



1、五年级人教新起点英语下学期语法填空家庭专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据句意写单词或用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Its time _ go to school.2The tiger is _ (danger). Dont go near it.3Dont _ (feed) the animals.4You are _ (safe) at school.2. 用所给词的适当形式或根据中文提示完成句子。1_ Sam _ (have) any _ (snack)?2Pe

2、ter and Tom _ (watch) TV in the bedroom every Sunday.3I can skate very _ (good).4I often_ (swim) on Sundays, but my sister _ (not).5Let _ (we) go and have a look.6Who _ (like) _ (play) computer games.3. 根据所学内容选词填空。Australia China1Sprin

3、g is from September to November in _.2June, July and August are the summer months in _.3People go to the beach and swim from December to February in_.4The New Year begins in winter in _.5People often wear warm clothes in December in _.4. 按要求写单词。1. study(近义词)_ 2. learn(过去式)_3. rad

4、io(复数)_ 4. we(宾格)_5. dancer(动词)_5. 根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Can I have _ (some) cakes? Im hungry.2Doing exercise _ (be) good for our health.3_ (Tom) mother is a writer. She writes _ (story) for children.4Where _ Helen _ (live)?She _ (live)

5、 in a small town.5Would you like _ (go) _ (swim) with me?6Bobby _ (have) a drink now.7Its too late. He has _ (go) home.8Dont _ (be) late again.6. 选词填空。1_ (What / When) do you get up every day?2_ (When / Which) season do you like best?3I usu

6、ally go to school _ (at / in) 7:30.4_ (Teachers / Teachers) Day is in September.5The party is _ (in / on) March 23rd.7. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Little sister _(not) like dancing.2Lets go_(swim) this afternoon.3Can she_(dance) _(good)?4-What_(do) the twins like_(do)?-They_(lik

7、e)_(read)_(story) very much.5I like watching _(film) with my parents at night.6I like_(dance). I am good at_(dance).7The bird_(have) two wings and a long tail.8The children_(have) some nice pictures.9-_(do) she_(have)_(some) dolls?   -No, she doesnt.10My sister has many _(hobby).8. 按要

8、求写单词。child (复数形式) woman (复数形式) arrive (现在分词) take (现在分词) fly (现在分词)  happy(反义词) man (复数形式)  difficult (反义词) say (第三人称单数)  worry (现在分词) 9. 将下列基数词变为序数词。1six  2seven 3eight 4nine 5ten10. 选择方框中正确的短语填空,将序号填在横线上。A. showaround   B. so heavy  

9、 C. One the otherD. Thats great.   E. a factory1Shes a worker. She works in _. (_)2-He helps sick people. -_(_)3Sam is_. Bobby is tired. (_)4I have two pets. _ is a fish _is a dog. (_)5Shes new here. Lets _ her_.(_)11. 按选项所在的月份归类,把选项字母写在相应的横线上。A. Tree Planting Day B. May Day C. N

10、ew Years DayD. Fathers Day E. Childrens Day F. Mothers DayG. Easter H. winter vacation1January: _ 2February: _3March: _ 4April: _5May: _ 6June: _12. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1My father usually _ (go) _ (swim) in summer.2My mum _(help)me with homework every

11、evening.3I like _ (sing) and _ (watch) films.4Monday is the _ (two) day of a week.5Jack _ _ (not go) to school on Saturdays.6Where are your _(teach)? Theyre in the classroom.7He _ (fly) kites on Saturdays.13. 选词填空。was in   lived  

12、 didnt worked1He _ in a small house ten years ago.2She is still _the US.3We _have a radio seven years ago.4How _it different?5They _in the fields many years ago.14. 选择合适的疑问词。Where How WhatHow muchWhat time1_ do you go to school?By bus.2_ are these bo

13、oks?Theyre twenty yuan.3_ is she doing?She is reading a book.4_ is the park?Go straight and turn left at the traffic lights.5_ is it?Its 3: 00.15. 用所给短语补全句子。A. on a fire B. lived in C. last night   D. talked about   E. in the fields1. The people cooked _ many years

14、 ago.2. I watched a television programme about China _.3. An old lady _ her life many years ago.4. My teacher _ a big city.5. My grandma worked _ all day.16. 根据中文提示补全句子。1Dont run on the _ (楼梯).2Look, the boy is crossing the road at the _ _ 

15、(安全十字路口).3The girl gets sick, because she _ (吃) a bad apple last night.4Students should know how to _ _ (保持安全).5You can call “110” when you are _ _ (遇到麻烦).17. 根据中文提示和首字母完成句子,将单词的正确形式填在横线上,注意一空一词。1Look, the children a_ c_ the trees. (在爬树)2Keep the desk c_. ( 干净)3These p_ (图画) are my brothers.4Fathers Day is on the t_ ( 第三) Sunday in June.5This is my dog, its not y_. (你的)18. 按要求写单词。1foot(复数)_ 2children(单数)_3ask(对应词)_ 4early(反义词)_5write(-ing形式)_ 6our(主格)_7old(反义


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