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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语语法教学大纲<前 言>一、简要说明英语语法通过分析与综合、归纳与演绎来探讨英语语言的规律性,通过对词法,句法两大类的讲授及大量的实践,使学生进一步掌握语法基本理论知识,提高语言表达的准确性。同时,通过对英语语言现象的简明概括,使学生对英语语法不仅有感性认识,而且上升到理性认识,从而能够举一反三,恰当地使用语法结构和提高交际能力。适用专业及层次: 英语本科开课学期:第二学期学时:50学分: 3课程类型:专业基础课(必修)二、课程性质、地位和任务英语语法属高校英语专业的一门必修课程,它将有利于语言和文学教学,有助于语言及翻译研究。本课程的目的是为了高校英语

2、专业学生系统地认识英语从词到句乃至语篇的构造,提高使用英语的规范性,学会用英语准确地、有效地传递信息和表达思想,同时系统地了解英语语法的发展,为进一步地学习及研究英语语言奠定基础。三、教学基本要求和方法1、教学基本要求:通过语法的介绍,加强理论与实践相结合,使学生掌握和解释各种语言现象;灵活准确地运用各种语法知识,提高学生的交际能力和语言表达的准确性。2、教学基本方法: (1)以启发式教学方法、课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论为辅。(2)因材施教,有取有舍。有些章节精讲,部分章节大体涉猎或由学生自学, 教师课后进行辅导,答疑。(3)理论与实践相结合,严格要求学生做课后习题,并辅以精选练习。四、授课教材及

3、主要参考书目授课教材:本课程使用教材是由陈敦金教授主编的、总结了当代最新英语语法研究成果的新编英语语法综合教程,该教材已在许多院校广泛使用,师生反应较好。该书吸收了当代英语语法的前沿理论与术语,不光涉及到词和句的规则,而且涉及到主义和语用的规则。对句子成分、词类和时体的分类采用了最新方法,语法术语采用了最新提法,并且内容丰富翔实,论述清晰透彻,例句规范准确。主要参考书目:1新编英语语法综合教程练习册陈敦金主编,复旦大学出版社,2004。2新编英语语法教程章振邦主编,上海外语教育出版社,2006。3.高级英语语法薄 冰主编世界知识出版社,2002。4.实用英语语法张道真主编, 外语教学与研究出版

4、社,2000。5.实用英语语法练习与答案张道真主编,外语教学与研究出版社,2000。6.新英语语法张克礼主编, 高等教育出版社, 2004。7. An Advanced English Grammar, Paul Christophersen & Arther O.Sandved,1982.8. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language,Randolph Quirk, Sindnery Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Kam Svartvik, 19859. Intoduction to English Gra

5、mmar, Sidney Grennbaum, 1993五、学分与学时分配理论教学:3学分,50学时。六、考核内容与方法课程成绩评定要素及比例:总评成绩 = 出勤、课堂表现(10 %) + 测验、作业(10 %) + 期中考试(10 %)+ 期末考试(70 %)<教学内容>Lecture 1 Introduction: Grammatical Hierarchy (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with grammatical hierarchy of the English

6、language. 2. Help students to understand: the sentence is the highest rank of grammatical unit while the morpheme is the minimum or the lowest rank. 3. Help students to master: the grammar of the English language is organized into five ranks: the sentence, the clause, the phrase, the word and the mo

7、rpheme.Key points: grammatical hierarchy; the classifications of wordsDifficult points: the classification of morphemes; the differences between simple, compound, complex and compound-complex sentencesLecture 2 Verb and Verb Phrase (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar

8、 with the knowledge of the classification of verbs from different angles.2. Help students to understand some basic concepts of tense, aspect, voice and mood of the verb.3. Help students to master the four important grammatical categories of the English verb.Key points: differences between transitive

9、 verbs, intransitive verbs; linking verbs; the concepts of tense, aspect, voice and moodDifficult points: dynamic verbs; stative verbs; tense; aspectLecture 3 & 4 Tense and Aspect / means of expressing future time (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with features

10、 of tense and aspect.2. Help students to understand and know uses of past progressive and uses of present perfective (progressive).3. Help students to master uses of simple present, uses of simple past and uses of present progressive.Key points: uses of simple present; uses of simple past; uses of p

11、resent progressive; uses of past progressiveDifficult points: simple present referring to the future; simple present referring to the past; means of expressing future timeLecture 5 Passive Voice (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the uses of passive sentences a

12、nd the expression of passive meanings.2. Help students to understand passive constructions and passive meanings.3. Help students to master rules of change active voice into the passive, and voice constraints.Key points: rules of change; voice constraints; contrast between English and Chinese passive

13、sDifficult points: contrast between English and Chinese passives; active constructions expressing passive meaningsLecture 6 Subjunctive Mood (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to know two forms of the subjunctive: be- subjunctive and were-subjunctive.2. Help students to understand

14、uses of be-subjunctive in certain clauses.3. Help students to master ways of expressing hypothetical meanings.Key points: the uses of be-subjunctive in that-clauses to express a command, decision, suggestion, etc.Difficult points: uses of subjunctive in some formulaic expressions to express a wish,

15、prayer, curse, etc.Lecture 7 Auxiliaries (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with some basic knowledge of auxiliaries: primary auxiliaries, modal auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries.2. Help students to understand uses of modal auxiliaries and semi-auxiliaries.3. Help st

16、udents to master modals and modal meanings in terms of semantics.Key points: the uses of modals to show ability, possibility, permission and prohibition; epistemic and non-epistemic use of modalsDifficult points: epistemic modals; syntactic features of epistemic modalsLecture 8 Infinitive (4 class h

17、ours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with forms of the infinitive: to-infinitive and bare infinitive.2. Help students to understand the use of the infinitive sign.3. Help students to master combinations of infinitives with adjectives, nouns and verbs.Key points: grammatical for

18、ms of the infinitive; infinitive sigh used alongDifficult points: ellipsis of the infinitive sign; the differences between infinitive to and preposition toLecture 9 -ing Participle and ed Participle(2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to know the “attachment rule” for identifying the

19、 subject.2. Help students to understand the contrast between ing participle and corresponding use of the infinitive.3. Help students to master the collocation of ing participle with verbs and ed participle used as premodifier and as subject/object complement.Key points: collocation of ing participle

20、 with verbs; -ed participle used as premodifierDifficult points: -ed participle derived from intransitive; dangling participlesLecture 10 & 11 Noun and Noun Phrase / Genitive Noun (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with and know classification of nouns and funct

21、ion of noun phrases.2. Help students to understand function of noun phrases: the noun phrase can function as all the elements in a sentence except the predicate verb.3. Help students to master number forms of nouns especially, irregular plural.Key points: functions of nouns phrases; number forms of

22、nouns; independent genitive and double genitiveDifficult points: the formation of partitives related to the shape of things; double genitiveLecture 12 Determiners(2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the collocations between determiners and nouns.2. Help students

23、to understand and know collocations between determiners.3. Help students to master uses of articles: generic and specific reference. Key points: the choice of determiners; generic and specific reference of articlesDifficult points: word order of three subclasses of determinersLecture 13 Pronouns (2

24、class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the concord of pronouns with their antecedents in gender.2. Help students to understand the concord of pronouns (and corresponding determiners) with their antecedents in number and person.3. Help students to master choice of pron

25、oun case forms and the use of possessive and reflexive pronouns.Key points: pronoun concord in number; pronoun concord in gender as antecedent; choice of pronoun case formsDifficult points: the application of pronoun concord in person on textual level; anaphoric, cataphoric and situational reference

26、 of pronounLecture 14 Adjective and Adjective Phrase (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with classification and morphology of adjectives as well as formation and uses of adjective phrases.2. Help students to understand adjective phrases used as complement.3. Help st

27、udents to master the use of adjective and adjective phrase as modifier. Key points: adjectives and participles; adjectives as modifier in noun phrasesDifficult points: dynamic and stative adjectives; active and passive meanings of adjectiveLecture 15 Adverb and Adverb Phrase (1 class hour)【Teaching

28、Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with some basic knowledge of adverb and adverb phrase.2. Help students to understand the meanings of adverb with or without ly.3. Help students to master chief uses of adverb and adverb phrase as modifiers in phrases and as adverbial in clauses or sentence

29、s.Key points: adverbs used as modifiers in phrases; adverbs with or without -lyDifficult points: adverb with or without -lyLecture 16 Comparison and Comparative Constructions (1 class hour)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students get familiar with some basic knowledge of comparison and comparative cons

30、tructions.2. Help students understand three degrees of comparison: positive/absolute degree, comparative degree and superlative degree.3. Help students master the contrast between comparative constructions.Key points: types of comparative constructions; contrast between comparative constructionsDiff

31、icult points: contrast between “ more than” and quasi-coordinative typeLecture 17 & 18 Preposition and Prepositional Phrase (4 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with some basic knowledge of preposition and prepositional phrase.2. Help students to understand transf

32、ormational relations between prepositional phrases and subordinate clauses.3. Help students to master the collocation of prepositions with adjectives, verbs and nouns.Key points: prepositions after adjectives; collocation of preposition with nounsDifficult points: collocation of prepositions; comple

33、x prepositionLecture 19 Sentence Structure (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with sentence structure, sentence elements, or sentence patterns. 2. Help students to know clause elements. 3. Help students to Basic clause types and their transformation and expansion.Ke

34、y points: subject and predicate; ways of sentence analysis; basic clause typesDifficult points: Transformation and expansion of basic clause typesLecture 20 Statement, Question, Command, Exclamation(1 class hour)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with communicative functions of se

35、ntences.2. Help students to understand the function and formation of commands and exclamations.3. Help student to master the function and formation of statement and question.Key points: statement; question; commandDifficult points: notional subject; non-finite existential clauses as prepositional co

36、mplementationLecture 21 Existential Sentence (1 class hour)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the communicative function of an existential sentence.2. Help students to understand non-finite existential clauses.3. Help students to master structural properties of existential se

37、ntences.Key points: notional subject; predicator in existential sentencesDifficult points: notional subject; non-finite existential clauses as prepositional complementationLecture 22 It-Patterns (1 class hour)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with It-Patterns . 2. Help students t

38、o master three types of sentence with non-referring it as formal subject.Key points: Empty it , anticipatory it and it as introductory word of cleft sentencesDifficult points :it as introductory word of cleft sentencesLecture 23 Substitution / Ellipsis / Postponement, Fronting and Inversion (1 class

39、 hour)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with some basic knowledge of Substitution / Ellipsis / postponement, fronting and inversion.2. Help students to understand the same grammatical function of ellipsis and substitution and the principles of “end focus” and “end weight”.3. Help

40、 students to master the grammatical device for avoiding repetition and achieving textual cohesion as well as various types of fronting with or without inversion.Key points: postponement; fronting without inversion; fronting with inversionDifficult points: end focus; end weightLecture 24 Coordination

41、 (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the basic knowledge of a coordinate construction. 2. Help students to understand formation of coordinate constructions.3. Help students of master several types of coordinate constructions and their coordinating devices.Key po

42、ints: coordinating devices; symmetrical organization of coordinate constructionsDifficult points: insertion between coordinated items; symmetrical organization of coordinate constructionsLecture 25 Relative Clause (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with differences

43、between restrictive and non-restrictive relative clauses.2. Help students to understand uses of non-restrictive relative clauses.3. Help students to master choice of pronouns in relative clauses and clauses introduced by “preposition + relative pronoun”.Key points: choice of relative words; clauses

44、introduced by “preposition + relative pronoun”Difficult points: double relative clauses; embedded relative clausesLecture 26 Adverbials (2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with the structure of adverbials.2. Help students to understand different types of adverbials.3

45、. Help students to master different verb forms in each type of adverbials.Key points: real conditional; unreal conditionalDifficult points: variant form of unreal conditionalLecture 27 Direct and Indirect Speech(2 class hours)【Teaching Objectives】1. Help students to get familiar with differences between direct and indirect speech.2. Help students to understand mixed types of indirect speech.3. Help students to master changes from direct speech into indirect speech.Key points: indirect statements; indire


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