1、Unit3.Where did you go? B. Read and write一、教材分析和学情分析:1、教材分析:本课以主人公吴一凡与小狗Max的相识为导线,第一次给学生引出生活中好事与坏事的概念,呈现本课主题;从文本日记中,学生能体会人物情绪变化的过程,阅读并理解文本,领悟到生活中的坏事与好事是可以转变的,学生的情感体验得到升华;学生通过总结吴一凡的一天并书面完成分享自己的有好有坏的日子来内化语言,培养综合运用语言的能力。2、学情分析:本节课的授课对象是小学六年级学生,他们在之前学习中已经接触过如何用一般过去时来描述过去的事情,并能够在语境中询问并回答句型Where did you g
2、o over your holiday?/ What did you do? /How did you go? /Did you? 等。在本单元前四课时的教学中教师发现,学生对于假期这个话题还是比较感兴趣的。本节课第一段中took pictures, rode a bike, bought gifts, ate fresh food是前一节课学过的词汇。二、教学目标: 1、知识与能力目标1) 学生能够听懂、会说、认读单词dressed up, played a part of a dog, jumped, licked, laughed and laughed.2)学生能够在教师和多媒体的帮助
3、下正确理解日记,并能够按照正确的语音语调、意群朗读日记; 3)学生能够通过看图并讨论“Max的由来”,培养学生预测故事的开端和发展的能力目标;4)学生能够从阅读中获取有用的句型来口头描述自己一天的活动,能够进一步掌握略读、细读的阅读策略, 并能够最终写出一个小语段。2、情感态度、文化意识、学习策略目标使学生明白“塞翁失马,焉知非福”的道理,明白事情的好坏完全在一线之间,有时候通过自身的努力可以使坏事变好事。 三、教学重难点;1.重点:能在图片的帮助下正确理解并朗读这篇日记,完成读后练习。2.难点:能够按意群阅读,并在有限时间内用一般过去时书写自己曾经历过的“糟糕却又美好”一天。四、教学过程:S
4、tep.Pre-reading1、Warm up&Lead -inWatch the video and free talk.T: Today Wu Yifans family will take a trip to a beautiful countryside. Do you want to go with them?Ss: Yes.T: Your group will be Wu Yifans group. Lets see which group can get to the house first ,Ok?T: Do you love animals?Ss: Yes.T: What
5、kind of animal do you like? Why?Ss: Cats,dogs.T: Me too. I love dogs, too. Heres a video of dogs. Lets watch it and think over “How are the dogs?”Ss: They are cute/ lovely/ interesting / smarthelpful.T: Yes . Dogs are our friends . Sometimes they can help us.【设计意图:】设定评价机制并引入话题。教师利用一个影视视频片段,能缓解学生的紧张情
6、绪,在轻松愉悦的氛围中开展话题。 2、梳理小狗Max的由来Discuss: How did Wu Yifan meet Max?T:Look at this picture. How was Wu Yifan? S:He was sad.T: Why?S: He lost his cap .T: Bad luck for him. He lost his cap. (出示另一张图片) How about this picture?Ss: A dog helped him.T: Good luck for him. A dog helped him find the cap. Whats the
7、 dogs name? Ss: Max.T: Who gave the name to Max?Ss: Wu Yifan.T: So Wu Yifan took Max back home.(1分钟讨论并说一说Wu Yifan和Max相遇的过程, 引导学生看着语言支架,回顾相遇过程)3、猜测WuYifan一家和Max曾在一起都干过哪些事。T:From then on, they became good friends. Maybe they did many things together. What did they do together?Ss:Maybetheytogether.T:Ma
8、ybe they went hiking/ on a trip together.【设计意图:】通过猜测WuYifan一家和Max的日常活动来复习本单元所学过去式词汇,启发思维,激活想象,也为进入文本做好铺垫。 Step.While-reading1、任务1:略读全文,学习Wu Yifan 日记主旨。T: Look , this is Wu Yifans diary. Whats the diary about? Please read the diary quickly and choose. A or B?【设计意图:】学生在规定的时间内快速阅读文本,有目的地培养学生的快速阅读能力并找出记
9、主旨。Ss: A day of the spring holiday.T: Why?Ss: Because its April 23rd.T: Hows the weather?Ss: Its sunny.2、细读,学习日记的第一段。1)细读第1段,回答问题,了解Wu一家上午的度假情况。Task2:WhatdidWus familydointhemorning?(细读,找出Wu一家上午做了什么事情?)T:The diary has two parts , part1 and part2 . Lets read part1 and answer my question: W hat did Wu
10、 Yifan s family do in the morning?S1:Theyrode a bike.T:They rode a bike for three people. But where did Max sit?Ss:Max sat in the basket on the front of the bike.T: What else did they do in the morning?Ss: They tookpictures,boughtgiftsandatedeliciousfood.T:Where did they go in the morning?Ss;They we
11、nt to a beautiful countryside.2)评论性问题:评论WuYifan假期上午过得如何。T:Howwasthatmorning?Ss:Itwasgreat/fun/good【设计意图:】老师以when, where , what , how 这四个特殊疑问词为主线带领学生学习第一段,为后面学生自主提问进行示范铺垫。3、细读,学习日记第二段。1)根据关键词细读第2段,小组内进行问答合作学习第二段。Task3:阅读第二段,根据关键词在小组内问答并合作学习第二段,并完成海报。T: How about the afternoon? Do you have any questio
12、ns about the afternoon? Ask and answer in groups ,use where , what, how, then finish our poster.【设计意图:】有意培养学生提问的学习策略和小组合作学习的自学能力。小组成员问答,组长记录。T: Ok, who has questions? Who can answer her/his question? 【设计意图:】汇报学习结果,学生提问并回答,老师请学生生成板书。2)操练句型:wanted to do sth ; _played the part of a _T:IfyouwereWuYifan,
13、whatdidyouwanttodo for your mum?S1:Iwantedtosingnicesongsformum.S2:Iwantedtocookforher. T:Dad and Wu Yifan wanted to make mum happy. So they dressed up and made a funny play.Who played the part of a tree? What about dad ? Robin?T:What about Max? What did Max do? T:He jumped on Robin and licked him.【
14、设计意图:】在学生问答过程中利用超级链接解读操练文本中较难的句型:I wanted to;We dressed up and made a funny play. _played the part of a _.通过分享照顾生病妈妈的经验,适时关注了情感体验。3)Number the pictures.T: Lets number the pictures according to the diary on this paper.Check答案之后,带领学生梳理吴一凡一家情绪的变化过程。T: Look at the first picture. How did they feel in the
15、 morning?Ss: They were happy.T:Then? How did they feel when Mum didnt feel well?Ss: They were sad and worried.T:How did they feel at last?Ss:They were very happy.T:So how was that day?Ss:Itwasgreat./It was a bad but also a good day.T: Yes. Bad luck often brings good luck.【设计意图:】小结全文,用总结句和板书来梳理文章的脉络;
16、培养学生学习一种新的归纳策略。4、文本朗读。Task6:Readitbetter.(朗读更进一步。)全文听一遍,第二遍请学生合着录音读,最后自由朗读1分钟。T: Lets read the bad but good day one more time. Read it better . Pay more attention to the stress, intonation , liaison and pause. Just like this :In the morning, we rode a bike for three people. First time, just listen.
17、Second time, lets follow it. Last, read it by yourselves.【设计意图:】通过不同层次的听音与朗读练习,培养学生按意群朗读的良好习惯。5、复述文本。T:Who can retell Wu Yifans bad but also good day for us? Maybe the blackboard writing can help you.【设计意图:】让学生学着用一般过去时描述事情,帮助学生完整梳理文本,为下一步的书写输出做准备。Step.Post-Reading1、教师说说自己曾有的一天,并做好书写前指导。T:Yes. Bad lu
18、ck often brings good luck. Do you agree with that? I agree because I often have some bad but good days. Today was a bad but good day for me.T:That was my day .Did you have a bad but also a good day? Ss:Yes.T: Maybe you had a cold, hurt your foot, fell off your bikeT:Try to write it down on this paper.2、完成课本练习,书写自己糟糕但又美好的一天。3、展示个别同学自己曾遭遇过“糟糕却又美好”的一天。4、通过呈现谚语Bad luck often brings good luck.来小结本节课。T:What do you learn from this lesson?S:Bud luck often brings good luck!5、Homework:1)Talk about your bad but good day with your friends.2)Write a short diary about the day.Unit3. Where
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