1、每年因各种理由有许多签证申请人要求加急申请签证,但是很多使馆并没有加急流程,因此需要申请人给使馆写信催签。1.先发第一则,没有效果的话再将第一则第二天再发一遍。2.仍旧没有效果的话过7 天将第二则发过去,之后每3 天一次。3.发邮件的最佳时间是周五上午7 点,其次是周一上午7 点。其他时间的话最好选择在晚上发。原因不多说。)模板一:邮件主题 : Enquiry about visa status 4邮件内容:To whom it may concern, (一定要这样写,不能写dear ××)My name is ×××(英文大写名 +姓)
2、215;×/××/19 ××(生日: 日月年) and the Filenumber is CLF2007/13×××.I am writing to inquire about my visa processing status, as the start date of my study programis 1st Feb(开学日期)and the deadline date (18 Jan.)(你发邮件的当天日期加10)of my airlineticket payment is coming soon. I
3、f I fail to pay before this due date, it will be very hard for me toget the airline ticket in time.Also I do need a certain period of time to arrange accomodations in Sydney(你所上课的城市) before classes start.I do understand that you are very busy with applications during this period, but I still hopetha
4、t you might help me with my case. So could you please do me a favor and look into my caseand update the visa status for me?Looking forward to your reply.Many thanks for your time and have a nice dayYours sincerely×××(英文大写名+姓)模板二:邮件主题 : Enquiry about visa status8 Jan, 2008(你发邮件的日期)To W
5、hom It May Concern:My name is ××××. My date of birth is×/ ××/××××and the File number is CLF2007/×××××.I am writing to inquire whether my visa application has been processed.I seek to know the status of my visa applicatio
6、n because the study program Ive chosen to bepart of begins on 1st Feb which is coming up very soon. Imust also submit a payment formyplane ticket before 18 Jan. If I fail to do so, I will lose my ticket, making it impossible for me tosecure another one in a timely fashion. I have to also secure livi
7、ng accommodations prior to thestart of my studies.I am well aware that you are very busy with the cases of many other applicants during thistime period; however, I am hoping and pleading that you might help me out by updating my visastatus as soon as possible before I forfeitmy chances of being part
8、 of the study program thatbegins on the first of February in Sydney.Many thanks for taking the time to read and consider my letter. I am looking forward to yourprompt reply.Yours sincerely××××) S,1.关于邮件标题,尽量注明签证受理号,申请人姓名和签证种类,方便签证官查找申请人的签证。2.催签信内容要简明扼要,建议包括以下几部分信息:A ,申请人信息(姓名、生日、护照号码、受理号)B,希望哪天拿到签证和理由(
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