阅读课教案Book3 Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia滕州七中高歌_第1页
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1、 阅读课教案 滕州七中 高歌 E-mail: tzqzgg 授课时间: 2013-04-01授课内容:Book 3 Module4  Sandstorms in Asia - Reading and Vocabulary 教学目标、方法和手段概述课 题  Sandstorms in Asia课 型Reading &Vocabulary目标要求知识目标To learn:1.Key words: 与沙尘暴有关:sandstorm, frightening, dune, survive, citizen, dust, desertification,

2、forecast, strength, surprise, cycle, mask. 与环保有关:process, mass, campaign. 2.Key Phrases: a major disaster, a mass campaign, be caught in, dangerous situation, as a result, climate changes, cut down, dig up, advise (not) to do, preventfrom doing = stop (from) doing/keepfrom doing3.Key sentences:1).To

3、 have been caught in a sandstorm was a terrible experience.2). To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.3). traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.4). , a mass campaign has been started to help solve it.4. Help the students to know the causes

4、and effects of a sandstorm and solutions.能力目标1.Train students reading skills, such as skimming, scanning , careful reading and finding correct information. 2.Learn to summarize the main idea and understand the text fully enough. 3.Improve students oral English by retelling the text.4.Work coope

5、ratively with others.情感态度价值观1.Make students have a better understanding of sandstorm and encourage them to talk about ways to protect the environment.2.Increase students sense of duty to protect the environment.教学重难点1. Understand the causes and effects of a sandstorm and solutions by using different

6、 reading skills. 2. How to help students to learn the information about sandstorms and the environmental protection.教学方法Task-based teaching approach; Group work;教学手段Multi-media; Guiding paper 一、教学流程设计Before reading: Step1. Leading in (设计意图:此处使用幻灯片展示与文章相关的图片资料并提出问题what causes sandstorms?不仅可以直观地展现沙尘暴带

7、来的危害,吸引学生注意,激发他们探索大自然奥秘的学习兴趣和与自然灾害作斗争的决心,而且调动学生主动学习的积极,be prepared for what they are going to learn in this lesson并导入阅读。)T: Class begins! Ss: Good morning, Miss Gao.T: Good morning, boys and girls. Sit down , please!Ss: Thank you! T: (展示幻灯片) To begin with our class today, Id like to show you some pi

8、ctures. What do you think of the pictures? Ss: How beautiful they are!T: Yes, the blue sky and white clouds, the vast grassland Sadly, something happened one day. Look at some other pictures, please. (展示与sandstorm相关的图片) T: What natural disaster is it ? Ss:It is a sandstorm. T: What do you think of i

9、t ? Ss:It is very terrifying ! T: The terrible weather has a bad effect on our daily life. Sandstorms really make our life inconvenient greatly. So its necessary for us to know what caused the disasters. Can you tell me what causes sandstorms? S1: I think climate changes can cause sandstorms.T: Good

10、 idea! Is there any other opinions? S2: Cutting down trees and digging up grass can also cause sandstorms.Step2. Prediction (设计意图:用与本课内容挂钩的开放性的猜测问题Can you predict what the passage will tell us?发散学生思维,develop students ability to guess the content of the passage,启发学生使用简单完整的英语句子,也激活了学生已有知识来引入新课, 迅速引起学生

11、的共鸣,鼓励学生参与到一个轻松、愉快的学习环境中来。同时,激发了学生想说愿说乐说的强烈愿望,为后面的学生活动做好了准备和铺垫。)T: Absolutely! Thank you for your information. The passage is about sandstorms in Asia. Look at the title and picture in the text. Can you predict what the passage will tell us?S1:(Speak in English) sandstorms. T: You are very active! O

12、k, can you express with a complete English sentence? For example: I guess the passage will be /talk about sandstorms.S1: I guess the passage talk about sandstorms.S2: The passage will be about what is I guess the passage will tell us what causes sandstorms.S3:I think it will be about sandstorms and

13、how to protect the environment.S4:While reading: Step 1: Skimming (373 words, 5 minutes ). 略读方法指导:1. 浏览标题 2. 读首段,抓中心。3. 浏览其他段首末句。4.最后读结尾段T: Good idea! Different people have different opinions. Now lets read the text as quickly as possible to check your guess and match the main idea with each paragra

14、ph. 5 minutes for you. Do not read word by word, just find the main information. Are you clear? (设计意图: 主要操练学生整体把握文章结构的能力。引导学生在快速阅读的过程中使用Skimming这种方法来找寻文章的主旨大意,提高阅读技能。给学生Skimming阅读技巧: Read the title, the first sentence or the last sentence very quickly to get the main idea or each paragraph.通过抓住每一自然段

15、的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意,形成对语篇的把握。SS: Yes. Read the passage quickly and silently to check their guess and match the main idea with each paragraph . (设计意图:连线形式要比让学生写出每一自然段的中心句简单些,我在此处降低难度是想帮助学生搭建一个梯子to get the main idea of the whole text and improve their skimming skills,更适合我们七中学生的英语实际水平。)Paras. The main

16、idea of each paragraphPara.1 a. the description of sandstormsPara.2 b. the causes of sandstormsPara.3 c. a major disaster in AsiaPara.4 d. the effects of sandstormsPara.5 e. the governments measuresPara.6 f. the forecast and suggestions T: (5 minutes later ) Time is up, class. Turn around and exchan

17、ge your ideas in groups of 4. Ss: Discuss in groups for 1 minute. (设计意图:小组讨论活动能充分体现学生为主体,教师为主导的新课程理念。 培养学生分析信息,处理信息以及合作探究的能力。)T: Which group would like to share your answers?S1: Para.1 matches c; Para.2 matches a; Para.3 matches b; Para.4 matches d; Para.5 matches f; And Para.6 matches e.T: Well, is

18、 there any different answers? Ss: No. T: Reasonable understanding ! Youve got it!What should we do when we want to get the main idea of a passage or a paragraph?(引导学生思考怎样抓文章或段落大意)Ss: We can read the first sentence.T: Yes. We can read the title, the first sentence or the last sentence very quickly to

19、 get the main idea or each paragraph. (给学生Skimming阅读技巧:通过抓住每一自然段的中心论点或中心句来判断一篇文章的大意,形成对语篇的把握。) Now read aloud the main idea of each paragragh, please.( 展示幻灯片,让学生大声读每段的main idea.) Paras. The main idea of each paragraphPara.1 a. the description of sandstormsPara.2 b. the causes of sandstormsPara.3 c.

20、a major disaster in AsiaPara.4 d. the effects of sandstormsPara.5 e. the governments measuresPara.6 f. the forecast and suggestions T: You did a very good job! How many parts can this passage be divided into?S1:The passage can be divided into 3 parts. Part 1 (para 1): major disaster in Asia- standst

21、ormPart 2(para2-5): discription cause influence suggestionsPart 3(para 6): measuresT: Your idea is very good! Is there any different opinions? S2: My opinion is different from his. I think the passage can be divided into 3 parts.Part 1(Para 1-2): The major disaster in Asia-sandstorm and what is the

22、sandstorms.Part 2(Para 3-4): The cause and influence about sandstorms.Part 3(Para 5-6 ): The advice and measuresT: Reasonable! Is there any other ideas?Ss: No.T: Well, Different people have different opinions. I think the two opinions are all reasonable. We can divide the passage into 3 parts. The f

23、irst part is Para (1), talking about the major disaster in Asia- standstorm; The second part is Para(2-5), talking about the discription, cause, influence and suggestions;The third part is (para6), talking about the measures we can take to prevent sandstorms. It also can be divided into 3 parts in a

24、nother way. The first part is Para1 and 2, talking about the major disaster and what is the sandstorms; The second part is Para3 and 4, talking about the cause and influence; The third one is the last two paragraphs, talking about the advice and measures. Are you clear? Ss: Yes.T: I agree with the f

25、irst one. ( 展示幻灯片)Part 1 (para 1): major disaster in Asia- standstormPart 2(para2-5): discription cause influence suggestionsPart 3(para 6): measuresT: Well, So much for the main idea of each passage and the text structure. Now lets do scanning about the whole text and do the following tasks. (展示幻灯片

26、)This is a reading skill used to look for important details. Step 2: Scanning (5 minutes) 查读方法指导:1.先看题,明确查询信息的特点2.快速阅读,找到关键词3.停下细读,理清答案Task 1: Vocabulary ( Match the words with the definitions)T: Please look at the words on the screen. Read the text again and find the words in your text. Underline t

27、hem and try to guess their meanings according to the context. Do you understand me? (设计意图: 展示幻灯片,呈现单词,引导学生跳读猜测词义,在文章里找相关信息,最后进行判断选择,没有必要把文章从头到尾地、逐字逐句地阅读,只要找准定位词,快速地在文章内“扫描”出定位词,扫除阅读中的生词障碍。)Ss: Yes.T: Go ahead please!citizen cycle (v) dust expert forecast process situation survive 1. to ride a bicycl

28、e cycle2. someone who knows a lot about a particular subject expert3. things that happen one after another , and have a result process4. someone who lives in a particular town or country citizen5. very small bits of dirt or earth , on the ground or in the air dust6. to continue to live after a diffi

29、cult or dangerous situation or event survive7. to say what will probably happen forecast8. everything that is happening at a particular time situationSs:(跳读查找单词并猜测词义)T:(老师领读一词三遍后师生共同处理单词)Now lets judge which word can go with these definitions.S1:T: Good job! Thank you! Go on , please!S2:Task2 : Gues

30、sing (Read quickly again and try to find the answers to the following questions.) T: Very good understanding about the key words! Do you want to know more important information about the passage?Ss: Yes, of course!T: Sounds great! Lets read the text quickly again and try to find the answers to the f

31、ollowing questions. Do it by yourselves. Go ahead, please!(设计意图: 为了让学生加深理解文中的重点信息,我特意设计了Task 2这一环节。I think it can help students to improve their scanning skills and develop their ability to quickly find and analyze some key information.)Ss: Read quickly again and try to find the answers to the follo

32、wing questions.)1. Sandstorms are strong winds carrying _ through the air. A. dirt and mud B. rain and heat C. sand and dust D. cloud and snow 2. What do the experts advise people to do when a sandstorm arrives in the city? A. Dont go out B. Dont wear masks. C. Dont go to work as usual. D. Dont

33、 ride bicycles 3. The factors that cause land to be desert are _. A. cutting down trees B. digging up grass C. climate changes D. all of the above4. From the last paragraph, we know _. A. the government is taking measures to prevent sandstorms. B. the distance between the desert and the center

34、of Beijing is only 250 kilometers.C. more than 30 million trees have been planted in Beijing . D. the government wont plant trees any more in the next five yearsSuggested answer: 1.C 2.A 3.D 4.AT: You can share your ideas with your partner if you need. (学会分享,共同提高。)T: I heard youre very active.Wonder

35、ful! Have you finished ?Ss: Yes.T: What about question1? Which one did you choose? S1: I choose c.T: Can you tell us the information you scanned from the text?S2: The information is from paragraph 2, sentence1. 【原句】 Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand. sentence1.T: Just it! You are righ

36、t! Thank you! What about the second one?S3: A is right! The information is from paragraph5, sentence2. 【原句】 When a sandstorm arrives in the city, weather experts advise people not to go out.T: Do you agree with him, class?Ss: Yes. T: Good judgement! You got the answer! How about question3?S4: I thin

37、k D is the right answer. The helpful information is in paragraph3, sentence4. 【原句】This is a process that happens when land becomes desert because of climate changes and because people cut down trees and dig up grass.T: You did well enough! Be confident! Nothing is difficult in the world if you put y

38、our heart into it. Look at the last one together. In your opinion, which one is right?S5: In my opinion, A is right. The information is from the second sentence in the last paragraph. 【原句】To prevent it coming nearer, the government is planting trees.T: Very good! It seems that nothing is difficult f

39、or you. Come on, class! Whats wrong with choice B? Do you know?S6: The first sentence in the last paragraph tells us that the desert is only 250 kilometers away to the west of Beijing. It is not the center of Beijing. So choice B is wrong. T: Better understanding! What about choice C and D? Whats wr

40、ong with them?S7: The last sentence in the last paragraph tells us that already the government has planted more than 30 billion trees and plans to continue planting for the next five years.T: Very good! It seems that nothing is difficult for you. Come on, class!Step3:Careful reading:(10 minutes) T:B

41、y now, weve learned the main idea and some important information, but this is not enough for us to understand the text better. Do you want to get more detailed information?Ss: Yes.T:So we should come to some details. Read the passage carefully and finish the following three tasks. In this part, if y

42、ou have something not sure, you can exchange your ideas with each other. Finish your tasks in your guiding paper, please.Task 1: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions.(设计意图: what, where, why, who, when and how questions训练学生在具体语篇中分析问题,理解问题,判断问题和推理问题的能力和用英语组织句子的阅读表达能力。同时也为高考卷二中的阅读

43、表达准备应对策略。)Ss: Read the text carefully and answer the following questions. (pair work)1. What are sandstorms?2. Where do sandstorms occur often? 3. Why have sandstorms increased in China?4. Who appear in this text?5. When sandstorms happen, what the weather look like?6. What do you think happen to tr

44、affic in this situation? Why?7.How can the sandstorms be prevented? Suggested answers:(1). Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand.(2). Sandstorms often occur in Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia.(3). Sandstorms appear to have increased in recent years as a resu

45、lt of desertification.(4). Ren Jianbo and HuangXiao mei appear in this text. (5). When sandstorms happen, we will see an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust. (6). Traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see / it is not clear to

46、 see everything.(7). A mass campaign has been started to help solve it and the government is planting trees.T: Well, Most of you have finished, lets check your answers. Id like to give this chance to some girls. Who'd like to have a try?S1: Sandstorms are strong, dry winds that carry sand.T: A b

47、eautiful girl and so beautiful answer! Thank you! Sit down, please! What about question 2? Another girl ?S2:T: Yes, you did very well! Thank you! Sit down, please! Now Id like you to read the text again and complete this table about sandstorms detailed information .(展示幻灯片) Please complete this activ

48、ity individually using some key words by ourselves on your guiding paper,then check with your partner. Task 2 : Read again and complete the table.(Ask students to read the text carfully again so as to get the detailed information about sandstorms and have a better understanding of the text.)Ss: Fill

49、 some key words in the table.T: Draw a form on the blackboard. Sandstorms in AsiaPlaces CausesEffects AdviceMeasures T: Have you finished?Ss: Yes.T:Whod like to help me to finish the table? Any volunteers? Be active,boys and girls!S1: Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia.T: Plea

50、se answer with a complete English sentence.(引导学生说英语句子。)S1: The main places where sandstorms often happen in Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and Australia.T: Do you agree with her?Ss: Yes.T: An active boy!Your answer is very good! Come on, class! Why sandstorms have increased in recent ye

51、ars?S2: Because of desertification, climate changes, peoples cutting down trees and digging up grass.T: Quite right! How fluent your oral English is! What are the effects of sandstorms?S3: Citizens wake up to an orange sky and strong winds that cover the city in a thick, brown-yellow dust, causing t

52、raffic moving slowly and making it difficult to see and breathe.T: Your answer is very comprehensive! Good understanding!What do you think experts advise people to do?S4: Experts advise people not to go out.T: Good voice! What else? S5: Experts advise people not to go out and wed better wear a mask

53、when going out. T: Exactly! Very good pronunciation! Well done! Whod like to give your answer of the last one? What can we do to stop sandstorms?S6: We should plant more trees.Suggested answers: Sandstorms in AsiaPlaces Central Asia, North America, Central Africa and AustraliaCausesdesertification,

54、climate changes, cutting down trees and digging up grass.Effectsan orange sky, strong winds, city in a thick, brown-yellow dusttraffic: move slowly; thick dust make it difficult to see and breatheAdvicenot to go out , wear a maskMeasuresplant more treesTask 3. language focuses (设计意图: 帮助学生梳理文中的语言点,为下一步的语言输出做好铺垫。)T: Good understanding! Now lets deal with some difficult language focuses. Please look at your guiding paper and make a mark where you have difficulties.1). “traffic moves very slowly because the thick dust makes it difficult to see.” “traffic” means A. 交通 B. 车辆feel/ find/ make


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