已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、外研版英语初二下册单词表第一课1.smell smel有的气味;闻;气味(n.)2. soft sft Soft 软的;柔软的3. sour'sa(r)酸的;馊的4. cookie 'kk小甜饼;曲奇饼5. Mm呣(表示味道好)6. pizza 'pi:ts比萨饼7. lovely'lvl令人愉快的;可爱的8. done dn做完的9. try tra尝试;努力 try to do sth try doing10. have a try尝一尝;试试看11. pie pa馅饼;派12. sound sand 听起来;令人觉得13. Sweet toothswi:t

2、 tu:对甜食的爱好14. salts:lt盐;食盐 salty15. jamdæm果酱16. for + 时间段 f(r)用于;(表示持续时间)达17. favourite'fevrt最喜欢的人或事17. ear (r)耳朵18. glasses'gl:sz眼镜19. jeans di:nz牛仔裤20. nervous 'n:vs情绪不安的;紧张的21. Fair fe(r)金色的,浅褐色的22. pretty 'prt秀丽的;标致的 beautiful23. prideproud prad感到自豪的;感到 proudly=with pride24.

3、 Pride take pride inbe proud of 为而感到骄傲25. Strange陌生的。奇怪的stranger'strend(r)c人26. Take messages to sb 'mesd电子邮件;口信;信息27. sb. cant wait to do sth某人等不及去做28. hobby 'hb 业余爱好 hobbies29. at schoolsku:l上学;在学校30. in n参加;加入;在期间31. mark m:k分数32. love lv。(用于信尾)爱你的第二课1.ever 'ev(r) 曾经;从来;在任何时候 neve

4、r 从不 和现在完成时连用 has/have -ed2. enter 'ent(r) (使)参加;(使)报名 是Vt =come intoenterance to。的入口/key to the door/answer3. Compete Vt withcompetition kmptn 比赛;竞争 contestcompetitor竞争者4.prize praz 奖品;奖项 reward 报酬5.the first prize 一等奖6. dream dri:m 梦;梦想;做梦(v.);梦到My dream will come true one day if I work hard.

5、Dream of /about doing sth.7. afford 'f:d to do sth买得起;付得起8. write sth about 编写;写作9. make up编写;创作make up of 由。组成 15 is made up of 46ssis made in chinaBe made of /from 10. invite n'vat sb. to sw./do sth invitation11. move mu:v 搬家;改变的位置 movement 运动12. Send-sent send to 派去;命令去13. Germany d:mni:

6、德国-German14. France fr:ns 法国 French15. tower 'ta(r) 塔 leaning tower16. ancient 'ennt modern古老的;古代的17. king k 国王;君王premier emperor president chairman18. queen kwi:n女王;王后19. Arabic ærbk 阿拉伯语 Arab20. way we 方面 in different ways21.mix mks vt相混合;融合 mix withmixture n.22. miss ms 惦念;怀念;想念 miss

7、 doing 错过23. count kant 数;清点 counter 柜台 24. count down dan倒数;倒计时第三课1. earth : 地球 on the 2. moon  mun 月亮;月球 moonlight3. news nju:z 新闻;消息a piece of news4. reach ri:t 到达;抵达及物 = get to=arrive at ( school/bus stop/)home/here/there arrive in 国家、城市5. planet 'plænt 行星 earth moon star 恒星 s

8、un6. yet jet 还,尚(用于现在完成时的否定句)already 用于现在完成时的 肯定句 7. Ever/never beforejust dst 刚才;刚刚 have+v ed just now 刚才 和 一般过去式连用8. model 'mdl模型9. spaceship spesp航天器;宇宙飞船10. project prdekt计划;工程;项目11. no problem prblm没问题(表示乐于做某事)12. Late be late for Later 后来latest letst 最近的;最新的 the latest news 最新消息13.on n 在(播

9、放)中;关于be on the news14.discover d'skv(r) vt发现;找到 find outdiscovery n.discoverer15. astronaut æstrn:t宇航员 开spaceship /pilot 飞行员开plane16. space travel spes trævl 航天旅行17. none nn 没有一个人all的反义词(三个以上)both-neither 18. Protect environment n'varnmnt环境 Environmental adj19. that ðæt那

10、;那个(前面已提及的事物)20. solar 'sl(r) 太阳的;与太阳有关的21. system 'sstm系统;体系22. solar system星系;(尢指)太阳系23. group ru:p群;组 work in group24. galaxy 'ælks星系25. universe ju:nv:s 宇宙space、sky26. Light lat 光线;光亮 sound power27. impossible mpsbl impolite(事情)办不到的,不可能的28. out at在远方29. Communicate k'mju:nke

11、t with联系;交流 communication第四课1. cough kf 咳嗽(n.);咳嗽(v.)注意ough的读音 though /although think-thought2. feverish 'fi:v(r) have a fever发烧;发热3. headache hedek toothache stomachache back头痛4. stomachs 'stmk腹部;肚子5. ache ek痛;疼痛 和部位连用6. stomach ache牙痛7. ill l不健康的;有病的 作表语 be ill sick 病的 作定语 sick person=pati

12、ent8. this ðs这,这个(刚提到的人或物)this is speaking9. since sns +时间点 自以来;从以来since 2014 和现在完成时连用10. cold kld 感冒;伤风11. catchkæt a cold 动作 have a cold感冒 状态12. take tek take medicine (用机器)测定,量取;有规律的吃、喝13. take sb. temperaturetemprt(r)量某人的体温14. fast food fu:d快餐食品 fast food restaurant 快餐店15. health hel n

13、健康(状况) be in health healthy adj keep healthy food16. well wel adj 健康的 adv 好 do well in good adj 好 be good at17. heart h:t 心脏heart and soul 全心全意18. act 行动 扮演,当 act as 当。active æktv 积极的;活跃的be active in 积极参加action take action 采取行动activity 活动 take part in activities19. pet pet 宠物;宠畜 keep pets20. me

14、mber memb(r) 成员;会员 membership 会员资格21.take part in 参加,参与(某事)活动join 组织21. conditionkndn 状况;身体状况22. in excellent condition ekslnt健康状况很好23. sleep slept sleptasleep 睡着的 fall asleep 入睡sleeping bagsleepy'sli:p 想睡的;困的 tired24. now 现在then ðen当时;那时 now and then 25. day daily 'del 每天的;天天的 China Da

15、ily 中国日报 week-weekly month-monthly year-yearly 26. weakwi:k 弱弱的;虚弱的 strong27. ill- illnesslns病;疾病28. Sick sickness29. exercise 'ekssaz 运动;锻炼30. awful :fl 极讨厌的;极坏的31. feel awful感到不舒服32. all over浑身;到处33. perhaps phæps 可能;也许 maybe第五课1.cartoon k:'tu:n 卡通漫画;动画片2.handsome 'hænsm 漂亮的;

16、英俊的 男性beautiful 女性的美pretty 小巧而标志3.smart sm:t机灵的;聪明的clever (小聪明)bright 形容小孩子Wise智慧4.sky ska天;天空 space universe5.fight fat-fought-fought与战斗(n.);斗争 battle 战斗campaign 战役 champion champagne6.cool ku:l时髦的;酷的 汉语7.hero 'hr英雄es negro男主角heroine 女英雄heroin 海洛因8. humor 汉语humoroushju:mrs幽默的;滑稽的9. cant help do

17、 sth 不能帮忙做 help doing sth.忍不住做某事10. smilelaugh l:f笑;发笑 laugh at sb 嘲笑11.lesson 'lesn经验;教训 teach sb a lesson 教训某人12.orange-and-white'rnd橙白相间的13.ugly 'l难看的;丑陋的 反义词 beautiful14.win the heart of sb.赢得某人的心15.schoolbag 'sku:lbæg书包16.lead li:d 领导;率领 lead to leader leadership under the

18、leadership of17.clever 'klev(r)聪明的;机灵的18.as z work as当时19.mess mes mass脏乱;凌乱20.heaven 'hevn hell 地狱天国;天堂expect k'spekt 期盼;等待 wish hope sb。to do 21. artartist :tst艺术家;画家22.invent n'vent 发明;创造inventorinventioninvite-invitation23.copy'kp 一)本;(一)份a copy of 复制24.black-and-white黑白的25.o

19、wn n owner主人 ownership of ones own自己的26.private 'pravt public none of your business私人的;个人的27.create kr'et 创造the creatorcreativecreation28.satisfy sb sætsfa 满足;使满意satisfied be satisfied with=be pleased withsatisfyingsatisfaction to ones第六课1.fan fæn 扇子 electric fan电风扇 football fan 足球

20、迷2.stamp stæmp 邮票 envelope writing paper3.tidy'tad 整理、收拾;整洁的(n. vt) tide洗衣粉4.tidy up使整齐;使整洁 make up the bed整理5.shelf elf 隔板 bookshelf6.have a look at= look have a rest/break=rest/break看一看7.as z 作为;当 act/work as 当。8.coin kn 硬币 Every coin has two sides9.note nt million-pound-note纸币10.pound pa

21、nd 英镑 penny mark franc ruble 11.dollar 'dl(r) cent(美、加拿大、澳等国)元12.must mst 一定,肯定 用于肯定句 否定句用于 cant13.valuable væljubl 值钱的;有价值的14.with wð 用 有。反义词 without15.value 'vælju: be of great value=be very valuable 价值;有用性16.just dst =only just now 刚才只是;仅仅17.person 'p:sn 人(通常指成年人) perso

22、nal man human human erest 'ntrst 兴趣;爱好 利益 places of interest 名胜interest sb vt.Interesting/interested19.skill skl 技能;技艺 skilful technique technology 技术20. Act actually=in fact Be Active in Take actionactivity æk'tvt 活动21. Sail -sailorsailing sel 航海;航行22. come out问世23. result r

23、'zlt 结果;后果 as a result ofas a result结果;因此24. please sb pleasant goatspleased be pleased with =be satisfied withpleasure 'ple(r) 愉悦;快乐25. succeed in doing sth=manage to do sth successful be successful in doing sthsuccess sk'ses 成功;成就反义词fail to do fail in sthfailure is the mother of succes

24、s第七课1.listlst名单;清单2.make a list 列清单 make a shopping list.3.crazy 'krez发疯的;荒唐的1) crazy adj. 发疯的、荒唐的 You are crazy to buy the watch at such a high price. 2) be crazy about:对着迷 The boys are crazy about Jay Chou. 3) drive sb. Crazy/mad:使某人发疯、疯狂迷恋4.by/at the end of 在的结尾(或末端)in the end=at last5.shorts

25、 :ts【用复数】短裤6.trouers trazz【用复数】裤子7.sunglasses sngl:sz太阳镜;墨镜英语中成双成对的名词:shorts, trousers, glasses, /socks, shoes. 其作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式;由pair修饰作主语时,谓语动词单复数由pair决定。 My sunglasses are in the bag. Two pairs of shoes are enough. How much is this pair of sunglasses?8.Home stay 'hmste 家庭寄宿9.weigh we重量有;重weigh

26、t wet 重量 n put on weight: 长胖 lose weight: 减肥weighty 重的 adj10. total 'ttl总的;全部的 近义词为whole11.passport 'p:sp:t护照12.culture'klt(r) 文化cultural13.at the same time同时14.last l:st持续;延续 last (for) + 一段时间,for可省略16.depend d'pend it depends on you视而定;决定(干)depend on=rely on 取决于;决定于18.provide pr

27、9;vad提供;供应provide sb. with sth. = provide sth. for sb. 提供给某人某物/ 为某人提供某物supply sth (to sb); supply sb (with sth)19. Quiz-test-examtest test测验;考试;测验(v.)20.progress 'prres 进步(不可数名词),其前可用much, great, some, good等词修饰。Make rapid progress in 取得快的进步21.guest est 客人;宾客 反义词 host 、hostess 主人22.daily life 

28、9;del日常生活 everyday life23.form f:m形成;表格(n.)fromform / make a friendship / friendships with sb.: 与某人建立友谊form the habit of doing sth24. friendfriendship 'frendp友谊;友好25.stay in touch with sb. = keep in touch with sb.:(与某人)保持联系26.prefer pr'f:(r)更喜爱;钟爱1) prefer A to B: 比起B来更喜欢A I prefer English t

29、o Chinese. 2) prefer to do sth.: 宁愿做某事 I prefer to stay at home today. 3) prefer doing sth. to doing sth.: 喜欢做某事胜过某事27.certain s:tn确定的;无疑的certainly 28.fill fl 填满;填充 动词 be filled with full 满的 形容词 be full of 29.fill out填写;填充fill in / out a form: 填表 2) fill with:用把装满(表动作) He filled the bags with books.

30、 3) be filled with = be full of : 充满、装满(表状态) The glass is filled with water. = The glass is full of water.第八课1. adv.hardly h:dli 几乎不;几乎没有hard 苦的,硬的,努力地 work hard2.take up the time/room 占去(时间或空间)3.point out pnt 指出;指明point to 指向point at 着4. See vt -sight n.sights sats【用复数】风景;名胜sightseeing 风景5.thirsty

31、':st 渴的 hungry饿的6.at the top of 在的顶端on the top of在的顶端7. save 节约,挽救waste west浪费;滥用;浪费(n.)a。ofspend/wastein doing8.square skwe(r) 广场(表示面积单位)平方的9.kilometre klmi:t(r)千米;公里 centimeter kilogram 10.shape ep 外形;形状11.human 'hju:mn 人类 n/adj human right人权human being c 可数 person12.wake wek vt 唤醒;醒来 / sl

32、eep 反义词wake sb up be awake 醒的 -be asleep 13.wake sb. up唤醒某人14.somebody 'smbd某人;有人 someday some+单数 表示 某一15. 2about 'bat向四周;几各处 look about 打量 walk about 走来走去 move 16.path p:小路 复数 paths youth bath mouthroadexpress way=high way17.pull pl 拉;牵;扯 push dragfresh water 'frew:t(r) 淡水的第九课1.helpline

33、 helplan underline wait/stand in line服务热线2.separate 'seprt使分开;分隔;.from 把。 和 分开Divideinto seperationexplain k'splen解释;说明sth to sb 像。解释 explanation3.mention 'menn提及;谈到4.refuse r'fju:z.拒绝refuse to do5.treat tri:t对待;看待 treatmenttreat as=regard. as =consider astreat sb./ cure sb 治病its my

34、treat.6.herself h:self她自己7.whether weð(r)=if是否weather 天气8.lonely 'lnl 感到孤独的;寂寞的alone 单独的walk along9.regret r'ret to tell /say sth /doing 懊悔;遗憾10.patient 'pent Impatient有耐心的;能忍耐的Be patient with sb.n.病人11.introduce ntrdju:s介绍;引见12.encourage n'krd鼓励;激励13.join in dn参加;加入15.no problem没什么;没关系16.silence 'salns寂静;无声17.in silence安静地;沉默地18.pass p:s经过;通过19.bright brat欢快的;明亮的20.treasure 'tre(r)珍宝;珍贵之物21.day by day一天天地;渐渐地22.


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