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1、使用一次性塑料袋的危害Againstthe use of disposable plastic bags 塑料袋的确给我们生活带来了方便,但是这一时的方便却带来长久的危害。 Plastic bags do give us life to bring the convenience, but it a convenient but lasting harm. 塑料袋回收价值较低,在使用过程中除了散落在城市街道、旅游区、水体中、公路和铁路两侧造成“视觉污染”污染外,它还存在着潜在的危害。 塑料结构稳定,不易被天然微生物菌降解,在自然环境中长期不分离。这就意味着废塑料垃圾如不加以回收,将在环境中变成

2、污染物永久存在并不断累积,会对环境造成极大危害。 Lower the value of recycling plastic bags,in addition to the use of scatteredin the city streets,tourist areas,water,railway and highwayon both sides"visual pollution" caused by pollution,it also potentially harmful.Plastic structuralstability,not easy to be natura

3、l microbial degradation,the natural environment is not a longseparation.This means that the wasteplastic garbage if not recovered,will become apermanent presence ofcontaminants in theenvironmentand continue to accumulate,will causegreat harm to the environment.使用一次性塑料袋或发泡塑料饭盒不仅严重影响人们的身体健康,还对环境造成严重的污

4、染。具体表现为 The use of disposable plastic bags or plastic foam lunch boxes not only seriously affects people's health, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. Specific performance一方面,对人体的影响:对于早点、熟食、蔬菜、水果、小吃每天,当我们把各类食品装入塑料食品袋或一次性餐盒时,也许你还没有意识到,健康的危险正在悄然降临。前不久,有关部门对某市的早点摊和熟食品小店使用的塑料食品袋和一次性


6、塑料再生材料,且未经消毒,很可能含有大量病菌。On the one hand ,the impact on the human body:forbreakfast,cooked food,vegetables,fruits,snacks.Every day,when we putall kinds of foodin plasticfood bagsordisposable lunch box,you may not realize,healthdanger isquietly come.Not long ago,the relevant departments of thecityhealt

7、hbreakfast spreadand cooked foodshopuse plasticfoodbags and disposabletablewarecarried out asurvey,results showed that,the samplesdo notmeet the health standards ofevaporation residue.According to health experts,evaporation residueindex canreflect theplastic foodbags and disposablelunch boxin use pr

8、ocessinvinegar,wine,oil and otherliquidprecipitationof heavy metals,how muchresidue,andresidueand heavy metalspresence willhave a negative impact on human health,especially the healtheffects onalong-terminchildren and adolescentswill be greater.Again,a direct impactonthe residuewillfood color,fragra

9、nce,taste.In addition,disposable plastic bagswill release toxic gasespollutionfood,long-term consumption ofdisposableplastic bagsof foodis easy tocause poisoning.It is understood,materialscurrentlyused in food packagingplastic bags,are generallyof polyethylene and polypropylene,anddisposable plastic

10、 bagsarerecycledplasticsmade frompolyvinyl chloride and polystyrene,is harmful to human body.There are quite a number ofthe garbagestation acquisitionofwaste plastic recycling material,and withoutdisinfection,itmay contain a large number ofbacteria.有的生产厂家在加工一次性塑料袋的过程中还会加入一些有毒的稳定剂,这类塑料袋是绝对不能用于包装食品的。如

11、果用这类塑料袋盛装含油类食品及高温食物,塑料中的有害成分就会溶解到食品中,危害人们的身体健康。Some manufacturers have also added some toxic stabilizers in the process of disposable plastic bags, the plastic bag is absolutely can not be used for food packaging. If food and hot food containing oil filled with this kind of plastic bags, plastic har

12、mful ingredients will be dissolved into food, harm to people's health. 另一方面,对环境的影响:1、两百年才能腐烂。塑料袋埋在地下要经过大约两百年的时间才能腐烂,会严重污染土壤;如果采取焚烧处理方式,则会产生有害烟尘和有毒气体,长期污染环境。On the other hand,the impact on the environment:1, two hundred years to decay. Plastic bags buried would take about two hundred years to rot

13、 in the ground, will be seriously polluted soil; if you take the incineration, will produce harmful fumes and toxic gases, long-term pollution of the environment.2、 降解塑料难降解。市场上常见的“降解塑料袋”,实际上只是在塑料原料中添加了淀粉,填埋后因为淀粉的发酵、细菌的分解,大块塑料袋会分解成细小甚至肉眼看不见的碎片。这是一种物理降解,并没有从根本上改变塑料产品的化学性质。2, the degradation of plastic

14、 refractory. The common market "degradable plastic bags", is actually in the plastic raw materials added starch, landfill after fermentation, bacteria because the decomposition of starch, large plastic bags into small pieces or even invisible to the naked eye. This is a kind of physical de

15、gradation, and no chemical change fundamentally plastic products.3、影响土壤的正常呼吸。塑料袋本身不是土壤和水体的基本物质之一,强行进入到土壤之后,由于它自身的不透气性,会影响到土壤内部热的传递和微生物的生长,从而改变土壤的特质。这些塑料袋经过长时间的累积,还会影响到农作物吸收养分和水分,导致农作物减产。3, affecting the normal respiration of soil. One of the basic material of plastic bags is not soil and water, forc

16、ed entry into the soil, due to non permeability of its own, will affect the internal heat transfer of soil and the growth of microorganisms, thereby changing the soil characteristics. These bags are accumulated over a long time, but also affect crops absorb nutrients and moisture, leading to crop pr

17、oduction.4、易造成动物误食。废弃在地面上和水面上的塑料袋,容易被动物当做食物吞入,塑料袋在动物肠胃里消化不了,易导致动物肌体损伤和死亡。4, easy to cause the animal eating. Abandoned on the ground and on the surface of the plastic bags, easy to be animal as food ingestion, plastic bags in the animal stomach digest, easily lead to animal body injury and death. 高分

18、作文版: Plastic bags do bring us convenience,But this is a convenient but lasting harm.The use of disposable plastic bags or plastic foam lunch boxes not only seriously affects people's health, but also cause serious pollution to the environment. Specific performance.Some manufacturers have also ad

19、ded some toxic stabilizers in the process of disposable plastic bags, the plastic bag is absolutely can not be used for food packaging. If food and hot food containing oil filled with this kind of plastic bags, plastic harmful ingredients will be dissolved into food, harm to people's health. On

20、the other hand,the impact on the environment: The common market "degradable plastic bags", is actually in the plastic raw materials added starch, landfill after fermentation, bacteria because the decomposition of starch, large plastic bags into small pieces or even invisible to the naked eye. This is a kind of physical degradation, and no chemical change fundamentally plastic products.One of the basic material of plastic bags is not soil and water, forced entry into the soil, due to non perm


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