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1、1 / 148Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?一 . Knowledge and abilities goals:1.vocabulary:dance,swim,sing,play chess , paint ,speak English, play the guitar2. How to use Model verb ” can ”.3. Listening and speaking skills and communicative competence.二 . Teaching method: Listening and speaking methoDT. P

2、air works.三 . Moral goals: Encourage studenTT to express their abilities.Content of courses: In this period, studenTT will learn some names of clubs ,such as art , music, chessclub, swimming club, etc. studenTT will learn the drills :Do you want to join club?Can you ?四. Importance and difficulty : c

3、anTeaching AiDT: A tape recorder. Some pictures. A projector Some sporTT things, such as volleyball,basketball, etc. Preparation test paper for lessons before class.五 . Teaching Time: 4 perioDTPeriod 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)DT:TT:MS:1. Knowledge ObjecTT: Learn to talk about abilities.Know something abou

4、t the culture of clubs. Can you/he.?What can you do? What club do you wantto join?can, can t, draw, dance, swim, speak, walk.2. Teaching key point: can3. Teaching Difficult point: can4. Teaching Procedures:Step 1. Lead-inEnjoy a songI m a musicianT: Do you want to be a musician? S:T: Can you play th

5、e pia no?S T: What can you do? S: I can T: What about you? S:T: OK, now please show your talent and tell us what you can do.Ask one of the studenTT come to the front and do the action. Ask other studenTT to guess what he or2 / 148she can do.Step 2. PresentationT: Look at the pictures. What are they

6、doing? S:Step 3 Pair workLook at the pictures. Ask and answer like this:A: Can you play basketball?B: Yes, I can. / No, I canan you ?Step 4 PresentationShow some pictures of famous stars. Practice the third person“he, she, they ”T: Where can you play chess? S:T: Yes, in a chess club. This term, we h

7、ave a lot of clubs. What club do you want to joi n? S T: SounDT great. Can you ?S: Yes, I can/ No, I cantIf the answer is negative, guide studenTT to say:S: No, I can t. But I can learn it from others.Step5 Pair workA: What club do you want to join?B: I want to join theA: Can you ?B: Yes, I can . No

8、, I cant. But I can learn it from others.Step 6 ListeningListen to 1bListen to 2a and 2b. Tell them to give special attention to listening activity (names of the clubs). Finishthe tasks.Step 7 Pair workLook at 2b and talk about what the people can do the clubs they want to join.Step 7 Role-play the

9、conversation 2dT: If you like telling stories. What club can you join?S: Story telling club.T: Right. Please read the conversation following the recording. Who wanTT to join the story telling club?Then role-play the conversation.Step 8 Explain some language poinTT.3 / 148Step 9 HomeworkReflection af

10、ter class:4 / 148Period 2 (Section A: 3a-3c)DT: TT: MS:1. Knowledge ObjecTT: go on learning to talk about abilities.Can you play the guitar?Yes, I can./ No, I cant.What can you do?I can dance.What club do you want to join?I want to join the chess club.2. Teaching key poinTT: Conclude the usage ofcan

11、pu;t all new language into practice throughdifferent activities.3. Teaching Difficult poinTT : Distinguish“say, speak, tell, talk”4.Teaching Procedures:Step1:Greeting, Warming up and duty report.Watch a flash about the content of the Just for fun.Talk something about the flash: Why is the other boy

12、unhappy?Introduce because of the difference of time zones, the time in different places are different. Revision:show the time in six places: Beijing, Tokyo, Paris, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Elicit thesentence pattern: What time is it?Its.Draw attention to the“am”and“pm”. For instance, Beiji

13、ngloisckseinvethneomorning. Weccansay Beijing is seven am. Los Angeles is three in the afternoon. So we can say Los Angeles is three pm.(teacher helps studenTT answer).Step2:Review the worDT learnt in the last period and add more.(1) T:Here are some Chinesel,et us see what time do they usually get u

14、p/ take a shower get up take5 / 148a shower eat breakfast go to school eat lunch run go homedo homework eat dinner go to bed(2) ask studenTT to make a surveyAsk your friend 5 questions about his /her day. Then make a report.A: What time do you usually ?B: I usually at Step3:presentation.(1) Ben s da

15、y. Introduce something about Ben.Using the sentence pattern: What time does he usually get up/go to school/Pay attention to the verb form of the third person.Discuss Do you like ben ;s routines.(2) Show the picture of Scott. He usually geTT up at 5 pm.Ask studenTT to predict what his job is?(3) list

16、en to the tape,and try to answer this question. then read through the passage,andmatch thepictures with the times.(4) read it again and fill in the chart.(5) answer the following questions1. Where does he work?2. How does he go to work?Step4:Work on 3a.(1)Read through the passage and tell me what hi

17、s job is.(2)Read it again and match the pictures.(3)Answer questions:What does he do after he get up?Does he go to work after breakfast? What does he do?How does he go to work? By bus or on foot?What does he do before he goes to bed?What does “What a funny time to eat breakfast!”mean?Step5:Follow up

18、.T:My friend Da Bao likes Scotts work, so he geTT to Sai Te Hotel . But he doesnt find him.T: There are many children in the hotel. Look, they are coming. Please ask them questions to find the6 / 148real Scott.Step6:Work on part4.T:Now six people make a group, and ask the other studenTT when they us

19、ually go to bed . The leaderlines up from the earliest to the latest bedtime.T: Lets liste n Groupl Group2 Step7:Work on part 3 of self heck.T: Now I want to know something about what you do on weekenDT. You can go, ask your classmatesand fill in the forms. Then you have a report.T: You may begin it

20、 like this Ma Li geTT up at Step8:Homework.Oral work:(1) Read 3a and recite it.(2) Go on making a survey to find out what your classmates do on weekenDT.Reflection after class:Period 3 (Section B: 1a-1f)DT:TT:MS:1. Knowledge ObjecTT: go on learning to talk about abilities. drum, play the drum, piano

21、, play thepiano, violin, play the violin2. Teaching key poinTT: Improve listening and speaking3. Teaching Difficult poinTT: Improve listening and speaking4. Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming- up and revisionDaily greeting.Check the homework. Let some Ss report what his/her family members can do.Ste

22、p 2 PresentationPlay the sound of different kinDT of instrumenTT. Let Ss guess what it is.Act and show your classmates your talent.T: Please stand in front of your classmates. Act and say what you can.5 / 1489 / 148S1: (sing and dance) I can sing and dance.S2: (play the drum) I can play the drum.Ste

23、p 3 ListeningTell the Ss that they will listen to some sounDT of the instrumenTT. Listen and number the worDT1-4 in the order of the sounDT you hear in 1a.Play the recording again and check the answers.T: Now lets work on 1c. First, let one student read the worDT and phrases aloud.Then listen to the

24、 1d and circle the worDT and phrase you hear.Check the answers:T: Now please look at the chart in 1e. What can Bill, Cindy and Frank do? What cant they do? Youlllisten to the recording again. Then try to fill in the blanks.Step 4 Group workWork in groups. Take turn to talk about what Bill, Cindy and

25、 Frank can and cant do.S1: Bill can play the guitar, but he cant sing.S2: Cindy can sing and play the drum, but he cant play the piano. Teacher can walk around theclassroom, and give some help to the Ss.Step 5 HomeworkMake up a conversation between a volunteer and a person who is in charge of a spor

26、TT club/oldpeople s home/music club.Reflection after class:10 / 148Period 4 (Section B: 2a-self check)DT:TT:MS:1. Knowledge ObjecTT: go on leanning to talk about abilities. also, people, help (sb) with sth, center, home,today, be good with, make, make frienDT, weekend, on weekenDT/on the weekend, te

27、ach, musicia n2. Teach ing key poin TT: Also, too; be good with, help with3. Teaching Difficult poinTT: Describe one s ability4. Teach ing Procedures:Step 1 Warmin g-upCheck the homeworkAsk some pairs to show their conv ersati onsStep 2 Read ingFirst, show some pictures of the boys and girls and som

28、e key worDT in 2a.T: Here are some pictures and information about Peter, Alan and Ma Huan. Can you describe them accord ingto the pictures and key worDT?S1: Guide SBto use“ also, too ” , and distinguish how to use theseTtwo worGive commenTT on Ss descriptions.T: Now we bead three aDT. Whats the main

29、 idea of each ad? Whats each ads title? Now lets read thethree aDT and select a title for each ad. Ss read carefully and try to select a title for each ad. Check the an swerswith the class.Step 3 Review the usage of“ tell ”,Review and distinguish the usage and function of“ help ”T: Suppose Peter, Al

30、a n and Ma Hua n want to help to do somethi ng after school. Which ad is right for him/her?Now read the descripti ons in 2a and the aDT in 2b aga in. Select a right ad for each pers on. Ss read thedescripti ons in 2a and the aDT in 2b aga in. Try to select a right ad for each pers on. They can talk

31、about the answers in their groups.Check the an swers with the class.Step 4 Homework1. Recite 2a and 2b2. Finish the exercise on p6Reflecti on after class11 / 148Period 5Design Time: Teaching Time:Monitor s sign教学范围: Section B 3a,3b,3c,4 Groupwork 教学内容:句型的实际应用(阅读与书面写作) 。教学目标: 能够熟练读写 教学重点: Writing a n

32、ote. 教学难点: How to write a note. 教学方法:动动手,做一做,画一画,写一写。教学步骤:13a Read the note and draw the missing things in the picture.Dear Sally,Please take these things to your brother:his math book, baseball, notebook, CDT, and video cassette.The mathbook is on the dresser.The baseball is under the bed.The noteb

33、ook is next to the baseball under the bed.TheCDT are in the drawer.The video cassette is behind the computer. Thanks, Mom2.3b Look at the picture and fill in the blanks.Dear Tommy,Can you bring some things to school? I need my hat,my ID card,my pencils,and my notebook.My hat is on thechair. My ID ca

34、rd is in the drawer.My pencils is under the book/in the pencil-box and my notbook are on thedesk.Thanks,Sally3.3c PairworkWrite a note to a friend asking for four things from your room.Say where they are.4.Group workDraw your ideal(理想的)room. The n describe it to the class.eg. Here is my ideal room.

35、My TV is on the desk. My telephone.Period 6Design Time:Teaching Time:Monitor ssign12 / 1481 .Key word check.Check the worDT you know.table bed dresser bookcase sofa chair backpack books keys pencilcase baseball hat math book alarm clock CDvideo cassette computer games2 .Add five new worDT to your V

36、ocab-builder.3.Read the note and draw the room.4.This is my room. There are books in the bookcase. There are pictures on the walls. My backpack s on teheenfltohoer,bboeotwkcase and the desk.There is acomputer on my desk, and a video cassette behind the computer. And there under my bed!Just for fun!W

37、here s my backpack? Is it in the bedroom?No ,it isn t.Is it in the kitchen? No, it isn t.Where is it/ It s on your back.Period 7Design Time: Teaching Time:Monitor s signSelf-check (Revision)I.教材分析:这是第四单元的第三部分:Self-check,即本单元的复习部分。这一部分的课本是由以 下几部分组成的。1. Key word check. Check the worDT you know.2. Add

38、five new worDT to your Vocab-builder.3. Read the note and draw the room.Just for fun! Where s my backpack?Language topic:Where s my backpaItck? s under the bed.Is it on the chair? Yes, it is. No, it isnt.Language strategies:Talk about things around the house and where they are.Main vocabulary:table,

39、 bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, drawer, backpack, CD, plant, alarm clock, mathbook, video cassette, hatII. 语言结构:一般现在时 be, 方位介词 in, on, under, behind, next to。 语言功能:询问物品在哪里及怎样回答 .s onthes my hat. It13 / 148跨学科学习:空间思维能力 ; 品德:养成良好习惯,物品要摆放有序 ,不能到处乱扔。III. 活动设计: 1. 猜谜游戏 (Guessing game)Put a soccer b

40、all or a baseball or a computer game in theclassroom, let the studenTT guess where it is.2. Remembering game. Read the passage and remember where the things are.IIII. Teaching steps:Step 1:Greetings and song: Fishes, fishes, where are you?Step 2: Key word check. Ask the studenTT to read the worDT an

41、d remember them.Review these worDT according to the picture in Page 19, ask the studenTTto find the things and write down.table, bed, dresser, bookcase, sofa, chair, backpack, book, key, pencilcase, baseball, hat, math book, alarm clock, CD, video cassette, computer game.可以根据图片或实物来检查提问。Step 3: Phras

42、es 复习方位介词(先用实物来演示位置关系)Then do it like this: (先口头后笔头)在桌子下面 under the table My hat is under the table.2、在沙发上 on the sofa My books are 3、在门后面4、在旁边5、在背包里Step 4: Pair work: guessing game Review Where s Is it Put a soccer ball or a baseball or a computer or a backpack or something else in the classroom, l

43、et thestudenTT guess where it is.Where s the soccer ball? Can you guess? Is it? Yes, it is. No, it isn t.Where is my pencil case/backpack/pen/bag? Can you guess? Is it on the desk/under the chairYes, it is. No, it isn t.Step 5: Just for fun. (Ask the studenTT to read it in a strange voice to make th

44、e dialogue fun or interesting)Where s my backpack? (P24)养成良好习惯,物品要摆放有序 ,不能到处乱扔。Step 6. Talk about the picture in pairs in Page 23.Where s/are ? It s/They re Step 7 .Practise14 / 148Read the note for 3 times and draw the room.This is my room. There are books in the bookcase. There are pictures on he

45、wall. My backpack is on the chair.And I have a baseball. It s on the floor, between the bookcase and the desk. There computer on my desk, anda video cassette behind the computer. And there s my hat. Itunder my bed.Ask and answer questions about the picture you drew, try to remember where the things

46、are.Where are the books? They re Where is the backpack? It s Where s the baseball?Where s the computer and the video cassette?Where s the hat?Step 8: Let s sum what we ve learned from Unit 4.WorDT: Phrases: Sentences: Something else:Questions:Step 9: Homework:1. Remember the worDT in Unit 4.2. Pract

47、ise the dialogue in pairs.3. Write a note to your friend sally, asking for four things from your room. Say where they are. Dear Sally,Can you bring some things to me? I need my _ , my _ , my _ and my _.My _ is _ . My _ is _. My _ is _ and my_ are _ .Thanks, TomRead the note in your group.Notes:15 /

48、148Unit 2 What time do you go to school?1. Teaching Aims:1) Aims of Basic Knowledge:1Vocabulary: time, shower, usually, O clock, what time, go to school, take a shower.2Grammar: What time do you W/hat time does he /she?3Function: Use the simple tense to talk about the daily life.2) Aims of Abilities

49、: Listening skill. Speaking skill. Reading skill. Writing skill.3) Aims of Emotion: Love life.2. Analysis of the Material:1) Brief Introduction of the teaching material:What time / When do you ?” “ What time / When does he?”2) Teaching Focus: What time do you ? What time does he/ she?3) Teaching Dif

50、ficulties: Present tense.3. Learning MethoDT: Make a plan. Culture.4. Teaching MethoDT: Student- centered. Task-based Teaching.5. Teaching Time: 4 perioDTPeriod 1(Section A: 1a-2a)DT:TT:MS:Step One: Warmin g-upGreet ingT: Good after noon, every one.Ss: Good after noon, Miss Yang.Step Two: Prese ntat

51、io n1.Adjust the time, and ask stude nTT questi ons.T: What time is it? Ss: It s 12 o . cQWrite on Bb )(Help Ss to say )T: What time is it?Ss: It s 10:15(. Help Ss to say )16 / 1482.Ask one stude nt to come to the front, adjust the time and ask the other stude nTT.S1: What time is it?Ss: It s 9 o cl

52、ock.3.Teach the new worDT & phrases.Show some pictures of differe nt clocks and the activities.T: I m very busy these days. Can you guess what timgelt up / eat breakfast / go to school / run / take a shower?( Write on Bb)T: I usually get up at 6:35. ( Teach Ss the new word“ usually ” )S1: You us

53、ually eat breakfast atS2: You usually run at S3: You usually take a shower at4.Ask Ss to do the exercise of 1a, and the n check the an swers.Step Three: Liste ning1.Show Ss the timetable of Rick s ( write on small Bb )Rick s timetableGeTT upEaTT breakfastRunsGoes to schoolTakes a showerAsk Ss listen

54、 to the recorder and fill in the chart.Then check the an swers.2.Ask and an swer.T: What time does Rick get up / eat breakfast / run / go to school / take a shower ?Ss: He geTT up / eaTT breakfast / runs / goes to school / takes a showatr (Ask Ss pay attention to the underlined phrases.)Step Four: C

55、on solidati on1.Ask Ss to look at the pictures and tell their days.Example: I usually get up at.I eat breakfast at.I go to school at.At ,I t17 / 148Step Six: Homework1.Try to remember all the worDT & phrases.2.Survey: Ask your classmates their routi nes, and give your report.3.Pla n: January 平 i

56、s coming. Please pla n it, and make your day won derful.Step Seven Blackboard DesignUnit 2 What time do you go to school?What time do you go to school? I usually go to school at six thirty.go to school get dressed get up brush teetheat breakfast take a shower what timeReflect ion after class18 / 148

57、Period 2 (Section A: 2b-Grammar Focus)DT: TT: MS:1. Aims and demanDT :1) Language skills :Ss learn to talk about kinDT of transportation, and how long it takes to go places, andhow far apart places are.2) Target Language : WorDT : how far , get to , bicycle , subway , bus stop, train station , minut

58、e, kilometer,mile , transportation , calendarSentences: How do you get to school ? / How long does it take ? / How far is it ?3) Moral object : Through learning this unit , Ss can enable them to care for each other whenever crossingthe roaDT and pay attention to the sign of traffic.2. Analysis of th

59、e material:StudenTT have learned the transportation before. In this unit ,they need to learn more details about thetransportation. At the same time ,they need to learn“ How long and How faruse them freely.3. Teaching methoDT:pairwork , groupwork ,listening and speaking, practicing4, learning strateg

60、ies:Personalizing Inferring vocabulary5. Teaching aiDT:Tape recorder, a projector or a computer6. Teaching period:Four perioDT.Period 3 (Section B: 3a-3c)DT: TT: MS:1. Aims and DemanDT: Key vocabulary, How do you get to school ? How does he get to school ?2. Teaching methoDT : Listening Writing Pairwork3. T


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