、n A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen as John and Amy talk about a photo. Use the names in the box to label the people in the picture.ALesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 3 A

22、n old family photo Tom_Joseph_Olivia_Randy_John_Tina_An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen again. Check ( ) the answers below.B1. Who put up the picture?2. Who has an aunt named Olivia?3. Who is married now?4. Who is in high school now?Lesson A The peo

23、ple behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 3 An old family photo OliviaTinaJosephRandyJosephJohnTinaTinaTomAmyRandyOliviaAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsProper namesAlxa, China 中国(内蒙古西部)阿拉善 Gra

24、ham OwensJean-Louis Blanchard National Hockey League 全国曲棍球联盟Ottawa, Canada 加拿大渥太华 Sheffield, England 英格兰谢菲尔德Virginia, USA 美国弗吉尼亚州New wordscamel n. 骆驼 contestant n. 竞赛选手crumple v. 揉皱 goalie n. 守门员holdup n. 持械抢劫 hump n. 驼峰test-drive v. 试驾 bank teller 银行出纳员beauty contest 选美比赛 car dealer 汽车经销商ice hockey

25、 冰球,冰上曲棍球 reach an agreement 达成协议Activity 4 News reportLanguage NotesAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News 1. _ 2. _ ListeningAListen to the news reports. Write the correct headline for each piece of news. Two headlines are extra.Lesson A The people behind the newsLes

26、son B In the newsActivity 4 News reportThey Couldnt Communicate A Dangerous Occupation An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 4 News report3. _4. _Silent BeautiesA Clean CrimeAListen to the news r

27、eports. Write the correct headline for each piece of news. Two headlines are extra.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News 1. A bank robbery in Virginia, USA, was stopped because the bank teller and the robber _. The robber pushed a _ under the window twice. The first t

28、ime, the teller said she _; the second time, she _ and threw it back at the robber.2. A professional ice hockey _ got seriously injured and was unable to play after _.3. At an international beauty contest, the contestants were not interviewed because _. They were judged for shiny hair, _ and beautif

29、ul costumes.ListeningNow listen again and then fill in the blanks with information from the news.BLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 4 News reportcould not reach an agreementholdup notecouldnt read itcrumpled it upgoaliehe slipped on ice and hurt his backthey were camels

30、tall humps An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News 4. Graham Owens was arrested for stealing five cars. Each time he borrowed a car to test-drive, then _ inside and out before _ and walking home.ListeningLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsActivity 4

31、News reportcleaned itleaving it at the side of the roadNow listen again and then fill in the blanks with information from the news.BAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Listening * Activity 5 Nutty news Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsProper na

32、mesCeleste Ken Richards Lulu Mr. Middleton Ni-Vanuatu village Port vila 维拉港(瓦努阿图的首都和港口)the Republic of Vanuatu 瓦努阿图共和国New wordsapproximately ad. 大约 intelligent a. 聪慧的,有灵性的kangaroo n. 袋鼠 loyal a. 忠诚的nutty a. 古怪的 snorkeling n. 浮潜,潜水unconscious a. 失去知觉的 veterinarian n. 兽医waterproof a. 防水的,不透水的 aerial t

33、our 空中观览dive down 下潜 island chain 岛链,列岛tourist destination 旅游胜地 draw attention to 吸引对的注意in an effort to 力图Language NotesAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen to the following two news articles then write a headline for each one. Compare your headlines

34、with your partners. AFirst story:Kangaroo to the Rescue! _Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news * Activity 5 Nutty news Second story:An Underwater Post Office?_An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News ListeningListen again and circle the correct answers

35、.BLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news * Activity 5 Nutty news 1. Lulu has lived with the Richards family for 10 / 20 years.2. Mr. Ken Richards is a farmer / veterinarian.3. Lulu saved Mr. Ken Richards by barking / running back home. 4. The vet thought Lulus heroic act was rare /

36、not surprising.5. Vanuatu is most famous for its scuba diving / horseback riding.6. The government has opened an underwater post office to send mail / draw tourists attention.7. The office is three / thirty meters below the water surface.8. The office has so far employed four / fourteen people.An En

37、glish Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News 1. Christiane is an international correspondent.2. Sid is the guy reporting on political problems.3. Mark is a famous fashion photographer.PronunciationAn unclear vowel sound is called a schwa in English. Listen to these sentences. Not

38、ice the schwa sounds in the underlined words.AIdentifying unclear vowels Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the newsAn English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News PronunciationPair work. Practice saying the sentences in A using the schwa ( ) sounds. BLesson A The p

39、eople behind the newsLesson B In the newsIdentifying unclear vowels 1. Christiane is an international correspondent.2. Sid is the guy reporting on political problems.3. Mark is a famous fashion photographer.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & Communic

40、ation Activity 1 Do you know him?Useful expressions for indentifying someoneLanguage NotesCan you help me identify? Can you show me ? Is that? Whos that? Which person is? Where can I find? Im looking forDo you know him? Im trying to find Can you help me? Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B I

41、n the newsAh! Ive spotted her. Ah! I see him!An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationPeter is a reporter and he is talking to a woman at the opening of a new restaurant. Who is he trying to identify?ALesson A The people behind the newsLesson

42、B In the news Activity 1 Do you know him?Hello. Im Peter Daniels. Im a reporter from the Center City News.Its nice to meet you, Mr. Daniels.My name is Peggy Sims.Hi, Peggy. Im looking for the owner of the Golden Pearl Restaurant. Do you know him?Yes. Hes standing over there.That tall man in the swea

43、ter?No, thats an employee. The owner is the man wearing the suit.Oh, I see him. Thanks a lot.Peter:Peggy:Peter:Peggy:Peter:Peggy:Peter:An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationPair work. Practice the conversation in A with a partner.BLesson A

44、The people behind the newsLesson B In the news Activity 1 Do you know him?An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationClass work. Read and follow the directions.CLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news Activity 1 Do you know him?P

45、at Rich is a multi-millionaire who has been hiding for many years and using a false name. The Daily News has discovered that Pat is in your classroom! Who is he or she?Group AGroup BPrepare: Work together to choose one person to be Pat Rich. Dont let anyone in group B hear you.Activity: People from

46、Group B will ask you questions. They want to identify Pat. Do not reveal who Pat is. Instead, you should give one clue or detail in response to each question.Prepare: You are newspaper reporters for The Daily News. You are trying to identify Pat Rich.Activity: Walk around the room and ask questions

47、to try and identify Pat. When you know who Pat is, sit down. Try not to be the last person standing.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationCLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news Activity 1 Do you know him?You may follow the

48、 model conversation.A: Hi, can you help me identify Pat Rich?B: Sure, Pat is sitting near the window.A: That guy wearing white socks?B: No, thats not Pat.A: What is Pat wearing?B: Pat is wearing a pink shirt.A: Ah! Ive spotted her. Thanks a lot.Class work. Read and follow the directions.An English V

49、ideo Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationA* Activity 2 Jobs in journalism Group work. Circle the choices that best describe you . Share your answers.Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news1. I prefer speaking / writing in English.2. I want

50、 my future job to be exciting / predictable.3. I dont mind working alone / with a lot of people.4. I am good / not good at meeting deadlines.5. People would probably say my personality is outgoing / shy.6. I like to have a quiet / busy schedule.7. I like to spend time indoors / outdoors.8. I prefer

51、to work and travel near my home / all over the place.9. I prefer to be happy / well-paid in my job.10. I do well on creative / detail-oriented jobs.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the new

52、s* Activity 2 Jobs in journalism B Group work. Read about these jobs. Based on your answers in A, decide the best person for each job.Web-based movie critic Work alone at home. Watch movies and write about them for our website. Submit work every Thursday. The salary isnt high, but you get to see all

53、 the latest movies for free! Writer: Travel for Pennies magazineTravel with a photographer and write articles about traveling cheaply. Youll have to live on a tight budget, but you can travel the world!An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & Communication

54、Lesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news* Activity 2 Jobs in journalism BInternational correspondent: Hot Spots TV showOur correspondents from the most exciting, dangerous places in the world. No two days are the same! Youll meet interesting people and interview them. Competitive sala

55、ry. Editorial assistantWork with a large staff in a newsroom.Research news stories, gather photos, and check facts. Good salary and benefits in a busy office atmosphere.Group work. Read about these jobs. Based on your answers in A, decide the best person for each job.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第

56、三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationC Group work. Which job is the most suitable for you? Why? Use the model talks for help.I think web-based movie critic is the most suitable one for me. Im not afraid to express my opinions and I like the idea of working from home.I th

57、ink _ _ _ is the most suitable one for me. Im not afraid to express my _ and I like the idea of _ _ _.I _ web-based movie critic _. Im _ express my opinions and _ working from home.I _ web-based movie critic is _ _ _ _ _. Im not afraid to express my opinions and _ _ _ _ _ working from home.Model Con

58、versationLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news* Activity 2 Jobs in journalism Talk 1 An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 4Unit3Newspapers and the News Speaking & CommunicationCEditorial assistant may be the most suitable job for me. I have good attention to detail and am go

59、od at doing research. The salary and benefits are reasonable, too._ _ may be the most suitable job for me. I have good _ to _ and am good at doing _. The _ and _ are reasonable, too.Editorial assistant may _. I _ attention _ detail and _ research. The salary and benefits _, _.Editorial assistant _ _

60、 _ _ _ _ for me. I _ _ attention _ detail and _ _ _ _ research. The salary and benefits are reasonable, _.Model ConversationLesson A The people behind the newsLesson B In the news* Activity 2 Jobs in journalism Talk 2Group work. Which job is the most suitable for you? Why? Use the model talks for help.An English Video Course 4视听说教程(第三版)电子教案


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