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1、状语从句状语从句的知识储备时间状语从句的五种类型状语从句的考点与历年真题状语从句的类别1、时态2 2、从句的三个必须、从句的三个必须3、句子结构八八 种种 时时 态态一般现在时一般现在时一般过去时一般过去时现在进行时现在进行时过去进行时过去进行时一般将来时一般将来时过去将来时过去将来时现在完成时现在完成时过去完成时过去完成时陈述句中没有助动词的陈述句中没有助动词的一般现在时一般现在时主主+be+主主+v(复复)/vs(单单)一般过去时一般过去时主主+was/were/+主主+过去式过去式+陈述句中有助动词的陈述句中有助动词的一般将来时一般将来时主主+will(1)+v原原(2)主主+be go

2、ing to(1)+v原原(2)过去将来时过去将来时主主+would(1)+v原原(2)主主+was/were going to(1)+v原原(2)现在进行时现在进行时主主+be(1)+ving(2)过去进行时过去进行时主主+was/were(1)+ving(2)现在完成时现在完成时主主+has/have(1)+过去分词过去分词(2)过去完成时过去完成时主主+had(1)+过去分词过去分词(2)时间状语从句是关键时间状语从句是关键其他状语从句重点记忆连接词其他状语从句重点记忆连接词表示时间、地点、原因、目的We sleep at night at home.必须符合“从句的三个必须”必须是句子

3、;必须有连接词;必须是陈述句 请参考本网站请参考本网站“简单句结构简单句结构-主谓宾主谓宾”、“从句基础篇从句基础篇从句的三个必须从句的三个必须”视频视频用一个句子充当状语成分,那个句子就是状语从句。定义状语从句状语从句同副词,介词词组等作状语一样,用于修饰谓语修饰谓语,说明谓语动作的时间,地点,方式,手段,条件,程度,比较,原因,目的,结果等 I get up at 6:00It is dark1. I get up when it is dark状语从句分类表示时间表示时间 表示地点表示地点 表示原因表示原因 表示结果表示结果 表示目的表示目的表示条件表示条件表示让步表示让步表示比较表示比

4、较返回表示时间 一、时间状语从句一、时间状语从句 When, as ,while, before, after, till, Until, as soon as, The moment, the minute, the first time. (名词性短语)E.G. When/As he was eating his breakfast, he heard the door bell ring.While I was reading, he was playing.3. The mother didnt go to bed until her little daughter returned

5、home last night. 昨晚母亲等到她的小女儿回家才睡觉。表示地点二、地点状语从句二、地点状语从句 引导地点状语从句的主要有引导地点状语从句的主要有:where, wherever及及- where构成的复合词。构成的复合词。EG:We shall go where people are kind.Just stay where you are.We received a warm welcome everywhere we arrived. 我们每到一个地方都受到了热烈的欢迎。我们每到一个地方都受到了热烈的欢迎。表示原因 三、原因状语从句三、原因状语从句最常用的连词是: becau

6、se, since, as, now (that)等because, as, since, for 语气 位置意义 because 最强前或后 “原因”;表客观因果关系;回答“” as较强 前 “由于”;把众人所知的事实当作理由 since 较弱 前 “既然”;就对方陈述的事实作为理由 for 最弱 后 “理由”;对某一事实进行推断的理由 注:上面所说的注:上面所说的“前前”,指从句在主句之前;,指从句在主句之前;“后后”,指从句在主句之后。,指从句在主句之后。 EG: He is absent today because he was ill. As it is snowing,we sha

7、ll not go out. You couldnt see him, for he wasnt there.(不句首)(不句首)4. Since you are ill, I will go alone.表示结果 四、结果状语从句四、结果状语从句可以由可以由 so that, so.that, such.that so that, sothat, suchthat so that“以便”、“结果”表目的和结果。 注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的。无情态动词注意:在从句中有情态动词表目的。无情态动词表结果。表结果。 sothat “如此的以致于”表结果。该结构常见于: 1.so+形副that2.

8、so+形a(an)单数名词that3.somany/much复数名词(不可数名词)+that suchthat“如此的以致于”表结果。该结构常见于: 1.sucha(an)形名词that2.such形复数名词不可数名词thatE.G. He was so angry that he left the room without a word. 他很生气他很生气,一句话不说就离开一句话不说就离开了房间。了房间。 It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it.The box is so heavy that nobody can move it.The

9、 box is so heavy as nobody can move .I didnt go early, so that I didnt get a seat.表示目的四、目的状语从句四、目的状语从句主要的引导词有主要的引导词有: so that, in order that, 目的状语从句常常含有情态动词。目的状语从句常常含有情态动词。 E.G. They are hurrying so that / in order that they may not miss the train. 他们为了赶他们为了赶上火车而匆匆忙忙。上火车而匆匆忙忙。 He works hard in order

10、 that / so that he can serve his country well.表示条件 五、条件状语从句五、条件状语从句最常用的引导词有最常用的引导词有: if, if only(if 的强调式), unless (= if not), as long as, so long asE.G.As long as I live, I shall work hard.You cant learn it well unless you work hard.If you want to know ,I can tell you.表示让步 六、让步状语从句六、让步状语从句主要的引导词有主要的

11、引导词有: though, although,as even if, even though however, Whatever , whenever等though, although, as, though, although在句首表“尽管”两者都可以用。但句后不能再用but。 下列情况只能用though: as though (=as if); even if (=even though) 在句末表示“然而” as表示“尽管”,从句的表语、状语等成分要倒装。 whatever, however, wherever, whenever 它们是what, how, where, when的强势

12、强势语气语气。分别等于: no matter what, no matter how no matter where, no matter whenE.G.I wont mind even if (though) he doesnt come.Though it was cold, she went out without an overcoat.Young as/though he is, he knows a lot.Whether it shines or rains, I will go.No matter who / whoever comes here, I will not le

13、t him in.you can take whatever you like.表示比较八、比较状语从句八、比较状语从句主要由主要由 than, as.as, the morethe more 这类从句常常有一些成分没有表示出来: E.G. The more you eat, the fatter you are. John is less clever than Tom. He is not so/as clever as his brother.前引:根据主从句的三种时间关系,分为主前引:根据主从句的三种时间关系,分为主从句同时发生、主从句都没有发生、主从句一前一后发生三类句型,从句同时发

14、生、主从句都没有发生、主从句一前一后发生三类句型,每种句型分别对应独特的句式每种句型分别对应独特的句式What were you doing when the UFO arrived?What are you doing when the UFO arrives?I would leave if he came.I will leave if he comes.The train had been away when I arrived.过去配过去过去配过去过去配过去过去配过去现在配现在现在配现在现在配现在现在配现在前引:根据主从句的三种时间关系,分为主前引:根据主从句的三种时间关系,分为主从

15、句同时发生、主从句都没有发生、主从句一前一后发生三类句型,从句同时发生、主从句都没有发生、主从句一前一后发生三类句型,每种句型分别对应独特的句式每种句型分别对应独特的句式过去类:过去类:.过去进行过去进行 when 一般过去一般过去现在类:现在类:现在进行现在进行 when 一般现在一般现在过去类:过去将来过去类:过去将来 when 一般过去一般过去现在类:一般将来现在类:一般将来when 一般现在一般现在过去完成过去完成 when 一般过去一般过去练习翻译 1当小明做作业时,他的妈妈在做饭. Xiaomings mom was cooking when he did his homework

16、. 2那天,当小明做作业时,他的妈妈在做饭 That day, Xiaomings mom was cooking when he did his homework. 3他一来我就走(as soon as) I will leave as soon as he comes. 4那天,他一来我就走(as soon as) That day, I would leave as soon as he came. 5当他出门时,雨已经下了两个小时了. It had been rainy for 2 hours when he went out.1 _ they had worked for along

17、 time, everyone looked tired. A While B After C Unless D For 2 He has been a teacher _ he came to the country. A since B until C as D when 3 He has had to cook by himself _ his mother went on business to Beijing. A during B since C after Dwhen 4 It is ten years _ I saw you last time. A since B when

18、C that D if 5 He always thinks Im wrong, _ I may say. A no matter whatever B whatever C what D that 6 _ , Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.A However late is he B However he is late C However is he late D However late he is 7 You should run the machine _ the workers has shown you. A a

19、s B and C but Dso 8 You shall have the book _ I have read it. A so that B though C as soon as D since 9 The man put on a overcoat _ keep himself warm. A that B so that to C in order that Din order to 10 He has changed so much _ I can hardly recognize him. A as B so that C that Dbut 11 Wounded _ he w

20、as, he refused to come back from the front. A as B though C although Dboth A and B 12 Well both wait here _ you get back. A so that B that C until Dfor 13 Some people want to go hunting, _ others want to go finishing. A or B because C while D since 14 Bad habits, _ formed, are difficult to get rid o

21、f. A and B once C or D but 15 You must get up early in the morning, _ well have to start out without you. A and B or C but D so that 16 Would you please wait _ I come back. A if B when C because Dtill 17 He couldnt come _ he wanted to. A as B because C although Dfor 18 _ you gave a party and no one

22、come, what would you do? A Although B If C Unless DWhen 19 You may borrow the book _ you keep it clean. A as long as B when C after D unless 20. John plays football _ , if not better than, David. A as well B as well as C so well D so well as (三三)状语从句状语从句中考真题中考真题 1. its difficult to make her dream co

23、me true, she never gives up. A. Though B. Unless C. Because D. If 2. Its quite common in Britain to say “Thank you” to the drivers people get off the bus. A.After B. since C. until D. when 3. Your dream wont come true you know what your dream is. A.After B. unless C. while D. since 4. -How was your

24、climbing on Mount Tai? -I didnt believe I could do it I got to the top. A. until B. unless C.After D. when 5. I arrived at the airport the plane had taken off. A.After B. while C. when D. before 6. the water was cold, Wei Qinggang jumped into it to save others. A.Although B. When C. If D. Because 7.

25、 We wont start the meeting our teacher arrives. A. though B. until C. while D. or 8. We will have no water to drink we dont protect the earth. A. until B. before C. though D. if 9. Jane, please turn off the lights you leave the classroom. A.After B. before C. until D. but 10. We have to get up at 7:

26、15 tomorrow morning, _we will be late for the 7:40 train. A. before B. or C. if D. so 11. My grandfather is very old, he never stops learning. A. than B. though C. but D. unless 12. -Where was your brother at this time last night? -He was writing an e-mail I was watching TV at home. A.As soon as B.A

27、fter C. until D. while 13. Ill park the car at Pacific Place, the car park there is full. A. unless B. if C. when D.After 14. they arrived early at the airport, they nearly missed their fight. A .If B. Because C.As soon as D.Although 15. We have been good friends we joined the same ping-pong team. A

28、.After B. before C. since D. until 16. Bill, you have finished your homework, lets go to fly kites now. A. though B.After C. before D. since(三三)状语从句状语从句中考真题中考真题1.A.考点分析:though引导让步状语从句,“虽然”,不与but连用,意思可表示 “虽然但是”,故不与转折意思的关系词连用,并且一般置于句首。2.D.考点分析:when引导时间状语从句,一般与过去的时间状语连用,“当的时候”,3.B.考点分析:unless “除非”, 除非你知道自己的梦想是什么,否则你的梦想将不会实现。4.C.考点分析:or “否则”,汤姆,远离火,否则你将被烧伤。5.A.考点分析:not.until“直到才”,直到我到山顶,我才相信我能够爬到山顶,否则我是不相信的。6.B.考点分析:or “否则


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