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1、CONTENTS1.Steel forgings1.1General 1.2Manufacture1.3Chemical composition1.4Heat treatment1.5Test material1.6Mechanical tests1.7Visual and non-destructive examination1.8Quality1.9Identification1.10Certification1.11Attached drawing2.Copper casting2.1General2.2Manufacture2.3Chemical composition2.4Heat

2、treatment2.5Test material2.6Mechanical tests2.7Inspection and non-destructive examination2.8Identification2.9Certification2.10Attached drawing1.Steel forgings1.1General1.1.1 The intermediate and propeller shafts to be made from high-quality carbon steel with tensile strength level of 560 N/mm2. One

3、piece of each shaft per ship, and one spare propeller shaft to be supplied per two ships by S/Y.The reaming bolts are to be made from alloy steels with tensile strength level of 880 N/mm2. Twenty-four pieces of forging per ship.The piston and body of hydraulic nut to be made from high-quality carbon

4、 steel with tensile strength level of 600 N/mm2. One piece of per ship.The stern tube seat and bearing seat to be made from high-quality carbon steel with tensile strength level of 400 N/mm2. One piece of per ship.1.2Manufacture1.2.1Forgings are to be made at works, which have been approved by BV. T

5、he steel is to be manufactured by the electric or one of the basic oxygen processes.1.2.2For components forged directly from ingots or from forged blooms or billets and in which the fibre deformation is mainly longitudinal the reduction ratio is not to be less than 3: the length of any s

6、ection of a shaft forging is less than its diameter, the reduction ratio is to be not less than half that given in composition1.3.1All forgings are to be made from killed steels.1.3.2For forgings the chemical composition of ladle samples is to comply with the following overall limi

7、ts:Carbon0.60% max (for shafts and piston & hyd. nut)0.23% max (for stern tube seat & bearing seat)Silicon0.45% maxManganese0.30 - 1.60%Sulphur0.040% maxPhosphorus0.040% maxResidual elements:Copper0.30% maxChromium0.30% maxMolybdenum0.15% maxNickel0.40% maxTotal0.80% max Except where otherwise speci

8、fied, suitable grain refining elements such as aluminium, niobium or vanadium may be used at the discretion of the manufacturer. The content of such elements is to be reported in the ladle analysis.1.3.3The reaming bolts are to be made of alloy steel (30CrMo).1.4Heat treatment1.4.1At an appropriate

9、stage of manufacture, after completion of all hot working operations, forgings are to be suitably heat treatment to refine the grain structure and to obtain the required mechanical properties. 1.4.2If any straightening operation is performed after the final heat treatment, consideration should be gi

10、ven to a subsequent stress relieving heat treatment in order to avoid the possibility of harmful residual stresses.1.4.3The forgings are to be:a)Fully annealed, orb)Normalized, orc)Normalized and tempered, ord)Quenched and tempered.The tempering temperature to be not less than 550 oC.1.4.4The bolt f

11、orgings are to be quenched and tempered. The tempering temperature to be not less than 550 oC.1.5Test material15.1Specimens for mechanical tests are to be prepared as required by BV.15.2The test specimens of shaft are to be taken in the longitudinal direction but at the discretion of the manufacture

12、r and, if agreed by the Surveyor, alternative directions or positions recommended by BV may be used.15.3Test material, sufficient for the required tests and for possible re-test purposes, is to be provided with a cross-sectional area of not less than that part of the forging which it represents. Thi

13、s test material is to be integral with each forging.1.6Mechanical tests The mechanical properties of shaft forgings to be conform to the requirements given in the following tables:Steel forgingTensile strength Rm (N/mm2)min. Yield stressReH (N/mm2) min.ElongationA5 (%)min.Reduction of area Z (%) min

14、.Average impact energy (J)at +20oC min. Brinell hardness HB V-notch U-notchLTLTLTLTIntermediate & propeller shaft 5602802014402725152517160-200Reaming bolts880670139402727182620255-305Hydraulic nut body & piston6003001813402718122015175-215Stern tube seat & bearing seat4002002619503532183020110-150

15、L: LongitudinalT: Transverse1.6.1Where more than one tensile test is taken from a forging, the variation in tensile strength is not to exceed 70 N/mm2 (for shafts, stern tube seat and bearing seat), 100 N/mm2 (for reaming bolts and hydraulic nut body & piston).1.7Visual and non-destructive examinati

16、on1.7.1Before acceptance, all forgings are to be presented to surveyor for visual examination. Where applicable, this is to include the examination of internal surfaces and bores.1.7.2Forgings are to be examined in the condition for final delivery. Surfaces are to be clean and free from dirt, grease

17、, paint, etc. Black forgings are to be suitably descaled by either shotblasting or flame descaling methods.1.7.3Ultrasonic examination is to be carried out after the forgings have been machined to a condition suitable for this type of examination and after the final heat treatment. The test results

18、are to be to the Surveyor satisfaction.1.7.4Magnetic particle or dye penetrant testing is to be carried out on the forgings.1.7.5Unless otherwise agreed, the accuracy and verification of dimensions are the responsibility of the manufacturer. 1.8 Quality All forgings are to be free from surface or in

19、ternal defects, which be prejudicial to their proper application in service. 1.9IdentificationForgings are to be clearly marked by the manufacturer in at least one place with the particulars detailed in the appropriate specific requirements. The following details are to be shown on all forgings, whi

20、ch have been accepted:a)Identification number, cast number or other marking which will enable the full history of the forging to be traced.b)BV or BVs Register and the abbreviated name of BVs local office.c)Personal stamp of Surveyor responsible for inspection.d)Test pressure, where applicable.e) Da

21、te of final inspection.1.10CertificationThe manufacturer is to provide the Surveyor with a written statement giving the following particulars for each forging or batch of forgings, which has been accepted:a)Purchasers name and order number.b)Description of forgings and steel quality.c)Identification

22、 number.d)Steelmaking process, cast number and chemical analysis of ladle samples.e) General details of heat treatment.f) Results of mechanical tests.g) Test pressure, where applicable.1.11Attached drawings1.11.1Intermediate shaft:Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to be

23、 sizes after rough machining.2)Number: 13) Weight: 8764 kg1.11.2Propeller shaft:Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to be sizes after rough machining.2)Number: 13) Weight: 10830 kg 1.11.3Reaming bolt (I):Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to b

24、e sizes after rough machining.2) Number: 243) Weight: 17 kg1.11.4Reaming bolt (II): Notes:1) The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to be sizes after rough machining.2) Number: 243) Weight: 19 kg1.11.5 Hydraulic nut body:Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawin

25、g to be sizes after rough machining.2) Number: 13) Weight: 892 kg1.11.6 Hydraulic nut piston:Notes:1) The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to be sizes after rough machining.2) Number: 13) Weight: 104 kg1.11.7 Stern tube seat:Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the

26、drawing to be sizes after rough machining.2)Number: 13)Weight: 500 kg1.11.8 Bearing seat:Notes:1)The outline sizes (thick line) indicated on the drawing to be sizes after rough machining.2)Number: 13) Weight: 2600 kg2.Copper casting2.1General The fair water cap is to be made from copper alloys with

27、tensile strength level of 590 N/mm2. One piece for per ship.2.2ManufactureAll castings are to be manufactured at foundries approved by BV.2.3Chemical compositionThe chemical composition of samples from each cast is to comply with the requirements given in the following table (%):Alloy designationCuS

28、nZnPbNiFeAlMngrade Cu377 820. 11.00.5 4.02.4Heat treatment2.4.1At the option of the manufacturer, castings may be supplied in the “as cast” or heat treated condition.2.4.2 If any welds are made in the casting, stress relief heat treatment is required in order to minimize the r

29、esidual stresses.2.5Test material2.5.1The test samples are to be of the keel block type, generally in accordance with the dimensions recommended by BV and are to be cast in moulds made of the same type of material as that used for the castings.2.5.2The method and procedures for the identification of

30、 the test specimens, and the castings they represent, are to be agreed with the Surveyor. The identification marks are to be transferred and maintained during the preparation of test specimens.2.6Mechanical testsThe results of these tests are to comply with the following requirements:Alloy designati

31、on0.2% proof stress minimumN/mm2Tensile strength minimumN/mm2 Elongation on 5.65So %minimumGrade Cu3245590162.7Inspection and non-destructive examination2.7.1 All finished castings are to be subjected to a comprehensive visual examination by the surveyor, including internal surfaces such as the bore

32、 and bolt holes. 2.7.2The accuracy and verification of dimensions are responsibility of the manufacturer. However, the report on dimensional inspection is to be presented to the Surveyor who may require checks to be made in his presence.2.8IdentificationBefore acceptance, all castings, which have be

33、en tested and inspected with satisfactory results are to be clearly marked by manufacturer with the following details:a)Identification mark which will enable the full history of the item to be traced.b)Alloy grade.c)BV or BVs Register and the abbreviated name of BVs local office.d)Personal stamp of

34、Surveyor responsible for the final inspection.e)Date of final inspection.2.9CertificationThe manufacturer is to provide the Surveyor with a written statement giving the following particulars for each casting, which has been accepted:a)Purchasers name and order number.b)Description of castings.c)Allo

35、y designation and/or trade name.d)Identification number of castingse)Cast identification number.f)Details of heat treatment, where applicable.2.10Attached drawing:Fairing capNotes:1)The outline sizes indicated on the drawing to be sizes after machining.2)Number: 13)Weight: 450 kg目录1.锻钢件1.1总则1.2制造1.3

36、化学成分1.4热处理1.5试验材料1.6机械性能试验1.7目测及无损检测1.8质量1.9标记1.10合格证书1.11附图2.铸铜件2.1总则2.2制造2.3化学成分2.4热处理2.5试验材料2.6机械性能试验2.7目测及无损检测2.8标记2.9合格证书2.10附图1. 锻钢件1.1总则1.1.1中间轴和螺旋桨轴由优质碳素钢制造,其抗拉强度为560 N/mm2。每船各一件,每两条船由船厂提供一件备用螺旋桨轴。 铰制孔螺栓由合金钢制造,其抗拉强度为880 N/mm2。每船二十四件。液压螺母的本体和活塞由优质碳素钢制造,其抗拉强度为600 N/mm2。每船各一件。尾管座和轴承座由优质碳素钢制造,其抗

37、拉强度为400 N/mm2。每船各一件。1.2 制造1.2.1 锻件应在BV认可的工厂内制造。可采用电炉或碱性氧吹法冶炼。1.2.2 若锻件直接由钢锭或由大钢锭或由方坯锻制,如其纤维变形主要呈纵向时,其锻造比应不小于3:1。1.2.3 当锻件任一截面的长度小于其直径时,其锻造比不小于中的一半。 1.3 化学成分1.3.1 所有的锻钢件应采用镇静钢制造。1.3.2 锻钢件的桶样化学成分应符合如下规定: C最大 0.60% (轴、液压螺母的本体和活塞)最大 0.23% (尾管座和轴承座) Si最大 0.45% Mn0.30-1.60% S最大0.04% P最大0.04% 残余元素:Cu最大 0.3

38、0%Cr最大 0.30%Mo最大 0.15%Ni最大 0.40%总计最大 0.80% 除非另有规定,制造厂可自行决定添加如铝,铌或钒等细化晶粒元素。这些元素的含量应在桶样分析报告中注明。1.3.3 铰制孔螺栓由30CrMo合金钢制造。1.4热处理1.4.1 锻钢件完成全部热加工后,在适当的制造阶段,进行相应的热处理,以便细化晶粒组织并获得所要求的机械性能。 1.4.2 如锻钢件经最终热处理以后又进行了矫直,则应再次进行热处理,以消除有害的残余应力。 1.4.3 锻件应进行热处理,方法如下: a) 完全退火;或 b) 正火;或 c) 正火和回火;或 d) 淬火和回火。回火温度不得低于550 oC

39、。1.4.4 铰制孔螺栓锻件应进行淬火和回火处理,回火温度不得低于550 oC。1.5试验材料15.1试样应按照BV的要求准备。15.2轴的试样应沿纵向选取,但若验船师同意,制造厂可自行采用BV推荐的方向和位置。15.3每一锻件应提供足够的试验材料,以符合规定试验和可能复试的需要,其截面尺寸应与所代表的锻钢件的那一部分截面相同,试验材料和每一锻件应为一整体。1.6机械性能试验轴锻件的机械性能应满足如下要求:钢锻件抗拉强度Rm最小值(N/mm2)屈服强度ReH最小值(N/mm2)伸长率 A5(%)最小值截面收缩率(Z%)最小值平均冲击功(J)在20oC 最小值布氏硬度HBV形切口试样U形切口试样

40、纵向横向纵向横向纵向横向纵向横向中间轴和螺旋桨轴5602802014402725152517160-200铰制螺栓880670139402727182620255-305液压螺母本体和活塞6003001813402718122015175-215尾管座和轴承座4002002619503532183020110-1501.6.1 当从一个锻件上截取不止一个拉伸试件时,抗拉强度的差值不得超过70 N/mm2 (对轴、尾管座和轴承座),100 N/mm2 (对螺栓、液压螺母本体和活塞)。1.7目检和无损检测1.7.1 在验收时,所有锻钢件均应提交验船师目检。如需要,还应包括内表面和镗孔的检验。1.7

41、.2 锻钢件最后交货时表面应保持清洁,没有杂物,油脂,油漆等。粗锻钢件可用喷丸,火焰等方式去锈。1.7.3 锻钢件在机加工到适当阶段和最终热处理后,应进行超声波检测。检测的结果应让验船师满意。1.7.4 锻钢件应作磁粉探伤或着色试验。1.7.5 除非另有协议,制造厂应负责和校核锻钢件的尺寸精度。 1.8 质量 所有锻件内外表面不应存在影响正常工作的缺陷。1.9 标记 锻钢件制造厂对每一锻钢件或每批锻钢件,应至少在一个位置清晰地标上以下的标记:a) 标记号,炉罐号及供查阅此锻钢件制造过程的识别标记;b) BV或BVs Register和BV当地办事处的缩写名称;c) 负责检验的验船师印章d) 试验压力(如有时);e) 最后检验日期。1.10合格证书 制造厂应对每一锻钢件或每批锻钢件提供包括下列内容的合格证书:a) 订货方的名称和合同号;b) 锻钢件和钢的质量说明;c) 标记号;d) 炼钢过程,炉罐号及桶样化学分析


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