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1、安徽省”皖南八校“2020 届高三英语上学期摸底考试试题考生注意:1. 本试卷由四部分组成。满分150 分,考试时间150 分钟。2. 考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的签题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。3. 本卷命题范围:高考范围。第一部分听力 ( 共两节,满分30 分 )第一节 ( 共 5 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分7. 5 分 )听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选

2、项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. When will the speakers begin to have dinner?A. At 5 :00 pm. B. At 6 :30 pm. C. At 7 :00 pm.2. How old is Andy now?A. 18 years old. B. 19 years old. C. 21 years old.3. What team will the man try out for?A. The volleyball team. B. The swimming

3、 team. C. The basketball team4. Why does the woman complain?A. The man didnt keep his promise.B. The T-shirt is more expensive.C. The T-shirt is not what she wanted.5. Where will the speakers meet on Sunday?.A. At the man s home. B. At the train station. C. At their school.第二节 ( 共 15 小题;每小题1. 5 分,满分

4、22. 5 分 )听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第6、 7 题。6. What does the woman want the man to do?A. See the film. B. Watch something. C. Help her operate the system.7. What will the woman do first?A. Pre

5、ss Button 7. B. Touch the screen. C. Listen to a radio concert.听第 7 段材料,回答第8、 9 题。8. What does the man want to do now?A. Take a tour. B. Get his suitcase. C. Go to the hotel directly.9. How many pieces of baggage does the man have?A. One.B. Two.C. Three.听第 8 段材料,回答第10 至 12 题。10. What is the most pos

6、sible relationship between the speakers?A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Policeman and witness.11. Which of the following is true about the visitor?A. He is very tall. B. He is a little thin. C. He wears no glasses.12. What did the male speaker do last night?A. He attended a party. B.

7、 He drew a picture for a man. C. He got a call from the visitor.听第 9 段材料,回答第13 至 16 题 .13. How long did the man stay in America?A. Ten days. B. Fourteen days. C. Thirty days.14. Why did David go to America?A. To study English. B. To visit his relatives. C. To travel around.15. How did the man s scho

8、ol get the money?A. From a businessman. B. From the government. C. From a company.16. How was the man getting on with his English when he was in America?A. Quite well.B. Just so so. C. Very badly.听第 10 段材料,回答第17 至 20 题。17. What was Jacques Cartier?A. An officer. B. An explorer. C. A historian.18. Wh

9、o were the first to colonize North America?- 2 -A. The French. B. The Spanish. C. The British.19. Which is the second largest French speaking city worldwidely?A. Quebec. B. Paris. C. Montreal.20. How did the French and English try to separate?A. By arguing. B. By fighting. C. By voting.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,

10、满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe Boy in the Striped PyjamasThis book takes you through waves of emotion as you start to understand the main character, the 9-year-old son Bruno of the Auschwitz commandant(司令官).The plot taking place during the Holocaust(大),we witness

11、the horror from the boys viewpoint.who just wants friends.You ll be shocked by some of the more surprising aspects of the book as the boy befriends one of the boys on the other side of the fence.The Book ThiefThe story is about a young girl named Liesel who has to live with foster parents( 养父母)durin

12、g World War n . On the way to her new home. her bother dies, setting the sad tone for the story. There is hope, however, when Liesel discovers her love for reading and shares her stolen books with her neighbors during bombing at tacks as well as with the Jewish man hidden in her basement.The Fault i

13、n Our StarsThis is probably the most likelybookto make you cry,as it recordstheexperiences of teens who arc dying from cancer and living their last days in love. Their life is tragic and jarring at the same time as we watch their health deteriorate ( 恶化).The real tragedy isA Child Called ItEasily on

14、e of the saddest stories of abuse in recent decades.A Child CalledIt is based on the true story of Dave Pelzer, a boy from Californiawhosuffered at the hands of his sadistic( 施 虐癖的 family, the tears will conic from both sadness and the inspiration lied tothe love between the main characters,whoDaves

15、 fightforsurvivalin anknow that it is certain to die.environmentwherehe isconsideredworthless.21. Which book is basically a romance?A. The Book Thief.B. A Child Called itC. The Fault in Our Stars. D. The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas.22. Who is considered to have no good qualities or useful skills in t

16、he family?A. Liesels brother B. The 9-year-old son Bruno.C. A young girl named Liesel. D. Have Pelzer, a boy from California.A. They all expose the dark side23. What do the four novels have in common?of society. B. They are all emotionally powerful.C. They are all connected with wars. D. They all ha

17、ve a sad ending.A 74-year-old man is pounding(沉重地走 )the pavement in the hope of finding akidney for his sick wife. WayneWinters began walking along the streets near his home in Farr West, Utah early this month with a sandwich board containing an unusual request.“Need Kidney for Wife, the sign reads.

18、 Winters phone number and his wife Deannesblood type are also included.Deanne has severe kidney failure and is in need of a transplant. Desperate todo something to help his sick wife, Winters walks along the streets armed with a newsuit, new shoes, and his sign with a plea(恳请)for a kidney. Though he

19、 doesn t walkfast. Winters unusual method of tracking down a kidney for Deanne has attracted plenty of attention. In addition to the motorists and passers-by who have seen Winters outwalking miles a day, his request for a kidney has now hit the Internet and attracted the attention of millions more p

20、eople.Winters said he was inspired to pound the pavement on behalf of his wife after seeing a story online about another man who did the same thing and got national attention. Rush hour is his favorite time to walk up and down the streets because drivers are slowed down.-4 -Though he hasnt had any s

21、uccess yet , Winters remains confident he will finda kidney for Deanne, and says he won t rest until he makes it. Winters has stated even after a match for Deanne is found, he will continue to raise awareness aboutkidney donation because it is now his “ life mission ” . In fact, the back of his curr

22、ent sign includes a message aimed at helping others in need. It read,“ 1,000 kidneysare neede d in Utah and Idaho. ”The National Kidney Foundation reports the average wait for an individual s first kidney transplant is over three and a half years, and can vary depending on health, compatibility( 兼容性

23、 )and availability of organs. The organization also notes over 3,000 new patients are added to the kidney waiting list each month, and 13 people die each day while waiting for a life-saving kidney transplant.24. Why is the old man walking along the streets?A. To help his sick wife. B. To do some exe

24、rcise.C. To look for something he has lost. D. To appreciate the sights of the city.25. What encouraged Winters to think of walking along the streets?A. Others advice. B. A moving movie. C. A story online. D. His devotion to his wife.26. According to Para . 4, how can we describe Winters?A. Optimist

25、ic and kind. B. Patient and generous.C. Passive and stubborn. D. Positive and successful.27. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?A. A kidney transplant is a life-saving operation.B. Getting a suitable kidney for a patient is not easy.C. New patients that are added to the kidney waiting list.

26、D. The success of a kidney transplant depends on several factors.CThe number of snow geese arriving in the Arctic each spring to breed has risen over the past few decades. At first, wildlife biologists saw this as an environmental crisis, pointing to marshes( 沼泽地 )where plants were eaten by the hung

27、ry birds, andthe federal government responded by loosening restrictions on snow goose hunting across the country. But how do the Inuit( 因纽特人),in whose backyard this is taking place, and for whom fresh goose eggs and meat are among the pleasure of an Arctic spring, view the situation? A recent study

28、is bringing Inuit wildlife experts and scientists together to look for common ground on managing the species.The snow goose study asked experts in Coral Harbour and Arviat, on the north and west coast of Hudson Bay, to share their generations of knowledge about snow geese and their views on what sho

29、uld be done. The community had concerns about controlling the population, says Ron Ningeongan, a community officer for the Kivalliq InuitAssociation in Coral Harbour, “and Inuit snow goose knowledge had never been recorded. People wanted to pass on what they knew. ”The Inuit experts rejected the ide

30、a of a cull(选择性宰杀),considering it wasteful of the geese and unnecessary for the environment in general, but felt that hunting more geese in an organized way-for instance, paying local hunters a minimum amount of money and distributing the birds to disadvantaged families or operating a limited commer

31、cial hunt that would employ local people-would be appropriate.The Inuit say that while there may be too many snow geese in some areas, its not a crisis. Biologists now generally agree that there seem to be plenty of undamaged marshes available and newer research shows that some damaged areas can rec

32、over.Conservation planners for the three migratory bird reserves in the area will use the studys recommendations, which is an excellent example of how indigenous (土著的)knowledge can strengthen wildlife management Johnson says.“Now that we have recorded and documented Inuit knowledge of snow geese,“ s

33、ays Ningeongan. when facing the crisis again, other people will be able to use the information to help manage the species, which is fundamental to dealing with it_effectively. ”28. Why did the federal government loosen restrictions on snow goose hunting?A. To create more marshes. B. To protect ecosy

34、stem.C. To make more profits. D. To wipe out the hungry birds.29. Which of the following might Inuit wildlife experts agree on?A. Regarding too many snow geese as a crisis.B. Never organizing large-scale commercial hunts.C. Employing poor families to hunt more snow geese.D. Using snow goose hunting

35、to mans best advantage.30. What do biologists think about the marshes future at present?A. Its unpredictable.B. It s hard to get better.C. Its too discouraging. D. Its a bit promising.31. What does the underlined word it in the last paragraph refer to?A. The crisis. B. The species. C. Inuit knowledg

36、e. D. Inuit research.DIn 1969, when Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the moon, the astronomical body was for Chinese just a glowing orb (圆形物)overhead to stare atand muse about. Now, fifty years later, China has become the first nation to land a robotic spacecraft on the far side of

37、the moon.As the world celebrates the historic US moon landing on July 20, 1969, Chinese lunar explorers said their moon exploration program, including plans for a robotic lunar research station prototype (原型)by 2030 to prepare manned missions, is opento international cooperation.The lunar research s

38、tation will become a base for astronauts to visit brieflyand ultimately for a long-term stay,according to Li Chunlai, director of the GroundResearch and Application System of the Chinese Lunar Exploration Project, and three of his colleagues. a International cooperation is an important element in Ch

39、inas strategy of lunar and deep space exploration,“ they wrote in an article publishedon Friday in a special issue of the US journal Science to mark the anniversary ofthe Apollo 11 moon landing.In 2004, China unveiled a three-phase robotic lunar exploration program orbiting, landing and returning-na

40、ming it the Chang e Project. Four missions were conducted betw een 2007 and 2019, with Chang e -4 deploying( 部署)a lander and the Yutu-2 rover on the surface of the far side of the moon in early January. The fifth mission, scheduled for early next year. is to return rocks to Earth from a lunar area-7

41、 -that has not yet been sampled(取样 ) , according to the article s authors.The authors wrote that China is open to cooperation with NASAon lunar exploration.“ Both sides can start cooperating on aspects such as exchange of scientific dataand space situational awareness informatio n, ” the article sai

42、d. “ China also looks forward to exploring more opportunities to cooperate with NASAto preserve the space environment for generations to come. ”Already, Chinas latest lunar mission Change-4 has carried out experiments fromGermany, Sweden and the Netherlands ( 荷兰 ), it said. In April, the China Natio

43、nal Space Administration announced cooperation opportunities for China s sixth lunarmission and its asteroid( 小行星 )exploration mission. It also signed lunar exploration cooperation agreements with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. Turkey, Ethiopia and Pakistan.32. What does the unde

44、rlined phrase muse about in Para. I mean?A. Worry about. B. Complain about. C. Doubt about. D. Think about.33. What is Chinas fifth lunar mission?A. To explore the asteroids of the moon.B. To bring rocks to the earth from the moon.C . To build a robotic research station prototype.D. To carry out exp

45、eriments from Germany, Sweden and the Netherlands?34. What can we learn from the text?A. China hasnt decided whether to explore more opportunities to cooperate with NASA. B. China signed lunar exploration cooperation agreements with Turkey, India and Pakistan.C. Chinas latest lunar mission Change-4

46、has done experiments from some European countries.D. Change-4 deployed a lander and the Yutu-2 rover on the surface of the near side of the moon in early January.35. What can be the best title for the news report?A. China invites nations to join in moon explorationB. The world celebrates the histori

47、c US moon landingC. Chinas present and future lunar exploration programsD. China unveils a three-phase robotic lunar exploration program第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。The conflict in the family can affect everyones functioning. Rememberto handle your family problems u

48、sing the following problem-solving skills.Schedule a time to talk as a group. Facing and overcoming family problems canseem impossible. When you work together, however, resolving family differences becomes more feasible( 可行的).36 Make everyone aware of the purpose of the meeting and that you want the

49、m to arrive at suggestions and solutions at the ready._37 When disagreements occur, people have a tendency to bring up every unresolved issue they have ever encountered with the other parties. Strive to uncover what is actually important about the current problem. Building a case or bringing up old

50、misdeeds will not assist you in resolving this issue._38 Direct communication is essential to effective conflict resolution. Eachparty should use the I statement to clearly state their needs, wants, and concerns. Making an I statement allows each person to be responsible for what they are feeling, a

51、nd suggests a remedy for the problem at the same time.Listen without interrupting. To reach an agreement during a family conflict, listening is imperative. 39 EffectiveJjstening allows the other persons to feel heard and motivates the other parties to want to listen to you.Decide on a solution toget

52、her. Once everyone has shared their needs, wants, andconcerns, then strive for a compromise. 40 Everyone present should feel good about the proposed solution. If necessary, develop a contract or a written agreement outlining how you will manage the problem.A. Seek professional advice.B. Focus on the

53、 issue at hand.C. Have everyone state what they truly mean.D. Be aware of how different family members may react to problems.E. Have a meeting at a time that is mostly convenient for everyone.F. Consider all the suggestions that each party has provided and look for middle ground.G. Only by actively

54、listening to each party can you understand what he is trying to communicate.第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。One day, my mother found a bald(光秃的)spot on the back of my head and she looked worried. But I didnt take it 41 It will go_ bac

55、k,“ I thought. 42 Im a17- yearold teenager, Im finally allowed to grow my hair.”At first, the loss was very small. A few weeks later, I found that the spot wasa little 43_,_ _ I began to worry. As the days went by, my hair startedto 44 fasterand in larger quantities. I began using my remaining hair

56、as a 45 for the bald _ _ areas.Finally, I no longer had enough hair to hide the 46 areas. So I turned to wigs( 假发).At that point I still had some hair above my cars so I 47 it to the _ _ wigs hairs, trying to make the hairpiece(假发)look 48 I 一 went to a doctor as well. But his treatment didnt 49 much

57、. I found there was still no 50 of my hairs _ _ growing back.I was 51 to_tell my friends a bout it, because I didnt know how they would52 _the information. What if they _53 me,and didnt I want to be myfriendsanymore?Slowly and 5幺,I tojd them what was happening. To my 55 . they all_seemed to take it.I came to 56_what_ happened was not something that I should be 57 of. I _ _ learned that I should not let this condition have any influenceon my _58 of self-worth. Being bald doesnt 59 who I am, and if I dont let it affect my self identity, then other people are much mor


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