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1、. 学科老师辅导学案 课程主题: 17-10-情景题句转阅读C 学习目的1.学会在模拟或真实的情景中正确判断并恰中选用单项或多项语言功能,进展初步交际。2.掌握句型转换常见考点和解题技巧。3.纯熟掌握初中英语常见同义词。4.掌握首字母填空解题步骤和技巧。教学内容1.动词不定式动名词分析一.语言功能【知识梳理】1.初中生应该掌握的常见的语言功能工程有:Greetings问候1 A:Hi! B:Hi!2 A:Hello! B:Hello!3 A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. B:Good morning/afternoon/evening.4 A:Nice/Gla

2、d to see/meet you. B:Nice/Glad to see/meet you, too.5 A:How are you? B:Fine, thanks. /Fine, thank you. And you? Very well, thank you. And you?6 A:Happy New Year! B: Happy New Year! /The same to you./You too,7 A: Merry Christmas! B:Merry Christmas! /The same to you. /You too.2.Thanks道谢 A:Thanks. /Tha

3、nks a lot. /Many thanks. /Thank you. /Thank you very much. /Thank you very much indeed. B:You're welcome. /It's a pleasure. /My pleasure. /That's all right. /Not at all. /Don't mention it.3.Invitation邀请1A:Mary, I'd like to invite you to my birthday party on Saturday evening. B:Th

4、ank you. I'll be glad to come. /Thanks. I'd love to come.2A:We are going to have a picnic. Would you like to join us? B:Sure. What time?3A:Jane, we are going to Beijing during the summer holidays. Will you Join US?/Would you like to go with us? B:I'd love to, but I'll go to see my gr

5、andfather in Guangzhou. Thank you all the same. /Thank you anyway.4.Good wishes and congratulations祝愿和祝福1 A:Good luck to you. B:Thank you. /Thank you. I'll need it.2 A:Have a good time B:Thank you. /Thank you. The same to you.3 A:Congratulations. B:Thanks.4 A: Have a good/nice weekend. B:Thank y

6、ou. The same to you./You too.5 A:Enjoy your time there. B:Thank you. The same to you.6 A:Happy birthday to you. B:Thank you.7A:Have a great/good day. B:Thank you.8A:Happy New Year! B:Happy New Year! /The same to you./You too.9A:Merry Christmas! B:Merry Christmas! /The same to you. /You too.5.Offers

7、提供帮助、食物等1A:Can I help you? B:Yes, please. /No, thanks. I can manage by myself. 2A:Let me help you. B:Thanks. 3A:What can l do for you? B:I'd like to buy some oranges. 4A:Would you like some bread/to have some bread? B:Ye.s, please./No, thanks. 5A:Would you like me to buy some fruit for you? B:Ye

8、s, please. /No, thanks. /No, you needn't. Thank you all the same. /That's very kind of you. 6A:Shall I get a trolley for you? B:Yes,please./No,thanks. 7A:Heres a present for you. B:Thank you.Its lovely. 8A:Is there anything else you want to buy. B:Yes,I want some tea./No,Ive get everything.

9、9A:Help yourself to some fish. B:Thanks./OK./No,thanks.Ive got enough.10A:Anything I can do for you? B:Thanks you very much,but I can manage.6.Comparisons比较 1A:Im taller than you. B:Yes,but youre shorter than my brother. A:So your brother is the tallest of us three.2A:How old is Mary? B:Shes fourtee

10、n.Shes as old as Jane. A:What about Alice? B:Shes not so old as Mary and Jane.Shes only nine. 3A:There are some T-shirts in the shop.I think the red one is more beautiful than the green one. B:I agree.But I think the yellow one is more beautiful than any other T-shirt.In fact,it is the most beautifu

11、l T-shirt in the shop. A:I think so,too. 4A:Which subject is more important,English or maths? B:Its hard to say. 4A:What do you thinks of my suggestion? B:It sounds reasonable.Ill take your advice.7.Certainty and uncertainty肯定和不肯定1A:Are you sure? B:Yes,I am./No,Im not. 2A:When will your father come

12、back home from work? B:Perhaps hell come at seven. 3A:I think it might snow tomorrow. B:Perhaps./Maybe youre right. 4A:English must have the largest number of speakers in the world. B:No,Chinese has the most speakers. 5A:What may possibly happen in the future? B:More and more people may live in diff

13、erent kinds of space stations.Agreement and disagreement 同意和不同意, 一致和不一致1A:The story is interesting. B:I think so, too.2A:The game was great. B:I thought so, too. /I didn't think so.3A:The TV play is interesting, isn't it? B:I don't think so. /I'm afraid I can't agree with you. /I

14、'm afraid I don't quite agree with you./I'm afraid it isn't.4 A:The iron ball falls fastest. B:I'm afraid you're wrong.5 A:We must read different kinds of books. B:I agree.6 A:I can sing this English song. B:So can I. /Me too,7 A:She can't play football. B:Neither can he.

15、 /He can't, either.8 A:They went to the park last week B:So did we,9 A:The teachers didn't have a meeting yesterday. B:Neither did the students. /The students didn't, either.10A:I'm a student and I love my school. B:It is the same with me /Me, too.8.likes, dislikes and preferences爱好、

16、厌恶和偏爱1A:Do you like apples? B:Yes I do /Yes, I like apples very much./No, I don't. /No, I don't like apples at all.2A:Do you enjoy coffee or tea? B:1 enjoy coffee.3A:Which subject do you prefer,English or maths? B:English./I like English better than maths./I prefer English to maths.4A:What k

17、ind of sports do you like best? B:1 like swimming best. 5A:I like fish better than any other kind of food? B:So do I./Me too. 6 A:Did you like the film?/What did you think of the film?/How did you like the film? B:Yes,it was wonderful./I liked it very much./I enjoyed every minute of it./I liked it a

18、 little./I didnt like it very much.I didnt enjoy it at all./It was dull.9.Intentions意向1A:What are you going to do tomorrow afternoon? B:I am going to see a film.2 A:What do you want to be in the future? B:I want to be a doctor.3 A:Would you like to work as a teacher in the future? B:Yes,I'd love

19、 to.4 A:We are going to play football after school. Would you like to join us? B:No, thanks. I'm going to the hospital to see my grandpa. 5 A:What would you like to be when you grow up? B:My ambition is to be a scientist.10.Advice and suggestions劝告和建议1A:I've got a headache. B:You'd bette

20、r go to bed earlier. /You'd better not go to bed so late. A:All right. /Thank you for your advice.2 A:Let's go, shall we? B:Yes, let's. /I'm afraid it's still early.3A:Shall we go to the Science Museum this weekend? B:OK. /Yes. /All right. /That's a good idea.4 A:What about g

21、oing for a walk in the park now? B:That's a good idea. /It sounds nice.5A:I got a C for my English. B:You'd better study harder. English is very important.6 A:I've got a bad cold today. B:You'd better go to see the doctor. /I think you should go to hospital. A:OK. I'll take your

22、advice. /Yes, I will. 7 A:My memory i.s getting worse. B:Then you'd better practice using your mind more often, hadn't you? A:You're right, I will.8 A:I'm getting tired easily nowadays. B:Then you'd better have at least an hour for exercise every day. A:That sounds a nice idea. I

23、'll keep training hard.9 A:I think we should raise some money for education.【例题精讲】例1.一I like playing badminton.一 .A. I like eitherB. Yes, I do tooC. Me tooD. Thank you例2.一A pop film star is coming to our school.一 Who and when?A. OK.B. Right.C. Really?D. No【课堂练习】1.I was born in Nanjing , I live i

24、n Suzhou now.A. andB. but C. after D. so 2. I feel terribly sorry for being late .The traffic was too crowded . -_.A. Dont find the excuseB. Put your heart in it next timeC. Thats all rightD. You are welcome.3.Excuse me. Can I ask for leave now?My mother was ill in the hospital._.A. I'm sorry to

25、 hear that.B. That's all right.C. OK. Go ahead.D. You are right.4.- Could you tell me the final score between Manchester United and Liverpool?- _United won the game,1:0.A. Thats all rightB. All rightC. Yes ,I couldD. My pleasure.5.I feel terribly sorry for being late .The traffic was too crowded

26、 . -_.A. Dont find the excuse B. Put your heart in it next timeC. Thats all rightD. You are welcome.6. 一Oh,it's 10 o'clock. Andy, you must go to bed now. 一OK. ,Mum. A. Good eveningB. Good afternoon C. Good nightD. Good morning 7. - All of us will take the entrance入学exam for the senior high s

27、chool in June . - _ .A. Good ideaB. Be carefulC. Good luckD. Have a good time8.-Your dress is just wonderful!-_.A. You are right, thank you!B. Thank you, and you?C. Yes, yours is worse.D. Thank you, Im glad you like it.二.句型转换【知识梳理】1.题型分析句型转换是目前英语中考的一个常见题型,主要考察学生对不同句子构造语法的语言运用才能。学生只要掌握英语句子的根本构造和单词拼写,

28、该大题得总分值并不难。2.常见考点1肯定句变否认句:常考的考点:have 、do句型例如:He has lunch at school. 改为否认句He _ _ lunch at school.本句动词have 不表示“有而是表示动作,应用doesnt have,不能用has not.2反义疑问句:常考的考点:带有否认副词的句子。3主动变被动常考的考点:一般如今时、一般过去时、以及含有情态动词的被动语态4同义句转换常考的考点:这里对于学生是难点,主要考考纲的近义短语、常考的初中句型。5对划线部分提问常考的考点:how long/soon/ far, how much/ many的区别和联络。6

29、肯定句变感慨句常考的考点:近年来考的比较少了,how/what 的修饰用法。7两个句子合并为一句,复句变为简单句常考的考点:构造状语从句,宾语从句的使用。注意改写句子的细节问题。3.解题技巧 1纯熟掌握英语的根本句子形式,如陈述句,各种形式的否认句,一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,反意疑问句,感慨句,主动语态和被动语态构造等。请看下面的例句和分析:如:The T-shirt cost five dollars.改为一般疑问句 _the T-shirt_ five dollars? 该句的cost 是过去式,不需要加s。本句应用Did, cost. 英语有几个动词过去式和如今式同一形式,set,cut,

30、put,let,fit,read,spread等,要看清楚再做。如:The photo near the door is the best.就划线部分提问_ _is the best?本句用Which photo,因为near the door 用作定语修饰名词 photo,别认为near the door 是地点而用错 where。如:We have studied in this school for four years,改为特殊疑问句_ _have you studied in this school?本句虽没有划线部分,但根据句子其他部分意思,可以看出是对for four years

31、 进展提问,肯定用How long.如:Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon.改为反义疑问句Lets go to the exhibition this afternoon,_ _ ?如:He could hardly see the words on the blackboard. 改为反义疑问句He could hardly see the words on the blackboard, _ _?祈使句的反义疑问句,仅Lets句型用shall we,其他都用will you. 而一般疑问句改反义疑问句应注意,假设句子的主要部分用肯定,附加部分用

32、否认,反之那么相反。第六句应用could he.2要熟悉“保持句意的改写,如:简单句和复合句的转换,两句并一句,形容词,副词比较等句型,不用句型的转换,词语的不同搭配。请看下面的例句和分析:如:It was eleven oclock when he finished his homework last night.He _finish his homework _ it was eleven oclock.本句是改为not until 句型,用didnt, until.如:He is the tallest in his class.No one _in his class is as _

33、as he.本句是最高级句型改为原等级句型,用else, tall.如:He didnt make as many mistakes in his homework as you.He _ _ mistakes in his homework _ you.本句是 assoas 句型改为用带than的句型,用made fewerthan. Mistakes 是可数名词,别误用修饰不可数名词的less。如:These stamps belong to my elder brother.These stamps are elder_ .原句中的belong to 改为are ,动词转换,用法不同,应

34、用brothers.如:The box is so heavy that I cant carry it.The box isnt _ _for me to carry.本句是复合句改为简单句,且否认构造的位置有变化,需要用heavy的反义词,故用light enough,误用成tooto构造。如:The question is very difficult. No one can answer it.The question is _difficult_ _ _ answer.本句为两句合并成一句,原句有否认意义,应用toofor anyone to,别误用成so that anybody

35、can. 如answer后it,才可用sothat构造,因tooto构造句子是简单句,而so.that是复合句。4.初中英语同义词归纳1 glad=happy=pleased 快乐的 difficult=hard=not easy 困难的 2 of course=sure=certainly 当然 give a talk=make a speech作一次演讲 3 given name =first/middle name名字 How about=What about 什么怎样 4 hold=have 举行、进展 fast=quick 快的 5 still=all the same仍然 come

36、 on=be quick=hurry up赶快 6 drop=throw扔 drop=land使落下 drop=give up放弃 7 rather= quite 相当 right now=now如今 8 right now=just now刚刚 right away=at once 立即、马上 9 except=but除.之外 10 prefer A to B =like A more /better than B 相对B来说,更喜欢A 11 Hands up=put up ones hands=lift ones hands 举手12 return=go back回去 return=com

37、e back=get back 回来 return=give back归还 13 past=through过、通过 14 help sb with sth=help sbto do sth 帮助某人做某事15 while=when当. 16 several=a few=some 数个、假设干 anywhere=in any place任何地方17 everywhere=here and there到处 arriveinat=reach=getto到达18 no hurry=take your time不急、渐渐来 order=turn顺序19 over=more than超过、多于 shop=

38、store商店20 rush=run very quickly冲、奔跑 shop=workshop车间21 center=middle中心 join=be in=Take part in参加22 take a look= have a look看一看 as soon as possible=as soon as sb can尽快23 hate=dislike不喜欢、讨厌24 learn sth by oneself=teach oneself sth自学.25 fail=not pass不及格、失败26 give sb a call=give sb a ring=call sb=ring sb

39、 up =telephone sb打 给某人27 look after=take care of照顾28 fly to=go to by air=go toby plane乘飞机去。29 in a minute=in a moment=very soon一会儿、马上30 almost=nearly几乎31 just then=just at that time正在那时32 no one=none没有一人33 hear from=receive a letter fromget a letter from=have a letter from.收到.的来信34 also用于句中=too肯定句末=

40、either否认句末35 plant=grow种植36 expensive=dear=not cheap昂贵的37 so far=up to now直到如今38 billion=a thousand million十亿39 century=a hundred years世纪、百年40 a bit of+unc.=a little+unc. A bit+adj=a little+adj41 call=name命名、名叫42 maybe=perhaps也许、可能用于句首43 never mind=It doesnt matter=Its not important不要紧、没关系46 famous=

41、well known著名的 hear of=know=learn about听说48 have classes=have lessons49 have a good time=have a very nice time=enjoy oneself玩得开心50 do ones best=try ones best尽某人的努力 start=begin51 do well in=be good at在.做得好 not forget=remember52 catch a bus=take a bus赶公共汽车 hope=wish53 last night=yesterday evening table

42、=form表格54 do sport=take exercise运动 photo=picture55 tonight =this evening look around=look round四处看看56 at last=in the end=finally最后、最终 57 have to =must large=big58 nobody=no one没有人 somebody=someone有人、某人59 anybody=anyone任何人 everyone=everybody每个人60 I think=Im afraid 恐怕. 61 No.1=number one62 thats all r

43、ight=thats ok=You are welcome=not at all不必谢63 walk to.=go toon foot步行到.64 ride to.=go toby bike骑自行车到.65 America=the USA 66 be from=come from 67 be over=end 完毕68 a lot=lots of=manyc.=muchunc.许多69 whats wrong=whats the trouble=whats the matter?怎么了70 just a moment=just a minute=wait a minute等一会71 take

44、a look at=have a look at=look at看一看72 take a rest=have a rest休息一下73 the other day=a few days ago几天前 74 ever=at any time75 stop sbfromdoing sth.=prevent/keep sb from doing sth. 阻止某人干谋事76 on both sides=on each side=on either side在每一旁77in three days time=in three days在三天内78 short for=a short way of say

45、ing 简称为 .79 beside=next to=near to在.旁边80 can=be able to可以81 what do you mean by this words=what does the world mean=Whats the meaning of this words?这个单词是什么意思?How do you like?=What do you think of?你认为/觉得.怎么样【例题精讲】例1. Please pass me the book whose cover is green.= Please pass me the book _ _ cover is

46、green.例2.He went to the hospital to have a checkup on eyesight. 对划线部分提问_ _ he go to the hospital?例3.The students had a geography lesson yesterday morning.改为否认句The students _ _ a geography lesson yesterday morning.【课堂练习】1. He got up early to take the school bus to school.对划线部分提问_ _ he get up early?2.

47、 The chair in the middle is mine.对划线部分提问_ _ is yours?3.He walks to school every morning.保持原句意思He goes to school _ _ every morning.4.She is a girl student in a middle school.改为复数句子They are _ _ in a middle school.5.Sam won't go to the cinma.He will watch TV at home.合并为一句Sam will watch TV at home_ _ going to the cinema.6.One of his feet was hurt yesterday evening.改为复数句子Both of his_ _ hurt yesterday evening.7. Not


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