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1、新版PEP小学英语五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite seasonB Read and write【教学设计】1.设计思路本节课是一节阅读课,我认为Reading for fun, Reading for information是小学英语阅读课的目的。因此在我的阅读课课堂教学中,读前Pre-reading环节我以趣味活动进行导入,通过自制的视频,童趣十足的chantcolours everywhere导入颜色,过渡到colours of the seasons,过渡到本节课的主题,自然讨论复习了前5课时的核心句型Which season do you like best? Why

2、 do you like? 为进入文本的“读”做好充分的知识储备和心理准备;读中While-reading环节我以问题为引领,注重设计层次性阅读任务,呈现文本的四幅插图,让学生大胆猜测Which season does Robin like best? Why?鼓励学生思考,激发学生的思维;带着问题默读整体感知文本,然后细读圈词画句,搜寻关键信息,逐步培养学生阅读能力和技巧;读中环节注重学生语音、语调特别是语气(机器人Robin说话的声音)的模仿;读后Post-reading环节拓展延伸、情感渗透,通过补全文本,考察学生对文本的掌握;播放自制介绍家乡的四季视频,选一个最喜欢的季节制作枣庄季节名

3、片,激发学生热爱大自然、热爱家乡的美好情感;落脚于人生的四季seasons of the life, 享受美好的季节,享受生活。课堂上我通过设计各种 “读”的活动,以“读”攻读,引导学生逐步形成阅读策略,养成良好的阅读习惯,通过层次性阅读活动帮助学生逐步形成一定的阅读能力。我的阅读课堂教学活动力求促进学生的思维发展,让学生积极参与到学习活动中来,让学生在阅读中品味语言,读出味道,增进情感,从而使阅读课课堂教学更加有效、有意义。2.教学过程教学过程ProceduresTeachers ActivitiesLearners ActivitiesPurposesPre-reading1.ChantT

4、: Children! Are you ready?Today we are going to learn: My favourite season B Read and write.I think this class you are the best.Can you do it?Lets say the chant together.T: Colours are everywhere. Lets look for the colours from the nature.What colour is the spring?2. ReviewT: The seasons are colourf

5、ul. Which season do you like best? Why do you like?T: Now ask and answer in pairs.Ss: Yes, ready!Ss: Yes!Ss say the chant: Colours everywhereSs: Spring is pink. Summer is green. Autumn is golden. Winter is white.S1: I like summer best. Because I can eat ice cream.S2/S3/S4 Then ask and answer in pair

6、s.Some students show their dialogues in class.以趣味活动进行导入,通过自制的视频,童趣十足的chantcolours everywhere导入颜色,过渡到colours of the seasons,过渡到本节课的主题;自然讨论复习了前5课时的核心句型Which season do you like best? Why do you like? 为进入文本的“读”做好充分的知识储备和心理准备While-reading1.Look and guessT: You like four seasons. Do you know which season

7、Robin likes?2.Read silently and chooseT: Read silently and tick the right answer.Underline the key sentences on your books.T: So the title is “Robin likes them all!”3.Read and matchT: Robin likes the four seasons. Now read and match the sentences.Explain the word: fallShow the picture: In autumn the

8、 leaves fall and fall and fall.I want to paint a picture, too.4.Read and fillT: Read carefully and fill in the table. Circle the key words or sentences.5.Listen and imitate6.Think and answerT: How do you think of the seasons? Are they beautiful?7.Read EmotionallyT: Lets read it beautifully together.

9、8.Read in groups. Ss look at the pictures and guess: Which season does Robin like?S1:I think Robin likesbecauseS2/S3/S4/S5Read silently and tick the right answer.Underline the key sentences on the books.Ss say the answer.Show the key sentences.Ss read quickly and match them.S1/S2/S3/S4says the answe

10、rs in class.Ss read and say the sentences.Ss read the text carefully and fill in the blanks: Why does Robin like the four seasons?Some students express their opinions:Robin likesbecauseSome students guess the answers if they cant find the answers: Robin likes summer because he can see the sea Ss lis

11、ten and imitate one sentences by one sentences.Some students express their opinions:S1: They are beautiful and pretty.S2: They are very nice.S3: There is lots of fun.Ss read it emotionally with the music.学生读文本的四幅插图,猜测Robin喜欢的季节,既调动学生积极性,又为文本学习做准备,激发学生的思维。默读选择正确选项,既印证学生上一部的猜测,又整体感知文本。快速默读,再一次整体了解文章框架

12、。在情境中突破难点单词和句型。通过精读活动,补全表格,关注文本的细节,学生圈词画句,搜寻关键信息,并大胆猜测Robin为什么喜欢夏天和秋天,培养阅读策略和思维能力。学生跟读,模仿语音语调特别是语气,形成语感非常重要。发散性问题能够引发学生的思考,激活学生的思维。伴随优美的音乐,学生有感情的朗读,体验季节的美。Post-reading1.Fill the blacksT: Lets fill in the blanks.2.Choose and writeT: What about the seasons in Zaozhuang?Show the video that the teacher

13、made. 3.Seasons of the lifeShow the chant: Seasons of the lifeSs read and fill the blacks.Ss enjoy the video.Then choose a season they like and make a season card.Ss stick、write and make the season card. I n ZaozhuangI like _best.because it is_.I can .I often . Some students show their cards in class. Ss try to say the chant.通过补全短文考查学生对文本内容理解掌握程度。为总结阶段复述文本做准备。播放自制介绍家乡的四季视频,选一个最喜欢的季节制作枣庄季节名片,激发学生热爱大自然、热爱家乡的美好情感;考察学生对所学知识的灵活运用能力。部分学生展示他们的作品,口头表达。本节课的主题通过chant的形式上升到人生的四季,引导学生把春天放在心中,享受四季之美,享受生活。和本节课的导入遥相呼应。Step V SummaryLet Ss look at the Bb and retell the text.Ss look at the Bb and retell the


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