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1、毕业设计(论文)材料之二(2)本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告题目:采用半屋内GIS配电装置的矿区110kV降压变 电所设计课 题 类 型:设计 实验研究 论文 学 生 姓 名:学 号: 专 业 班 级: 学 院: 电气工程学院 指 导 教 师: 开 题 时 间: 2014年3月23日2014年3月23日 一、毕业设计内容及研究意义1.主要内容本课题主要是对基于半屋内GIS配电装置的110kv变电所进行设计。GIS是指六氟化硫封闭式组合电器,国际上称为“气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备”(Gas Insulated Switchgear)简称GIS,它将一座变电站中除变压器以外的一次设备,包括断路器、隔离

2、开关、接地开关、电压互感器、电流互感器、避雷器、母线、电缆终端、进出线套管等,经优化设计有机地组合成一个整体。设计的内容主要包括:负荷分析计算及主变选择、确定电气一次主接线方案、电气主接线设计、短路电流计算、配电装置的配置及主要电气设备的选择和防雷保护及继电保护的配置。2.研究意义随着科技的不断进步,人们的生产生活已经离不开电。提高电力系统的安全可靠性和运行效率具有重要意义。进入21世纪后,我国电力扔将以较高的速度和更大的规模发展,电源和电网将设的任务仍很重,做为发电厂和用户的中间环节,变换和分配电能的重要组成 部分,将面临电力体制改革和技术创新能力的双重挑战,如何合理的设计一个变电所,使之在

3、技术上、管理上适应电力市场化体制和竞争需要,促使电网互联范围的不断扩大,是这次设计的主要目的。2、 研究现状与发展趋势(文献综述)现阶段我国主要进行的变电站典型设计,是通过对现有变电站样本进行评估、类比、组合,形成典型化设计方案,并以新技术为依托,不断优化,形成一系列定制化产品,满足城市、农村电网建设需求。通过变电站典型设计,归并工程流程,统一技术标准,提高工作效率,降低项目实施不确定性,加快工程建设进度,降低将来运行成本。变电站典型设计是将技术与管理相结合,通过典型化、标准化,提高工程整体效益。在过去十多年来。110KV电力网络和变电站在系统中的地位和功能发生了很大变化,110KV电力网络已


5、等专业知识的学习,我已基本具备独立完成本课题设计的能力。对设计过程中遇到的难题,我可以通过去图书馆查询专业资料或者从网上查阅相关资料以及相指导老师咨询等。我相信经过自己的努力,一定可以顺利的完成本次毕业设计。 2.工作计划第1周结合设计内容复习所学的专业知识,做好理论准备;其次进行与设计有关的调研活动及其资料的收集,完成开题报告第2周选择主变的容量和台数;确定电气一次主接线方案第35周短路电流计算,选择各级导线型号和截面,选择一次电气设备第6周防雷保护和接地设置计算,继电保护计量装置配置第710周完成有关图纸的绘制第1112周整理并撰写设计说明书四、阅读的主要参考文献【1】李光琦.电力系统分析

6、M.北京:中国电力出版社,2012【2】熊信银.发电厂电气部分M.北京:中国电力出版社 ,2012【3】张保会 尹项根.继电保护原理M.北京:中国电力出版社,2013【4】朱雪芹.浅谈110kv变电所设计J.大科技科技天地,2010 ,(7)【5】孙立荣. 110kv变电站设计的探讨J. 科技探讨 . 2013,( 11)【6】王杰 .110kv变电站设计方案优化剖析J. 资源节约与环保. 2013,(5)【7】付倩宁,高峰.郭家河煤矿110kv变电站设计及设备选型J. 科协论 2012,(10)【8】李泉源.采用充气绝缘配电装置的110kv变电站的设计J.江苏电机工程.2000,(4)【9】

7、袁桂华,张瑞芳,郭明洁.110kv变电站继电保护整定方案优化J.中国造纸,2010,(7)【10】陈晓鹏.浅析110kv变电站的防雷保护策略J. 科技与企业.2012,(19)【11】J. Duncan Glover. Power System Analysis and Design. China Machine Press.2004.12TanakaT,AkagiH. A new method of harmonic power detection based on the instantaneous active power in three phase circuits J.IEEE T

8、rans on power Delivery, 1995,10.13VenikovVA. Transient Processes in Electrical Power SystemsM.Mir Publishers,1980,325.附:外文文献及翻译Power System Analysis and DesignPower System Substation is an important and indispensable component of the power it assumed the task of conversion and distribution of grid s

9、ecurity and the economy play a decisive role in running is to contact the user's power plants and intermediate links. With economic development, expanding grid capacity, reliability of operation of the power grid is getting higher and higher requirements. Development of science and technology, i

10、ntelligent switches, photoelectric current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, bound to the existi

11、ng substation automation technology have a profound impact, all-digital substation automation system development trend. Keywords: substation automation. Power system is operated by the production, transmission, distribution and consumption of a variety of power linked to the composition of electrica

12、l equipment. As a result of a large number of powers can not be stored, we must ensure that the production of electricity and energy balance. With the scientific and technological advances in the technological development of our country has reached a certain level. Intelligent switches, photoelectri

13、c current and voltage transformer, a run-line state detection, training simulation Substation Operation matures, such as high-tech, as well as fiber-optic technology, computer high-speed network system in the development of real-time applications, significantly increase the transformation degree of

14、automation. Design of our substation cable programs tend to be simple, many of the recent domestic new 220 k V substation and 110kV voltage levels of wiring without the use of dual-bus bypass bus. The use of GIS, the priority sub-bus single wire. A large number of the introduction of new technology,

15、 transformer substation rising level of electrical equipment, power distribution devices from the traditional form of moving toward oil-free, vacuum switches, SF6 switches and mechanical, electrical equipment combination of the development of small-scale integration. In recent years the world famous

16、 high-voltage electrical equipment companies have been developing, the development of the various types of 145-550 kV outdoor high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure combination of electrical appliances, some high-voltage switchgear plant has also started production of 145 kV compact outdoor portfolio

17、electrical appliances. Smart plug-in type outdoor switchgear is a more complete high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure switch system, which includes electrical first and second equipment, as well as the associated fiber optic cable, such as plug-type compound. The entire distributed substation automat

18、ion system; the introduction of advanced network technology; substation and the construction area covers an area of reduced substation program to simplify wiring, switchgear, bus and steel pipes, such as the use of stents to substation layout is more simple, the abolition of the former station area

19、and optimize the layout to make a substantial decline in an area substation.With technological advances, the traditional relay protection devices are gradually being replaced by microprocessor-based protection. Microprocessor-based protection is referred to as the protection of PC computer, a digita

20、l relay protection, is based on the programmable digital circuit technology and real-time digital signal processing technology of the Power System Protection. At present, both at home and abroad have been developed to 32-bit digital signal processor for hardware-based protection, control, measuremen

21、t, and data communications integration of microprocessor-based protection control devices, and artificial intelligence technology into a number of relay protection, such as artificial neural networks, fuzzy theory to determine the realization of fault type, fault location, the direction of protectio

22、n, the main equipment and other new methods of protection. These artificial intelligence technologies to improve the accuracy of failure to provide a means of identification, but also some single-frequency signal based on the traditional method difficult to identify the problems to be resolved. At p

23、resent, the microprocessor-based relay protection is along the microprocessor-based protection network, and intelligent, adaptive and protection, control, measurement, signal, data communications integration direction.译文:电力系统分析和设计变电站是电力系统中不可缺少的重要组成部分,它担负着电能转换和分配的任务,对电网的安全和经济运行起着举足轻重的作用,是联系发电厂和用户的中间环

24、节。随着经济的发展,电网容量不断扩大,对电网运行的可靠性要求也越来越高。科学技术的发展、智能化开关,光电式电流电压互感器,一次运行设备在线状态检测,变电站运行操作培训仿真等高新技术日趋成熟,以及光纤技术、计算机高速网络在实时系统中的开发应用,势必对现有的变电站自动化技术产生深刻的影响,全数字化的变电站自动化系统成为发展的趋势。关键词:变电站 自动化 电力系统是由生产、输送、分配和消费电能的各种电气设备连接在一起组成。由于电能无法大量储存,必须保证用电和电能生产的平衡。随着科学技术的不断进步,我们国家的技术发展已经达到一定的水平。智能化开关,光电式电流电压互感器,一次运行设备在线状态检测,变电站运行操作培训仿真等高新技术日趋成熟,以及光纤技术、计算机高速网络在实时系统中的开发应


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