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1、高一英语必修5unit3using-language认为认为 consider sb./sth+(as)+adj./n. eg: We consider him honest.eg: We consider him honest. 我我们认为们认为他很他很诚实诚实。 consider+sb./sth. to be/ to do sth. eg:eg: We consider this matter to be very important.We consider this matter to be very important. 我我们认为这们认为这件事很重要。件事很重要。 We all co

2、nsider him to have stolen the bike.We all consider him to have stolen the bike. 我我们们都都认为认为他他偷偷了自行了自行车车。 2.moveable adj. 可移动的,可活动的可移动的,可活动的 -able后缀,表示后缀,表示“可可的,能的,能的的 ” ”eg: eg: readable 可可读读的的 -ible为为-able变体,也表示变体,也表示“可可的,能的,能的的 ” ”eg:eg: sensible 可可觉觉察的察的 3.instant adj. 立即的立即的, ,即刻的即刻的; ; 紧迫的紧迫的, ,

3、迫切的迫切的 eg: The telegram asked for an instant reply. eg: The telegram asked for an instant reply. 这这封封电报电报要求立即回要求立即回复复。 The flood victims were in instant need of help. The flood victims were in instant need of help. 水灾水灾难难民急需救助。民急需救助。 n. 顷刻,时刻,一刹那顷刻,时刻,一刹那eg:eg: An instant later the explosion occurre

4、d. An instant later the explosion occurred. 一一会儿会儿之后之后, ,爆炸就爆炸就发发生了。生了。 4.efficent adj. 高效的高效的,有效的有效的, ,有能力的有能力的eg: He needs an efficient secretary.eg: He needs an efficient secretary. 他需要一他需要一个个高效率的秘高效率的秘书书。 He He is efficient atis efficient at his job. his job. 他他胜胜任他的工作。任他的工作。 efficiencyefficienc

5、y n. U 效率效率; ;效能效能; ;功效功效eg: These machines increased our work efficiency.eg: These machines increased our work efficiency. 这这些机器提高了我些机器提高了我们们的工作效率。的工作效率。 5.greedy adj. 贪吃的贪吃的, , 贪婪的贪婪的, , 渴望渴望eg: The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the party.eg: The greedy little boy ate all the candy at the

6、 party. 那那个贪个贪吃的小男孩把宴吃的小男孩把宴会会上所有的糖果都吃光上所有的糖果都吃光了。了。 He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes.He looked at the shop window with greedy eyes. 他用他用贪贪婪的眼光看着商店的婪的眼光看着商店的橱橱窗。窗。 be greedy to do sth. 渴望做某事渴望做某事 eg: Most businessmen are greedy to earn more money. eg: Most businessmen are greedy to earn

7、 more money. 大多大多数数商人都渴望商人都渴望赚赚更多的更多的钱钱。 be greedy for sth. 渴望渴望.eg: Most businessmen are greedy for money.eg: Most businessmen are greedy for money. 大多大多数数商人都渴望商人都渴望赚钱赚钱。6.swallow vt. 吞下吞下, ,咽下;淹没咽下;淹没, ,吞没吞没eg: He swallowed all these pills with a cup of water.eg: He swallowed all these pills with

8、a cup of water. 他用一杯水他用一杯水吞吞下了所有下了所有这这些些药药丸。丸。 The waves The waves swallowed upswallowed up the little boat. the little boat. 海浪海浪吞没吞没了那艘小船。了那艘小船。 7.representative adj. 代表性的代表性的, ,典型的典型的eg: This case is representative of the attitudes of the eg: This case is representative of the attitudes of the po

9、lice.police. 这个这个事例典型地反映了警方的事例典型地反映了警方的态态度。度。 n. C 典型典型, ,代表物代表物; ;代表代表, ,代理人代理人 eg: The tiger is a common representative of the cat eg: The tiger is a common representative of the cat family. family. 虎是一虎是一种种普通的猫科普通的猫科动动物。物。 She is the clubs representative at the convention. She is the clubs repres

10、entative at the convention. 她她是是该该俱俱乐乐部派部派来参来参加加会议会议的代表。的代表。 represent represent vt. 象征象征; ;表示表示; ;作为作为.的代表;的代表;呈现,展现呈现,展现eg: The dove represents peace.eg: The dove represents peace. 鸽鸽子象征和平。子象征和平。 Our monitor represented all of us to attend Our monitor represented all of us to attend the meeting. t

11、he meeting. 我我们们班班长长代表全班同代表全班同学学出席了出席了这这次次会议会议。 This picture represents us a beautiful scenery.This picture represents us a beautiful scenery. 这这幅幅画画向我向我们们展展现现了一派美了一派美丽丽的的风风光。光。 8.settlement n. 解决解决, ,解决方法解决方法; ;定居定居, ,定居地定居地 eg: Well, what do you suggest for a settlement?eg: Well, what do you sugge

12、st for a settlement? 那那么么,你你建建议怎么来处议怎么来处理理这个问题这个问题呢呢? ? The European drove away the Indian for more The European drove away the Indian for more settlements. settlements. 欧欧洲人洲人为为了了获获得更多的居住地而得更多的居住地而驱驱赶印第安人。赶印第安人。settlesettle vt. 解决解决( (问题等问题等); );结束结束( (争端、纠纷等争端、纠纷等); );使使( (心情心情) )平静下来平静下来; ;安顿安顿;

13、;安排安排 eg: The question has been settled.eg: The question has been settled. 这个问题这个问题已已经经解解决决了。了。 After the excitement I tried to settle myself. After the excitement I tried to settle myself. 激激动过动过后后, ,我我设设法平法平静静下下来来。 He settled his child in a corner of the house. He settled his child in a corner of

14、the house. 他把孩子安他把孩子安顿顿在房在房间间的一的一个个角落里。角落里。 vi. 定居定居 settle in sp. 在某地定居下来在某地定居下来eg: The family has settled in Canada. eg: The family has settled in Canada. 这这家人已定居加拿大。家人已定居加拿大。 9.motivation n. 激励激励; ;动机动机; ;刺激刺激; ;诱导诱导 eg: They lack the motivation to study. eg: They lack the motivation to study. 他他

15、们们缺乏缺乏学习学习的的积极积极性性. . Positive motivation inspires employees to work Positive motivation inspires employees to work harder.harder. 正面的激正面的激励会励会鼓舞鼓舞员员更加努力地工作。更加努力地工作。 GuessGuessGuessSpace stationWhats this?Tick the amazing things in the text.thoughtpadwaste machineflying carrobotenergy bicyclewatch p

16、honeRead the text carefully and fill in the blanks on your exercise-sheet.Thoughtpad: How to use: You _ the metal band over your head,_ your mind,_ the button and instantly its _. Advantages: Its quick, _ and _ friendly. Disadvantages:The only _is that the user should think his or her message clearl

17、y. placeclearpresssentefficientenvironmentallylimitation Waste machine: What it is like: It is a big machine, which is always _ for more, _ all the waste.Advantages: It turns the _into useful things. _is wasted, and everything, even plastic bags, is _.greedyswallowsrubbishNothingrecycledRobots: How

18、it is used: The robots are programmed to perform _ in space, and produce _ which are shipped back to earth. Advantages: There is no _, no _,no _ damage!Disadvantages: People have to _ and work in the space station and _ the robots and the production.tasksgoodswastepollutionenvironmentallivemonitorRead the passage carefully and answer the following questions:1.Whats the disadvantage of a thoughtpad?1.Whats the disadvantage of a thoughtpad? If the user does not th


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