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冀教版九年级英语全册Unit 9 Communication练习题_第4页




1、.Unit 9 Communication.汉译英1与相处_ 2对满意_ 3得出解决方案;得出解答_ 4浪费时间做某事_ 5遵守诺言;守信_ 6准时;按时_ 7弄清楚;弄明白_ 8时间、空间在前面_ 9平静下来_ 10缺席;不出现_ 11到目前为止_ 12. 适应,使适应于_ 13偶尔遇见;撞上_ 14接到来电;收到信息_ 15尽某人的责任_ 16前进_ 17眼神交流_ 18公开;露天_.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子1These pets _ 需要 a lot of care and attention.2Can you_ 许诺 to write to me soon?3Everyone can

2、 meet _ 困难 in their life. So be brave.4All flights have been_取消 because of the bad weather.5The new students haven't _ 适应 to the rules. 6How do you know the _ 机密的 information?7The old man felt so weak that he could _ 几乎不 stand up.8You had better develop your_ 沟通 skills and improve your interpers

3、onal relationship in the forthcoming year.句型转换1Could you tell me what I shall buy for my parents? 改为简单句Could you tell me_ _ _ for my parents?2They can hardly decide what they will do next. 改为同义句_ _ for them to decide what _ _ next.3The difficulty was how we should cross the river. 改为同义句The difficult

4、y was _ _ cross the river.4I think he is very old.改为否认句 I _ think he _ very old.5We have a good time together.改为同义句We _ _ together.6Both of the players are very popular in England.改为否认句_ of the players _ very popular in England.7Jack didn't attend the meeting.改为同义句Jack _ _ _ the meeting.8These b

5、ooks are very helpful.改为感慨句_ _ these books are!. 单项选择1.2019·白银The old couple heard_from their son yesterday and they were very happy.Alistened to BmetCcalledDreceived a letter from2.2019·白银Tom was_absent_from the important meeting this morning.Adidn't take part in BheldCdidn't like

6、 Dtook an active part in3.2019·鄂州It rained_ and lasted for a long time.That's terrible. Even some streets were full of water.Ahardly BstronglyCheavily Dlightly4.2019·呼和浩特Don't worry! I'm sure you'll _ your classmates if you are kind and friendly to them.Acatch up with Bbe p

7、leased withCget on well with Dagree with5.2019·武汉Come home before dinner time, Peter!I_, mum.Apromise BguessCwish Dadmire6.2019·白银How is your second­hand computer?_,so good.AAs long BSo farCSo much DAs for7.2019·攀枝花The book was so interesting that he had read it for three hours _

8、 he realized it.Abefore BafterCuntil Dsince8.2019·菏泽改编Today, WeChat微信 becomes very popular, and more and more people like to use it to _ each other. Adepend onBcommunicate withCbelieve inD. hear from9.2019·滨州Don't _ hope. Every­thing will be over soon.Yes. We should learn to be br

9、ave when we are in trouble.Aturn up Bgive upCclean up Dtake up10.2019·天津Don't _ any more time, or we will miss the meeting.Asave BtrustCwaste Dlove.2019·广东阅读理解When people talk to each other, write letters or make phone calls, words of the spoken form or the written form can send any me

10、ssage they want to pass on. But besides words, do you know any other ways you can use to communicate with people? Rich expressions on your face can be one of them. A smile on your face shows that you are happy. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad or excited. Body language can do the same

11、 job. When you put your hand up in class, the teacher knows that you want to say something or you may have some questions to ask. You shake your head from side to side and people know you are saying “no or refuse others' requirements. When you nod, people will understand that you are saying “yes

12、 or agree to others' opinions or suggestions. Other forms can also carry different messages. For example, a sign at the bus stop gives passengers instructions on which bus to take. The flag language made by soldiers can pass different orders. Sound from the school bell tells the students and the

13、 teachers when to begin or end a class. A photographer can use the photos he has taken to tell others about what he thinks of the world around him. Music and films also convey the feelings and ideas of the musicians and the directors. So next time when you see a piece of art or listen to some music,

14、 take it as communication with its creator and try to get the meaning behind it.1.When people want to use words to communicate with others, they_. Awrite letters Bcry aloudCkeep silent Dsmile friendly2.According to the passage, you just need to_ if you agree to others' suggestions.Aclose your ey

15、esBput up your handCmove your head up and downDshake your head from side to side3.Through a photo, we may know_. 老师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模拟。如领读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。Awhich bus can be takenBwhat the orders mean for soldiersChow

16、the photographer sees the worldDwhen the students should have a class4.The underlined word “convey probably means“_ in the passage. A掩饰 B传递 C抑制 D爆发5.The best title for this passage may be“_. ASpoken and Written LanguagesBForms of CommunicationCFacial Expressions and GesturesDSuggestions on Communica

17、tion详解详析. 1. get along with2. be satisfied with3. come to a solution4. waste time doing sth.5. keep one's promise6. on time7. figure out8. ahead of9. cool down10. be absent from11. so far12. adapt to13. run into14. hear from15do one's share/part16.move on17eye contact18.in the open.1.require

18、2. promise3. difficulty/difficulties4. cancelled5. adapted6. secret7. hardly8. communication. 1.what to buy2. It's hard/difficult; to do3. how to4. don't; is5. enjoy ourselves/have fun6. Neither; is7. was absent from8. How helpful. 1.D2.A3C“雨下得大可用heavily或hard修饰。hardly意为“几乎不。4C5.A6.B“教书先生恐怕是市井百姓最为熟悉的一种称呼,从最初的门馆、私塾到晚清的学堂,“教书先生那一行当怎么说也算是让国人景仰甚或敬畏的一种社会职业。只是更早的“先生概念并非源于教书,最初出现的“先生一词也并非有传授知识那般的含义。?孟子?中的“先生何为出此言也?;?论语?中的“有酒食,先生馔;?国策?中的“先生坐,何至于此?等等,均指“先生为父兄或有学问、有德行的长辈。其实?国策?中本身就有“先生长者,有德之称的说法。可见“先生之原意非真正的“老师之意,倒是与当今“先生的称呼更接近。看来,“先生之根源含义在于礼貌和尊称,并非具学问者


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