



1、人教九年级英语第四单元第一课时教学设计课题:What would you do ?Teaching aims and demands:Knowledge and abilities:1,Master the words below:Million, medical, research, tie, worry, what if , pimple.2,Master the following language points:What would you do if you had one million dollars ?I would give it to Old Peoples Home .I

2、f I were you , Id travel all over the world.Process and ways of teaching: 情景法和交际法Leading tonew teaching by telling a story. During the course, ask the students to talk about some impossible things in pairs. At last, let them summarize grammar “The Mood”.Teaching emotion and value1.教师通过创设情景,引导学生谈论并作出

3、应有的反应,树立关爱他人的意识和形成开朗乐观的性格2.培养学生勇于想象和积极参与合作的情感。Important and difficult points of teaching .1. The usage and structure of “The Mood”2. Imagine what to do .Procedures of teachingStep 1, Leading in 1, tell the story “The tiger and the monkey”.2, Ask the students like this.What would you do if you were t

4、he tiger ?Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?(激起学生的好奇心和积极性)3, Ask the students to answer the questions:Are you a tiger? (No, Im not.)(引起学生对虚拟语气的思考)Step 2 Presentation1, According to the questions above , ask the students to summarize what the Mood is , pay attention to its form.2,A

5、sk the students to say some things that havent happened to us. e,g.What would you do if you had one million dollars?What would you do if you were late for the party ?What would you do if you were a girl or a boy ?What would you do if you lived on the moon ?(师生互动)3,Write down the students best answer

6、s on the blackboard and share them with the whole class . 4,Ask the students to talk about what they would do . Their answers may be :If I were you I would give it to medical research.If I were you , Id be a little earlier .If I were you , Id pay soccer or dance .If I were you , Id plant more trees

7、on it.5. Ask the students to work in pairs the sentences above .(学生互动)Step 3Talk in pairs.1, Ask the students to talk about the topic,What would you do if you had one million dollars ?2, The teacher writes the studentsbest answers on the blackboard and ask the whole class to share them .(学生分享,享受学习的乐

8、趣,达到学习的目的)Step 4Test 1, Teacher leads the students to complete the tasks in Section A , 1a, 1b,2a and 2b.2,Check the answers.(检查学生的听,说的技能)Step 5sum up 1, When we talk about things that havent happened we can use the words “ I would or Id ”When I regard as you, we can use the words “If I were you , ”

9、2,Words who teacher gives the students :虚拟语气,愿望难成违背事实,时态后退3.虚拟语气的动词形式:主句中:would/ should/ could/ might + v,从句中:v-ed (be-were)Step 6Homework1, Recite the words in this unit.2, Write several thins that havent happened to us.板书设计Language goalsWhat would you do if you were the tiger ?Would you jump into the river if you were the tiger ?If I were you I would give it to medical research.If I were you , Id be a little earlier .If I were you , Id play so


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