Unit13 Section2 SavetheSharks!拯救鲨鱼_第1页
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1、Section A 23a-3bThe earth is badly polluted.What should we do to save the earth?Lets take action (采取行动采取行动)Bring bags to go shopping.Throw rubbish into the bins. Take buses instead of driving cars.Dont use wooden chopsticks Check if you know these phrases.1.听说听说2.在中国南部地区在中国南部地区3.每当每当4.一碗鱼翅汤一碗鱼翅汤5.切掉

2、切掉6.不仅不仅而且而且7.对对有害有害8.没有了鳍没有了鳍heard of in southern China each time a bowl of shark fin soup cut off not only 。 but also harmful to Without a fin Check if you know these phrases.9.在在的顶部的顶部10.食物链食物链11.实际上,事实上实际上,事实上12. 的数量的数量13.在过去在过去20到到30年里年里14.到目前为止到目前为止15.海洋生态系统海洋生态系统16.帮助拯救鲨鱼帮助拯救鲨鱼at the top ofth

3、e food chainin factthe number ofin the last 20 to 30 years.So farthe oceans ecosystemHelp save the sharks!We live in the same small world. There are some animals are endangered. We should do something to protect the animals and the environment! To love animals is to love ourselves.Use some words to

4、describe the sharksbiglargecruelscaringdangerousterribleSharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem.A food chainWho is the real king of the food chain?Human beingsshark fin soupfamousexpensivepopularHow do people make a bowl of shark fin soup?Cut off sharks finThrow the shark bac

5、k into the ocean.Can the shark live long without the fin?Can the shark swim without the fin?Can the shark catch food without the fin?The shark will die slowly without the fin.=A bowl of fin soup the life of a whole shark Read the title, the first and last sentences in each paragraphs and match the m

6、ain ideas.Para. 1Para. 2Para. 3Environmental protection groups are against “finning”.Some basic facts about shark fin soup. Some important facts about killing sharks. Many have heard of shark fin soup. Thisfamous and expensive dish is especiallypopular in southern China. But do you realizethat youre

7、 killing a whole shark each timeyou enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup? When people catch sharks, they cut off theirfins and throw the shark back into the ocean. Read the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet below.3a3a听说听说鱼翅汤鱼翅汤在中国南部地区在中国南部地区=in the south of China每当每当一碗一碗切掉切掉Without a fin, a

8、 shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. This method is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. Many believe that sharks can never be endangered beca

9、use they are the strongest in their food chain. But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry every year. The numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen by over 90 percent in the last 20 to 30 years.不仅不仅而且而且对对有害有害没有了鳍没有了鳍在。的顶部在。的顶部食物链食物链在海洋生态系统中在海洋生态系统中濒临灭绝的濒临灭绝的在过去的在

10、过去的20到到30年里年里与现在完成时连用与现在完成时连用实际上实际上的数量的数量Environmental protection groups around the world, such as WildAid and the WWF, are teaching the public about “finning”. They have even asked governments to develop laws to stop the sale of shark fins. So far, no scientific studies have shown that sharks fins

11、are good for health, so why eat them? Help save the sharks!例如例如到目前为止(用现在完成时)到目前为止(用现在完成时)科学研究科学研究完善法律来阻止鱼翅的销售完善法律来阻止鱼翅的销售Where shark fin soup is popularNumber of sharks caughtand traded every yearHow much the numbers of some kinds of sharks have fallen in the last 20 to 30yearsTwo environmental grou

12、ps which are against “finning”in southern Chinaaround 70 millionover 90 percent WildAid and the WWF3aRead the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet below.Sharks fin(鱼鳍)(鱼鳍)soup is famous and expensive all around the world.Youre killing a whole shark when you enjoy a bowl of sharks fin sou

13、p.Read Paragraph 1 and judge the sentences.FT21. People cut off sharks fins and throw the sharks back into the ocean.2. Sharks are in the bottom of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem.n. 生态系统生态系统食物链食物链Read Paragraph 2 and judge the sentences.FTSave the sharks!people cut off their fins and eat sha

14、rk fin soup.A shark can no longer swim and slowly dies.at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystemIf sharks numbers drop too low, It will bring danger to all ocean life.Read Paragraph 2 and fill in the chart.people enjoy _fishermen _, _, then _decreased quicklya bowl of shark fin soupcatch

15、sharks cut their finsthrow them into the oceanThe numbers of some kind of sharks/dkri:s/减少减少 Read Paragraph 3 and judge the sentences.FTF1.WildAid and the WWF are environmental protection groups in China.2. Two environmental groups appeal to establish laws to stop sale shark fins.3. Sharks fins are

16、good for health.What can we do to save the sharks?We should stop eating the shark fin soup!when the buying stops, the killing can too.soalthoughifbutwhen1. Many people do not realize they are killing a whole shark _ they enjoy a bowl of shark fin soup. 2. Sharks are at the top of the food chain, _th

17、eir numbers drop, the oceans ecosystem will be in danger. whensoRead the passage again and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.3b3. Many think that sharks are too strong to be endangered, _ they are wrong.4. _ there are no scientific studies to support this, a lot of people believe that sha

18、rk fins are good for health. 5. Sharks may disappear one day _ we do not do something to stop the sale of shark fins. butAlthoughifadj. 科学上的,科学的科学上的,科学的Lets do this to review the text ! Some people like to eat sharks fin soup, especially in _China. But getting the s harks fin is very _. When people

19、catch sharks, they _ _their fins and throw the sharks into the ocean. The shark slowly dies because it cant _ without the fin. And it is also _ to environment. Sharks are at the _ of the food chain. If the number of sharks drops too low, it will break the balance of nuture. Please say no to eating t

20、he shark fin soup, and take action to save the sharks! southern cruel cut off swim harmful top1. Save the Sharks! save vt.“救,拯救救,拯救”,后常跟,后常跟介词介词from。e.g. He saved the boy from the big fire. 他从大火中救出了那个男孩。他从大火中救出了那个男孩。 The dog saved the girls life. 那只狗救了女孩的命。那只狗救了女孩的命。拓展拓展:save作作及物动词及物动词,“储蓄,贮存;节省储蓄,贮

21、存;节省”。e.g. She saved her strength for the last minutes of the race.她保存体力,准备在比赛的最后几分钟冲刺。她保存体力,准备在比赛的最后几分钟冲刺。 save作作vi,“节省;存钱;贮存物品节省;存钱;贮存物品”e.g. Some animals save for the future. 一些动物为未来之需储存食品。一些动物为未来之需储存食品。2. When people catch sharks, they cut off their fins and throw the shark back into the ocean.c

22、ut off有以下几种意思:有以下几种意思:切断(水、电);中断;关掉。切断(水、电);中断;关掉。如:如:Their water supply was cut off 他们的水源被切断了。他们的水源被切断了。 切下来;剪下来。切下来;剪下来。如:如:They cut off the heads of their captives 他们把俘虏的头砍了下来。他们把俘虏的头砍了下来。3. This is not only cruel, but also harmful to the environment.这种方法不但残忍而且对环境有害。这种方法不但残忍而且对环境有害。not onlybut al

23、so “不仅不仅而且而且”; e.g. She not only plays well, but also writes music. 她不但很会演奏,而且还会作曲。她不但很会演奏,而且还会作曲。 Not only men but also women were chosen. 不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。不仅仅是男的,女的也有被选中的。 连接并列连接并列主语主语, 谓语谓语与靠与靠近的主语保持一致近的主语保持一致。e.g. Not only you but also he has to leave. not only放在放在句首句首,后接句子时要,后接句子时要用倒装结构用倒装结构。 e.

24、g. Not only had the poor man been fined, but also he had been sent to prison. 这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱这个可怜的人不仅被罚款,而且还被送进了监狱。4.harmful 形容词,意为形容词,意为“有害的有害的”。常构成短。常构成短语语 be harmful to “对对有害的有害的”。Smoking is harmful to the health. 5. A shark can no longer swim and slowly dies. 鲨鱼不能再游泳然后慢慢死掉。鲨鱼不能再游泳然后慢慢死掉。 n

25、o longer意思是意思是“不再不再” e.g. Im no longer a student.我不再是个学生了。我不再是个学生了。 notany longer = no longer侧重时间侧重时间 e.g. He no longer lives here.他不在这儿居住了。他不在这儿居住了。 = He doesnt live here any longer. (一个时间以前他住一个时间以前他住 在这儿在这儿,过了这个时间过了这个时间,他就离开了他就离开了.) notany more = no more 侧重程度和数量侧重程度和数量 e.g. You can drink no more.你

26、不能再喝了。你不能再喝了。 = You cant drink any more. (喝酒的量到了一定程度喝酒的量到了一定程度,不能再继续下去了不能再继续下去了.) 6. Sharks are at the top of the food chain in the oceans ecosystem. 鲨鱼位于海洋生物系统食物链的顶部。鲨鱼位于海洋生物系统食物链的顶部。at the top of 在在最高地位最高地位; 用最高用最高最大最大的的(速速 度度, 声音等声音等) e.g. I looked at the top of his head, his hair shiny and parted smoothly. 我看他的头顶我看他的头顶, 头发闪亮且平滑的分开。头发闪亮且平滑的分开。 He shouted at the top of his voice in order that he might be heard. 他尽力大声叫喊他尽力大声叫喊, 以便别人能听见。以便别人能听见。7. If their numbers drop too low, it will bring danger to all ocean life. 如果它们的数目如果它们的数目 降至过低,会给所有海洋生物带来危险。降至过低,会给所有海洋生物带来危险。 此句复数形式的此句复数


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