1、Unit 5 When work is a pleasurePART 1Understanding and LearningOverviewThis unit centers on the topic of work-an indispensable part of individual lives. Work may serve different purposes and have different meanings to different people. Text A argues, by differentiating among work, labor, and play, th
2、at interest and enjoyment in work are important for the benefit of both individuals and society. Text B, by telling us a story of a shoemaker and the author, stimulates thoughts on building a tradition of working with pride, self-esteem, and responsibility. All of these elements, as shown in both te
3、xts, cannot be achieved in a job that is done merely for the sake of money. Concerning the writing style, Text A is developed mainly by means of contrasts, which are effectively used to highlight, point by point, the differences between workers and laborers. Text B, by means of narration through the
4、 use of the first person “I” and with detailed description and lively conversations, gives the readers a strong feeling of being personally on the scene, and achieves the effect of great vividness. In order for students to get a strong understanding of the unit theme and foster a good attitude towar
5、d work, the teacher should encourage thought-provoking discussions and activities. The topics for the discussions may include why we work, how we can foster love for work, how we achieve happiness at work, etc. Possible activities are peer interviews, retelling of Text B, questionnaire survey to gau
6、ge the happiness level of a specific occupation and to work out how to achieve greater happiness at work.Section AWill you be a worker or a labor?Background information1 continuing educationContinuing education refers to the education for adults, usually in classes that are held in the evening and e
7、specially on subjects that are related to their jobs.2 experiential learningExperiential learning is the process of making meaning from direct experience. It is learning through reflection on doing, which is often contrasted with rote learning (死记硬背). Experiential learning focuses on the learning pr
8、ocess for the individua1. An example of experiential learning is going to the zoo and learning through observation and interaction with the zoo environment, as opposed to reading about animals from a book. Thus, one makes discoveries and experiments with knowledge firsthand, instead of hearing or re
9、ading about others experiences.Detailed study of the text1 In a society where slavery in the strict sense has been abolished, the social indications around work, the value of work and the salary, have degraded many laborers into modern slaves-“wage slaves”.(Para. 1)Meaning: In a society where slaver
10、y, strictly speaking, has been put to an end, the social status of work, the value of work and the salary, have made many laborers become modern slaves-“wage slaves”. degrade:vt. treat sb. without respect and make them lose respect for themselves贬低(某人 );羞 辱 (某人)The examination supervisor warned stud
11、ents not to degrade themselves by cheating on the exam.监考老师警告学生不要在考试中舞弊,以免自取其辱。Note “Wages slaves” here refers to those who work for the mere purpose of earning a wage.2 People are considered laborers if their job has an adverse effect on them, yet they feel compelled to continue working by the nece
12、ssity of conforming to societal expectations and earning the revenue to support themselves and their families. (Para. 2)Meaning: People are considered laborers if their job has a bad or negative effect on them, but they are forced to work because they want to meet the expectations of the society and
13、 earn some money to support themselves and their families. adverse:a. .not good or favorable不利的; 反对的; 反面的Economists fear that any conflict between the two countries could have adverse effects on global financial markets. 经济学家们担心两国之间的任何冲突都可能对全球金融市场产生不利影响。 conform:vi. ( to/with) obey sth. such as a ru
14、le or law遵照;遵守;服从The city has a few modern buildings in the central area which do not conform with the style of the citys overall character. 该城市中心区域有一些现代建筑跟城市的整体风格特点不相符合。 revenue:n.Umoney that a business or organization receives over a period of time, esp. from selling goods or services (公司、机构的) 收益,
15、 收入A spokesman for the finance department said costs generally rise when revenue increases. 财务部门的发言人说收益增加成本通常会增加。Note societal: a. relating to society or the way society is organized 社会的In time, humans began to develop societal organizations that eventually would become what we know as towns and cit
16、ies. 经过一段时间之后,人类开始形成社会组织,这些社会组织最终发展成为我们所知道的乡镇和城市。3The polar opposite of labor is play. (Para, 2)Meaning: Play is completely opposite to labor.polar:a.1) (opposite/extreme) sth. that is the complete or exact opposite of sth. else完全相反; 正好相反John said hed vote for the candidate even if his beliefs were
17、the polar opposite of his own. 约翰说即便候选人的观点与自己的相左 ,他也将投票给该候选人。2) close to or relating to the North Pole or the South Pole地极的;近地极的;极地的The melting of the polar icecaps and the rise in the sea level are only the most commonly cited effects of climate change.极地冰盖融化以及海平面上升只是最常被提及的气候变化的后果。4 When we play a
18、game, we enjoy what we are doing, but it is a purely private pastime; (Para. 2) pastime: n. C sth. that you do because you think it is enjoyable or interesting消遣; 娱乐To relieve the stress caused by her job, she turned to painting, a pastime she had loved since childhood. 为了缓解工作引起的压力, 她开始画画, 这是她自儿时起就喜
19、欢的消遣。5 Between labor and play stands work. (Para.3)Meaning: Work lies somewhere between labor and play.Note Here we are reminded of what is mentioned in the preceding paragraph “The polar opposite of labor is play”.6 People are labeled as workers if their personal interests coincide with the jobs so
20、ciety pays them to do; what is necessary labor from the point of view of society is voluntary play from the individuals personal point of view. (Para. 3)Meaning: People are regarded as workers if their personal interests agree with the jobs society pays them to do; what is necessary labor from the p
21、erspective of society can mean voluntary play to a worker.Note The labor required in a job is voluntary play to workers because they show interest in it, enjoy what they are doing and find pleasure in it; just as if they were playing a game. coincide: vi. (with)1) (of ideas, opinions, etc. ) be the
22、same or very similar (想法、意见等 )相同, 相符,极为类似Indeed, the States interests may not coincide with those of the individual.的确, 国家利益可能与个人利益不一致。2) (of two or more events) take place at the same time (两件或更多的事情)同时发生Her arrival coincided with our departure.她到来之时正逢我们离开。 voluntary: a. done willingly and without b
23、eing forced自愿的; 自动的Every decision is made of a persons free will, and is voluntary, unless it is effected by compulsion.每项决定都是基于个人意愿, 属自愿性质的,除非有强制要求。Note point of view: n. a particular way of thinking about or judging a situation 视角;角度How does your point of view square with what some of your colleag
24、ues have said?你的观点与你些同事的意见在多大程度上致?7 Whether a job is to be designated as labor or work depends, not on the job itself but on the tastes of the individual who undertakes it. (Para.3)Meaning: Whether a job is so be considered as labor or work depends, not on the job itself, but on the very person who
25、does it had interest in it or not.desinate:vt.1) (fml.)( sb./sth. as ) give sb. or sth. a particular name, title, or description 把定名为; 授予称号; 把描述为When residents wanted to designate the Elk River as a heritage site, the mines killed the proposal. 当居民们想把埃尔克河确定为文化遗产时,该提议却被众多的矿井给毁掉了。2)(sb./sth.as)formall
26、y choose sb. or sth. for a particular purpose任命; 选定; 选派A will allows people to designate someone as receiver of their property when they die.遗嘱使人们可以指定其去世后财产由谁继承。8 The difference does not, for example, correlate with the difference between a manual and mental job or between jobs of low or high esteem
27、; (Para.3)Meaning: The difference labor and work has no connection with the difference between a manual and mental job or between jobs which get low or high respect and admiration.correlate: v. (with) if two or more facts, ideas, etc. correlate or you correlate them, they are closely connected to ea
28、ch other or one causes the other(使)相互关联Rising temperatures and the associated earlier spring snowmelt with increasing amounts and size of wildfires in the western United States. 气温升高及其所导致的春季融雪提前与美国西部数量日益增多、规模日益增大的山火是有关联的。 esteem:n. Ua feeling of respect for sb., or a good opinion of sb.尊敬; 敬重He is h
29、eld in high esteem by colleague in the construction industry.他受到建筑业同行的高度尊重。vt. (fml.) respect and admire sb. or sth. 尊敬; 敬重Employee qualities such as being cooperative and industrious are often esteemed by managers.员工的合作、勤奋等品质常常为经理们所推崇。9 Workers are therefore more prone to dedicate more time to work
30、ing, taking too little leisure rather than too much. (Para.4)Meaning: Workers are therefore more likely to spend more time in working, and they will spend extremely little amount of time on ne:a. likely to do sth. or suffer from sth., esp. sth. bad or harmful易于发生某事(尤指不好或有害的事)的;很可能的;有倾向
31、的Most children are prone to junk food.多数孩子喜欢吃垃圾食品。dedicate vt.1) use a place, time, money, etc. only for a particular purpose(为某一目的而)使用The newspaper dedicated three whole pages to pictures of the princess.报纸用了三个整版刊登王妃的照片。2) give all your attention and effort to one particular thing 致力于; 献身于The new p
32、resident said she would dedicate herself protecting the rights of children, the old and the homeless.新总统说她将致力于保护儿童、老人和无家可归者的权利。10 To laborers, on the other hand, leisure means autonomy from compulsion, so it is natural for them to imagine that the fewer hours they have to spend laboring, and the mor
33、e hours they have free for play, the better. (Para.4)Meaning: To labors, on the other hand, leisure means complete freedom from what they are forced to do or what they have to do; so, it is natural for them to think that it is better if they spend less time on labor and more time on play.autonomy.U1
34、) the ability or opportunity to make your own decisions without being controlled by anyone else自主能力; 自主Genetic engineering may threaten privacy, kill autonomy, make society look and be alike, and destroy the concept of human nature.基因工程可能威胁隐私,扼杀自主权,使社会千篇一律,并且破坏人性这一观念。2) freedom that a place or an or
35、ganization has to g overn or control itself自治; 自治权They are willing to give this district more autonomy, but not independence.他们愿意给该地区更多的自治权,但不会让其独立。Note compulsion: n.sing.,U the act of forcing or influencing sb. to do sth. they do not want to do, or the situation of being forced or influenced (被)强制
36、;(被)强迫Who would undertake such a difficult task without compulsion?如果不是强制性的,谁会去承担这样项困难的任务?11 They will also work with more diligence and precision because they have fostered a sense of personal pride in their jobs. (Para.5)Meaning: They will also work harder and more accurately because they have dev
37、eloped a sense of personal pride in their jobs.precision: n.Uthe quality of being very exact or correct 精确(性); 准确(性)To improve the precision of gene testing, scientist needed to spell out the actual DNA sequence of disease-fostering genes. 为了提高基因测试的精度,科学家们需要阐明致病基因的DNA序列。foster: vt. heIp a skill, fel
38、ling, idea, etc. develop over a period of time促进; 培养;助长All classroom practice will be geared to encouraging and fostering not only students learning habits but also students creativity.所有的课堂实践都将不仅鼓励和培养学生的学习习惯,还鼓励和培养其创造力:12 On the other hand, laborers, whose sole incentive is earning their livelihood
39、, feel that the time they spend on the daily grind is wasted and doesnt contribute to their happiness. (Para, 5)Meaning: On the other hand, laborers, whose only motive is making a living, feel that the time they spend on the boring daily work is wasted and doesnt bring them happiness.incentive: n .C
40、,U sth. that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc.刺激;动力;鼓励My girlfriends interest in my job gave me an incentive, so I worked twice as hard.女友对我工作的兴趣给了我动力,因此我加倍努力。livelihood: n . C,Uthe way you earn money in order to live生计It was the lack of a basic livelihood that compelled the o
41、ppressed to fight for their survival.正是由于无法维持基本的生计才迫使被压迫者为自身的生存而抗争。13 Instead of valuing all hours of their day as enjoyable and productive hours, they gauge only the time spent in leisure and play as meaning. (Para.5)Meaning: Instead of regarding all 24 hours of their day as enjoyable and productiv
42、e hours, they believe that only the time that they spend in leisure and play is meaningful.gauge: vt. make a judgment or guess about a situation, action, or person based on the information that you have (根据所掌握的信息)估计,判断If you want to gauge public opinion about the war, look at the local media coverag
43、e concerning the deaths of the soldiers.如果你想判断舆论对这场战争的看法,看看当地媒体有关士兵牺牲的报道吧。n. C an instrument for measuring the size or amount of sth.测量仪器; 计量器; 量规A gasoline gauge shows the amount of gasoline left in a car.油表显示汽车剩余的油量。14 Unfortunately, laborers are all too commonplace, and only a small percentage of
44、 the population is in the lucky position of being workers. (Para.5)Meaning: Unfortunately, laborers are so common that they can be seen almost everywhere, and only a small percentage of the population is lucky to be workers.Commonplace: a. happening or existing in many places, and therefore not spec
45、ial or unusual平常的;平凡的;不足为奇的Paid vacations of two weeks or longer are a commonplace benefit in many companies.两周或更长的带薪假期在很多公司都是常见的福利。15 In recent decades,technological innovation and the division of labor have caused major economic changes by eliminating the need for special strength or skill in many
46、 fields and have turned many paid occupations with enjoyable work into boring labor.(Para, 6)Meaning: In recent decades, the improvements in technology and the division of labor have caused great economic changes. People do not need special strength or skill any more in many fields. Many paid jobs w
47、ith enjoyable work have become boring labor routine.innovation: n.1)U the introduction of new ideas or methods 革新;创新The duty of every teacher is to encourage creativity and innovation in the classroom.每个老师在课堂上的职责都是鼓励创新。2)C a new idea, method, or invention 新观念;新方法Those well-meaning people who have tr
48、ied to introduce innovations in schools have come up with against considerable resistance from teachers, students and parents alike.那些善意的人们尽力将一些新观念引入学校, 但在老师、学生和家长中都遇到了相当大的阻力。16 Increasing productivity with automated machines, such as robots, has reduced the number of necessary laboring hours. (Para
49、.6)Meaning: With the use of machines which can automatically do the work for people, such as robots, productivity has increased and the number of necessary laboring hours has accordingly decreased.automate: vt. start using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people使自动化The engineer used a
50、 computer program he had created to automate downloading of program updates.该工程师用自己设计的电脑程序自动下载程序更新。automated: a. using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people自动化的One proposed solution to the growing problem of accidents caused by tired truck, may perhaps be an automated highway system
51、.车司机疲劳驾驶引起的事故越来越多,一个提议的解决方案可能就是自动化高速公路系统。17 It is possible to imagine an upcoming society in which the majority of the population will have almost as much leisure time as in earlier times was enjoyed by the medieval aristocracy. (Para.6)Meaning: It is possible to imagine that in a society of the nea
52、r future, most of the people will have a lot of spare time, which would be similar to the amount of time for play enjoyed by aristocrats in medieval times. upcoming: a. (only) happening soon 即将来临的; 即将发生的I feel very confident about the upcoming debate because I believe that I can defeat my opponents
53、argument easily.我对即将到来的辩论充满信心,因为我相信我能轻松驳倒对方的观点。medieval: a. connected with the Middle Ages(= the period between about AD 1100 and 1500)中世纪的;中古时期的I have seen medieval manuscripts in which one word is spelled four different ways on a single page.我看过中世纪的手稿,同一页上一个单词竟然有四种拼写方法。18 The medieval aristocrats
54、had an abundance of leisure time but often wasted it in trivial pursuit of games and fashion. (Para, 6)Meaning: The medieval aristocrats had a large amount of leisure time but often wasted it on such insignificant things as playing games and following the latest fashion.19 Likewise, modern-day labor
55、ers with too much leisure time may find it difficult to refrain from the addictive and trivial pursuits of celebrity gossip, extravagant fashion, and excessive video games and TV-similar bad habits that waste valuable time. (Para, 6)Meaning: Similarly, laborers of modern day, who have too much leisu
56、re time, may find it hard to stop doing such insignificant things as talking about private affairs of famous people, and spending a lot of money on fashion and too much time on video games and TV shows. These bad habits will equally waste valuable time.refrain: vi. (from) (fml.) not do sth. that you
57、 want to do克制; 抑制; 忍住International financial experts committed to refrain from competitive devaluation of our currencies and decide to promote a stable and well-functioning international monetary system.国际金融专家承诺不使我们的货币出现竞争性贬值并决定要促进建立稳定完善的国际货币体系。addictive a.1) an activity that is addictive is so enjo
58、yable that you do not want to stop 使人入迷的; 使人沉溺的I tell most people to avoid collecting antiques, as it is too expensive and addictive.多数人不要收集古童,因为它太费钱,而且让人沉迷其中。2) if a substance, esp. a drug is addictive, your body starts to need it regularly and you are unable to stop taking it使人成瘾的Doctors say that relying on these electr
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