1、点课台,给你最贴心的TOEFL课程【备考必备】托福TPO22阅读长难句资料汇总在这里小编为大家带来托福TPO22阅读长难句,希望对大家提高托福阅读水平有所帮助托福TPO22阅读长难句TPO22: Spartina1. As the seaweed and marsh grass leaves die, bacteria break dow n the pla ntmaterial, andin sects, small shrimplike orga ni sms, fiddler crabs, and marshsn ails eat the decay ingpla nt tissue,
2、digest it, and excrete wastes high in nu trie nts.2. It spreads primarily by underground stems; colonies form when pieces of the root system or whole pla nts float i nto an area and take root or whe n seedsfloat into a suitablearea and germ in ate.3. Once established, a sta nd of Spartina beg ins to
3、 trap sedime nt, cha ngingthe substrateelevatio n, and even tually the sta nd evolves into a high marshsystem where Spart ina isgradually displaced by higher-elevati on, brackish-water species.4. Leavi ng its in sect predators beh ind, the cordgrass has bee n spreadi ng slowly and steadily along Was
4、hington ' s tidal estuaries on the west coast,crowdi ng out the n ativeplants and drastically altering the Iandscape bytrapp ing sedime nt.5. Efforts to con trol Spart ina outside its n atural environment havein cluded burning,floodi ng, shadi ng pla nts with black can vas or plastic,smotheri ng
5、 the pla nts with dredgedmaterials or clay, appl ying herbicide, and mow ing repeatedly.6. Even with a massive effort, it is doubtful that complete eradicati on ofSpartina from nonn ative habitats is possible, for it has become an in tegral partof these shoreli nes andestuaries duri ng the last 100
6、to 200 years.TPO22: The Birth of Photography1. The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that used apin hole orlens to throw an image onto a groun d-glass scree n or a piece ofwhite paper, were alreadyfamiliar the device had bee n much employed bytopographical artists like the Ital
7、ia npain ter Can aletto in his detailed views of the city of Venice.2. Because the medium was so prolific, in the sense that it was possible to produce amultitude of images very cheaply, it was soon treated as the poorrelation of fine art,rather tha n its desti ned successor.点课台,给你最贴心的TOEFL课程点课台,给你最
8、贴心的TOEFL课程3. The rapid tech ni cal developme nt of photography the in troduct ion oflighter andsimpler equipme nt, and of new emulsi ons that coated photographicplates, film, andpaper and en abled images to be made at much faster speeds hadsome unan ticipatedcon seque nces.4. The new can did photogr
9、aphy un posed pictures that were made whe n thesubjects were un aware that their pictures were being take n con firmed thesescie ntific results,and at the same time, tha nks to the radical cropp ing(trim ming) of images that thecamera often imposed, suggested new compositi onalformats.托福 TPO22阅读长难句
10、TPO22: The Allende Meteorite1. Sometime after midnight on February 8,1969, a large, bright meteorentered Earth ' satmosphere and broke into thousands of pieces, plummeted to theground, and scattered over an area 50 miles long and 10 miles wide in the stateof Chihuahua in Mexico.2. Whe n broke n
11、ope n, Alle nde stones are revealed to contain an assortme ntof small,dist inctive objects, spherical or irregular in shape and embedded ina dark gray matrix(bi nding material), which were once con stitue nts of the solar上点课台,下载TOEFL备考资料!/ 点课台,给你最贴心的TOEFL课程n ebula the in terstellarcloud of gas and d
12、ust out of which our solar system wasformed.3. A few chon drules contain gra ins that survived the melt ing event, sothese eni gmaticchon drules must have formed whe n compact masses of n ebular dustwere fused at high temperatures approach ing 1,700 degrees Celsius and the ncooled before these survi
13、vi ng grains could melt.4. However, studies of the textures of inclusions reveal that the order inwhich the min erals appeared in the in clusi ons varies from in clusi on toin clusi on, and often does notmatch the theoretical conden sati on seque nee forthose metals.5. However, detailed studies of t
14、he chon drite matrix suggest that much ofit, too, has bee nformed by conden sati on or melt ing in the n ebula, althoughminute amounts of surviv ingin terstellar dust are mixed with the processedmaterials.6. Since practically all the solar system' s mass resides in the Sun, thissimilarity inchemistry means that chon drites have average solar systemcompositi on, except for themost volatile el
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