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1、2018-2019年福建英语小升初真题及答案解析班级:姓名:分数:、选择题1. Go at theA. yellow lightB. green lightC. red light【解析】略2.We can t wall of it. Its too long.A. orkB.olkC. alkD. Akl【解析】略3.-ls Kate in?-No, she isn't. She is out.A. at schoolB.in ChinaC. in the bedroomD. at home【解析】in意为“在家”。校”, C .in the bedroomD=A. at schoo

2、l意为“在卧室,息为 在学校,D. at home 意为B. in China 意为“在学“在家”排斥 A,B,C故选4.There are two studentsin the classroom .A. to writeB. writingC. writeD. to writing【解析】略5.These are my gloves.Zhang Xinover there.A. glovesB. areC. isD. ours【解析】略6 .What season do you like?A. I like september.B.I like summer .【答案】【解析】略7 .()

3、(5)当你想问别人最喜欢的月份是哪个月的时候,应说:A. What ' s you favourite month ?B. Do you like January? C. I like January.【答案】A【解析】略8 .()(5) My teacher ' s hobby is.A. readB.readingC. write【答案】B【解析】略9 .() The Whites many places of interest since they came toChina.A. have visitedB. will visitC. visited【答案】A【解析】10

4、 . () - I ' m sorry. I can ' t help you with your English.-Thank youA. very muchB. all the timeC. at allD. of course【答案】B【解析】句意:对不起,我不能帮你学英语。还是要谢谢你。Thank you very much 非常感谢,Thank you all the time还是要谢谢你, Thank you at all无此说法,of course 当然;Thank you all the time当请别人帮忙但没帮上时对他表示感谢的意思,根据语境排除ACD故答案

5、为B.11 .() Do you know the news?Yes, Mike me it yesterday.A.told, aboutB.tells, forC. says, about【答案】A【解析】12.() It s late. Helenget up quickly.A having toB、has toC、have to【解析】13.你想告诉同学,你周末过得很好,可以说,A. It was fine.【解析】I am happier than you .14 .看图片,选出正确的短语。A. go at a green lightB. stop at a red light (

6、)B. I am happier than you .表示“我比你更快乐”【解析】略15 .You will like Sydney.A.beB.alsoC.too【解析】本句句意为你也将喜欢悉尼,句中也用also ,故选 Bo二、填空题16 .根据首字母提示,填词完成句子。.When it is r, we must take a raincoat or an umbrella.(2) . When it is w, we like to fly kites in the park.(3) . It was s. They took hats and sunglasses.(4) . Tea

7、chers ' Day is in S.(5) . The ants like h very much.(6) . We didn ' t bring any raincoats or umbrellas. So we were w.Children were h. They wanted to have some bread.【答案】【解析】略10分)Sunday【解析】略17 .根据句意,将横线上所缺部分补充完整,并写出中文意思( 例:There' s a sign on the wall. ( 在墙上 )(1) When s your birthday? My b

8、irthday is in.()(2) Jim lives near Ben. They ofen go together. ()(3) I' d like a pair of.()(4) 4) We had a party last. It wasfun. ()(5) 5) What' s your favourite ? Guess?(【答案】(1) July (在六月)(2) to school(去上学)(3) shoes (一双鞋)(4) Sunday(上个星期天)(5) food(你最喜欢的食物)【解析】略18.选择正确的词填空。(10分) th、皿£工 学

9、hortex 加wvInninE didfxisudli? young shDr± wiexe young ez sviii. SundayMike and John are good.Mike is 164cm tall. He is 4cm than John,and.John is 14. Mike is only 12. Mike is. Usually they homeworktogether on Sundays. Last, they hiking and.They happy. Next weekend, they ' re to the zoo.【答案】(

10、1) friends (2) shorts (3) thinner (4) younger(5) do (6) went (8) swimming(9) were (10) going【答案】 play badminton ; ride a horse ; read a book ; clean my room ; wash my clothes根据所给图片呈现的是一个小孩在打羽毛球,可知是短语play badminton根据所给图片呈现的是一个人在骑马,可知是短语ride a horse 。根据所给图片呈现的是一个小孩在读书,可知是短语read a book.根据所给图片呈现的是一个小孩在打

11、扫房间,可知是短语clean my room根据所给图片呈现的是一个小孩在洗衣服,可知是短语wash my clothes20. 选择单词的正确形式填空。1. I like (ride, riding ) a bike.2. My mother ( go, goes ) to bed early.3. My father likes (teach, teaching ) English.4. Miss White ( teachs, teaches ) Chinese.5. I (live, lives ) in the city .【答案】1. riding 2. goes 3. teach

12、ing【解析】2. like后接动词ing 形式,所以本题选3. my mother 为单数第三人称,所以动词4. like后接动词ing 形式,所以本题选5. Miss White 为单数第三人称,所以动词6. I 后用动词原形,所以本题选 live 。4. teaches 5. liveriding 。go 用单三形式,即 goes 。teaching 。teach 用单三形式,即 teaches 。三、阅读理解21. 阅读理解( 10 分,每题 2 分)The USA is the fourth largest countries in the world. It is smaller

13、than Russia, Canada and China. Washington DC is its capital. But it is a quiet city. New York is the biggest city in America and it s one of the biggest cities in the world.It is in the east of the USA and at the mouth of the Hudson River. A large part of the city is on Manhatten Island (岛) , a big

14、island in the river. New Yorkhas a larger population than Washington DC. In New York we can see the famous statue, the statue of Liberty.(1)The USA is the largest country in the world.A. secondB. thirdC. fourth(2)Washington DC has a population than New York.A. largerB. smallerC. more(3)Washington DC

15、 is than New York .A. largerB. more crowedC. quieter(4)A large part of New York is on .A. an islandB. the seaC. the lake(5)New York is one of the cities in the world.A. quietestB. biggestC. oldest【答案】 【解析】略22. 阅读理解。What do you usually do on New Year s Eve? Have a big dinner with family? Go to partie

16、s? In New York , there is a party of parties in Times Square( 时代广场) NewYorkers bagan to celebrate( 庆祝 )the night there in l904.The Times Tower( 塔,塔楼 )is the tallest building(最高的建筑)in the square Everyyear , thousands of people go there and wait for the New Year Firework , musicand neon( 霓虹 )light mak

17、e people so excited What else is famous? The New Year's Eve Ball( 舞会 ) In the last minute of the old year, the ball will drop from thetop of the tower At that time , all of people will cheer for the new year Maybeyou can t go to the Times Square on New Year s Eve now But you can enjoy the supper

18、 party on TV 根据短文内容选择正确答案。( 1) Where is the Times Square? It s in A LondonB New YorkC Burlin D Washington DC( 2) Is the Times Tower the tallest building in the square?A Yes, it is B Yes, there is C Yes, it do D Yes, it does ( 3) What do people usually do on New Year s Eve in the square?A They have a

19、 party B They celebrate the New Year s night C They will cheer for the new year D A, B and C ( 4) Can you enjoy the supper party?A Yes I can8 Yes, I can enjoy the supper party on TV C I can t go to the Times Square on New Year s Eve 【答案】( 1 ) B ( 2) A ( 3) D ( 4) B【解析】略23.Hello! My name is Mike. I a

20、m from the USA. Now I am in China with my parents. I like China. And I like Chinese food, too. I have breakfast at home. I have an egg, some bread and porridge( 粥) for breakfast. I do not like milk. I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.The lunch in our school is good. I can ha

21、ve different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings. I have dinner at home with my parents. Sometimes we go(1) Mike is.A.AmericanB.EnglishC.ChineseD.Australian For breakfast, Mike has.A.an egg, an apple and porridgeB.an egg, bread and porridgeC.an app

22、le, bread and milkD.an egg, an apple and bread He has lunch .A.at schoolB.at homeC.in a restaurantD.with his parents He has for lunch.A.rice, meat and vegetablesB.noodles and dumplingsC.chicken, meat and fruitD.rice, fruit and vegetables Sometimes Mike's family have dinner A.at schoolB.in a rest

23、aurant with some friendsC.at his friends' homesD.in the open air【答案】A;B; (3) A;D;B【解析】根据短文第三句 I am from the USA.( 我来自美国 )可知 Mike 是美国人 (American).根据短文中 I have an egg, some bread and porridge( 粥) for breakfast. 可知答案。根据短文中 I have no time to go home for lunch. So I have it at school.( 我没有时间回家吃午饭,所以我

24、在学校吃。 ) ,可知他在学校吃午饭。根据短文中 "I can have different food for lunch. I eat rice, meat and vegetables. Sometimes I have noodles and dumplings."可知作者午餐吃大米、肉和蔬菜,有时也吃面条和饺子。根据短文中 ". Sometimes we go out to eat with friends. We have chicken, vegetables and fruit." 可知有时候我们和朋友们出去吃晚饭,我们吃鸡肉,蔬菜和水果。

25、24 .Read and judge(阅读短文,判断对错,正确的写“ T ,错误的写“ F”。)Today is Children s Day. Sarah is going to have a picnic with her parents. Sheis so happy. But it rains in the morning, so they can t go out. Sarah is angryabout the rain. She reads comic books on the sofa, but there aren t new ones.She feels board (无聊

26、的) . How do Sarah s parents feel? They are sad, because Sarah is not happy. They take out the food for the picnic and say:“ Come here,Sarah. Let s have a picnic at home. ” Sarah is happy now. The family has a happy picnic at home.() 1. Today is Mothers Day.() 2. It s sunny morning.() 3. Sarah is not

27、 happy because she can t go out to have a picnic.() 4. Sarah s parents have a picnic for her at home.() 5. At last (最终) Sarah feels happy.【解析】略四、单词拼写25 .用括号内动词的适当形式填空。1. He often(have) dinner at home.2. Daniel and Tommy(be) in Class One.3. We(not watch) TV on Monday.4. Nick(not go) to the zoo on Sun

28、day.5. they(like) the World Cup?【答案】1.has 2.are3.don ' t watch6. doesn ' t go 5.Do ; like【解析】1.本句主语he是第三人称单数形式,因此动词 have要用单三式has。2 .本句主语是 Daniel和Tomm的个人,是复数形式,因此系动词要用 are。3 .本句主语是第一人称复数,因此它的否定形式要用 don' t.故答案为:don' t watch 。4 .本句主语Nick是第三人称单数形式,因此它的否定形式要用 doesn' t.后面的动词要用 原形,故答案为:

29、doesn' t go 。5 .本句主语是他们they,这是第三人称复数形式,因此在变一般疑问句时,要用到助动词 do, 后面的动词要用原形。故答案为:Do; like 。五、书面表达26.以“My hometown”为题写一篇英语短文.字数不能少于60。(10分)参考词汇:hou3专tree?rivezcoiistryxsai名工 33flcwexsfreffh【答案】 My hometown is a beautiful place It stands near a wide river at the foot of low green hills. It has many tal

30、l buildings and wide streets.There are trees and flowers everywhere.But it has not always been like that. In the old days.it was a sad dirty little town. Landlords and merchants lived in the few good houses. For the working people there were only dark.unhealthy rooms in old buildings and huts in nar

31、row muddy streets. Nearly everyone was poor and many had no work.Everything has changed since liberation. The people.led by the Party.have got rid of the mud and dirt. They have put up schools.theaters.shops and flats. They have an assembly hall and a hospital. Along the river they have built office

32、s.hotels and parks. A lot of factories have sprung up. On the river.streamers and boats come and go busily.day and night. They carry the products of our industries to all parts of the country.I love my hometown.and I love its people. They also have changed. Healthy and happy.they are going all out t

33、o build socialism.【解析】略六、句型转换27.根据要求完成句子。1. grades / in / must / different/ be / they (.)(连词成句)2. We walk to get there .(同义句)3. It ' s our Open Day this Saturday .(对画线部分提问)4. I can ' t let you in now .(改为肯定句)5. Do you see it ?(作否定回答)【答案】1. They must be in different grades .2. We get there on

34、 foot .3. When is your Open Day ?4. I can let you in now .5. No, I don【解析】1 .该连词成句题要注意短语 in different grades 。2 . walk 相当于 on foot 。3 .画线部分表示时间,故用 when “什么时候”提问。4 .句中有can' t,变肯定句时将 can' t变为其原形。5 .本题以do开头,作否定回答时用 No, I don ' t.七、翻译28 .英汉互译有朝一日我想成为一名校长,你呢? 我妈妈也在海边附近工作。你是做什么的?你也想成为一名校长吗? 他经

35、常去别的国家你爸爸是一名秘书吗? 你爸爸在这吗?她看见一个男人正朝她走来。我妈妈经常带我去电影院我们应该努力学习并且保持健康。小明工作很努力并且保持健康。Amy有一个很健康的生活。我叔叔是一名科学家,他在大学里工作。他爸爸是一名飞行员,他在救生飞机上工作。我妈妈是一名工人,她在工厂工作。我叔叔是一名渔民,他在海上工作。他擅长玩电脑游戏。 我有一个健康的生活因为我喜欢运动。放学后他经常跑步。我想要在一家健身房工作。如果你喜欢运动,你可以成为一名教练。她能打字很快。她想要在一家办公室工作。如果你能打字很快,你能成为一名秘书。我想成为一名校长就像我爷爷一样。他工作很努力因为他想要去一所大学工作。如果

36、你喜欢科学,你能成为一名科学家。他喜欢什么? 他的爸爸想成为什么? 她想要去哪里?她怎样去工作?她乘飞机去工作。欢迎来到我们学校。他经常做运动因为他想要保持健康。If you study hard, you can go to university oneday.Every students here has a very healthylife. 如果你喜欢写作,你可以成为一名作你能看到一个警察在交通信号灯附近。你想成为一名记者 吗?How many different countries do you know?Do you want to stayhealthy? 我想要去拜访不同的国家

37、。中国是一个美丽的国家。Amy的叔叔长什么样? Amy的叔叔喜欢什么? 【答案】【解析】略八、判断题29 .判断每组单词画线部分字母发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“ F”。(12分)()(1) rainsail()(2) mountainagajn() train certain()(4) railpain【答案】(1) T (2) F (3) F (4) T【解析】略30 .判断下列每组单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用或"x”表示。(5分)?1) caxxyw强i(2)hcn.e1Q¥p(3) house duldwhichSlay(q) laudi7) tMifa界5

38、LS) policcmiii libiuy)DSTTyUitifHa '1i'' io) ytar【解析】略31 .根据所听短文判断,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(10分))(1) Sam is my American penfriend.)(2) His brother and sister are the same age.) His brother and sister are in different schools.()(4) Sam' s sister goes to school with him()(5) They are in America n

39、ow and they are going to visit China nextyear.【答案】T T F T T【解析】 Sam is my penfriend . There are five people in his family. His father is a PE teacher. His mother is a nurse. He has a sister and a brother. His sister is twenty minutes younger than his brother. They are all middle school students now.

40、 They are in the same school. They go to school together every day. They are all good at PE. They are American, but they can speak a little Japanese. They lived in Japan last year. They would like to come to China next year. I hope they will come soon.32 .、判断下列句子与汉语意思是(T)否(F)相符。()(1) Winter is very

41、cold.冬天很凉快。() (2) I ' m going to get up.我正在起床。()(3) There are some clouds in the sky.天上有一些云朵。()(4) Look at the ducks.看鸭子们。()(5) There are some ducks on the pond.有一些鸭子在水塘。【答案】(1) F (2) F (3) T (4) T (5) T【解析】33 .阅读并判断,用 T或F表示。As we all know , the environment around us is getting worse and worse .

42、In some places , we can't see fish swimming in the river or trees on the hills. Some people even have no clean water to drink. So I think we must do something to protect the environment. But what can we do? How to protect our environment? For example, we can go to school on foot or by bike. we can use shopp


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