1、reliable.SongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool MIn orderto e nsure normalteaSchoolst udents reportmajor._LI.-_I - - -participate i nthe cel ebrations,achi ng or der, protecti ng student s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal(pr operty)is n otlost,topreve ntorminimizetheoccurre nce of
2、safety acci dent s,followt he"preve nt, rescueea ch othe r, ensure safetyand re ducelosses"pri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocalconditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,t hepri nci pal ist heresponsi bilityofschoolsafety,schoolse curity underthe lea dership ofPresi dent securityw orklea di
3、nggroup. The head tea chertothe l eaders hipteam i s responsiblaccide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation;st udentruna nd disa ppeara nces to re port; re port ofthe a cci dentto awritte n reportin tri plicate,a correcti onal ce ntre, apoli cestation,a t ownshi p pe opl e's Governme ntshallnot conceal
4、the accident.4 week,tea chersare on dutysystem, esta blish andimprove the lea dershipval ues;strengt hen t he e ducation,manageme nt ofteaching activities inschool s to e nsure normalteachingorder; responsi bleforschool safetyleader shpi alwaysmai ntaiheschool r ules and reg ulations, on time, on ti
5、me home t o preve ntaccide nts.8,schoolto school inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hi ddeni ntime,and in severe cases,it is harswella s participatingin othersocial work,arch2016 songwithout approvaloftheCorrecti onal CentreLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenha,school pri n
6、ci pals consent,withoutncefire safety,organization. Without theprotecti on ofpublic pr opertya ndthe lifeandapprovalofreleva ntdepartments, maypropertysafetyofteachersaorganize studentstopartici pate infirefightindst udents,schoolfire safetyintong,disasterreliefaday-to-daymanagement,isnd sdevelopion
7、. 7, schoolsshouldeducate students to obeytngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengton time home t ohol eschool.Accoro preve ntaccide nts.8,schooltoding to therequirements oftheFireServiceschool inspe ctionssAct,sothateveryone haona reg ularbasis,found hiddeni ntime,and ins ofkeepi ng fire controls
8、afety,ibl efor,impl ementation ofthe accountability system. 2,school monthlystudentknowle dge aboutsafetyeducation,educationshouldbediver sifiedin tntaine dcl ose contacta nd distri ctpolice stations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers 'm
9、oral e-I I. L. - I Ld_-. .1.1 I . L. - I _ 一 _. III . I _|, .1 一 s hardtoeliminate immediatelyprotecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offireclosed, andreportedtothe local people's Government,educati on,and ruleof lawse ction. 9,the schoolshoul d alwayshdeucfoatriomne,veesrtya
10、safety beldcheckthe inter naety education forst udentsofcla sses perwe ek shoul d be targeted.To carryblish ade dicatedlov e,improvi ng e ducation quality, observe the students 'psynalwalls, retaining walls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors,on emerge ncyi ssue sdealing wit h educati on inGe ne
11、ral,self-hel pand mutualre scue knowle dge. Emergencycall chologicalchange s at anytime a ndtake preventivemeasure s,nocorporalpuni shme ntandcovertcorporalpunishment. _| . ILJI .1 _ _ LI L. .L . 1.1 -IWindows,stair case sand avariety ofsports,extracurricularactivities,fa cilities such as firesafety
12、,infrastructures (such as 110,119,122,120, and so on) use common sense in e ducation.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.on students,st udentout ofthe classroom,schools maynot be.6, units or de partments usestudent Street pr opagandatelyrepair anddemolitionto ensure thatteachersa
13、nd students work,learn, live ve nues andfacilitiesare safeaBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,each activityshoul d haveaspecificresponsibility, payattentionto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshould be carried outinadva nce. 4, activities forthe means oftransport
14、should explainthe sit uationtotheschoolto complywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before thelineforrepairs.5,each activitymusthave securit y,emergency responseplanforaccidents. 6,picnics,hiking, picni cto pay attention tofire prevention, food poisoning ,preventi on offallaccidents 7,t heactivitie s
15、 near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasure sor do notmeetthe securityrequirementsoftheOrgani zationa nd notletstuder2企业概论一、简答题1、 现代企业制度的主要特征。答: ( 1 )现代企业制度是能够适应市场经济体制要求的企业制度。(2) 现代企业制度是一种制度体制。( 3) 股份制是现代企业制度的主要组织形式。(4)现代企业制度下的产权成为了商品。 ( 5)现代企业制度具有开放性和动态性。2、什么叫横向的组织扩展?答:企业中的“横向”是指某一个环节的规模扩展,它是该企业垂直物流方向的组织扩
16、展过程。3、试分析股份有限公司与有限责任公司的区别和联系。答: 联系: ( 1)两者都是以赢利为目的,具有法人资格的公司,都是一种股权式的经济联合体。 ( 2)股东对公司承担的责任都是以出资额为限,都属有限责任。(3)两者都是现代企业制度中的主要公司形式,各国公司法对这两种形式都有较多的规范要求。区别: ( 1 ) 股份有限公司的资本必须划分为均等的股份,股东出资的证明为股票,股票可以自由流通、转让或继承;有限责任公司的资本不必划分为等额的股份,股东出资的证明是股权证或股单,不能自由流通,股东转让出资要受很多限制。(2) 股份有限公司可以发起设立,也可以采取公开发行股票的方式,向社会公众募集股
17、份,采取募集设立。同时,经营状况良好, 有偿债能力时,还可以发行公司债券;有限责任公司不能募集设立,只能由发起人发起设立。 ( 3)股份有限公司的财产和经营状况要向社会公开,是“开放式公司”; 有限责任公司 的财产或经营状况不对公开,是“封闭式公司”。( 4) 股份有限公司的最低资本限额比较高; 有限责任公司的最低资本限额比较低。(5)股份有限公司的股东人数众多;有限责任公司 的股东人数较少。(6)股份有限公司是一股一票制;我国的公司法规定有限责任公司 股东按出资比例行驶表决权。( 7) 股份有限公司中, 所有权与经营权分离得较为彻底,公司内部组织结构也较为复杂;而 有限责任公司则是相反的情况
18、。(8) 股份有限公司的联系特征主要体现为资合,有限责任公司是兼有资合和人合。4、简述现代公司的主要特征。答: ( 1 )集合性(2)营利性(3)自由性(4)独立性(5)规范性5、简述企业的正式约束和非正式约束答: 正式约束是指人们有意识创造的一系列行为法则和活动规范。非正式约束是人们在长期交往活动中无意识形成的,具有潜在和长久的约束力。6、什么叫纵向的组织扩展答: 纵向的组织扩展又称为纵向一体化,指一个企业平行于物流方向的向前或向后的组织扩展过程。7、产权制度有哪些功能答: ( 1 )激励功能(2)增进资源配置效益的功能(3)形成稳定预期的功能(4)规范市场交易行为的功能8 简述股东大会和董
19、事会信托关系的特点答: ( 1 )一旦董事会受委托经营公司,董事会就成为公司的法定代表,它在公司章程和股东大会授权的范围内享有管理公司的充分权利力( 2) 董事会集体对股东大会负责(3) 董事会不能超越给定的权力范围行使权力(4)委托经营公司的董事不同于受雇的经理人员。9 简述企业集团及其基本特征答: ( 1 )群体性(2)整体性(3)层次性(4)实体性10、简述影响企业组织的相关因素答: ( 1 )信息沟通(2)技术特点(3)经营战略(4)企业规模(5)环境变化11、简述公司财产有限责任制度的特征。答: ( 1 )股东个人财产与出资财产的分离(2)公司财产的法人化(3)公司财产有限责任制度是
20、建立企业破产制度的前提lectricity lines,equipmentinspections,foundhidden intimeforrectification,mai ntena nce,and security.9,do not usea nopenflame inthe cla ssroom, pr ohi bit burningstove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking, and banningmessywiring.Wit houtusi ngany householdappliances is nota llowed. 10,
21、live oncampusfa cultymembers,mustleadbyexample,and educate familiesand childrenschools,to masterproperusage, payattentishe d, until investigatedforlegalresponsibility.Song Lii angLiu Jia pi ngelementary schoolMarch 2016LiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pine slopessurroundingsafety managementsystem 1 tea
22、chers and students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschoolgov erna nce covers personala ndfood 1 一. - officialsorthe police stationi na timely manner,toprote ctthe safetyofstude nts.4,every day before school,teachers remind students, payattenti on to traffic safety. 5,shoul deducateBurea u in chargeofse cur
23、it y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspecificresponsibility, payattentionto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshould be carriehygiene , culturaleventsand ot heraspects,integrated governa nce shall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.On thesurrou
24、nding estudentstore spectsocialet hics,and variousregulati ons,maintai ning publi cor der,a ndfightt heba dguys,and graspthecorre ctways and means ofmaintainid outi nadva nce. 4, activities fort he means oftransportshoul d explai nthe situationtothe schoolto compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements,
25、 before thelinvironment in schoolsshouldbe cl ose lymonit ored.2, schoolw-1 . _ III _ I I I _ |_ng andimprovi ng student s 'self-car e abilit neforr epairs.5,each activity must haveseorkatthesametime,shoul dpay attenti.,w,uy. 6,t he establishme ntofemergency rescueteamscurit y,emergency response
26、pla nforaccidents. 6,t he saf ety manageme ntofschoolenvironme nt,should takethe initiative tocontactthe districtpolice station,thevillage Committee,Corre ctiona lCentre,ow nship gover nment, business managemeofteachers in school s, on hig h alertand de ploye d.Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elemen
27、tary schoolMarch 2016songLi nXia ng Li uJiapi ng primaryschool teachersand stu dent sorgani zationsout ofsafetymanagementsy, picnics,hiki ng, picni cto pay attenti on tofire preve ntion, food poisoning ,preventi on offallaccidents 7,t heactivitie s near therivers,reservoirs,nomeasure sor do notmeett
28、he securityrequirementsoftheOrganint andotherdepartments too a goodjob manag I _ - I-stem organizati on a ctivities betwee nteachers andstudent zationa nd notletstude ntsintot he waterement.3, tea cheron duty 一 _ Lwith theexception of inspecti onsin school s,should alpayattention toenvironme ntal in
29、spe ctionsne arthe campus,fou nd t hatthejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareI.I II_ . 一 - -一一 . - -Ictivitiesagreed upon Corre ctionalCe nter agreedts,forexample,harassment- Io imple ment.Organization to thefielofstudents a nd avariety ofaccide nts,accor ding todifferent situatid relativelyfar oractiviti
30、es reons reported school.一. - In orderto e nsure normalteaSchoolst udents reportmajor._LI.-_I - - -participate i nthe cel ebrations,achi ng or der, protecti ng student s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat nati onal(pr operty)is not lost,topreventorminimizetheoccurre nce ofsafety acci dent s,follow
31、t he"preve nt, rescueea ch othe r, ensure safetyand re ducelosses"pri nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocalconditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,t hepri nci pal ist heresponsaccide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation;st udentruna nd disa ppeara nces to re port; re port ofthe a cci dentto awritte
32、 n reportin tri plicate,a correcti onal ce ntre, apoli cestation,a t ownshi p pe opl e's Governme ntshallnot concealthe accident.4 week,tea chersare on dutysystem, esta blish andimprove the lea dershipval ues;strengtheschool r ules aswella s participatingin othersocial work,arch2016 songwithout
33、approvaloftheCorrecti onal CentreLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenha,school pri nci palsconsent,without organization. Without theapprovalofreleva ntdepartments, mayorganizestudentsto participate infirefighti ng,disasterreliefand son. 7, schoolsshouldeducate students to obey
34、tsponsi bilityofschoolsafety, schoolse curity underthe lea dership ofPresi dent securityw orklea dinggroup. The head tea chertothe l eadershipteam i s responsiblrengt hen t he e ducation,manageme nt ofteaching activities inschool s to e nsure normalteachingorder; responsi bleforschool safetyleader s
35、hpi alwaysmai ntainesevere cases,it is hardtond reg ulations, on time,on time home t o preve ntaccide nts.8,schooltohol eschool.According to therequirements oftheFireServiceschool inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hisAct,sothateveryone haddeni ntime,and ins of keepi ng fire controlsafety,efor,imp
36、l ementation ofthe accountability system. 2,school monthlystudentknowle dge aboutsafetyeducation,educationshouldbediver sifiedin te d close contacta nd distri ctpolice stations,ca nvassi ng supportfrom thepolicestation on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre ngthe ning tea chers 'moral eL. - I Ld_-. .1.1
37、 I . L. - _ I _ 一 _. III . I _|, .1 一 eliminate immediatelyprotecti ng fire contr olfacilities,fire prevention,reports offireclosed, andreportedtothe local people's Gov ernment,educati on,and ruleof lawse ction. 9,the schoolshoul d alwayshdeucfoatriomne,veesrtyasafety beldcheckthe inter naety ed
38、ucation forst udentsofcla sses perwe ek shoul d be targeted.To carryblish ade dicatedlov e,improvi ng e ducation quality, observe the students 'psynalwalls, retaining walls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors,on emerge ncyi ssue sdealing wit h educati on inGe neral,self-hel pand mutualre scue kn
39、owle dge. Emergencycall chologicalchange s at anytime a ndtake preventivemeasure s,nocorporalpuni shme ntandcovertcorporalpunishment. _| . ILJI .1 _ _ LI L. .L . 1.1 -IWindows,stair case sand avariety ofsports,exts,extracurricularactivities,fa cilities such as firesafety,infrastructures (such as 110
40、,119,122,120, and so on) use common sense in e ducation.3,t heestablishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.on students,st udentout ofthe classroom,schools may not be.6, units or de partments usestudent Street pr opaganda or_|_L - -I-II -. IL I, .I telyrepair anddemolitionto ensure thattea chers
41、 and students work,le arn, live ve nues andfacilitiesare safea nd12、私有产权和共有产权的区别是什么。答: 私有产权是将财产的使用与转让以及收入的享用权界定给了特定的人,使其享有完整的产权; 共有产权也称社团产权,即共同体内的每个成员都行使同样的权利,或者说,这种产权是共同体成员所共同享有的。13、企业文化包含哪三个层次答: ( 1 )表层为外层文化,属于可视的企业形象部分(2)中间层属于可感受的企业行为部分( 3)第三层为内层或深层文化,是企业文化的核心,对表层和中层文化起着支配和决定作用。14、简述企业集团的组织层次构成答:
42、(1)核心层(2)控股层(3)持股层(4)协作层15、简述企业组织结构变革的新趋势答:(1)扁平化(2)柔性化(3)分立化(4)网络化二、论述题1、如何理解三重产权制度?有哪些特点。答: ( 1 ) 三重产权制度是指在企业所有权与经营权产生分离的同时,企业所有权自身也出现分离, 从而使企业产权具有了三重性的一种模式。在公司制的法人企业中,企业的产权具有不同的特点。公司制法人企业在产权上是一种三重结构,股东们分散地掌握着企业的最终所有权, 董事会整体地掌握着企业的法人所有权,经理具体地掌握着企业内部的经营权。公司制法人企业的产权不但出现了所有权与经营权的分离,而且出现了最终所有权与法人所有权的分
43、离。 公司制的法人企业实际上实行的是一种三权分离的企业产权模式,这种三权分离的企业产权模式是一种现代的企业产权制度。三重产权制度模式的特点集中地体现在公司制的法人企业之中。( 2) 三重产权制度的一个最大特点是,企业的所有权出现了两个层次:一个层次是最终所有权,另一个层次是法人所有权。三重产权制度的另一特点在于,企业所有权与经营权的分离出现了两个层次:一个是最终所有权与企业经营权的分离;另一个是法人所有权与企业经营权的分离。2、试述交易费用理论对企业的本质问题的认识。答:交易费用理论是整个现代产权理论大厦的基础。 1937年,著名经济学家罗纳德科斯在企业的性质一文中首次提出交易费用理论,该理论
44、认为,企业和市场是两种可以相互替代的资源配置机制,由于存在有限理性、机会主义、不确定性与小数目条件使得市场交易费用高昂,为节约交易费用,企业作为代替市场的新型交易形式应运而生。交易费用决定了企业的存在,企业采取不同的组织方式最终目的也是为了节约交易费用。3、试述最终所有权和法人所有权分离的重要意义。答: 1、法人所有权使公司具有独立资产所有权财产物权2、公司资产的投资者仍是资产的原始所有者,但每个出资人仅拥有与其出资部分的最终所有权相对应的股权,与公司法人财产的直接经营无缘。3、所有者和法人之间的产权关系可以明确界定。4、试述企业集团的地位和作用。答: 企业集团特别是大型企业集团的发展在我国企
45、业改革发展中处于非常重要的位置。第一,大型企业集团是国民经济的中坚力量。大型企业集团在国民经济中的地位,不仅表现在它们在经济总量总所占的份额,而且还表现在它们在国民经济关键行业中的地位和作用。大型企业集团对我国国民经济的发展起着支柱的作用。第二, 企业集团是产业结构升级换代的重要途径。 在改革开放以来我国经济持续、快速增长的基础上,发展新一代支柱产业,开辟新的经济增长点是当务之急。因此, 只有发展企业集团,形成一批国家级和世界级的现代化大公司,新经济增长点才可能确立,我国经济的长期稳定发展才有保证。第三,企业集团是推进技术进步的重要主体。第四,发展企业集团是增强国家经济实力的需要。第五,发展大
46、型企业集团是我国深化企业改革的重要措施。5、试述企业文化的功能。lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,found hidden i n time for rectification,maintenance,a nd securit y.9, do notuseanopen flame in theclassroom, pr ohi bit burni ng stove,litca ndles,mosquitorepellent,nosm oking,a nd banningmessyw iring. Withoutusnig any househol
47、d appliances isnot allowed. 10,live oncampusfaculty members, must lead byexample,andeducatefamiliesa ndchil dren readyt o fire. 11, householduse ofgasi nschools,to masterproperusage,payattention tothe leak-pr oof,explosion-proof,fireproof, closing valveafter use to ensure security. 12, di ningr oom
48、mustbequalifie d,and annualtesting ofpressurevessels,to regularly check, thecantee n workers mustbecertified, strictlybyoperationoperati on, gastank and stovesafetydistance of1.5 meters, toprevent accidents. 13,the adverseconseque nces caused by ignoringfire safetyregulations,willbepunishe d,untilin
49、vestigate dforlegalresponsibility.Song Lin Xia ng Liu Jia ping elem entaryschoolMar ch 2016Xia ngLiuJia pi ngelementary school,pineslopes surrounding safety managementsystem 1 teachers andstudents, thesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna ncecover s persona land foodhygi ene, culturalevents a ndot hera
50、spects, integrated governanceshallobtainwi desupport andfullcooperation ofthecommunity.Onthe surroundinge nvironme nt inschool s shoul d be closelymonitored.2,schoolworkat thesametime,shoul dpay attenti on tothe safety management ofschoolenvironme nt, should takethe i nitiativeto contactthe district
51、 police station,the villageCommittee,CorrectionalCentre,T ownship g overnme nt, busine ss manageme ntand other departme ntstodo agoodjob management.3,tea cher ondutywith theexception ofinspecti ons i nschools, shouldalso payattentiontoenvironmentalinspecti onsnearthecampus,found thatthejoblessmigran
52、ts fromruralareas,for example, harassmentofstudents and avarietyofaccidents, accordi ng to different situati ons reporte d schoolofficialsorthe poli ce stati oninatimely manner,toprotectthe safetyofstudents. 4,everyday beforeschool,tea cher s remind students,pay attention to traffic safety.5,shoulde
53、ducatest ude nts to respect soci alethics,and various regulations,maintaining publi corder,a ndfightthe bad g uys,and graspthe correctways and mea ns of maintai ning a nd improving stude nts'self -care abilit y.6,theestabli shme ntofemergency rescueteamsofteachers inschools,on hig halertand depl
54、oyed.SongLin XiangLiuJiapingeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song Lin Xia ng LiuJiaping primaryschoolteachers andstude nts orga nizationsoutofsafetymanagementsystemorganizati onactivitie s betweentea chersa nd st udents,to draw up aprecise pl an a nd se curitymeasures mustbesigned byt he schoolofficial st
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