1、专题一 阅读理解 训练 7 情感态度 A WhenI asked my mother in law to select which meals shed like meto order from the home delivery menu ,she only chose the ones her husband would like.This goes way beyond politeness.She is actually feeling uncomfortable voicing what she wants.She developed the main symptom of Aske
2、rs Syndrome that ones unable to ask for what one wants. Its not just older women who have this problem.Askers Syndrome can strike the young.I have single friends who wont ask a man out on a date because they fear being considered “too forward ” My five year old daughter Violet is showing the early s
3、tages of Askers Syndrome.Shes learned that women dont ask , but rather drop hints.Shell say ,“ Rememberlast Sunday afternoon we went to the park ?” rather than “ Can we go to the park ?” Apart from women and girls problematic relationship with appetite , food and dating ,its widely reported that wom
4、enare less likely than men to ask for pay rises and promotions.Instead , they withdraw , hoping that somebody else will decide they are worthy and make them promoted. No doubt , many women develop Askers Syndrome as a defensive measure because theyve been labeled as pushy or rude for simply asking f
5、or what they want.But in the long term , choosing not to express our desires doesnt serve us well. Its time to cure ourselves and our girls of Askers Syndrome.I dont want to raise a future “mother” who denies her wish for food , power and success and anything else.So I now insist that my daughter as
6、k for what she wants directly. For womenin our culture , asking is a skill that we need to learn and practice.And if we all do it , then women asking will become the norm rather than the exception. 【语篇解读】 本文作者通过事例来告诉我们提问者的综合征的症状是什么,并且提出自 己的看法,鼓励女士们勇于发表自己的观点,说出自己真正想要的。 1The authors mother in law is m
7、entioned in Paragraph 1 to _ A introduce the old lady B set an example C talk about her illness D lead in a topicthat is on my mind.First , I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia 解析: 文章结构题。 本文讲的是 Askers Syndrome 的症状是什么, 文章一开始就通过 “mother in law ”在点菜的时候没有说出自己真正想要的菜的这个例子来引出话题。故选 D项。
8、答案: D 2 Which is TRUE about Askers Syndrome according to the passage? A. It often causes problems with appetite and food. B Older women develop more of its symptoms. C More women suffer from it than men in their career. D It strikes only female victims as reported. 解析: 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“ .its widely rep
9、orted that women are less likely than men to ask for pay rises and promotions ”可知,女士与男士相比不太敢在 加薪和升职方面提要求,即在事业方面更多的女士遭受 Askers Syndrome 的折磨,故 C 项是 正确的。 答案: C 3 The author holds the view that _ A others decide whether we are worthy B choosing not to ask is a protective measure C asking for what is wan
10、ted is rude D Askers Syndrome should be cured 解析: 情感感受题。根据第五段的第一句“ Its time to cure ourselves and our girls of Askers Syndrome可知,作者认为 Askers Syndrome 应该被改正。故选 D项。 答案: D 4 The passage is written to _ Alist symptoms of Askers Syndrome Bencourage women to express their desires C explai n the causes of
11、refusing to ask Dsuggest ways to ask for more 解析: 写作目的题。根据最后两段的内容可知,作者鼓励女士们直接说出她们真实想要 的。故选 B 项。 答案: B B that is on my mind.First , I want to tell you how proud we are.Getting into Columbia Dear Sara , As we drove off from Columbia , I wanted to write a letter to you to tell you all College shows wha
12、t a great well rounded student you are.Your academic , artistic , and social skills have truly blossomed in the last few years.Whether it is getting the highest grade in mathematics ,completing your elegant fashion design ,successfully selling your painted running shoes , or becoming one of the top
13、speakers in Model United Nations , you have become a talented and accomplished young woman.You should be as proud of yourself as we are. College will be the most important years in your life.It is in college that you will truly discover what learning is about.This will be the period where you go fro
14、m teacher taught to master inspired , after which you must become a self learner.So do take each subject seriously , and even if what you learn isnt critical for your life , the skills of learning will be important to you forever. Follow your passion in college.Take courses you think you will enjoy.
15、Dont be trapped in what others think or say.Do your best in classes , but dont let pressure get to you.Your mother and I have no expectations for your grades.If you graduate and learn something in your four years , we would feel happy.So please dont give yourself pressure. I told your mum Im writing
16、 this letter , and asked what she wanted me to say.She thought and said ,“ Just ask her to take care of herself. ” Please listen to your mother and take care of yourself. So please treasure your college years ,make the best of your free time ,and become an independent thinker; learn and grow through
17、 your successes and challenges. Love, Dad ( & Mum) 【语篇解读】 这是一封父亲写给刚进入大学校门的女儿的信。信中表达了父母对女儿的 爱,他们为女儿骄傲,告诉她在大学应如何对待学习,并叮嘱女儿要照顾好自己。 5 Saras performance in the last few years makes her parents _ A annoyed B proud C upset D concerned 解析: 情感态度题。根据第一段,尤其是第二句“ First , I want to tell you how proud we are
18、”可知,萨拉在过去几年中的表现使她的父母感到骄傲。 答案: B 6 What did Father mainly write about in Paragraph 2? A Learning skills. B College courses. CLearning attitude. DWays of self learning. 解析: 段落大意题。第二段中,父亲主要告诉女儿在大学必须成为一个自学者,学习技 能是非常重要的,因此选择 A 项。 答案: A 7 What do we know about Mum and Dad from the letter? A They expect to
19、o much of Sara. B They put lots of pressure on Sara. C They love their daughter very much. D They advise Sara to make more friends. 解析: 推理判断题。信中表达了父母对女儿的满意、期望与关心,字里行间流露着父母 对女儿深深的爱。因此选择 C 项。 答案: C C Fires can cover a homein 60 seconds! Are you prepared with a quick and safe method of fire escape? Whi
20、le most of us are within a few steps of a window in most of our homes, the upper floor presents unique challenges.The key to survival is planning ahead for the upper floor escape. The two and three story fire escape ladders are the most common types , and can be purchased locally at hardware stores.
21、 While doing an Internet search , I found fire escape ladders for four , five and six story homes.Fortunately ,the majority of Livingston County homes can easily get by with the two and three story models. The first task in planning an upper floor escape is taking the time to look out of each window
22、 and see where it leads you.Sometimes a straight drop is best for hanging a ladder on.Other windows will drop you to a lower roof , where you can wait for another ladder from outside the home to reach you. Escape ladders usually come in a box that will easily slide under a bed or in a closet.When ne
23、eded , you just slide it out and place it near the window.Open the window as you have determined by now that a door escape from the room is not practical due to heat , smoke and fire conditions.Make sure the hanger ( 挂钩) will fit in with the window for which it is intended.It usually has a J shaped
24、hook, which hangs over the window ledge. Once you decide on a room to store the escape ladder in , make sure the family members know where it is.If the stairs leading down are blocked due to the fire , head into the room with the escape ladder and close the door behind you.Fix it out of the window a
25、nd begin climbing down.Have a stronger person go down first , who can then assist others. Do as much planning and preparation well in advance of ever needing to use these fire safety skills and you and your family will remain safe. 【语篇解读】 逃生梯又称消防梯,作者在文中讲述了如何在两层及以上的楼房使用火灾 逃生梯。 8 What does the author
26、intend to tell in the passage? A How to escape fire above the ground floor. B How to correctly use the fire escape ladders. C How to survive when caught in an accident. D How to purchase the proper fire escape ladders. 解析: 情感态度题。作者在文中主要讲述了如何在两层及以上的楼房使用逃生梯,故选 A 项。 答案: A 9To keep you safe from a fire
27、, you should _ Aavoid living in high rise apartments B buy the proper escape ladders C make adequate preparations in advance D have a good knowledge of first aid 解析: 细节理解题。依据文章第一段的尾句可知,从火灾中逃生的关键是提前做好充分 的准备工作。故选 C 项。 答案: C 10 What should you do after you get the escape ladder? A You can hang it outsi
28、de your window. B You must keep it in a box in a safe place. C You should inform your family where it is. D You must fix the hanger inside your home. 解析: 细节理解题。依据文章倒数第二段的“ make sure the family members know where it is ”可知,一定要让全家人知道逃生梯放在哪儿,以便发生火灾时家人能安全逃生。故选 C项。 答案: C 11 What conclusion can we draw fr
29、om the passage? A Danger is the next neighbour to security. B God helps those who help themselves. C A match will set fire to a large building. D Early mistakes are the Seeds of future trouble. 解析: 推理判断题。在文中作者就住在二楼及以上的人们如何使用逃生梯逃生的问题提 出了建议,在尾段作者又强调了提前准备的重要性,因此选 B 项,意为“天助自助者”。 答案: B D Climate change h
30、as been blamed for killer hurricanes ,sea level rise , and drought , but a new report suggests the effects of climate change might hit the worlds coffee supply.Up to 70 percent of the worlds coffee supply could be threatened over the next 66 years , according to a new study by researchers at England
31、s Royal Botanic Garden. Nearly 100 percent of the worlds arabica coffee growing regions could become unsuitable for the plant by 2080, according to the study.Beans from arabica coffee plants account for about 70 percent of the worlds coffee , but the plant has to be grown under strict weather condit
32、ions : they thrive at temperatures between 64 and 70 degrees Celsius , and are highly influenced by frost or temperatures higher than 73 degrees Celsius. With temperatures estimated to increase by between 1.8 and 4 degrees Celsius by the end of the century , the fragile plant might become increasing
33、ly expensive and difficult to grow , especially in places such as Ethiopia and Kenya.In that worst case , nearly all of the worlds native arabica coffee would die out.Under more conservative estimates , about 65 percent of the regions that used to grow the coffee would become unsuitable for it.The e
34、vidence from coffee farmers , from numerous coffee growing regions around the world , is that they are already suffering the influences of increased warming. Some commercial farmers would likely be able to move their operations to other areas or would be able to overcome climate change with artifici
35、al cooling techniques , but wild arabica is generally considered to be much more suitable for making high quality coffee. If arabica becomes impossible to raise in its native areas , it could wreak havoc ( 造 成 破 坏 ) on the economies of the mainly third world countries in which it grows.Coffee is the
36、 worlds most popular drink and is the second most traded commodity in the world , behind oil. 【语篇解读】 本文是一篇研究报告,主要介绍了气候变化对世界咖啡产量的影响,尤其 是对小粒咖啡的影响。 12 What does the passage mainly talk about? A Climate change affects people in many ways. B More and more attention has been paid to climate change. C The
37、worlds coffee supply could be threatened by climate change. D The growing conditions of arabica coffee have been improved recently. 解析: 情感态度题。由第一段中的“ Up to 70 percent of the worlds coffee supply could be threatened over the next 66 years , according to a new study by researchers at Englands Royal Botanic Garden ”可知答案为 C 项。 答案: C 13 What can be learned from Paragraph 2 and Paragraph 3? A According to the study ,by 2080 nowhere can be suitable for arabica coffee growing. B 65 percent of the worlds coffee gets raw materials from arabica co
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