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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上程序文件Control Procedure制定单位Preparing Department: QA Department 生效日期Effective Date: 08-Oct-2007 制定Prepared by审核:Checked by:批准:Approved by:日期Date20070917日期Date日期DateDistribution list 分发签收清单客服部CS Dept日期Date开发部D&D Dept日期Date物料部Material Dept日期Date品质部QA Dept日期Date生产部Prod. Dept日期Date货仓部WH. D

2、ept日期Date运作部OP Dept.日期Date采购开发部Sourcing Dept日期Date工程部Engineering Dept日期Date人事 & 行政部HR & Admin. Dept日期Date未经授权不可拷贝!It is not allowed to make any copy without authorization1. Revision History 修订记录REVISION版本DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE修订内容ORIGINATOR起草人RELEASE DATE发行日期01Original Release 新版发行2007-10-082

3、. Purpose目的:建立和维护记录控制程序,以证明产品达到规定的质量要求和质量管理体系有效运行。Establish and maintain record control procedure so as to testify the product can meet the specified quality requirement and quality management system is running effectively.3. Scope范围 适用于产品和质量管理体系运行相关的记录,也适用于保存在公司网络服务器上的记录。Applicable for records rele

4、vant to products and quality management system operation and also applicable for records saved in the company network server.4. Reference Document参考文件文控程序 Document control procedure5. Definition定义 记录:阐明所取得的结果或提供所完成活动的证据的文件。Record: clarify the result acquired or provide a file to proof the finished a

5、ctivity.6. Responsibility职责6.1 各部门:All departments6.1.1 制定所需的空白记录样式(即表格);Prepare a blank record format needed6.1.2 准确地填写记录;Accurate record6.1.3 妥善标识和保存记录。To identify and keep records well.6.2 文控中心:建立记录一览表。Document control center: To establish Record List.6.3 部门经理:Dept. manager6.3.1 审核记录的处置; To appro

6、ve the disposal of records.7. General procedure一般程序7.1. 表格的制定:Create a Form7.1.1. 各部门依据工作需要,制定所需要的空白记录样式(即表格),新制定的表格在投入使用前需经部门经理审核及总经理批准;Each dept. make blank record format needed according to work requirement, and the new Form shall be reviewed by the Dept. management and approved General Manager b

7、efore using. 7.1.2. 表格的格式必须包括公司名称、记录名称、制作人、审核人、日期等栏目或内容; The format of the form shall include items or content such as company name, record name, maker, checker, date etc.,7.1.3. 表格的编号方法:Method for numbering the form FM-部门代码流水号(自01开始,依次为02、03、04,以此类推);FMDept. Code-serial number(from 01, in

8、turn are 02, 03, 04. like this); 部门代码表Dept. Code Table:开发部D&D DepartmentDD采购开发部Sourcing DepartmentSO运作部Operation DepartmentOP客服部Customer Service DepartmentCS物料部Material DepartmentMC生产部Production DepartmentPD货仓部Warehouse DepartmentWH工程部Engineering DepartmentPE品质部Quality Assurance DepartmentQA行政部H

9、R & Admin. DepartmentHR采购部Purchasing DepartmentPU7.1.3.2. 版本: 以数字表示,自“01”开始, 依次为02、03、04,以此类推;Revision No.: show with number, begin with “01”,“02”. 记录的电子文档格式交文控中心存盘,并登记于记录一览表。The electric file of the record format shall be sent document control center for keeping and register in Record L

10、ist.7.2. 记录的填写: Make-out of record7.2.1. 记录的填写必须清晰、完整;The record must clear and complete.7.2.2. 不允许对已填写的记录进行篡改,若因纠正笔误的原因要改写记录时, 对被改动的部分加划横线,并注明正确内容,改写人必须签名并署日期;Its not allowed to change a filled out record. If need to correct record caused by clerical error. The modified part must be marked with a l

11、ine together with the correct content. The corrector shall sign its name and the date.7.2.3. 提倡尽量使用电子记录, 减少纸张的使用。Its better to use electric records to reduce the usage of paper.7.3. 记录的保存: Record archiving 7.3.1. 各部门必须按照日期或记录流水号码的顺序, 将当天的记录进行分类归档并予以清晰的标识;7.3.2. All departments shall classify the rec

12、ords and file with clear identification according to date or serial number.7.3.3. 记录的保存期限必须按照记录一览表的要求执行;7.3.4. The archiving period shall be executed according to the Record List.7.3.5. 当需要装箱储存时,应在外箱上注明记录的名称和索引的起始范围,注意防潮防污染。When its necessary to keep the records with carton, the name and indexical r

13、ange of the record shall be marked on outer carton. Also it is necessary to prevent from damp and stain. 7.3.6. 利用计算机贮存记录时, 需保在公司网络服器上不可存放于部门电脑硬盘中并进行杀毒及备份,备份带必须存放于保险柜中,以防意外遗失资料。When using computer to reserve records, the record shall be save in the company network server, it is not allowed save the

14、record in the department computer hard disk, and the virus killing and backup shall be conducted, the backup tape shall be kept in the safety box to prevent loosing data due to any accident unexpected. 7.3.7. 传真纸若属热感应纸且该记录须保存三个月以上时,应以影印本储存;Record with fax paper which belongs to hot induction paper a

15、nd need to reserve more than 3 months shall be reserved with a copy.7.3.8. 保存期间, 注意不得损坏和遗失记录。In the period of archiving, record must not be damaged and lost.7.4. 记录的机密性: Confidentiality7.4.1. 不允许非工作原因的记录借阅;Its not allowed to borrow the record beyond a work reason. 7.4.2. 外部人员单位的借阅, 必须得到部门经理的同意。An ex

16、terior person or units borrowing must get dept. managers approval.7.5. 记录的处置: Disposal for record7.5.1. 超过保存期限的记录, 保存单位填写记录处置表, 经部门经理审核后进行处置;If a record exceed the archiving period, the archiving department shall fill a record disposal list then can dispose it after the managers approval.7.5.2. 本公司允

17、许并及力提倡利用过期记录(的背面),使用时在正面原记录上画一个对角斜线,以示作废。We allowed and strongly recommend using the back side paper of the obsolete record, draw a cross line on the frontispiece to show it scrapped when using.8. 附件8.1. 记录一览表 Record List8.2. 记录处置表 Record Disposal Sheet8.3. 培训表格 Training Form附件8.1:记录一览表Attachment 8.1:Record List记录编号/版本Record NO./REV记录名称Record Name保存期限Archiving Period保存部门Archiving Dept.备注Rem


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