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1、COPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaRoger D. Blackwell Paul W. Miniard James F. EngelPai Di-ching; Norjaya Mohd. Yasin; Wan Jooria Hood Consumer BehaviorCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaCHAPTER 3The Consumer Decision ProcessCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaT

2、he Consumer Decision ProcessCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaThe Consumer Decision ProcessHow do consumers make purchase decisions?How do firms use this information to develop new products and marketing programs?COPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaThe Consumer Decision ProcessThe CDP represents a

3、 road map of consumers minds that marketers and managers can use to help guide product mix, communications, and sales strategiesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaThe Consumer Decision ProcessP&G used consumer information regarding various decision process stages to create and market DryelBy pe

4、rmission of Drexel.COPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process StagesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelPurchaseNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationConsumptionPost-consumption EvaluationDivestmentPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 201

5、2 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelNeed RecognitionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaNeed RecognitionAn individual senses a difference between what he or she perceives to be the ideal versus the actual state of affairsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaNeed RecognitionConsumers

6、 recognize needs and seek to fulfill them, or seek a product to solve their problemsKnowing consumers needs helps firms develop products and marketing programs to reach them more effectivelyCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaNeed RecognitionIndividual Differences- Consumer Resources- Motivation- Kn

7、owledge- Attitudes- Personality, Values, and LifestyleEnvironmental Influences- Culture- Social Class- Personal Influence- Family - SituationMEMORYNeed RecognitionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning

8、AsiaSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnviron- mental InfluencesNeed RecognitionAttentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaSearch for InformationInternal search: retrieving know-ledge from memory or genetic tendenciesExternal

9、search: collecting informa-tion from peers, family, and the marketplaceCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaSearch for InformationSearch may be passive as consumers become more receptive to information around them, or active if they engage in search behavior Search refers to a receptivity of informat

10、ion that solves problems or needs rather than a search for specific productsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaSearch for InformationNeed RecognitionSearchExternal SearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnvironmental InfluencesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaSearch: Sources of Inform

11、ation Marketer Dominated Non-Marketer Dominated StimuliCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning Asia- Advertising- Salespeople- Infomercials- Websites- Point-of-sales materials Search: Sources of Information Marketer Dominated COPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning Asia- Friends- Family - Opinion leaders- MediaSear

12、ch: Sources of Information Non-Marketer Dominated StimuliCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaInformation ProcessingAs a consumer is exposed to information from external search, they begin to process the stimuliCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaInformation ProcessingM EMORYAttentionComprehensionAcc

13、eptanceRetentionExposureStimuli:- Marketer Dominated- Nonmarketer DominatedCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaSearch: Information ProcessingExposureAttentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaAds That Create a Brand ImageCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaAd that c

14、reates a brand imageAd that creates a brand imageCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndi

15、vidual DifferencesEnviron- mental InfluencesNeed RecognitionAttentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesThe process of evaluating alternatives identified from search, which leads to a product or brand sel

16、ection most likely to satisfy the consumerCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCan use new or preexisting evaluations stored in memoryEvaluative criteria: standards and specifications used to compare different products and brandsAlternative can be considered on

17、attributes that are salient or determinantCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesSalient attributes such as price and reliability are important to the consumerDeterminant attributes such as a cars style and finish usually determine which brand or store consumers c

18、hooseCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelPurchaseNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnviron- mental In

19、fluencesNeed RecognitionAttentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliPurchaseCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPurchase Acquisition of the product that involves choosing a specific retailer, and in-store choicesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPurchase Acquisition of the pro

20、duct that involves choosing a specific retailer, and in-store choicesPurchase intention can change during the purchase stageit can be influenced by factors such as in-store promotions, discounts, salespeople, failure to find the product, or lack of financial resourcesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning

21、AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelPurchaseNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationConsumptionPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnviron- mental InfluencesNeed RecognitionAt

22、tentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliPurchaseConsumptionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumption The process of using the product or service purchasedConsumption can either occur immediately or be delayedCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumption The process of

23、using the product or service purchasedConsumption can either occur immediately or be delayedHow consumers use a product affects satisfaction with productHow carefully consumers use or maintain a product also determines how long it will last before another purchase is neededCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Lea

24、rning AsiaAn Emotional Appeal in Product ConsumptionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelPurchaseNeed RecognitionSearch for InformationConsumptionPost-consumption EvaluationPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluatio

25、n of AlternativesSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnviron- mental InfluencesNeed RecognitionAttentionComprehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliPurchaseConsumptionPost-consumption EvaluationExternal SearchSatisfactionDissatisfactionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPo

26、st-consumption Evaluation Consumption is an important determinant of satisfactionSatisfaction: when consumers expectations are matched by perceived performanceDissatisfaction: when experiences and performance fall short of expectationsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPost-Consumption Evaluation C

27、ognitive dissonance: questioning the purchase decision (post-purchase regret)Usually, the higher the price, the higher the level of cognitive dissonanceEmotion strongly affects the evaluation of a product or transactionCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ModelPurchaseNeed R

28、ecognitionSearch for InformationConsumptionPost-consumption EvaluationDivestmentPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaPre-purchase Evaluation of AlternativesSearchInternal Search MEMORYIndividual DifferencesEnviron- mental InfluencesNeed RecognitionAttentionCompr

29、ehensionAcceptanceRetentionExposureCDP ModelStimuliPurchaseConsumptionPost-consumption EvaluationExternal SearchSatisfactionDissatisfactionDivestmentCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaDivestment How consumers dispose of the packaging or product after useOptions include:DisposalRemarketing or resell

30、ingRecyclingCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaHow Organizations Use the CDP ModelCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessIdentify relationships and variables that affect consumer decision makingIdentify topics for additional researchDevelop and implement marketing

31、 mix strategiesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessIndividual Differences:Demographics, psychographics, values, and personalityConsumer resourcesMotivationKnowledgeAttitudesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental D

32、ifferences:CultureSocial ClassFamilyPersonal InfluenceSituation behaviorsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental Differences:Culture: values, ideas, artifacts, and symbols that help individuals interpret, communicate, and evaluate as members of society

33、COPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental Differences:Social Class: division within society composed of individuals sharing similar values, interests, and behaviorsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental Di

34、fferences:Family: often the primary decision making unit with a complex and varying pattern or roles and functionsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental Differences:Personal Influence: our behaviors are often affected by those with whom we closely ass

35、ociateCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessEnvironmental Differences:Situation behaviors: as situations change, so does the individuals behaviorCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaVariables Shaping the Decision ProcessPsychological Processes Influencing Consumer

36、BehaviorInformation processingLearningAttitude and behavior changeCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process ContinuumMidrange Problem SolvingLimited Problem Solving (LPS)Extended Problem Solving (EPS)HighLowCOPYRIGHT

37、2012 Cengage Learning AsiaConsumer Decision Process Continuum: Repeat PurchasesMidrange Problem SolvingHabitual Problem SolvingExtended Problem SolvingHighLowLimited Problem SolvingCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesInitial Purchase Extended Problem Solving (EPS): Problem

38、 solving of a higher degree of complexity that influences consumers actionsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesInitial Purchase Extended Problem Solving (EPS):Often occurs with expensive items or can be fueled by doubts and fearsImportance in making the “right choice”All s

39、even consumer decision making stages are often activatedDissatisfaction is often vocalCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesInitial Purchase Limited Problem Solving (LPS): Problem solving of a lower degree of complexity that influences consumers actionsCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage

40、 Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesInitial Purchase Limited Problem Solving (LPS):Consumers dont have motivation, time, or resources to engage in EPSLittle search and evaluation before purchaseNeed recognition leads to buying action; extensive search and evaluation often avoided as the purchas

41、e is not of great importanceCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesInitial Purchase Midrange Problem Solving:Many decisions occur along the middle of the continuumDecisions are made with a minimal amount of time and only moderate deliberationCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning As

42、iaTypes of Decision ProcessesRepeat Purchases Repeated Problem SolvingHabitual Decision MakingCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesRepeat Purchases Impulse BuyingUnplanned, spur-of-the-moment action triggered by product display or point of sale promotion (least complex form

43、 of LPS)Repeated Problem SolvingHabitual Decision MakingCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesRepeat Purchases Impulse BuyingUnplanned, spur-of-the-moment action triggered by product display or point of sale promotion Least complex form of LPS but differs in some important w

44、aysRepeated Problem SolvingHabitual Decision MakingCOPYRIGHT 2012 Cengage Learning AsiaTypes of Decision ProcessesRepeat Purchases Impulse BuyingVariety SeekingConsumers may be satisfied with the present brand but still engage in brand switchingCan be triggered because bored with current brand or because of spe


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