1、学校«胃征号姓塞I在此卷上答无效)漳州市2020届高中毕业班第二次教学质ft检测英语试题军题卷K 12皿,横外I5U51拄事项:I,警赚的.学生存必在WtfiTk答幽¥规定的地力堵斗门已的准考证号,姓名.号4 队女住时答题卡上格贴的条曲码的“准考证号、越者.5安生本人就考述号.姓名是皆 HBL2.回答地抻时.透出悦小M瞽案J0,用的电纪若卡上对原目的答集榔号徐, 如H激动,用株皮擦干净后.再舞*苒侑警案幅号.同鲁非逸样II时,幡鲁塞写密答疆卡 上 “在本优卷上尤抵“a.考试初束*号朱必耀将试购於和答题* 一并文网.第一部分 新力t#t薪节,濡分的分)修时.先将许嘉标在憾卷上
2、.4Ht内容炳束后,怖辱中可方青的时间将蟆卷上的答案 转除到符地表上.第一节(共$小上修小461/分.濡分工5分)所下面5段对活。推的时不后需一个小,从中所划的A、B,(:三个JM中选出藏 仔施魂,听充每丹对if"你都"】砂物的时间来河洋府关小交和圆也下一小林段时 话忧* 一遍*倒(l|ow run品 i* |ir nhjrl ;A.£ 19. 15.M/ 9,】&C.£ 9, H.答案地C.*1. ft'hMl doct jAMn phn to dn ioda>7A. Vhit K kHwI.B. Go dcwnixiwn.C L
3、eak afler hit *n.2. A h#U 4trr ihr uprflikm prtJiJibljr pvjTiinin lor?A. A »ko川庇唱 1MR. A dinner mrnUuC A pic:mcB3. Wbul b the iw|n Inaki呻 far?A. Hii plionmB. Hk key,C. Kit glimet.英强第二次敕学前检澜 第I田巽12刑)-16 -4. Wlim dur* thr train lev。?A. At U U5.B. At 12 i 05.C. At 12 : 15.5. Where tvklj (he boj ih
4、mI probably be laniht?A, In thr rinttm*.H fii hit ttvinuC. In a Khuoln第二节(共15小修】每小ffiLS分.悯分2Z5分)听下面5段2无性门.号段对话段插白城弯几小小典.从中所 C三个MtaaattM.所划网对情或独白前,你他有时间阍像售个小融,*完后,/小格的出的作答时时.,段时话或独白以脚遍.骑下出一网对话.回春第6和第7岗个小跑.6. Who it pl&yinK tlw 4ee theie da”?B Jmir儿 Henry.?.will hr map do iiflul?A. Shut the window
5、*.I! H”d 累 IxKkk.ffTK-M0, H鲁泰第9闻个小.A. What Khbi ibe wonu»Io wnle on ihr li耻'A. CarroU.11. Oniifmi.C. PutaiNm9. What doo the inAn nnrd g decide <t H* marltcl.?丸明*t Lind of rhrtrtr tn buyB. Whrthcr ic buy f horohw.C. How u> pay die bdla.颗下面 及时诂.回答第10毫事13三个小题.J Far10. Why did the nun |p&
6、gt; id Xi'tn?n. For work1 L. Haw did he i*u pt to Guilin?A. By min.R. By coMrh.(',. Ry plrttht.L2. Whrn tliti dir man return tn die i'S?A. n 2013B. In 2015C. In初工聋ii IT二次学国收浏第2黄(129)所卜价一段对话*间"第13唯笫而叫个小题.13. Why Avt Hq> *|)ply Ibf the 仲?A. To ie iu»ir iiKsncy.EL Tn *i” wLirk
7、i|>crirnsr.C, To per the heal new* quickly,M, When h Kc eupn irtlly nrntr(|?A, On wrrkcndv4H. On k'ridy*iC4 On Wednesday!,15. WIiAt dor» Roy major h?A. MtidiJhEL Jqumidum.C. AdvcnitiHi.16. Wliai should Roy do lirw?A, Haw b Utlk with Hr|KB, K冉hI ditt *cb»l ncwipv.C, Fill in un *pplkt
8、lwn .cm*听卜而一般独白,回答第17至笫20四个小物17. Who rMi 用a cn fm- Cour in Winder Culk?A. The I4irhl.Bh Tin- juxir.Ch Thr idd.1, Whal an' rKpccinUy oflcrTd ( ihanc vistlinx wHh children?A. h virt puidrii.B. A A|MhiLijil fmiiily hmrC Sflinr ulimiiunxjrt nrtivitic*.19h Wlwre 由 thr k»un cint?A' A| tllr (&
9、#39;LHiflynd.EL At Si, Gnur'i Wapd.C. At lhe。诃humt 2 ih# SiuM Apiftmcm%20. When c«n vinilOH gel i«j erram in ihe th叫制?人 ht MtnLh.H, In June.C. In October第二部分间濮理辫I然苒节,满分期分)第一节(共15小题鞋小烟£分.懵分30分)同蛙下列如文,从推题所前的人、IL C和I】四个迪项中、一_最俭项.Alubimui; (Tuir SharesAw斯辅“ Igd Miutli 林 AhlhiitTNi :h
10、irmy 加小。wiukr,but CmH Shfln-h iuid 诉 i扁曲1小黄诩第二次融学质量物费 笫3而(共耀黄】【himr Ih'di'h ijdnr pl*-iity UtJo f<jr m valjiIicn 曲"11* Ji miiihi Im: a bit CrrviuR l;ar 喟 in (hr mh» bul Ilie iflilw nf elun CMMlimi » prufrcl hr wslhn and pienies. Mild ie伊眠u加憎,*iu) cR'nlr iflenl nrtdihoji
11、* in rTijnt the st".1、井川琳%.Mku幅, 鹏川 kiyjkitijr *|hiu.ALaMui: K ulrlwjiksTFw Alfuknn wildcmci* kctiw overt ifloftr h'vutilul in ill。uinter. (Ihiick Mti thrr Wtwid m ArtCh*mj)ionUiLp» bcjpnninfi in Fcbviiary (ar Jimuinj; frozen tvulplum t thrn 3山 rtriirby CbetW Hot Spdn网 ictr nriwilHrt M
12、ilk in 由港 twturjil lllumaJ,叩.咪“用喟 pk.lMllt MiTlvil.fHrhlHikfinrludc ico liddr4. (kf ilcdding, uiowm“hilinR, Jind nixiwuhoriviK, *iiitri hikiM Arizoim : ScottMhlcAll fi Abw mi r:kii tn- hcauiifiiJ in winicrh but ihe hitter elevaiiMii ami northern Meti M the tilfl may be cnldrr thin >M*d cxjirci. (
13、lui*idtr tl Plmribii, tlif iwn oflen BUiMtli 叫 tnd t|)u ECMru lor a reluing mid-winter hrrj»k. In 取州相." 10 urldn rlUi加* like: *n 曲MEif,七3NJ对 HEhJEIIl" 小MlHk rtlUMllr the CJU fnr IlfelhuLinf 小kJV Ijvllhtc ig IFF ScM川 ”1AliuHiw: Litt加 RnckMuflin Lulhcr King Day (Jnntiitry 11) nrtd Bhck
14、HlkLgj> Munih ( Fetinwy ) (tu ihr perfect Uec m mpluiK Ilir hin4 1:117 M Ju1 Civil Jbglu» Mdn'innni hl btdc Kwk, 'Ihi' riiy .啤1m 底Nutrn ellUAirol uiuHruiitH; THo A dew ArH Cfiii*r hu nirt'ko-be-miuci! cullpriiofi nF dm 臂 in 乎 rtv writ bi pnifihnjcf* flnrl phntnfraphtii Ug Muw
15、lltn ni l)inr(ikrry dflvm inlo u rn I1 4it)d iinlund hirttHy anil lie hitturi Old SiAta Home MiiMUffl tphrm Adums*, tiR in tlw 5印 Wal Plus, Little H帆k、 nrtn .11 hl nulniH #< tm- |)nM|HiridM ih ihr downtom Hirer Mnrkrl diMriaL21. Whi-rr ran I hr kiuti»t* 内中停 立* jfHtrl*?(L 现oltadsl*t I.il I Jr
16、 RockH 1 疝 i味 rfmirUln +l>- Eiijoj big fcmilyIk To pnwml uncw rrrrrjilMiiix.IK 11i inlktMlurr winter J肚dinMi巾nhBA- Gulf ShnE. B- Fjiirluink*.22. Wliieli nc livity ii pletuni in Gulf Shana?A. 片 iH'f G,hin.,匚 AdmtuiizM 1,什-1他曾瓜施工d>h*nt.23 hll ” thl)fll ilnb |i'1 fA To n-rnmnirnd lliitlfi
17、l-icd IHkiiM-UtiiH.IL To “JreniT: WUN-I Ji:liiviLir>.h wu nn 慎 fr«|i nf; in lie 布411口胃加4注廿1 for the Pridr Of RnLniri awird M No 10 DowningS4rMi. k英语第二次教学廉检葡 9t 4页共此页The last thinft eipeci when doing EsnrihinR ai anditiaiy piekinfr yniir win up Fttm 3 Jw'pover b to aid 叩 uvin ihm pwipleV
18、15* in a 批制忙 bui MT exl,whs(happmccl to me in May lbi« j-ear.【think I wii> 口£|巾 uncanBciMial¥4 1 jumped uiit,京aa.ii. GiurojiKa in the mj.The plane was ap&iik down and Oaura 由甘re coming out of the driyefi 皿 and could hear *CEni峪 1 think lh?re musl have been roughly half a minulj
19、e briwem m而艮 the Ersl 四局 hsl pexcm cut. Then mother Ryy who iiimefj wi to hr Jeel Siurr - arrived on k went to help st jusi iKc rifiht lime. I don+t think I'd Juue bcm ahle to ftrt ihr. pilot our he W a bk|E guy. Tlwin* in M Wiy he would have lanived if Joel hutin'l In there «uld M"
20、;仲t a*号 Jy had a miliLary WtprHind by hpw Ke m屈ueted hiiiucl工 Wf 'd jusj 加(4|1 5不 M Lhtw lo 4 取检 diMancf whtn the viivmA wa» ccHnpJcitiljf jwaUuwtd by the flames.Giflmmo and J 痴eI «L other, iJrkm buying in relief.IM emerinfltiey semres arrived pretty quickly t and we k部p at the ttcctr
21、for a couple of hours *hilt 的- 丽山山" Sr* 题dtleaiwl the rwds. Aflerwjjxfa np&te w g family, 11nd 也就 waa the firat imr the FHUriien 油 the linle tiling hit mr. I kept rndtnly bursting iirn trim.Thankfully, S(Uirt Mann-, lilt pilul. and his wplMW And ni«e Jack Mocre,9,and Billie Manh, 16t h
22、ag 闻 kincc rnndc > Gill rrrovtty. Jack and Bilik me 制Ikri/ a & jjkk than | WHS Aklwigh dfcct were safe . the itKiuury nf being jnside that bum哗 plane would hive been mm of &n evnotiioruLl scar.24u Wkal do we know ahd>Ul the uichor1A- He pfided him义If 01n &1晒 helpful.K. Hr Edited ha
23、ring wved die family.He was overrnnw hy fear and. despair thH Hi? wm well cquipfd with OnE-dd knowldE.25“ Whai is the fouiTEh para用声pii irumly abauil?A.Jod SmiT s ch<ractE-rB, The haportAuce of teamwork.C, The re$cu proctHa.D: An inmuigii衬力n M the air rr*th.26, Why did the Hudior and Giae口mo 屈 gh
24、 in relief?A. Il MiAfli A MgW 已OpC.B.小” both 4ppreciatcdl JwFs help,C. They Hi Mirvi*cd the cjrashuig |jJjuic.D. The ciWJrgency lervices aEvd in time.英语第二次较学质龄居 第5页|共12瓦)27r Whal ifi the fitlp far ihp tPKt?A. Aii UnibtgeHable Award.B. A Crashing Plsraj,C. A Hirillin; Rhcuc.Dl An £xfidng Experic
25、nf. , ;、'Wki.lt the idea of Living on ihc moan was an rar:同 thing 町 f &ciriM?R firtion, sevicral spacr ajnrics jtHrlijdiiiE NASA aildl Ruacoamus are rwciiijg to nuikc it 口 rcalil7. Now, otic scieniM lim rriealcd what he think* (he Iumt cilie# could look like in the nd 150 yeara in a proi&
26、;ct nurned "Mwmlcipia' bProietKr Lewis Hartnell 4 a science ecoomimication expert at the Un而ecsity of WesJiHmMeT f. has teamed up *小 Hillans 随 bring hi* viziwi to UghL He saidli M As our iLfdertafidin of &pace dvdAcfit+0Pp6Ttiini, to wLarl 国 new wodd genmE wer jnoru jkMuiiblc. Moving li
27、aimE m toAnoEher oduniry is 血z也dy incredihly escitiingB imagine whal it wnuld W like I* move to am aihiTl, diflerEDt envirumncnL The clulleies 皿d paublcms would be new and hard, bol ihc mind bcjggl-cs at whaL dir huiEidJk mce eould achirtc if we take this next 疑rp.”PraltfMor Didncll pmdid事 thai horn
28、et in Moonlopit *11 be hu汕 in hvn lug. nd thai wltkra will txavel around u»nR bik» or on iboc. Moontoph would al&o iix-lLwle an airioct ihal woukl kmp the ciuT mewiimg: people could walk around freely with ?psrcsuils. The lunar city cotild hvca lakT paiks andl bAAkethuli couru.While th
29、is smiind艮 pretty prst ao (kr. if muTre to enling wh.iil you wnm. when vou: wiml it 十 living in M-ocntopia couJd be a druflc. Other key ehalltEics wocild include adapting to the 怩EMnuium mi the Moth. Ln direct sunlight die moon cjti mack up to 100'C, white al 唯gM. lemprratum c<n drop g /70工!
30、Thankfully, the le叫他mhire inside hva tubei would % rasily rnntrdlrd.While Profeswr D&rlneil'a: vision 山 merci? based an prcdicUons p lunar crtics cauld. become 国 ne«hiy im the mM-su-distJiinL Puiure. In 2O161 Hus»ii announced plan* g M油d a humfltn 战而cm (he Moqa by 2O3OT while NASA
31、plans Iq rateblish ft linnar outpoat in 2028.28r 用 hal do ”电 kn色川 uImmiE. Muo由叩E mm the 加1d?A. M优rrfapia is projecl alwut doing rwcarch on the mcwi-B. Pepk can cIiod«c h-mtr to cat in Myunl叩ia.C. People tan trav&l frrtsiy in Mnantapia.D. MooTTlopia wiU be chalkngkEk lo Uvr iel堇语集一次羲学威岭31茶*而
32、f接12近j29, Whd conclu»uti can we draw (rom the texi?AJt 讪 cxtrnwly coW in Mwtilopia.8, living on the moon is on ils way,lL Piulesaor DartneU carried out the rewarch al口小注3 ? a x h L." i1), NA5A hn* built a lunar setUemcni mlier ih&n Ruziii30. QVhal dor* tie undcNined words "the niu
33、d 1k« probably m>?We m町 be worried about.B. We nay be puizled 也c. muy hmiute about.D. We ay be imued n.3.mhat i» the main idea of the tcxl?A. FiTiding oijf whether lunar cities can mifcLB. Exploring the weather condilioo on 由匕 nwxMTC. Predicting what Ikiiuir dtie will be liked Offering
34、the oppcrUjnit), io to the mam.fl、-13.DRe«anhenwind bmshing yum leelh three or iwire timtt per day i» linked with lower risk of hcM fnilurv and Atrial flbrilhtion a heart cxmdiUon ihal causes an irTTRuliM 3nd oft abnonmlly Liwl heart rate.One poibk theory behind die dioicty is (Jul Qequrnt
35、 tooth bniditr reduce Uelrna living M he pocket betwren rite lecth And gums. pntYrntmp it from entering the Mdodstrenm,田江熊 咖dim Mow poor n hygiene (口腔卫生)人器皿 bacteria in the bloodr 谑using infl皿naLion (提症)in the h«iy. InflammAhnn increased ihe HsIe of irregular Heartbcftl aihl hcaH Ciilure* *herr
36、 the heafi'* abiltiy Id pump 1 山d or relax *iid fill with blod it wLlionT.In ihcjr nv rr胱arth, urivntMf in South Koreji examined the connection heiwem wal h>Penc nrid ocmrrenrn of these two coodilions in a st-ries of studies ol mote than 161 »000 pamicipW .配d beiwem 40 and 79-PirtKipants
37、 un<knrciit a rwtiM mcdkal rs*min*linn hrtw"n 3003 and 式由 M informalion “删 collected on hrgit, weight, Uboratory testst illnesses, Uyk. oral heahh* and oniijehaviora. LXiring & follaw-up of ten and a half,匕sth 渊 averagj, r ihrtc perCfnl uf participuiU deMdoved auial fibnllatkn find iroun
38、d Rvfl pcrvcnl dtvekipcd heart Ouluir,TV lead inventiiat M the new study is Tae-Jin Song* a doctor and pmfc" at Mnkdong 英培第一次教学皮法加 第英I共1费费】Hwpital Ewhs %'oaians Uruv&fsity in Secnil)South Korea 寸 said : " We studied a lare group mer a long period,蚓hi<ch udd*tn mu firKlingA. &quo
39、t; Rut he Aim tMIjbcI that din Jlrul尸3 wais limiBrdt口 one gun叮 ad 岫 省n qhm®Ua>MHl flliMly doe酊 not prove raiialiiMii.Ail accompanying editorial slates-; “h is rertainllj' tm early to rcjcxHnineiid lixrth brushing for the a H 'pnsvemion 口/ xitrial fibnUation and cwiEratnc bcail kilu.f
40、i:. While the role of inflamini3tifl«i in th酸 wcurrrnre eT 人作!rl And hlmd vifwIiC diw-nw m Incoming monn and mem rvidiinl p funJirr Nudi电算 she nJed ki eJtplain strategira cT public health important ”32. Which is time aJjctit requerll kHill3 Lnishjng,7A,Il redu!« the riak of heart fuilure.B
41、 Jt pn)n>E理 由/ h<wt beat励喊七匚Cb tt ride die blood st rrni <rf baEerifDll weakens die hurts" ability to pump HoodL33. Whil dm ihe underlined part 出口竹 two mndidoM" in paragraph 3 refer to?& liifkmfnark>n and bacteiin.B. Heart failure and al rial, ribnllation.C. Ord hygiwit mad
42、 occuirerMat? of hcarl tjLilure.IX The hart> nhJily 的 bl0od or relu ud fill wilh bh»4.34r h lean be inferred!山al the ©titcome cf the research.A.运 dli*幻ujragi啤D. has Lis limitCi hat jt« vorirty.D.运 unexpected.35. From which 诵 this tot pnibahiy talfiii?Am A magazuiE!. BL A ckaiyC. A
43、期idebook.H A norveL第二节共5小J8工每小题2分,清分10分)根据短文内容,从祖文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的崎隹选选帝中有两耳为名余Why You 5h“ukl Always Mon Apples In the FridgeTa or not to fridge? Have ymi discwcredl what EckmU you sbould take tout of your rFfripRratftr arid what unpTpei'ted. itmsmi &h(¥uld 亏torr there7%6Appli% requite a H
44、ide bit uf cxpuliDe«¥ ha ordei lo slat fnsih in 咐。弹磨 Ibt m limiter period of linw. Oulklone uv often pnnugh in keep your &pph* frrfth (br wek». li*毋在用 apjiks in英语第二次敕学廉检富 第 8页(共门页8 届巧卜日 in your kitchen is a good visud rranimdCT io get your doctorregximrncndji one a chy. As it lurn
45、s oiil 9 though , .Eriii apples an jtMir cacintcrtjap could cau&c ihcm la 和 liaJ mrks wuner dijxi if you pul Ihem in the fridge. 即 But if you cHrigcrutt? them B they cm 4单 餐小 for one or Iwo math蠢 That's eBBcntittl for 高口同鹏 ft»fi wade 弗 which is why sellen m the United Kingdom arc now iq
46、uiird to add 国 共描作由nr ico*i to the 网cka画弹;M Ibodj like appl« dial should be k叩t cold,38 Applet should be kept g mid ab poad-iblc witboui网sirK them. IdbaLlr you shmild! "e ihem at imiKranirev that ran产 from 31 lo 35 degrees Fahrenheit Applet «l&rl to (neK al about 29 depress Fahren
47、Arit.39 The fresJiniCM (tnswer of your irfrigeralar. K«p in niindT dwuh diaf yuii diouldn't frtone your appln utlong with other produce. Appkt giv« off 型由,1的行(乙熠).am csum other fruilM amilo spoil.If yott'nc not pLajining cm catiiiig all jtiut applet within a few weekst you might wa
48、nt to ixvnscdrr line varicly rau buy. 4Q Also, for rame reason 9 the »urer apples More longer iktm the swErierA. Huw cold?B. Ho* to store apples?C. Left take apples for exmnple firm.D. Qn« apples ere ripe, they euily 同口 had.Er Sd whaJS the bst place io store pour applies?EUmmI* aiiwoi lemp
49、crAlure+ apples latl obuiil a week.G The mmllcr the appk, and I he thicker thr *kin, m ncrjlly the linger it vill More.第三部分 语吉知识越用(共两节.港分45分)第一节(共20小题I每小庖L5分,萧分30分).,阅谑下面短文.从姬文后各题所结的自,日、C和口四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选"You wilJ never walk agaih and havE l口 use a wbre!chair- " Unprepared for ihe doc
50、tor's wwd.I flowed my eye* gl , gLnrmt in despair.TTin car flcidcnl had left me 42 in theI Awakened lu find Inth I/, wnppcdl ine * i. r.several Layers of bar血目的k 阴fit mg as a 辟Eial-nmd% leaeber and constantly bdn看 期嗝鹏 ” r *I rouldnl iiMgiEie being kepi in a place all day lung, let ilan« bei
51、ng neElided 如 44.英语第二次教学质检海第9函共12而1Lying in bed 45 and relying on prayer, 1 wundeiiedi kow 1 mM pVe my tert-year-old son46 ihjit Milin woiald也E. Bni弗 nd rArpfil Mi lA 4.lijiap|»inl me p jsrdirHlid 加 be 47on everj viJt . but I could s« the 几ar in hi® cy京 He nrded fibe ray hope dial I w
52、ould im be in a 48 forever. So I began, to make liny monTmerits p afrsid of 49 e hut no re afraid to ju&l lie in bed.Ih mymwn. wmdrl try my Iwfti ro 50my附IJ holrlinf nn tn tht h«d mil andslowly pultlnf; mj5 工 on my feet. With, the painful efforts, mi952 and ccmfiderbec cantknurndto build. I
53、hc real53 for me 运 to moveleeL onr imh at jd tisnje.Finally 1 the time came when I hjired my§4 with theperson mmt impojtml to me. Oneni曲._斐 mysen anived for hi厚 rcpilr visit,. 1|q e内尔卜 奴 duirnwwrd to56 il from bedL ckugKi 附 my«lf 57 A* he opened! likedoar,. 1 t»k a few qW 58toward him
54、. Shocked, he could only 59 with his mnuth aideyes wide /Mri. AM the 眄出,Lhefear 60 m heard ihc wonli, M Mommy,you can walk!B,41. A. quietlyH, immrdiaijelyQ madlyU- hrlplcssl)-42. M uncDnsciciiisB- unusiial.C- unhiHiED. uncertEin43. A. chi puqxxHeB.蜃I ettieC. hy iMBlurD. for fun44- A. wSkITB- diiible
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