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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上六上英练习一(Unit 1)一 按要求写单词。(20分)1.  like(过去式)_ 2. people(复数)_3.  good (副词)_  4.is (过去式)    _5.  they(宾格)_    6.wear(现在分词)_7.  are(过去式)_   8.live(过去式)   _9.  tell (过去式)_ 10.visit(过去式)_二英汉互译。(2

2、0分)1. 很久以前_        6.变成_2. 讲故事_          7.许多人_3. 指向那个国王_     8.one day_4. try on _        9.foolish people _5. show me the new clothes_10.in the street_三 选择题。(20分)(    )1. This is

3、 the _ chair.     A. kings    B. kings    C. king(    )2. Let me make a puppet _ you.  A. with   B. to    C. for(    )3.That boy is my friend. This is _ new coat.  A. my    B. his  

4、0; C. her(    )4. There are a lot of _ in the classroom.   A. a people    B. peoples    C. people(    )5.  _ beautiful clothes!  A. What   B. Whats    C. How(    )6. I _ a new bag yesterday.  

5、60;A. get    B. getted   C. got(    )7. Look at the _ cowboy.   A. american   B. American    C. America (    )8. Can you _ a puppet?   A. make   B. making    C. made(    )9. That is the

6、 _ new cap.   A. boy   B. boys   C. boys(    )10. I go to school _ half past seven.   A. on    B. in    C. at四根据课文内容填空。(10分)Long long ago, there _a king, he _ new clothes. One day two men told him they could _ new clothes for him.

7、 Then they showed _ the new clothes. The _ tried on the magic clothes. He _ through the city. The people in the _ said the clothes were beautiful. A boy _ at the king and _, “Ha !Ha! The king isnt wearing _ clothes.”五用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. There _ (be) some tigers here a year ago.2. Can you see _(they

8、)?3. Look at the two _ (man) over there?4. Look! Shes _(wear) a new clothes.5.  _(this) are new pencils.6. An old woman _(walk) by the house this morning.7. Can you give _(I) your book?8. l look after _(he) every day.9. Long long ago, there _(be) a king.10. This is the _(lion) house.六按要求写句

9、子。(10分)1. The king is very happy today. (把today改成yesterday)The king _ very happy _.2. Jack can make a toy car. (对画线部分提问) _ can make a toy car?3. They go to school every day.(改为一般疑问句)_ they go to school every day?4. The king is wearing some clothes.(改为否定句)The king _ wearing _ clothes.5. Try on t

10、hese new clothes, please. (改为否定句)Please _ try on these new clothes.七用正确的介词填空。(in, at, for,from,on,)(10分)1. I got a gift _ my father. 2. Can you make a dress _ the dog? 3. Look _ my new clothes.4. Please try _ these new clothes.5. Jack is _ a new sweater today.六上英练习二(Unit 1)一 按要求写单词。(20分)1.

11、 America(形容词)_2. wear(同音词)_3. say(过去式)_      4. story(复数)_  5. tell(过去式)_      6. am(过去式) _7. is(过去式)_      8. he (宾格)   _9. shout(过去式)_     10.live(过去式)_二英汉互译,(20分)1. 很久以前_  2. 聪明的人_3. 试穿_&

12、#160;  4. 指着_5. 讲故事_    6.live in _7. have to _     8. turn into_9. be nice to _    10.think hard _三单项选择。(10分)(    )1. He _ the little dog.      A. pointed for    B. pointed at    C. pointed to(  

13、0; )2. The king isnt _ clothes.    A. wearing a    B. wearing some    C. wearing any(    )3. _ a beautiful flower!   A. What    B. How   C. Where(    )4. I can make a puppet _ you.   A. for  

14、0; B. to    C. of(    )5. Each student _ a sentence.   A. say   B. says    C. saying        四、用词的适当形式填空。(20分)1. Look at _(she) new clothes.   2. Look! They _(tell) a story.3. It is _(Bobby) turn.    4

15、. _(not shout) at the boy.5. The lion is nice to _(he).6. Lily _(be) sick. Her mother _(look) after her yesterday.7. The old man _(walk) by the house and _(pick)a flower just now.8.One day, the fairy _(turn) the girl into a princess .五根据中文意思补全句子或对话。(15分)1. 很久以前,有一座山。_ _ _, there was a _.2.请试穿这些神奇的衣服

16、。Please _ _ these _ _.3.请不要指着那只狗。Please dont _ _ that dog.4. 他们不聪明,他们很笨。They arent _. They are _.5.李老师和她的学生正在玩游戏。Miss Li and _ students are _ a _.六 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F). (15分)  A young man is sitting in a bus. An old woman gets on the bus and stands in front of him. The young man stands up. The

17、 old woman pushes(推)him back into his seat and says, “ Dont stand up. I dont want to sit down.” The man stands up again. The old woman pushes him down and says, “ You dont have to give ma your seat. I like to stand.” The man tries to stand up for the third time. The old woman tries to push him down

18、again. The man shouts, “Dont push me, please. I have to get off the bus!”(     ) 1. The young man and woman are different buses.(     ) 2. The young man is standing in the bus.(     ) 3. The old woman pushes the young man back into his seat

19、.(     ) 4. The old woman likes to stand.(     ) 5. The young man stands up because he has to get off the bus.六上英练习三(Unit 1) 一、 英汉互译。(20分)1.许多人                          

20、 2.给展示                                         3.一个愚蠢的男士                 4.做新衣服   

21、60;                        5.一天                           6.认真思考               &

22、#160;            7.很久以前                       8.走过                             9

23、.试穿                           10.指着                              二、用所给的词的适当形式填空。(20分)1. There _( be) two eggs

24、in the fridge three days ago2. They have to        (make) a new card.     3. The boy _(point) at the king and laughed.4. One day, I_(pick) a flower in a park.5.  Miss Li _(tell) us a story on Monday.6. Lets       &#

25、160;(start) our English lesson now.7. People could not        (see) the kings new clothes.8. Nancy       (have) an Art lesson on Tuesdays.9. I       (live) with my grandparents before I was seven years old.10. The king   

26、;    (not wear) any clothes that day.三、选择最佳答案。(20分)(    )1. I can _the dog very well .        A. look for               B. look after             C. look at 

27、60;         (    )2.The people walked _the forest.       A. on                         B. through             C. in 

28、;(    )3.My uncles son is my _.       A. cousin                B. brother               C. sister (    )4. The man was angry. He _the boy.A. shout to   

29、60;            B. shouts to              C. shouted at            (    )5. An old man walked _the river.A. to                 

30、;              B. of                                     C. for(    )6.The little girl_ her grandparents.       A. lives in 

31、             B.  lives                    C. lives with             (    )7. Listen! The children_.A. are telling stories        B

32、. telling stories          C. tell story(    )8. The teacher _the blackboard,then lets read the words.A. point at                    B. pointed at               

33、0; C. point to(    )9. My mother often _ stories before I was seven years old.       A. tells                              B.told            

34、0;           C. telled       (    )10. How many _are there in the street?       A.likes swim                   B. liked swim        

35、60;         C. liked swimming四、按要求改写句子。(20分)1. My parents walk on the road.(对划线部分提问)  _ walk on the road?.2. The boy tries on a jacket .( 改为现在进行时)The boy _ _ on a jacket .3. Bobby lives in a new house. (改成一般疑问句)  _Bobby _ in a new house?4.The man wants to make new clothes for the king.(用long long ago改写Long long ago,the man _ _ 


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