1、bartering n. 易货易货precious adj. 贵重的贵重的forerunner n. 先驱先驱industrialization n. 工业化工业化boost v. 促进促进currency n. 货币货币compare v. 比较比较interrupt v. 打断打断fluctuate v. 波动波动mechanism n. 机制机制speculator n. 投机者投机者interfere v. 干预干预stable adj. 稳定的稳定的convertible adj.能兑换外汇的能兑换外汇的abolish v. 废止废止par n. 平价平价monetary adj.
2、货币的货币的reconstruction n. 复兴,再现复兴,再现stipulate v. 规定规定intervene v. 阻碍阻碍devalue v. 贬值贬值unprecedented adj.前所未有的前所未有的turbulence n. 骚动骚动revalue v. 升值升值reserve n.储备储备drain v. 排干排干floating adj. 浮动的浮动的middleman n.中间人中间人vis-vis prep. 和和.相对相对broker n.经纪人经纪人PHRASES & EXPRESSIONSbe based on 建立在建立在基础上基础上exchan
3、gefor 以以交换交换 foreign exchange market 外汇市场外汇市场medium of exchange 交换的媒介交换的媒介gold reserve 黄金储备黄金储备to such an extent 到如此程度到如此程度meet the requirements 满足要求满足要求par value 平价平价be related to 与与有关有关gold standard 金本位金本位in terms of 关于关于work well 行之有效行之有效in relation to 关于关于interfere with 干预干预call for 要求要求Internat
4、ional Monetary Fund 国际货币基国际货币基金组织金组织International Bank for Reconstruction and Development 国际复兴开发银行国际复兴开发银行fixed exchange rate 固定汇率制固定汇率制foreign exchange market 外汇市场外汇市场floating exchange rate system 浮动汇率浮动汇率制制consist of 包括包括spot transaction 现汇交易现汇交易forward transaction 期汇交易期汇交易1. gold reserve 黄金储备,指国家
5、为维持其本国货币而储存的黄黄金储备,指国家为维持其本国货币而储存的黄金,用以保证发行的货币价值。金,用以保证发行的货币价值。2. Governments introduced a par value of their respective local currencies in gold. 各国政府就以黄金来表示各自货币的平价。各国政府就以黄金来表示各自货币的平价。3. gold standard 金本位制,金本位制,a monetary system used in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries whereby the value
6、of currencies could, on request of the owner (holder), be converted into gold at a countrys central bank.4. The value of currencies was meant to be regulated by supply and demand (the market mechanism), but speculators often interfered with this mechanism. 在这句话中,在这句话中,be meant to do (sth) 意为意为 be su
7、pposed to do (sth)。类似句子如:。类似句子如:You are meant to take your shoes off when you enter a Hindu temple.5.The Bretton Woods Agreement stipulated that all member countries would express the value of their currencies in gold. 布雷顿森林会议的协定规定:所有成员国都要用黄金来表示本国货布雷顿森林会议的协定规定:所有成员国都要用黄金来表示本国货币的价值。币的价值。Bretton Woods
8、 Agreement 布雷顿森林协定布雷顿森林协定(系(系联合国货币金融会议的最后决议书联合国货币金融会议的最后决议书、国际货币基金协定国际货币基金协定和和国际复兴开发银行协定国际复兴开发银行协定的总称)。指第二次世界大战后,的总称)。指第二次世界大战后,根据布雷顿森林协定而建立的国际货币制度。在此制度下,所有根据布雷顿森林协定而建立的国际货币制度。在此制度下,所有国际货币基金组织国际货币基金组织(IMF)的会员必须遵守相同的外汇市场政策,的会员必须遵守相同的外汇市场政策,并且须得到基金组织的同意,才可以调整该国汇率的平价,此为并且须得到基金组织的同意,才可以调整该国汇率的平价,此为可调整的钉
9、住汇率制度可调整的钉住汇率制度(adjustable rate system), 而实际而实际上就是在不恢复金本位的条件下,各国货币钉住美元固定汇率制上就是在不恢复金本位的条件下,各国货币钉住美元固定汇率制度。度。6. fixed exchange rate 固定汇率制,固定汇率制,a system whereby central banks are required by international agreements to maintain their currency at a relatively fixed value. This is achieved by buying the
10、 currency when it reaches its low point and by selling when it reaches its high point.7. floating exchange rate system 浮动汇率制,浮动汇率制,a system in which currencies have no specific par value; value is normally determined by supply and demand.8. snake 蛇形浮动,又称蛇形浮动,又称snake in the tunnel(洞中之蛇洞中之蛇),指,指西欧共同市场
11、成员国间外汇汇率波动的较小幅度(西欧共同市场成员国间外汇汇率波动的较小幅度(2.25%)和)和史密森协定史密森协定规定的汇率波动的较大幅度(规定的汇率波动的较大幅度(4.5%)两者间关)两者间关系的形象化名称。系的形象化名称。 9.The foreign exchange market is the mechanism through which foreign currencies are traded. 外汇市场是进行外汇交易的机制或渠道。外汇市场是进行外汇交易的机制或渠道。10. spot transactions 现汇交易,意为现汇交易,意为currently bought or so
12、ld today with delivery two business days later.11. forward transaction期汇交易期汇交易, 意为意为to buy or sell a currency in the future, with payment and delivery at that future date. 12. Forward rates usually quoted on a 30-, 90-,or 180-day basis, but major currencies can have any maturity up to a year and som
13、etimes longer. 远期外汇买卖有远期外汇买卖有30天期的,天期的,90天期的或天期的或180天期的,有些主要货天期的,有些主要货币还可以有币还可以有1年期的,甚至年期的,甚至1年以上期的。年以上期的。 Comprehension of the TextI. Answer the following questions according to the text.1. Briefly describe the importance of the gold standard.2. Whats the system of fixed exchange rates? 3. What doe
14、s devaluation mean? Name the three countries in the Western industrialized world that devalued their currencies between 1967 and 1973.4. Are intervention points applicable in a system of floating exchange rates?5. What is a forward transaction?Language SkillsII. Word Study 1. Match the words and the
15、 explanations. A B1. capital appreciation a. 消费品价格指数消费品价格指数2. cash flow b. 数据库数据库3. capital equipment c. 普通股普通股4. clearance agent d. 现金流量,资金流动现金流量,资金流动5. Commodities Exchange in New York e. 资本升值资本升值6. common share f. 固定设备,资本设备固定设备,资本设备7. Consumer Price Index g. 清算代理人,结关清算代理人,结关代理人代理人8. data bank h.
16、纽约商品交易所纽约商品交易所2. Fill in the blanks with the words or expressions given below. Change the form where necessary barter speculate float broke stipulate in terms of to such an extent call for relate to interfere with 1. We are thinking _moving to the south, there are so few jobs in the north.2. It was
17、decided_ the pound because having a fixed value was damaging exports.3. The system of _was superseded by the use of money.4. Smith is going to become an insurance_ after graduating from the college. 5.The opposition _an immediate inquiry into the behavior of the police yesterday afternoon.6. He _in
18、gold shares, and lost a lot of money. 7. She _that all her expense would have to be refunded.8. The temperature rose _that the firemen had to leave the burning building.9. Last night the sound of the radio upstairs _my work.10.The costs will _the amount of time spent on the job.3. Choose right answe
19、rs to fill in the blanks. 1.Generally speaking, a growing demand can _increased prices.A. result B. result in C. result for D. result to 2. It was found upon examination that nearly 15% of the packages _, which was obviously attributed to improve packing.A. was broken B. broken C. had been broken D.
20、 had been already broken3. We find that the quality of your shipment is in conformity with the _ specifications.A. agreed B. is agreed C. agreeing D. to agree4. We have the goods you asked for in stock and will deliver as soon as we _your order.A. receive B. received C. receiving D. will receive5. P
21、acking charges _in the price, and we can make delivery whenever you wish.A. is included B. are included C. include D. included6. The importer will submit references if these _ given in the preliminary negotiation.A. not B. was not C. has not been D. have not been 7. We would like to inform you that
22、you _for all the samples if they are not returned to us within 120 days.A. will invoice B. will be invoicedC. invoice D. invoiced8. Complaints _ if the contract is not fulfilled in some way, amounting to a breach of conditions.A. is made B. will be made C. will make D. were made9. Rope or metal hand
23、les should be fixed to the boxes to _ safe carrying.A. make B. easier C. convenient D. facilitating10. Our Advice of Dispatch was faxed to your three days ago and you _ it by now.A. will receive B. received C. must have received D. have been receivedIII. Grammar Adverbial Clause of Result1. Translat
24、e the following the sentences into English.1.我们是为这个公司工作,所以我们得负责。我们是为这个公司工作,所以我们得负责。2.他是从哈佛大学毕业的,所以很容易就找到了薪水很高的工作。他是从哈佛大学毕业的,所以很容易就找到了薪水很高的工作。3.他们是因为下雨才停止工作的。他们是因为下雨才停止工作的。4.直到孩子的父母回来,张阿姨才回家。直到孩子的父母回来,张阿姨才回家。5.为了让新鲜空气进来,我才经常将窗户大大打开。为了让新鲜空气进来,我才经常将窗户大大打开。2. Translate the following sentences into Chine
25、se.1. It was Columbus that discovered America.2. It was for sales to increase that we lowered our price.It was through an employment agency that he got the job.It was an engineer that Mary eventually became.5. It was not until dark that she realized it was too late to go home. Business Knowledge Ext
26、ensions . Translate the following sentences into English with the words or phrases given in the brackets. 1.根据直接标价法,汇率按一定的外国货币单位为标准表示本国货根据直接标价法,汇率按一定的外国货币单位为标准表示本国货币汇率的变化。币汇率的变化。(quotation method)2. 在金本位制下,外汇汇率基本上受铸币平价决定,铸币平价就是在金本位制下,外汇汇率基本上受铸币平价决定,铸币平价就是两种货币含金量的对比。两种货币含金量的对比。(gold standard system)3
27、. 货币的贬值和升值对外汇市场产生了前所未有的动荡。货币的贬值和升值对外汇市场产生了前所未有的动荡。(devaluation and appreciation of currencies)4. 在浮动汇率制下,汇率由供求关系(市场机制)和货币的购买力在浮动汇率制下,汇率由供求关系(市场机制)和货币的购买力决定。决定。(floating exchange rate system)5. 如果一个国家的生产力落后于其他国家,该国商品就会非常昂贵,如果一个国家的生产力落后于其他国家,该国商品就会非常昂贵,货币往往就会贬值。货币往往就会贬值。(lag behind)V. Translate the fo
28、llowing sentences in the text into Chinese. 1. By 1971 it was the only country whose currency remained convertible into gold, and so, by declaring the dollar inconvertible, the gold standard was finally abolished.2. Central banks of the member countries were required to intervene in the foreign exch
29、ange markets to keep the value of their currencies within 1 percent of the par value.3. It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system.4. This system became known as the snake since these currencies move up and down together against currencies outside the
30、snake.5. A forward transaction means that delivery of a currency is specified to take place at a future date .VI. Write a summary of the text in about 120 words.VII. Write a one-paragraph composition entitled “The Importance of Foreign Exchange”. The first sentence is given: “Foreign exchange plays
31、a very important role in the international trade among countries.” Complete the paragraph with five to seven sentences.VIII. Discuss with your partner the role that foreign exchange trading plays in international trade. 1. foreign exchange(1)the currency of a country other than ones own.外汇外汇 非自己本国的某
32、国货币:非自己本国的某国货币:e.g. My bankers will supply me with foreign exchange for my trip abroad: French francs, lire and Egyptain pounds.(2)the exchange of the currency of one country for that of another. 国际汇兑国际汇兑 用某国的货币兑换成另一国的货用某国的货币兑换成另一国的货币。(币。(3)the practice of buying and selling the money of other count
33、ries. 外汇买卖外汇买卖 买卖其他国家货币买卖其他国家货币的做法。的做法。2.barter:trade by the direct exchange of goods for other goods without using money or other medium of exchange. 易货贸易,物物交换易货贸易,物物交换 用一种商品直接交换另一种商用一种商品直接交换另一种商品,不使用货币或其他交换媒介的贸易:品,不使用货币或其他交换媒介的贸易:e.g. Barter was the earliest form of trade. 物物交换是最早的贸易形式。物物交换是最早的贸易形
34、式。3.gold reserve a countrys gold reserves held mainly for the purpose of making international payments黄金储备黄金储备4. par value the price or value fixed by the organization issuing a security and printed on the stock or share certificate. 平价,票面价值平价,票面价值 (印在普通股、优先股和债券等(印在普通股、优先股和债券等票面上的价值)发行证券的组织确定的并印在债券或
35、股票证上的票面上的价值)发行证券的组织确定的并印在债券或股票证上的价格或价值价格或价值。5. gold standard a monetary system formerly used by many countries, under which the value of the standard unit of currency was by law made equal to a fixed weight of gold of a stated fineness. Thus the rates of exchange between various gold-standard countr
36、ies remained fixed, which helped international trade, but the system limited the power of the monetary authorities to control the supply of money in fighting inflation and unemployment. Under a full gold-standard system, such as existed in Britain from the 1870s to 1914, gold coin and bullion (bars
37、of gold) could be freely be freely imported and exported; gold coins circulated freely; and the central bank bought and sold gold in any quantity at the fixed price. The system was set up again by 1982 in a limited form but it broke down in the 1930s. After the Second World War some countries in Eur
38、ope agreed to make their currencies freely convertible into gold for international payments only, thus forming a gold standard that was entirely external. Variations of the gold standard are.金金本位(制),黄金本位本位(制),黄金本位 从前许多国家采用的一种货币制度,按此制度,从前许多国家采用的一种货币制度,按此制度,货币的标准单位的价值根据法律规定,相当于规定成色的固定分量的黄货币的标准单位的价值根据法
40、按固定价格买入和卖出任何数量的黄金。这一制度到到1982年时又一次以有限的形式建立起来,但是在本世纪年时又一次以有限的形式建立起来,但是在本世纪30年代又垮年代又垮台了。第二次世界大战后,欧洲的有些国家同意使它们的货币可自由地台了。第二次世界大战后,欧洲的有些国家同意使它们的货币可自由地兑换成黄金,但仅供国际支付之用,因此形成了一个完全是为了对外需兑换成黄金,但仅供国际支付之用,因此形成了一个完全是为了对外需要的金本位制要的金本位制 .6. speculator a person who speculates, esp. a person who buys in the expectation
41、 of making a quick profit from a change in the market price in the future. 投机客,炒手,投机者 从事投机活动的人,尤指一个期望从将来市场价格的变动中迅速获利而买进的人。7. convertible currency one that can be freely exchanged for all other currencies at the rates of exchange existing in the market. 自由兑换货币,可兑换货币 可按市场上现行汇率自由兑换成其他任何通货的货币。8. exchang
42、e rate the price at which one currency can be exchanged for another currency; the amount which one currency will buy of another currency at a particular time. 汇率,汇价 一种货币兑换另一种货币的价格:一种货币在特定时间能买到另一种货币的数额。9. Common Market 共同市场 European Economic Community 的简称,即欧洲经济共同体。它是由法国、意大利、比利时、德国、荷兰、卢森堡、丹麦、英国、土耳其、葡萄
43、牙、爱尔兰和希腊等国组成的集团,目的是使用共同货币,取消关税,制定共同农业政策,各国居民自由出入境等。I. OmittedII. 1.1. 1.e 2.d 3.f 4.g 5.h 6.c 7.a 8.b2. 1. in terms of 2. to float 3. barter 4. broker 5. called for 6. had been speculating 7. stipulated 8. to such an extent 9. interfered with 10. relate to.3. 1. B 2.C 3. A 4. A 5. B 6.D 7.B 8.B 9. A 10. CBackBackIII. 1. It is this company that we are working for, so we should be responsible.2. It was from Harvard that he graduated and it was easy for him to find a well-paid job.3. It was because of rain that they stopped working.4. It was not until the babys pa
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