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1、2011 专四作文【篇一:2011 专四作文范例讲评】2011 英语专四作文范文2011 英专四级作文题目recently government agencies in some big cities have beenstudying the possibility of“ posing a pollution tax ” on privatecars. the amount of tax private car owners would have to pay would depend on the emission levels, i.e. engine or vehicle size.

2、 this has caused quite a stir among the public. some regard it as an effective way to control the number of cars and reduce pollution in the city. but others don t think so. what isyour opinion?write a composition of about 200 words on the following topic: should private car owners be taxed for poll

3、ution?范文一:分作文should private car owners be taxed for pollution?recently the government agencies in some big cities havebeen studying the possibility of putting a“ pollution tax ” onprivate cars. this has caused a great stir among the public.some people hold the opinion that it is an effective way to

4、control the number of cars and reduce the amount of pollution in the city, but others don t think so. as far as i m concerned,private car owners should be properly taxed for pollution.the following two reasons are used to support my point of view. on one hand, as well known to us, our surrounding is

5、 seriously polluted especially by car pollution. therefore, “ pollution tax ” on private car can effectively remin d us of the severely pollution. then the number of cars and pollution in the city can be reduced in some way. on the other hand, we know that we are facing the resource crisis. however,

6、 more private cars will use up more gas or other resources. so if we tax private car owners for pollution, we can decrease the use of resources and then protect the environment from pollution indirectly.in conclusion, i think that private car owners should be properly taxed for pollution. it is not

7、only for punishment but also for warning. “ pollution tax ” on private cars is an effective way to control the number of cars, reduce pollution andprotect resources. from now on, as students, we should try our best to carry out it, such as going somewhere far away by bus, or other public transportat

8、ions.阅卷专家评论:1. 审题基本准确;2. 内容基本切题;3. 结构不够严谨;4. 论据缺乏说服力,论述不够充分;5. 语言一般,不够流畅。范文二:分作文should private car owners be taxed for pollution?as the development of our society, more and more people buy private cars. and recently government agencies in some cities have been studying the possibility of putting a“

9、pollution taxon private cars, which has aroused quite a stir among the public. in my opinion, the private car owners should not betaxed for pollution, and i have three reasons for my opinion.firstly, i think the emission levels can t decide how muchpollution the car had made and how much money the o

10、wner should be taxed. for example, a car with a smaller engine maybe produce less pollution, but if the owner use it more frequently, of course it will produce more pollution. so the tax shouldn t depend on the emission levels.secondly, the tax for pollution maybe more harmful to our environment. as

11、 you know, if a person pay some money for the pollution, he will think there is no responsibility for his car and there is no need for him to protect the environment, because he has already pay the money for the environment. then he may pay little attention to the environment, and even harm the envi

12、ronment. so “ pollution tax ” maybebneogt ood for the environment.thirdly, protect the environment is the duty of every of us, not just several private car owners. if the government just force some private car owners to pay the“ pollution tax ” , the rest ofus will think there is no duty for us to p

13、rotect the environment.then there will be more people to destroy the environment, and less people to protect the environment. of course, the result of the “ pollution tax ” will be oppose to the original purpose of the government. all in all, “ pollution tax ” is not good to our environment. and we

14、should also remember that the duty of protect the environment is not just the duty of several private car owners, but the duty of everyone of us.专家评论:1. 审题准确到位;2. 内容切题充实;3. 观点清晰独到;4. 结构严谨合理;5. 有一些语言错误。范文三:作文private car owners should be taxed for pollutionthe first and foremost thing to consider is t

15、he volume of vehicle that belongs to government itself. as the government calls for taking public transportation rather than small vehicle, the “ pollution tax ” imposed on stated owned vehicles which is almost for personal use should be more severe than that on private vehicles. as long as the gove

16、rnment creates the image of reducing pollution by constraining its volume of vehicle to nesserary level, will the public begin to lay emphasis on the reduction of vehicles and also environmental protection.there is a further consideration that the tax should not only bejudged by the engine orvehicle

17、s sizes, simply because not everyone drives th e same distance. in other words, the“ pollution tax ” will be enhancedthrough the collaboration with other forms of tax, like“ oil taxthe introduction of tax portfolio can make tax payment reasonable when the individual interest is safeguarded.it is c e

18、rtain that “ pollution tax ” can contribute to the environment protection. however, the tax will not fully function unless a more considerate scheme of policies taken into account. 英语专业四级考试在线课堂专家评论:1. 观点新颖明确;2. 内容切实到位;3. 篇章结构清晰;4. 衔接自然合理;5. 语言流畅,词汇丰富,句式多变;6. 有一些语言错误。牢记英专四级合格作文要求:论点明确、清楚论证层次分明结构严谨紧扣论

19、点讨论分析,论证有说服力观点阐述合乎逻辑衔接自然、顺畅语言运用得体【篇二:2011 年专四作文强化班材料】module onerequirements for tem-4 composition一 2004 大纲对写作部份的要求? a. 作文:? 能根据所给作文题目,提纲或图表,数据等,写一篇200 个单词左右的作文。能做到内容切题,完整,条理清楚,结构严谨,语法正确,语言通顺,表达得体。考试时间为35 分钟。? b. 便条:? 能根据所给提示写50-60 个单词的便条,通知、请帖等。能做到格式正确,语言得体。考试时间为10 分钟。二测试形式? 本部份为主观题,分两节:section a se

20、ction b 。? section a: composition? 本节是命题作文,文章体裁主要属于说明文,议论文或记叙文的范围。 ? section b: note-writing? 本节是写便条。三新大纲与旧大纲的不同? a. 短文写作的字数由原来的150 字增加到200 字。? b. 便条写作的计分由原来的5 分增加到10 分? c. 写作总分由原来的20 分增加到25 分。四评分原则? 1 总体评分法。? 2 从内容和语言两方面对作文进行综合评判。? a. 作文是否体现主题。? b. 结构是否合理? c. 语法文字是否有重大错误? d. 卷面布局是否整洁五评分标准? a. 命题作文?

21、 1514 分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字通顺,连贯性较好,几本无语言错误。? 1311 分:切题。表达思想清楚,文字连贯,但有少量语法错误。? 119 分: 基本切题。表达思想比较清楚,文字上连贯,但语言错误较多,其中有少量严重错误。? 86 分: 基本切题。表达思想不够清楚,文字连贯性差,有较严重的语言错误。? 5 分以上:条理不清,思想紊乱,语言支离破碎或大部分句子均有语法错误,且多数为严重错误。? 字数要求:150-170 字,扣 1 分; 130-150 字,扣 2 分; 110-130字,扣 3 分; 90-110 字, .扣 4 分; 90 字以下,至多给5 分。? 另外,如照抄提

22、示中原句,不得计入所写字数。? b. 便条:? 格式完整,结构合理,内容表达清楚,行文连贯,能实现应用文的交际功能等。六分档样卷14 分档:? with the internet becoming an indispensable part of modernpeople s life,making friends online enjoys its great popularity, especiallyamong young people. however, is it wise to make friendsonline, as many parents and teachers are

23、 worrying about? as far as i am concerned, i strongly oppose being addicted to making friends online.? firstly, too much attention to online friends distracts yourconcerns to the truefriends and families in the real world. if we look around, we often find a lot of same time, the communication betwee

24、n them and friends around them are becoming less and less. therefore, they feel lonelier in real life and spend more time on internet. ? besides, online friends are often disguised. a large number of cases haveproved that many criminals make use of internet to cheat of money or love. even if they ar

25、e not cheaters, they tend to be totally different persons when you get in actual contact with them. there s always a gap between the real world and the imaginary one.? nevertheless, it is unwise to make friends online. those who are indulging ininternet should to the friendship and kinship in the re

26、al life. what you should do is to seek solution, but not to escape.12 分档:nowadays, it has been a fashion to make friends online, and more and more teenagers, college students and even many adults will spend a lot of time chatting with i don t think it iswise to make friends online.firstly, most of p

27、eople will not reveal their real identity on the internet, which will not enable you to make true friends. just imagine, a young lady you are talking with may be an old man, and i besides, the friends online can bring bad effect to people, especially for teenagers. the certain degree, at last, makin

28、g friends online can do bad to the relationship between you and your family and friends in real life. being addicted to the internet makes you ignore the reality. you will be angry about your parents in a word, it is not wise to make friends online. i hope everyone can focus on the reality instead o

29、f wasting too much time making friends on the internet.9 分档:there is a tendency we can t deny that most of us have access to internet. susequently, making friends online has become a common thing. some may argue that making friends online isn wiser to make friends online.on one hand, it with. then m

30、aking friends online is a good way to solve this problem. meanwhile, we can not only gain friendship, but also exchange our minds. in this way, we obtain a sense of satisfaction from talking with a stranger who will tend to say beautiful words toward us. on the other hand, making friends online some

31、times, friends online encourage us to read helpful books where will be able to learn more.all in all, from my point of view, online as long as we use it properly.7 分档:people would like to make the best internet to broaden their minds, they can get large information, they can play interesting games,

32、even they can friends online. while a question has been arisen: “ is it wise to make friends on line?”you that he money eagerly and to trust aso called online friend. so let s do5 分档:i think it is wise to make friends online. first, now jobpressure more and more. everyone cann t better talk face to

33、face. second, friends online may speak everthing of them.third, friends online may help something of them and solve some problem. the forth, friends online may gain more knowledge and information 。all in all, make friends online is wise in the society. makefriends online cann t changae 潮流。everyone m

34、ay enjoyeveryone with his friends online!便条评分标准:格式:日期+称呼+结尾 - 2 分:凡是不符合规定的均扣1 分,最多扣 2 分内容:一般3 项内容 - 3 分:少一点扣一分,最多扣3 分语言:语法词法正确- 4 分:严重语法句法错误扣一分,拼写等小错每两个扣1 分,最多扣4 分语言得体性:总分在8 分及以上的可考虑加此分总字数:50-60 字,包括3 部分格式- 少于 40 字或者多于80 字扣 1分module twoprocedures of writing a composition1、 专四作文的主要类型按照命题方式,专四作文可以划分为提

35、纲式作文,图表式作文和规定情景式作文。其中从最近10 年命题来看,提纲式作文最为常见。提纲式作文根据话题性质,又可划为:1.1 对比选择型1995 年: the advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs1996 年: the main difference between my college life and my middle school life 1997 年: more pressure from academic studies does or does not good to us1999 年 : a major advanta

36、ge or disadvantage of advertising on television2004 年: will phones kill letter writing?2006 年: saving money or using tomorrow s money?2007 年:is it wise to make friends online?2009 年:will tourism bring harm to the environment?2010 年: should college students hire cleaners?1.2 给定观点型2000 年: the importan

37、ce of extracurricular activities2001 年: travel broadens the mind2003 年: the importance of keeping a good mood2008 年: the benefits for volunteering1.3 自由发挥型1998 年: one way to solve the problem2002 年:the best way to stay healthy2005 年:my idea of a university art festival2、 专四作文5 步写作方案基本步骤:审题 联想 谋篇 写作

38、修改1 审题找到题目中的关键词和短语。仔细审题,避免匆忙写作导致跑题练习:factors influencing young adults题目要求:of various factors that can have influence on young adults, the family and friends stand out most. but there is a disagreement on which of the two is more important. some people think that family have more influence on young a

39、dults. other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. which view do you agree with?factors influencing young adultsyou are to write in three parts.in the first part , state specifically what your idea isin the second part, provide one, two or more reasons to suppor

40、t your idea or describe your ideain the last part, bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness. failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.2 联想 (头脑风暴法)先确定自己的写作选择,然后从不同角度尽可能的想出相关的关键

41、词,并在纸上记录。练习:topic 1: factors influencing young adults【篇三:2011 年专四作文作业及修改标准】课后练习1联想练习,着重强调学生的思路方向的合理性,养成在考试动笔之前广泛的收集可以利用的材料和论据topic 1 where would you go after graduation?topic 2 should students decide on a major before university studies?topic 3 the benefits for book reading today修改标准:1 形式:可以以表格的方式出现

42、,或者是spider map ,或者是车轮图2 内容:检查学生的思路范围和方向,有无偏题检查学生能否画出可以利用在作文里的例子和观点检查学生能否分出例子和观点的主次谋篇练习(提纲)topic 1 where would you go after graduation?topic 2 should students decide on a major before university studies?topic 3 the benefits for book reading today修改标准:1 形式:不拘,但需要有层次2 内容:有无审错题现象出现能否列出文章的主题句(thesis statement )能否列出各个分论点,句子也可,关键词也可课后练习2:开头与结尾段落练习topic 1 the benefits for working as village officialstopic 2 my view on man-made beautytopic 3 how to get along with your roomatestopic 4 the importance of integrity修改标准:1 形式:是否采取某种固定开头和结尾模式是否在开头最后一句话明确提出自己的论点结尾处是否做出了总结


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