



1、四年级英语第一学期期末质量检测学校: 班级: 姓名: 得分: 听力部分.听音选词。(每题1分,共8分)( )1.A. earlyB. every( )3.A. winB. won( )5.A. washedB. watched( )7.A. goldB. cold( )2.A. lastB. fast( )4.A. soonB. said( )6.A. paintingB. printing( )8.A. foodB. good.听音标号。用数字在括号内标出图片的先后顺序。(每题1分,共8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .请根据短文内容判断句子是否与短文内

2、容相符,相符的用“”表示,反之则用“×”表示。(每题2分,共12分)( )1. Yesterday was Monday.( )2. Tingting and I went for a bike ride.( )3. We were hungry and thirsty.( )4. Tingting carried the watermelon in her bag.( )5. I fell off the bike.( )6. I hurt my knees.A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, he did.A. No, I didnt.B. No, I dont.听问句

3、,选答句。将正确答案序号填在括号内。(每题2分,共12分)( ) 1. ( ) 2.A. I saw tigers.B. I went to the zoo. A. Last week. B. Tomorrow.( ) 3. ( ) 4.A. I read a letter. B. Shes reading a letter.A. Yes, he does.B. Yes, she did.( ) 5. ( ) 6. 笔试部分.根据图片,完成下列句子。(每题2分,共10分)1Tom hurt . 2. David his head yesterday. 3. Xiaoli her finger.

4、 4. Sam off his bike yesterday. 5. Wang Mei yesterday. .单项填空。将正确答案的序号填写在前面的括号里。(每题2分,共10分)( )1. What to Zhang Hai? A. happen B. happens C. happened ( )2. to bed early. A. Go B. Do C. Did( )3. It _ warm yesterday. A. is B. was C. were( )4. Go home and this medicine. A. took B. take C. taking( )5. She

5、 stayed home A. in B. / C. at .看问句,找出相对应的答句,将序号填入题前括号内。(每题2分,共10分( )1. When did they come? A. I finished my homework. ( )2. What did you do yesterday? B. They came last Wednesday.( )3. What did she play? C. I hurt my knee.( )4. Did Tom cry? D. Yes, he did. ( )5.What happened to you? E. She played th

6、e flute. 写出下列动词过去式。(每题1分,共10分)take - cut - hurt - win - come - find - lose - say - fall - wear - .选词填空。选择恰当的答案填写在横线上。(每空2分,共10分)hurt for was Dont didntYesterday I go to school. Because I ill. I went a bike ride last Sunday. And I off my bike. I my knees. ride a bike fast. 阅读判断,与短文相符写T,不相符的写F。Yesterd

7、ay was a holiday. Daming went to the zoo with his parents. They saw lions and tigers. He ate some ice-cream, hamburgers, bananas and apples. He had got a stomach ache. He went to see the doctor and took some medicine. He is well now.( )1.Yesterday Daming went to the zoo. ( )2.He saw tigers and monke

8、ys there. ( )3.He ate too much. ( )4.He had got a headache. ( )5.He went to see the doctor and took some medicine. 四年级英语听力材料注意:每道听力试题读二遍,听力时间控制在20分钟内。I、听音选词。在听到的单词序号上画圈。1 every 2 fast 3 win 4 soon 5 watched 6 printing 7 gold .8 food II、听音标号。用数字在括号内标出图片的先后顺序。1. Chinese people invented paper. 2. He ha

9、d a paintbrush. It was magic. 3. Chinese people invented printing. 4. Englishman invented this bicycle in1839. 5. I saw a monster on the TV. 6. I fell off my bike.7. He cut his finger. 8. I bumped my head.请根据短文内容判断句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的用“”表示,反之则用“×”表示。Yesterday was Sunday, I and Tingting went for a bike ride in the park. We rode and rode. And then we were hungry and thirsty. So we bought a watermelon. I carried the watermelon on my bike. But I fell off her bike and hurt my knees.IV、听问句,选答句。将正确答案序号填在括号内


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