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1、一、单项选择2020年小升初模拟试题(六)1 .找出与单词画线部分读音相同的单词:bankA. afterB. starC. appleD. take2 .找出画线部分发音不同的词A. specialB.getC. even3.选择划线部分读音与众不同的单词()A.legB.deskC.me4.themA. threeB. theseC. theirD. that5.Look at this room. Ita green fan.A. hasB. haveC. is6. Let'sthe classroom together.A. cleanB. cleans7. There are

2、 manyin the city.A. factoryB. factories8. They go to concertsa week.A. first timeB. three timesC. cleaningC. factorisC. four time9.Letsit again.A. drawB. draws10.Is there any tea in the glass?A. Yes, there are.B. No, there is.11. Are there any monkeys in the picture?A. No, it isn't.B. No, there

3、isn't.12. Do you like?A. potatoB. potatos13. Theremany trees in the forest.A. isB. amC. drawingC. No, there isn't.C. No, there aren't.C. potatoesC. are14.In the afternoon, when the sun gets lower, the shadow getsA. tallerB. longerC. thinner15.She has abag.C. redA. thanksB. orange16. Look

4、! I have a cap.A. whiteB. black二、词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。)17. Look, fifteen(母鸡).18. Can you cyour room?19 .按要求写单词(1) become(过去式)(2) two(序数词)(3) twelve(序数词)(4) their(同音词)(5) those (单数)20.1 have a pdog. Its name is Alex.21. The(child) are writing in the classroom.22. The people who(build) it were ver

5、y very strong.23. There are many(apple) on the tree.三、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话24 .选择方框中适当的句子将对话补充完整A. You can go by coach.B. Hello, Janet.C. I will go to Hong Kong and Macao.D. My family and I want to go to the USA.E. It's near Hong Kong and Zhuhai.Janet: Hello, Jiamin.Jiamin:Janet: The summer holid

6、ay is coming. Where will you go on holiday?Jiamin:Janet: Where is Macao?Jiamin:We are going to Macao from Hong Kong by ship.Janet: How can we get to Macao from Guangzhou?Jiamin:Macao is an interesting place. There are lots of beautiful hotels and restaurants. And we canhave special foods there. Wher

7、e are you going on your holiday?Janet: I don't know.I'd like to visit Washington D.C. and New York and the famous Yellow StoneNational Park.Jiamin: I hope I can visit the USA someday.四、对话排序25 .读一读,给下列句子组成一段对话OK, Here you are.Th anks.Have some pears.You're welcome.Sorry, I don't like

8、pears. I like apples.Can I have some apples?26. 读一读,给下列句子排序When do you go to bed then?I eat lunch at 2:00 o'clock.Do you work at night?At 9:00 in the morning.Wow! You're a doctor. When do you eat lunch?Yes, I'm a doctor. I often work at night.五、图文匹配27. 看图,选择对应的句子。(2)(3)(4)28. 连一连,选出与英文句子

9、相对应的中文意思(1) l'm fine, too. thank you.(2) Good afternoon, boys and girls.(3) What's your name?(4) rm a boy.(5) My name's Amy. I'm a girl.六、完型填空A.同学们,下午好。B. 我叫艾米。我是个女孩。C. 我也很好,谢谢。D. 你叫什么名字?E. 我是个男孩。Stop!Don't go.Turnleft.Don'tswim here.Nofishing.29 .完形填空。Jim 1born in 1993 in Ne

10、w York. He 2to China 3 years ago. He ate goodfood and 3mountains in his summer holiday. He 4a new friend. They sangand 5together in the park. They 6very happy.1. A. wasB. isC. were2. A. cameB. comeC. comes3. A. climbB. climbedC. climbing4. A. haveB. hadC. having5. A. to danceB.dancesC. danced6. A. i

11、sB. wasC. were七、阅读理解30 .阅读理解Tom,his father and his mother are having a picnic in the park. Tom has a packet ofsweets and a big bottle ofCoke. He is on a swing. His father is sitting undera big tree. Beside him there is a big bag. There is an aero plane flying in thesky. Tom's mother has a pair o

12、f sunglasses on her nose.(1) What does Tom have?(2) Where is Tom?(3) Where is Tom's father?(4) How many aero planes are there in the sky?(5) Who has a pair of sunglasses?31. 阅读理解Mary is my good friend. She is taller than me, but she is thinner than me. She likes English very much. So she can rea

13、d English better than me. I like sports. And I can run faster than her. We often do homework together.Last Saturday, we went to a bookshop. We read many books. Then we watched TV at home in the afternoon.On Sunday morning, we visited John together. We were very happy.根据短文内容,判断正误。(1) Mary is thinner

14、than me.(2) Mary likes sports very much.(3) We went to a bookshop yesterday.(4) We watched TV on Saturday afternoon.(5) We were very happy last weekend.八、书面表达32. 同学们,我们学过了形容词的比较级,请你试着用比较级从身高、体重、年龄、爱好等方面,写一写你和你最好的朋友的情况吧!My best friend and I参考答案、单项选择1. C2. C 3.C 4.A 5. A 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. A10. C 11. C

15、 12. C 13. C 14. B 15. C 16. B二、词汇。(根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。)17. hens 18. clean19.(1) became (2) second (3) twelfth (4) there (5) that20. pet 21. children 22. built 23. apples三、口语交际。从方框中选择合适的句子完成对话24. B; C; E; A; D四、对话排序。25.2; 3; 5; 4; 6; 126.5; 4; 1; 6; 3; 2五、图文匹配27. (1) No fishing. (2) Stop! Don't go. (3) Turn left. (4) Don't swim here.28. C; A; D;


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