已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初中7-9年级单词1. hello 2. class3. my 4. name 5. is 6. Miss 7. good 8. morning9. good morning 10. afternoon11. good afternoon 12. goodbye13. I 14. am Im=I am 15. Mr 16. what17. your 18. please 19. sorry 20. can 21. you 22. spell 23. it24. yes 25. thank 26. how27. are 28. fine29. thanks 30. Mrs 31. too 32.

2、 this 33. she 34. teacher 35. friend 36. her 37. his 38. nice 39. to 40. meet41. time 42. go 43. now 44. bye 45. see 46. tomorrow 47. sit 48. down49. sit down 50. open 51. book 52. listen 53. draw 54. put 55. up 56. hand57. stand 58. stand up 59. close 60. new 61. student 62. here 63. in 64. one 65.

3、 two 66. three 67. four 68. five 69. six 70. seven 71. eight 72. nine 73. ten 74. telephone 75. number 76. old 77. how old 78. twelve 79. eleven 80. thirteen 81. fourteen82. fifteen 83. sixteen 84. seventeen 85. eighteen 86. nineteen 87. twenty 88. boy 89. girl 90. desk 91. chair 92. bag 93. in94. E

4、nglish95. in English a 96. write 97. on 98. the99. blackboard100. OK 101. pen 102. no 103. pencil 104. do 105. bird 106. cat 107. dog 108. flower 109. help 110. me 111. of 112. course113. of course 114. classroom 115. know 116. say 117. that 118. again 119. welcome 120. Youre welcome 121. black 122.

5、 blue 123. green 124. yellow 125. red 126. brown 127. orange 128. colour 129. and 130. day 131. today132. Monday 133. Tuesday 134. Wednesday135. Thursday136. Friday 137. Saturday 138. Sunday139. birthday 140. favourite 141. spring 142. summer143. autumn 144. winter 145. warm 146. hot 147. cool148. c

6、old 149. weather 150. like 151. London 152. basketball 153. football 154. swimming 155. table tennis 156. sport 157. let 158. us 159. lets = let us 160. play 161. after 162. school 163. idea 164. Chinese 165. from 166. where 167. year 168. about 169. What about 170. Ms 171. America 172. not 173. Eng

7、land 174. hi 175. American 176. our 177. grade 178. he 179. China 180. everyone181. capital 182. but 183. very 184. big 185. city 186. small 187. first 188. first name 189. last 190. last name 191. all 192. aunt 193. brother194. cousin 195. daughter 196. family 197. father 198. grandfather 199. gran

8、dmother200. grandparent 201. mother 202. parent 203. sister 204. son 205. uncle 206. photo 207. these 208. they 209. mum 210. left 211. on the left 212. dad 213. right 214. on the right 215. who 216. woman 217. next 218. next to 219. husband 220. front221. in front of 222. those 223. bus 224. statio

9、n 225. hospital 226. hotel 227. police 228. theatre 229. actor 230. driver 231. manager 232. nurse 233. policeman 234. we 235. an 236. job 237. at里238. same 239. doctor 240. farm241. worker 242. man 243. shop 244. its 245. their 246. computer 247. furniture 248. map 249. picture250. television 251.

10、wall 252. thirty 253. forty254. fifty 255. sixty 256. seventy 257. eighty 258. ninety 259. really 260. many 261. how many 262. there 263. lot 264. a lot of 265. oh266. any 267. world 268. tree 269. building 270. hall 271. dining hall 272. gate 273. library 274. office 275. playground 276. science 27

11、7. lab 278. behind 279. between 280. middle281. near 282. for 283. room 284. food 285. drink 286. candy287. fruit 288. meat 289. vegetable 290. apple 291. bean 292. beef 293. carrot 294. chicken 295. chocolate 296. coffee 297. cola 298. juice 299. milk 300. potato 301. tea 302. tomato 303. water304.

12、 shop 305. go shopping 306. have 307. get 308. have got 309. some 310. much 311. too much 312. kind 313. lots of 314. so 315. how about 316. has)317. bad 318. healthy 319. delicious 320. bread 321. fish 322. hamburger 323. ice cream 324. noodle325. rice 326. sugar 327. children 328. be good for 329.

13、 sweet 330. be bad for 331. right 332. egg 333. eye 334. cheese 335. tooth 336. bit 337. a bit 338. tired 339. soup 340. important 341. remember 342. well 343. stay 344. fat 345. get fat 346. or 347. breakfast 348. lunch 349. home 350. dinner 351. banana 352. buy 353. half 354. past 355. oclock 356.

14、 to357. art 358. geography 359. history 360. IT 361. maths 362. PE363. lesson 364. then 365. like366. difficult367. love 368. subject 369. because 370. interesting 371. talk 372. begin373. when 374. go to school 375. weekday 376. get up 377. have breakfast 378. house 379. start 380. work 381. break

15、382. have lunch 383. go home 384. evening 385. watch 386. have dinner 387. do 388. homework 389. bed 390. go to bed 391. sleep 392. go to sleep393. park 394. busy 395. wash 396. face 397. minute 398. Revision A399. grandma 400. grandpa401. him 402. want 403. make 404. kitchen 405. farmer 406. week 4

16、07. read 408. story 409. live 410. bear411. elephant 412. giraffe 413. lion 414. monkey 415. panda 416. tiger 417. zebra 418. zoo 419. guide 420. animal 421. such 422. as 423. such as 424. come425. come from 426. different 427. country 428. other 429. dangerous 430. ugh 431. also 432. plant 433. loo

17、k 434. look at 435. tall 436. leave437. sure 438. bamboo 439. cute 440. shall 441. them 442. which 443. over 444. there 445. over there 446. funny 447. call 448. Africa 449. Asia 450. Europe 451. little 452. a little 453. only 454. about 455. kilo 456. people 457. all over the world 458. Africa 459.

18、 as well as 460. grass 461. large 462. usually 463. alone 464. be good at 465. strong 466. catch 467. many kinds of 468. even 469. keyboard 470. mouse 471. screen 472. connect 473. turn 474. turn on 475. learn 476. document 477. click 478. use 479. save 480. box 481. finally 482. print 483. paper 48

19、4. share 485. Australia 486. company 487. often 488. customer489. internet 490. check 491. train 492. travel 493. plan 494. ticket 495. music 496. movie497. night 498. search 499. information 500. email 501. send502. game 503. sometimes504. cinema 505. clothes)506. visit 507. holiday 508. card 509.

20、party 510. present 511. would 512. always 513. great cake 514. never 515. special 516. cut 517. give 518. sing 519. happy 520. secret 521. ha ha 522. CD 523. concert 524. magazine 525. scarf 526. silk 527. dress 528. T-shirt 529. choose 530. exercise 531. wear 532. expensive 533. shoe 534. spend 535

21、. money 536. film 537. song 538. match 539. weekend 540. at weekends 541. dear 542. hear 543. hear from 544. afraid 545. Im afraid 546. cant=cannot 547. postcard 548. call 549. lie 550. sun 551. line 552. take 553. take photos 554. wait 555. wait for 556. walk 557. trip 558. few 559. a few 560. sale

22、 561. on sale 562. enjoy 563. anyway 564. back 565. go back 566. drive 567. off 568. get off 569. hot dog 570. leave 571. restaurant 572. moment 573. place 574. thing 575. most)576. still 577. star 578. run579. study 580. lantern 581. dragon 582. dance 583. clean 584. sweep 585. floor 586. cook587.

23、meal 588. speak589. happen 590. ready 591. get ready for 592. festival 593. quite594. at the moment 595. beautiful596. at work 597. away 598. put away 599. hard 600. join 601. hurry 602. hurry up 603. Christmas604. February 605. January 606. before 607. sweep away 608. luck 609. table 610. celebrate

24、 611. traditional 612. dumpling 613. programme 614. sweater 615. coat 616. mean 617. lucky 618. merry 619. Merry Christmas 620. tell621. think622. 七年级(下)词汇表623. crayon 624. eraser 625. glove 626. wallet627. watch 628. whose 629. first of all630. lose 631. find 632. lost and found box633. mine634. yo

25、urs635. tape 636. purple637. hers638. careful 639. be careful with.640. on 641. from now on642. here is / are .643. camera 644. phone645. mobile phone646. lost and found office647. in a hurry648. leave649. plane 650. taxi 651. why 652. airport 653. hundred 654. hundreds of655. look for656. thousand

26、657. strange 658. boat659. duck660. pig661. sausage 662. play663. tennis664. piano665. ride 666. club667. term668. board669. would like670. well 671. all 672. thats all673. worry674. worry about675. teach676. then 677. monitor 678. start 679. get on well with sb.680. ready 681. ready to do sth. 682.

27、 promise 683. fast684. fit685. just 686. ball 687. game688. team689. best690. score691. tidy 692. sure 693. everybody694. just like695. beautiful696. fly 697. kite698. swim699. go over700. picnic701. housework 702. on prep. 703. else704. nobody705. at 706. nothing707. silly708. fantastic709. forward

28、 710. look forward to711. fan712. make friends 713. shirt 714. cheer715. player716. hope717. win718. enjoy oneself719. myself720. during 721. May 722. May Day723. late 724. walk 725. take a walk726. country727. second 728. collect729. litter730. fun731. summer holiday732. camp 733. Australian 734. s

29、ightseeing735. go sightseeing736. beach737. early 738. chalk 739. ruler740. carry741. change 742. everything743. future 744. in the future745. life746. need747. will748. maybe 749. ask750. question751. by 752. level 753. able754. be able to755. more 756. not . any more757. free 758. land759. machine

30、760. rain 761. robot 762. sea763. space764. traffic765. jam 766. traffic jam767. wind 768. true 769. come true 770. here is / are.771. bike772. car773. cheap 774. everywhere775. not only .but also . 776. into 777. long778. heavy 779. light780. easy 781. working 782. hour 783. short 784. rise 785. as

31、 well 786. market787. supermarket788. biscuit789. lemon790. strawberry 791. Mothers Day792. size793. take 794. may 795. try796. try on797. certainly798. wait a minute799. sale800. price801. look802. fresh803. advantage804. anyone 805. anything 806. anywhere 807. compare808. pay809. post810. product8

32、11. receive 812. safe813. several 814. online815. shopping 816. way817. one of 818. almost819. something 820. later821. open 822. out 823. go out824. over one day 825. one 826. bank827. museum828. along 829. across 830. cross 831. opposite832. tourist833. excuse 834. excuse me835. street836. turn 83

33、7. third838. guidebook 839. bookshop840. right 841. Why not.?842. could843. underground844. take; 845. tour846. square847. middle 848. famous849. painting850. from851. metre 852. above853. river854. clear855. bridge 856. railway 857. past858. church 859. finish 860. high 861. post office 862. up.863

34、. down 864. stop865. Revision A866. horse 867. born 868. strict869. friendly870. primary871. primary school 872. town873. US 874. hey875. village876. nice 877. good 878. difficult 879. bathroom880. bedroom881. garden 882. living room 883. east 884. coast 885. ago 886. store 887. movie theater 888. b

35、ored889. president 890. comfortable891. lake892. last893. yesterday 894. hair 895. gold 896. forest 897. once898. upon 899. once upon a time900. decide 901. go for a walk902. basket903. notice 904. all alone905. dark 906. pick 907. pick up908. soon909. lost 910. around 911. little912. towards913. kn

36、ock914. door 915. answer916. push917. enter918. bowl919. hungry 920. right921. finish 922. either923. piece924. in pieces925. asleep926. return 927. cry928. at first929. point930. point at931. shout932. jump933. without934. part935. March 936. April 937. June 938. Womens Day939. National Day940. Chi

37、ldrens Day941. July 942. August 943. September 944. October945. November946. December947. writer 948. find out949. real950. at the age of951. newspaper952. exact953. date 954. become 955. in the s 956. play 957. poem958. marry 959. successful 960. work 961. build 962. on 963. fire 964. die 965. rich

38、966. language 967. around the world968. young 969. Pacific 970. guess971. excited972. wow 973. arrive974. relax 975. world-famous 976. French977. sell 978. top 979. till980. light 981. on 982. wonderful 983. palace984. bow985. kiss 986. shake 987. shake hands988. smile 989. British 990. German991. J

39、apanese992. visitor 993. Russia 994. what 995. nod996. head997. hug 998. each 999. each other1000. India1001. together1002. Maori1003. touch1004. nose 1005. finger 1006. foot 1007. knee1008. leg1009. mouth 1010. body 1011. foreign1012. North American 1013. personal1014. arm 1015. arm in arm1016. Sou

40、th American1017. hold 1018. move 1019. Britain 1020. not at all 1021. polite 1022. somewhere 1023. wave 1024. fact1025. in fact1026. rude1027. bring 1028. lively 1029. modern 1030. noisy1031. pop 1032. rock 1033. sound1034. violin1035. western 1036. hmm 1037. by 1038. through1039. both1040. opera104

41、1. voice 1042. drum1043. believe 1044. musician 1045. centre 1046. European 1047. classical1048. century1049. composer 1050. elder 1051. waltz1052. dance music1053. another 1054. piece1055. poor1056. perfect1057. sad1058. Revision B1059. slow1060. feel 1061. ship1062. 八年级上册英语单词表1063. pair 1064. corr

42、ect 1065. spelling 1066. word 1067. practise 1068. match 1069. meaning1070. complete 1071. sentence 1072. dictionary 1073. grammar 1074. letter 1075. look up 1076. mistake 1077. make a mistake 1078. understand 1079. advice 1080. should 1081. possible1082. write down 1083. notebook 1084. forget1085.

43、pronounce 1086. aloud 1087. radio 1088. pronunciation 1089. key 1090. main 1091. excellent 1092. agree 1093. agree with 1094. vocabulary 1095. ask for1096. improve 1097. basic 1098. time 1099. advise 1100. shy 1101. conversation 1102. quickly 1103. natural 1104. suggest 1105. place 1106. hill 1107.

44、population 1108. wide 1109. million 1110. pretty 1111. pretty good 1112. than 1113. get 1114. north south 1115. west 1116. home town 1117. especially 1118. be famous for 1119. university 1120. island 1121. area 1122. low 1123. mountain1124. countryside 1125. umbrella 1126. baseball 1127. volleyball

45、1128. boring 1129. exciting 1130. relaxing 1131. score 1132. already 1133. matter 1134. Whats the matter?1135. hurt 1136. enjoyable 1137. Olympics 1138. stadium 1139. miss 1140. mind 1141. plenty 1142. plenty 1143. beat1144. careless 1145. cheer . on 1146. coach 1147. fan club 球迷1148. against prep.1

46、149. train 1150. practice 1151. warm 1152. warm up 1153. usual 1154. better 1155. after-school 1156. pleased 1157. pass 1158. pity 1159. chance 1160. loudly 1161. confident 1162. road 1163. accident 1164. except prep.1165. choice 1166. classmate 1167. far 1168. far from 1169. close 1170. crowded 117

47、1. all the time 1172. journey 1173. book 1174. park 1175. outside prep. 1176. however adv1177. cost 1178. actress 1179. teahouse 1180. offer 1181. end 1182. in the end 1183. no idea1184. act 1185. show 1186. common 1187. twentieth 1188. describe 1189. society 1190. head teacher 1191. college 1192. n

48、ovel 1193. name 1194. if 1195. magic 1196. snake 1197. neck 1198. *thin 1199. danger 1200. in danger 1201. at last 1202. interested 1203. allow 1204. think of 1205. protect 1206. wild 1207. grow 1208. take away 1209. enough 1210. peace 1211. in peace 1212. notice 1213. look after 1214. raise 1215. r

49、esearch 1216. *baby 1217. situation 1218. scientist 1219. produce 1220. southwest 1221. in order to1222. government 1223. set a) set up 1224. nature a) nature park1225. develop 1226. feed 1227. symbol 1228. fall 1229. follow 1230. hole 1231. rabbit 1232. ssh int.1233. ground 1234. tea party 1235. tw

50、ice 1236. once or twice 1237. suddenly 1238. pink 1239. pocket 1240. field 1241. think about 1242. deep 1243. while 1244. land 1245. pale 1246. appear 1247. round 1248. corner 1249. hit 1250. glad 1251. in time 1252. fall off . 1253. risk 1254. attention 1255. pay attention 1256. side 1257. side by side 1258. bite 1259. climb 1260. hide 1261. throw 1262. fridge 1263. pain 1264. worse 1265. medicine 1266. noise 1267. prepare 1268. notes 1269. report 1270. grow 1271. hug


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