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1、青少年版新概念英语2教学计划与教学标准一、 培养目标1、注重学生的素质教育,关注学生的情感发展2、以感知语言为前想,注重对学生语言实践能力的培养3、注重英语学习中的中西文化的交融,培养学生与人交流的意识4、力求融合各学科知识,帮助学生开阔视野二、 培养规格及要求教学内容:【青少版】"Junior New Concept English" 专为青少年及初学者编写专门针对8-14岁青少年的身心特点,采用了和他们生活、学习密切相关的语言材料;所有课文都基于一个英语家庭和他们朋友间发生的日常故事,材料真实、地道、精炼、幽默,介绍当代英国文化的同时,帮助学生更好地了解世界文化,培养跨

2、文化交际意识。适合人群:有一定英语基础,已掌握日常生活基本句型,阅读量在500字左右,能对某一话题进行讨论并流利表达的小学高年级学生和初中在校生。学习目标:将单一的语言知识点的操练汇合于篇章中,要求学生在学习句型的基础上进行语言的运用和再创造,并提高学生的阅读速度,增加学生阅读技巧,为中学英语学习打好基础。三、 学制青少年版新概念英语学习系统共分为三个连续级别,通常学习的年限为3至3年半,每级的学习时间约为一年。四、 学习形式周六、周日 暑假,寒假五、 课程设置及学时分配本套教材共分3级,每级有30单元内容,其中A册包含1-15单元,B册包含16-30单元。理想的教学进度安排是:每个单元安排6

3、个课时的课堂教学,每课时大约4050分钟。第1学期(45个小时)第2学期(45个小时) 第1年 1A1B第2年2A2B第3年3A3B六、 课时教学内容第1课时 教授“听力理解”和“对话练习”(也就是学生用书每课的前4 页)第2课时教授“语音”、“句型练习”(适当地讲解语法)、一项“书面练习”、 “听写”或“游戏”。第3课时教授“听力”、“听、说和写”(该练习只出现在“教学说明”和 录音材料里,学生用书里没有这部分内容)和“书面练习”中的 其他内容。七、 教学内容与要求(一)本大纲对教学要求的层次表述1. 对知识的教学要求分为了解、理解和掌握三个层次。了解:指对知识有感性的、初步的认识

4、。理解:指对基本概念、基本知识有一定的理性认识,能用正确的语言进行叙述和解释。掌握:在理解的基础上,能够解决与所学知识相关的应用问题。2. 对技能的教学要求分为会操作和熟练操作两个层次。会:指能够运用所学的技能进行独立操作,并能正确完成指定任务。熟练:指能够连贯娴熟地完成操作,并能根据实际情况设计合理的操作流程,能解决操作中出现的错误和问题,准确完成操作任务。(二)教学内容与要求1. 基础模块上册( 课时)教学单元教学内容与要求教学提示与活动建议Unit 1 Linda comes to London (6课时)教学目标1. 了解现在进行时及其用法。2. 掌握现在进行时的陈述句,一般疑问句以及

5、特殊疑问句的用法。 3. 运用现在进行时识图对话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4.熟悉本单元两个语音的发音要领。词汇与短语:Next to, Arrivals, exit, wait for, Baggage Hall, suitcase, come around, stand, phone, come out, sit.句型与结构词:What is/ whats he/she doing(now)?He/she is reading a book./he/shes reading a book.He/she is not watching TV./he/she isnt watching

6、 TV.Is Robert reading a book?-Yes, he is./No, he isnt.What are you doing?Im reading a newspaper.动名词:being,working, traveling,having,seeing语言教学重点:现在进行时:be+doing(动名词/动词ing形式)a、陈述句(Statements)- she is reading a book.b、一般疑问句(Simple Question)- Is Robert reading a book?-特殊疑问句(Wh-question)- What are you do

7、ing?Brainstorm:jobs单词大比拼,分角色对话Unit 2 Good luck on Sunday. (6课时)教学目标1. 巩固现在进行时及其用法。2. 掌握现在进行时的陈述句,一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句的用法。 3. 能熟练运用现在进行时识图对话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4.熟悉本单元两个双元音语音的发音要领。 词汇与短语:Luck, reporter, centre, visit, trade fair, noisy, hundreds of, exhibitor,thousands of, village, laugh, competitor, listener,

8、look forward to, spirit, say 句型与结构词:What are you/they doing?We/they are/were/thetrewaiting for a bus.We/they arent waiting for a taxi.Are you/they waiting for a taxi?Yes, we/they are./no, they arent. We/theyre waiting for a bus.语言教学重点:复习巩固现在进行时:1.概念:现在正在进行发生的动作2.构成:be+doing3.动名词变换规则4.句式a、 陈述句(Statem

9、ents)i.肯定句(Affirmative)ii.否定句(Negative)b、一般疑问句(Simple Question)c、特殊疑问句(Wh-questionA、Brainstorm:description of people (personality and appearance)B、ask and answer questionsUnit 3 Is this yours? (6课时)教学目标1、指示代词this和疑问代词who,whose的应用。2、掌握本单元单词及句式。3. 掌握音标/i/音标的发音要领。词汇与短语:Yours, strange, note, pocket, min

10、e, belong to, handwriting, his, to-do list, airport, pick up, training run, back, why on earth?句型与结构词:1、Dose this mobile belong to you?2、Who dose this mobile belong to?3、It belongs /they belong to me.4、Its/ theyre mine/yours/his/hers/ours/yours/theirs.语言教学重点:指示代词this这个 疑问代词whose谁的a.陈述句(Statements) T

11、his is my book?b.一般疑问句(Simple Question)Is this your book?c.特殊疑问句(Wh-question)Whose book is this?Free talk:Show students some pictures about morning activities and let them talk about what will they talk when they meet their friends .Unit 4 The top three percent.(6课时)教学目标1、巩固练习现在进行时。2、学习新句型:对现在进行动作的提

12、问。3. 百分数的应用 。4. 学习副词小品词的构成。 5. 掌握本单元重点单词及句式,能够 背诵。6. 掌握本单元四个音标的发音要领,并能熟练运用到单词发音中。词汇与短语:Top three percent, volunteer, congratulations, hour, weel done! Foiljacket,put on, hero, walk, this way, medal.句型与结构词:1、His is puttng on his gloves.2、 He is putting his gloves on.3、 Im not taking it off!4、 Im putt

13、ing it on.5、 Can you put on your gloves,please?语言教学重点:1、 现在进行时:be+doing 2、 对现在进行动作的提问:what are you doing?3、 百分数用法:three percent/ 3 percent4、 动词短语:动词+副词小品词put om、turn onBrain-storming: talk about sportsUnit 5 All about ants.(6课时)教学目标1 学习掌握时间表达及其应用。2 熟练掌握并运用本单元单词,记忆重点句型,会举一反三。 3 正确掌握两个元音音标的发音要领并熟练运用于单

14、词发音中。词汇与短语:Webpage, look up, survive, breathe, stretch, yawm, insect, wibsite.句型与结构词:1、 What time is it?2、 It is ten past eight in the morning3、 They usually go to school at eight in the morning4、 语言教学重点:1、 时间的表达:整点:three oclock 半点之前:five past one 半点之后: ten to two.2、a.肯定句:现在完成时(Affirmative:Present P

15、erfect) b.否定句(Negative: Present Perfect) c.肯定句/否定句:一般过去时(Affirmative/Negative:simple past)3、 一般疑问句(Simple Question)4、特殊疑问句(Wh-question)Game: everydayUnit 6 An elegant size. (6课时)教学目标1 复习巩固时间表达及其应用, 并学习对时间的提问人2能够把时间运用到生活当中,并熟练运用句型。3.熟练掌握并运用本单元单词,记忆重点句型,会举一反三。 4. 正确掌握两个音标/s/及其相对音标的发音要领并熟练运用于单词发音中。词汇与短

16、语: 句型与结构词:1、 When/how often do Robot and Lucy go to school by bus?2、 What are they doing today?3、 Today they are walking语言教学重点:1. 1)时间的表达及句式: What time is it? Its ten to two.2) 对时间的询问; When do you go to school? Half past seven.2. 相关句式;1、 陈述句 (Statements)2、 一般疑问句(Simple Question)4、特殊疑问句(Wh-question)G

17、ame: Crossword puzzleUnit 7 A good example (6课时)教学目标1 When what how 相关句式的学习应用。2熟练掌握并运用本单元单词,记忆重点句型,会举一反三。 3.正确掌握一个原因个音标的发音要领并熟练运用于单词发音中。词汇与短语:examine,awasteoftime,hard,nearly twice,rush,goodness,once,exactly,medicine,seaside句型与结构词:1,whendoeshegotothecinema?2,Does he ever go to the cinema?Yes he goes

18、 to the cinema once a week3 how many times a week does he go to the cinema?OnceHowoften dies he go to the cinema? Not very often语言教学重点:1. when: 对时间的提问 when does he go to the cinema?2. how :对方式的提问 how do you go to school? How many books do you have? How often do they go to the cinema? 3.what : 什么-内容提

19、问 what does he do on Sunday?Game: youre outUnit 8A nice quiet afternoon.(6课时)1、一般将来时的学习;be going to do2、学习新单词,词组及其用法3. 掌握并记忆重点句式4. 学习两个单元音音标发音并让学生熟练运用。词汇与短语:take it easy,recommend,double,alcohol,along,through,because,right now,broken,bathumbrella vest window watermelon ant juice句型与结构词:1、 What are yo

20、u going to do?2、 I an going to have lunch3、 Why are you going to have lunch? Because I am hungry 语言教学重点:1、 Be going to 将来时 Im going to have lunch.2、 对将来时提问: what are you going to do?1.Free talk:Where did you go last summer?What did you do there?Where will you go this summer?What will you do there?2.

21、Yes/no game3.role playUnit 9Do your own thing?(6课时)1 复习巩固将来时be going to do ,熟练掌握在特殊疑问句中的应用。2、want to do 用法练习3、进一步培养学生对应于语音的学习兴趣,继续学习音标/sp/st/sk/sl/sm/ssn/sw/词汇与短语:leave,about,stadium,team,zone,tomorrow,photograph,obvious,stamp,bookshop,the butchers shampoo,haircut句型与结构词: What do you want to do? I wa

22、nt to see the doctor What are you want me to do? Where are you going to go? Whyareyouwanthimtogo tothe post office?语言教学重点:1、 Be going to do: where are you going to do?Im going to go to the doctors.2、 Want to do ; what do you want to do?I want to see the doctor.Rhyme: what are you going to be?Unit 10

23、 Tomorrow is another day!(6课时)1、结合一般现时和一般将来时 一起复习2、熟悉并掌握所学相关的词及重点句型3、复习之前学过的音标。词汇与短语:ony,decision,become,central,glamorous,seem。All over the world,conference,normal,cycle,句型与结构词:, He usuallygetsupearlyeverymorning, He is staying in bedthis morning, He is going to getup latetomorrow morning 语言教学重点:1.

24、 一边现在时态: Does he usually go to school early?yes, he does.2. 一般将来时态: Is going to get up late tomorrw mornig?Game: when and where Unit 11 We all have our troubles. (6课时)1.接触并学习一般过去时。2、掌握一般过去时态中的时间标志。 3、对本单元单词能正确发音并掌握其用法4.4 4. 接触序数词词汇与短语:trouble,straight away,traffic jam,meeting,kind,hospital,句型与结构词:,

25、Was he at school yesterday ?, Were you at home yesterday morning?语言教学重点:1.过去时:过去发生的动作与活动。2.时间标志:yesterday, last night, the night befre last.He went to school yesterday.1) 陈述句 (Statements)2) 一般疑问句(Simple Question)3) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question)Song: where were you yesterday? Unit 12The London bus.(6课时) 1、共轨复习一

26、般过去时态 2、学习四位数-年代的表达 3、继续学习序数词 4.学习音标/s/ /z/ /iz/ 正确发音 区分清浊。词汇与短语:real,design classic,back,modern,passenger,driver,designer,ago,official,road,句型与结构词: Were they at school an hour ago? Were you at home half an hour ago?语言教学重点:四位数年代的表达:分段两位数一起表达。1900-nineteen hundred1936-nineteen thirty-six热Crossword pu

27、zzleUnit 13 The Kalenjin.(6课时)教学目标:1、通过学习本单元,学生能了解一些非洲赛跑运动的起源。 2、复习巩固一般过去时态。 3、掌握本单元单词发音法及重点句式。词汇与短语:record,winner,distance race,among,honours,natural,above,athlete,usually,lake,reservoir ,none,programme,句型与结构词:, Was thereanysnowon thehillslastmonth?, Were thereany applesonthetreesthisyear?, There w

28、as none语言教学重点:一般过去时:动词-过去式。过去时间标志:last month/week/year,a few days ago, two years ago, a forenight ago1)陈述句 (Statements)2)一般疑问句(Simple Question)3) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question)Game: whisper itUnit 14 Chocolate haven6课时) 教学目标1、通过学习本单元使学生进一步了解巧克力,怎样用英语表达在商店里买东西。 2、进一步帮助学生掌握一般过去是的各种句式。 3、使学生掌握本单元单词的发音及用法。4. 4. 学习两

29、个元音的发音要领并熟练运用。 5. 继续学习序数词25-32. 教学重点、难点: 重点词汇:heaven,share,everyone,ordinary,fat,contain ,fancy,baker,chicken,envelope,complete, 重点句型:, Can you go tothegrocersandgetsome?, Hehad some rice,buthedidnthaveany, How much rice did he have?语言教学重点:1. 序数词缩写; 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st,32nd.2.句式

30、练习:1) 陈述句 (Statements)He didnt have any rice.2) 一般疑问句(Simple Question)Did he have any rice?3) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question)How much rice did he have?Song: old macddnaldUnit 15 Its a mystery to me. (6课时)教学目标:巩固联系一般过去时掌握本单元单词的发音及相关语法知识继续学习基数词掌握两个音标的发音要领并熟练运用。重点词汇:understood,effcient,civilian,attitide,off,deputy,

31、baby,holiday,game,ride,nap,重点句子:,Did he havea baththis morning?He didnthaveashowerWhy didnhehavea shower this morning?语言教学重点:1.一般过去时:时间标志:this morning, after the game, yesterday morning/afternoon, Last month/summer.1) 陈述句 (Statements)He didnt have any rice.2) 一般疑问句(Simple Question)Did he have any ri

32、ce?3)3) 特殊疑问句(Wh-question)How much rice did he have?2. 基数词:13-thirteen, 30-thirty, 14-fourteen, 40-forty, 15-fifteen, 50-fifty, 16-sixteen, 60-sixty. Game: give me some advice 下册( 课时)教学单元教学内容与要求教学提示与活动建议Unit 16 Whats your middle name? (6课时)教学目标1. 了解过去时及其用法。2. 掌握过去时的陈述句,一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句的用法。 3. 运用现在进行时识图对

33、话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4. 熟练掌握目标单词及其句型。5. 掌握音标/t/及/d/的正确发音。词汇与短语:Middle name, wrong, impossible, at the time, unlock, discuss, plan, finger, silliness, for example, keep.句型与结构词:Did he clean hus teeth after breakfast?-Yse, he did./no, he didnt.When did he clean his teeth?-She cleaned her teeth after break

34、fast.I finishes the job last month.Did you finish the job last month?-Yes, I did./no, I didnt.动名词:being,working, traveling,having,seeing语言教学重点:过去时:a、概念b动词-过去分词 过去分词变换规则:规则/不规则 c、陈述句(Statements)- she looked a book.d、一般疑问句(Simple Question)- Did Robert read a book? e、特殊疑问句(Wh-question)- What did you do

35、?Brainstorm:jobs单词大比拼,分角色对话Unit 17A cuckoo in the nest.(6课时)教学目标1. 继续学习过去时及其用法。2. 掌握过去时的陈述句,一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句的用法。 3. 运用现在进行时识图对话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4. 熟练掌握目标单词及其句型。5. 掌握音标/id/正确发音。 词汇与短语:Cuckoo, nest, enthusiastic, birdwatcher, apper, install, invite, log on, patiently, suddenly, chance, second, excitedly,

36、hatch, push, out of, enormous, in a moment, show, over.句型与结构词:They counted the money.Did they count the money late last night?Yes, they did.They counted the money quickly. 语言教学重点:复习过去时,过去分词发音/变换规则,以及过去时用法b、 陈述句(Statements)i.肯定句(Affirmative)ii.否定句(Negative)b、一般疑问句(Simple Question)c、特殊疑问句(Wh-question)

37、A、Brainstorm:description of people (personality and appearance)B、ask and answer questionsUnit 18Read the lable. (6课时)教学目标1. 继续学习过去时及其用法。2. 掌握过去时的陈述句,一般疑问句以及特殊疑问句的用法。 3. 运用现在进行时识图对话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4. 熟练掌握目标单词及其句型。5. 掌握音标清辅音/ps/./ts/./ks/以及浊辅音/sp/./st/./sk/的正确发音。词汇与短语:Lable, miss, lunchbox, anyway, d

38、iscover, at the same time, honestly, stuff, chemistly.句型与结构词:1、What did he do yesterday?2、He sat in the garden. He didnt go to the cinema.3、Did you sit in the garden?-Yse, I did./No I didnt.4、Did you sit in the garden yesterday?-Yse, I did. I sat in the garden and ate an apple.语言教学重点:1.复习巩固一般过去时:一般过

39、去时指发生在过去并在过去的某一确切时间之前完成的动作。让学生能自己熟练运用表达一般过去时的句子。a.陈述句(Statements)b.一般疑问句(Simple Question)c.特殊疑问句(Wh-question)2.学习几组比较常用的动词的不规则过去式变形及其发音。Free talk:Show students some pictures about morning activities and let them talk about what will they talk when they meet their friends .Unit 19 A proble with squir

40、rels.(6课时)教学目标1. 巩固练习过去时及其用法。2. 运用现在进行时识图对话以及把现在进行时运用到现实生活中。4. 熟练掌握目标单词及其句型。5. 掌握几组不规则动词的过去式及其发音。词汇与短语:Squrrel, because of, squirrel-proof, hang, outside, break, break into, tummy, dead, cut down, use, more, wild.句型与结构词:1、What did he do last night?6、 He went to bed early and he slept well.7、 Did you

41、 go to bed early last night?Yes, I did./No, I didnt .8、 Why did he sleep well last night?Because he went to bed early.9、 What did you do last night?I went to bed early and I sleep.语言教学重点:1.掌握并正确运用一般过去时,能根据句子中时态标志及上下文语境正确判断时态。2.能掌握本单元动词的不规则过去式形式并能区分其发音。3.根据图示能正确运用过去式进行对话练习。a、陈述句(Statements)b.一般疑问句(Si

42、mple Question)c.特殊疑问句(Wh-question)Song: there was ten in the bed. Unit 20 An ordinary life.(6课时)教学目标1 学习完本课,让学生能尝试用英语来描述自己的日常生活和理想生活。2 学习一般过去时和一般将来时的时间标志,并能够掌握无分方法。3复习将来时态,并能用将来时谈论自己的计划打算。4. t的连读省音词汇与短语:Will. Fashion shoot, successful. Regular, wonderful, unsuccessful, promise, spend, pay for, abroa

43、rd, apartment.句型与结构词:5、 Im going to do some shopping tomorrow.6、 You are going to do some shopping, arent you?Yes, I am.7、 Ill see you in town. I promise.语言教学重点:1.一般现在时与一般将来时标志性词语区分:Past: last(过去)week/month,year the day/week before(之前)Future: next(下一个,接下来的)week/month/year The week/dayafter(之后)a.肯定句:

44、(Affirmative) b.否定句(Negative) c.肯定句/否定句:一般过去时(Affirmative/Negative:s一般疑问句(Simple Question)d.特殊疑问句(Wh-question)2.运用一般将来时描述打算计划: What are you going to do tomorrow/. I am going to do some shopping.Game: guess whyUnit 21 The weather forecast.(6课时)教学目标1 了解英文播报天气预报的一些知识。2 学习天气以及方位相关单词,能尝试播报天气预报。3.一般过去时与一般

45、将来时的混合应用,继续学习并区分两个时态的标志性词语。4介词的声音连读。词汇与短语:Forecast, announcer, go over to, the net few, blow, southh west, bring in, gradually, rise, fall, outlook, yet, move. 句型与结构词:4、 They will/Theyll probably move house in a years time.5、 Will they move house soon? No, they wont move house yet.6、 When did they m

46、ove house last?They moved house last a year ago.语言教学重点:一般过去时/一般将来时:Past: ago(之前)a short time ago/a moment ago/an hour ago.Future: in+一段时间 表示将来-in a short time/ in a moment/ in a years time.Did they move house a year ago?No, they didnt.Are they moving house now?-No, but they are moving in a short tim

47、e.Game: the last time-the next time.Unit 22 I always behave myself.(6课时)教学目标1继续巩固练习一般将来时。2 能够运用点钟,日期等时间描述将来的事情。 3 了解学习单词重音。词汇与短语:Behave yourself /myself, outsider. Sound, reasonable, start, sharp, clear,lecture, concert, exhibition, motor, till.句型与结构词:1、 Will there be a lecture this evening?Yes, the

48、re will./No, there wont.2、 There will be a lecture this evening,3、 How long will it last?It will last for one hour.4、 Itll last from five till/until six.5、 Itll start at five oclock and last for an hour.6、 When will the motor show open?Itll open on the 15th and last for two weeks.语言教学重点:1. 运用点钟日期等时间

49、描述将要发生的事情。Will there be a lecture this afternoon?How long will it last?-Itll last an hour.When will it start?It will start at 5 or 6 oclock.2. Word stress:student, behave, Saturday, outsider, afternoon.Match: revision of the rhymes and songs.Unit 23Quite talland quite striking.(6课时)1、用how far,how lo

50、ng 描述距离,高度等。2、接触比较级,运用副词来描述相对比较。3、学习一个单元音和双元音的音标发音,并能够熟练运用。词汇与短语:Striking, send, file, messenger, how far, anyone, height, foot, have a look, centimeter, wide, depth, ladder, length, parcel, kilo, width.句型与结构词:4、 How tall/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that?5、 Whats the height/wideth/ depth/length/wei

51、ght of that?6、 Its 320metres./Its 15 metres wide./Its 30 metrss deep.7、 How far is it from here to the airpotr?8、 Its quite near/a long way.9、 It isnt far./Its a long way.语言教学重点:3、 长度距离的描述与问答:How tall/high/wide/deep/long/heavy is that?How far is it from here to the airpotr?-Its quite near/a long way

52、.4、 副词表达比较级:两者之间的比较deep river-very deep,heavy parcelquite heavy1.Free talk:Where did you go last summer?What did you do there?Where will you go this summer?What will you do there?2.yes/no game3.role playUnit 24A quiz(6课时)1、通过本课学习,使学生能初步了解澳大利亚的一些人文地理知识。2、使学生掌握相关的词汇和句型,并用来描述我国的一下人文地理文化。3、进一步学习比较级,并学习它

53、的句型及词汇构造。4,让学生能尝试自己造句,描述身边的比较现象。词汇与短语:Quiz, try out/on, than, continent, low, population dessity, trick question, square mile, obviouly, answer, in fact, competition, brave, untidy.句型与结构词:Bob is taller than john.Bob is the taller of the two.Dan is the tallest of the three.Dans the tallest boy in our

54、 class.语言教学重点:3、 比较级:两者之间的比较A is taller than B.Bob is taller than john.1)陈述句 (Statements) 2)一般疑问句(Simple Question)3)特殊疑问句(Wh-question)2.比较级词汇变换规则(形容词/副词):1)词尾直接+er :tall-taller2) 以e尾+r :brave-braver3)重读闭音节双写为字母+er: hot-hotter4)以辅音+y结尾 改y为i+dirty=dirtierGame: youre out.Unit 25 Karen saves some money.(6课时)1、通过本单元让学生了解购买衣服时所用的相关描述单词句子。2、通过本单元学习购物相关知识


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