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1、产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评Our products are sold in Brita in, America, Japa n, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.畅销全球 selling well all over the world典雅大方 elegant and graceful顾客第一 Customers first美观大方 elega nt appeara nee美观耐用 attractive and durable品种繁多 great variet

2、ies v?-ai ?ti品种齐全 complete range of articles; a great variety of goods让我们的商品走向世界Let our commodities go to the world.色彩鲜艳 bright in colour深受顾客欢迎We have won praise from customers供不应求 in short supply; Dema nd exceedi ng supply回味隽永 pleasa nt in after-taste货源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery技术先进 moder

3、n tech niq ues技艺精湛 exquisite craftsma nship; Fine craftsma nship价格公道 reason able price; Street price; moderate price价格适中 moderate cost节日送礼之佳品ideal gift for all occasi ons居同类产品之魁首to rank first among similar products深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉to win a high admiration ?dm? re ?n and is widely trusted athome and abro

4、ad.品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome.价廉物美 high quality and in expe nsive; less expe nsive, high quality goods; high quality and low overheadNTN创业于1918年3月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。NTN Corporation was founded in March 1918, which was

5、principally engaged in research, developme nt and manufacture of beari ng in the early stage.随着事业的逐步扩大,NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械等的生产以及销售业务。With evoluti on, most of NTN's effort has bee n cha nged into the manufacture and sales of beari ngs, Con sta nt Velocity Joi nts (CVJ) and precisi on

6、mach inery si nee the Join t-stock reform in 1934. 中国电子进出口总公司(CEIEC)成立于1980年4月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸 公司之一。经过3 0年的发展,业务范围涉及国际贸易、海外工程、防务电子、船舶业务、招标业务、展览广告及现代物流等多个领域China Electronics Import & Export Corp. (CEIEC) was established as a national foreign trader, with the 即 proval of the State Cou ncil in Apr.

7、 1980.After thirty years 6peration, CEIEC has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, extending its bus in ess scope of from intern ati onal trade, to overseas engin eeri ng, ten deri ng, ship bus in ess, defense electronics, exhibition service, and modern logistics.公司具有国际贸易、国际工程承包、招标代理、展览广告等多种业务的甲

8、级经营资质。截至 2009年底,公司总资产达142.56亿元人民币,实现销售收入142.45亿元人民币。CEIEC is hono rably en titled to a nu mber of A-grade quality certificates in con tract of world biddi ng and tradi ng, intern atio nal engin eeri ng project, ten deri ng, exhibiti on and advertiseme nt. At the end of 2009, the compa ny's total

9、 assets atta ined RMB 14.256 billi on; sales revenue reached RMB 14.245billio n.国际贸易是公司的 传统主营业务。截至2009年底,累计进出口额达451.2亿美元。公司是 商务部认定的A类援外物资企业,并已 连续两年成为中国政府援外项目中机电产品类援外 项目的第一名。World trade is a conven ti onal core bus in ess of CEIEC. Up to 2009, the accumulated turnover of import and export reached USD

10、 45.12 billio n.CEIEC is certificated as the Grade-A trader by the Ministry of Commerce for State foreign aid project. It has been the top rank company for Chinese government ' mechanical and electrical foreign aid projects for two consecutive years.2008年,公司成为国际工程领域权威杂志工程新闻记录 (ENR)评选的全球225家最大 的国

11、际工程承包商之一。In 2008, CEIEC has bee n listed as one of the top 225 In ternatio nal Con tractors by ENR.公司目前已拥有的综合能力At present, CEIEC soverseas engineering department has the comprehensive capacity of the followi ng:2009年,中国电子信息产业集团有限公司(CEC)依托公司成立的 中国电子国际工程研究院”在防务电子信息系统顶层设计和集成领域发挥着积极作用。Through the suppor

12、tive effort of CEIEC, China Electronics International Engineering Institute was foun ded in 2009, which is playi ng a vital role in the field of top-level defe nse electro nics system desig n and in tegrati on.中国电子进出口总公司海外工程事业部是一个集工程规划、设计和监理、成套设备采购、项目建设和管理为一体的综合型工程承包部门。The Overseas Engin eeri ng Dep

13、artme nt of CEIEC is an overseas con tractor which comb ines the functions of project planning, project design and supervision, equipment procurement as well as project con struct ion and man ageme nt.成立于中国改革开放的1978年,是中国第一家大型工贸公司。Established in 1978, when China started the reform and opening-up poli

14、cy, China National Machinery & Equipment Import & Export Corporation is the first large national corporation in tegrati ng foreig n trade with in dustry.中设集团是以国际工程业务、成套设备业务为核心业务,以国际贸易业务和科研设计及国际服务业务为主要经营业务的大型国际化综合性企业。CMEC is a large global con glomeratek ?n?gl?m ?re ?t with the con tract ing

15、of the intern ati onal engin eeri ng projects and the export of complete pla nts as its core bus in ess and itsmain bus in essin cludes the foreig n trade bus in ess , R & D and desig n as well as the intern ati onal service trade. 中设集团连续多年被美国著名的工程新闻记录 杂志(ENR)评选入国际最大的225家承 包商排名表,2003年曾排名第64位。CME

16、C has bee n listed among the largesttop 225 con tractors in the world by a famous magaz ine in the Un ited Stated, Engin eeri ng News-Record (ENR) forseveral con secutive years, and ran kedthe 64th in 2003.中设集团的国际工程总承包和成套设备出口业务遍及五大洲,涵盖发电、输变电、轻工、纺织、食品、建材、交通、铁路、港口、通讯、广播电视、船舶及冶金、矿山等多个行业。CMEC is en gage

17、d in the bus in ess of acting as main con tractor of the intern ati onal engin eeri ng projects and the export of complete pla nts, and its bus in ess scope covers five con ti nents worldwide.Its bus in ess sectors in volve: power gen erati on, tran smissi on and tran sformati on, light in dustry, t

18、extiles, food, buildi ng materials, com muni cati on, railway, harbour, telecom muni cati on, broadcast ing and TV, ship-build ing, metallurgy and mining.中设集团总部设在 中国北京。公司总部 设有7个国际工程成套事业部;在国内现设有 32家 全资、控股子公司;在国际及香港 特区设有10家全资或控股子公司、1家矿业股份公司、 27家驻外代表处 和项目经理部。The Headquarter of CMEC is located in Beijin

19、g, China. CMEC has set up 7 complete plants divisions, 32 wholly-owned and holding subsidiaries at home, 10 wholly-owned or holding compa nies in Hong Kong Special Adm ini strative Regi on and 9 coun tries in the world, 1 mining sharehold ing compa ny and 27 overseas represe ntative offices and proj

20、ect man ageme nt divisio ns.中设集团形成了自己独特的以人为本,创新、竞争、合作,诚信、敬业、和谐的企业文化。CMEC has formed its own unique human-oriented corporate culture featuring innovation, competiti on, cooperati on, in tegrity, dedicati on and harm ony.中国中化集团公司为 国有大型骨干企业,已20次入围财富全球500强,2010年名列第 203 位。As one of the key stated-own ent

21、erprises,under the supervision of SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervisi on and Admi nistratio n Commissi on of the State Coun cil), Sin ochem Group has bee n named to "Fortu ne Global 500", for 20 times, ran ki ng the 203th in 2001中化集团主业分布在能源、农业、化工、地产、金融领域,是中国最大的农业投入品(化肥、农药、种子)一体化经营企业、领先的化工产

22、品综合服务商。Sin ochem has five bus in ess segme nts in clud ing agricultural, en ergy, chemical, real estate and finance. It is China ' biggest integrated agricultural company with fertilizer, pesticide and seed product. It is a leadi ng chemical service provider.中国轻工业品进出口总公司( 以下简称 中轻总公司”)成立于1952年,是一

23、家历史悠久、 资金雄厚、具有良好商誉和发展前景的大型国有企业。主营业务包括浆纸、原材料资源性商品、一般进出口贸易、投融资和资本运作四大板块。Foun ded in 1952, China Nati onal Light In dustrial Products Import and Export Corporati on (here in after referred to as Chi naLight) is a well-established state-ow ned corporati on featuri ng great finan cial stre ngth, good bus

24、 in ess reputati on, bright prospect with prin cipal bus in esses coveri ng four major areas-pulp and paper bus in ess, n atural resources bus in ess, i ntern ati onal trade , and finan cial services (such as in vestme nt, financing and capital operati on).2008年公司与通用集团重组联合,双方优势互补,合理优化配置资源,不断拓展新领域, 创

25、造新优势。In 2008, Chi na Light was in corporated into Chi na Gen eral Tech no logy (Group) Holdi ng Limited in an effort to leverage mutual stre ngths, rati on alize & optimize the allocati on of the resources con ti nu ously explore new fields and create new stre ngths作为我国轻工产品、日用消费品以及工业制成品的主要进出口商之一

26、,中轻总公司拥有良好的市场信誉、广泛的业务渠道、坚实的客户基础、较强的市场竞争能力。As one of the leading importers and exporters of light industry products,daily consumer products , and fini shed in dustrial products in China, China Light boasts sound market reputati on, exte nsive bus in ess cha nn els ,solid customer foun dati on ,and st

27、rong market competitive ness.中轻总公司不断优化创新,现已获得了新型陶瓷研磨介质产品的自主知识产权及国家专利,成为全球最大的陶瓷研磨介质生产商。同时,公司是国内外多家知名生产企业的产品代理商,为企业和广大消费者提供个性化和专业化的服务。Through the con ti nu ous optimizati on and inno vati on , Chin aLight has bee n gran ted the proprietary IPR In tellectual Property Rights and n ati onal pate nt for i

28、ts new type of porcelain grinding medium products, making it the world's largest producer of porcela in grinding mediu m. In additi on, China Light also serves as a product age nt for a host of domestic and intern ati onal leadi ng manufacturers and provides in dividualized and specialized servi

29、ces for both bus in esses and con sumers.中轻总公司将持续健全经营治理结构,提升风险管理能力;始终将人才作为公司最核心的资源,持续提升企业竞争力,逐步建设成为我国特定大宗资源性商品龙头供应商和集成贸易服 务商。China Light will continue to improve its operation structure and upgrade its risk management capacity,Also, the corporation will always take talents as the core resource , and

30、 continue to improve the corporate competitiveness so as to progressively build the corporation into a flagship supplier in terms of special resource-based commodities and an integrated trade service provider.我们秉持“贸易服务为先导”的宗旨,以高效、热情、诚信为标准,不仅注重商品质量,更力争为客户提供全程的、完善的系统服务。Persist ing to the prin ciple of

31、 "mak ing trade services the forerunner of our bus in ess", we'll strive for high efficie ncy ,passi on ,i ntegrity/good faith to provide customers with superior trade services.公司具有较强的 综合实力,注册资本15000万元,总资产 20多亿元。现拥有 二级公司22 家,国内 联合营企业40余 家,在世界丝绸主销国家和地区设立贸易机构4个,共有员工1000余人。With a register

32、ed capital of 15,000 millio ns RMB and total capital of more than 2 billio ns RMB, it has strong comprehensive competitive strength / comprehensive competitiveness . At present, it has 22 subsidiaries and more than 40 domestic cooperative enterprises. It has set 4 trade organizations in the main sil

33、k consumption countries or regions and has more than 1000 employees.公司的主营业务是茧丝绸原料商品和丝绸服装服饰成品的国内外贸易,还经营机电产品、轻工产品、农产品、工艺品等其它商品的国内外贸易,以及物流、对外咨询和展览、杂志出版、广告等业务。Its main bus in ess are coco on silk material and products, silk garme nts, and also en gage in other foreig n and domestic trades of mecha nic p

34、roducts,light in dustrial products ,agricultural products ,handicraft products ,logistics ,international consultation ,exhibitions ,magazine publish ing and ads.面对经济全球化和我国市场经济的发展, 中国丝绸进出口总公司 以科学发展观为 统领,积极 深化改革,转换企业经营机制和发展模式,做强做大主业,努力提高核心竞争力,向成为具 有国内行业领导地位及国际行业影响力的企业的目标前进。With the development of econ

35、omic globalization and market economy, China National Silk Import & Export Corp. sets 'Scientific Development Theory ' as its guidanee, enhances reform and transforms enterprise operation system development mode in the goal of developing its main bus in ess, improv ing core competitive n

36、ess/competitive stre ngth ,and beco ming the leader of intern ati onal and domestic silk in dustry.本集团是中国内地最大的移动通信服务供应商,拥有全球最多的移动用户和全球最大规模的移动通信网络。2009,本公司再次被国际知名金融时报选入其全球500强被著名商业杂志福布斯选入其全球2000领先企业榜,并再次入选道?琼斯可持续发展指数(Dow Jones Susta in ability In dexes)。As the leading mobile services provider in Chin

37、a, the Group boasts the world's largest mobile network and the world's largest mobile customer base. In 2009, the Company was once again selected as one of the "FT Global 500" by Financial Times and "The World's 2000 Biggest Public Compa ni es" by Forbes magaz ine, an

38、d was aga in recog ni zed on the Dow Jones Susta in ability In dexes ("DJSI").ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产XXX产品,集产品研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外众多市场。如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。Established in/founded in(成立年份),(公司英文名称)is a manufacturer (生产兼贸易,可用 manufacturer an

39、d trader) specialized in the research, development and production of (公司主打产品 ).We are located in (公司所在城市 ),with convenient transportation access. All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of differe nt markets throughout the world.If you

40、 are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please feel free to con tact us. We are look ing forward to forming successful bus in ess relati on ships with new clie nts around the world in the n ear future.ABC公司成立于XX年,专业生产和出口XXX产品,集产品设计、研发和生产于一体。我公司地处XX市,交通便利。我司所有产

41、品采用国际质量标准,产品远销海外,享誉海内外 众多市场。我司现拥有XX名员工,年销售额 逾XX美金,百分之XX的产品远销海外。为了保证客户 满意度,我们引入了先进的设备设施,并在生产各个环节贯彻完善的质量检查措施。鉴于高质量产品和 出色的客户服务,我们已经成功建立了一个全球销售网,网点已覆盖XX,XX等国家。如果贵司对我们任一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。Established in (成立年份),(公司英文名称) is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned wit

42、h the desig n, developme nt and product ion of (行业产品).We are located in (公司所在城市 ),with convenient transportation access All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.We have over(员工人数)employees, an annual sales figure that exceeds USD(销售额)and are currently exporting(出 口比例)of our production worldwide. Our well-equipped facilities and excelle nt quality con


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