已阅读5页,还剩17页未读 继续免费阅读




1、内蒙古赤峰市201年中考英语真题试题第I卷 选择题(0分)一、听力测试(共20个小题,每小题1.5分,共0分)第一节:听小对话,从A、B、C三幅图画中选出符合内容的一幅,每段对话读两遍。第二节:听长对话,根据对话内容,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。请听下面一段对话,回答第6小题。 Whacoo does teman ike?A. lack B. Brwn C. Blue.请听下面一段对话,回答第、8小题。7. Wredoe tman wantt g?ATo inea B.To alibrr. C. To a prk.8. ow fa is it?A.Thee klotes. B. Sx lom

2、ers. C.Senkloers请听下面一段对话,回答第9、10小题。9. When dd Rober o ttheliay?A. Te da beoe yesedy. B. Last week C.Yterday10. h'stheew libra like? Bi. . Tall. CMode.请听下面一段对话,回答第11、2小题。1. Whatetival wll theaer elebrte?. TeSpringFesival. B. T Mid-atmn Fstiva. CChitas Dy.2 hewilhe iner trt?A A 5:00 pm. BAt6: p. .

3、t 7:0 m.请听下面一段对话,回答第3至1小题。13. te man a doctor?A. e,hes . ,heisn'. C. I don' know.14. at knd o rgramdoe h man lik st?.Talkshs. . Spors. .Musi.1.hatdosthe n hikof tlk sow?A. Inteesting B. xciig C. Brig.第三节:听短文,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。6. Wha doe Jhn often get ro his parens?A.Used bks. .me drnks. C.

4、Pocket money. Why oes Jonfy hs b to moey?A. Beaue thnks it is difficlt forhis pant tomakony.BBeaus his milys por.C ecausehe wantto buy anew basetball1 Where dos John ofen uy usedhoo?A. In thbooshps . n he suprmakts. .O h Intert.19. H does Johng to scho n t in?A Onfot. B. By bu C.By bike.2. Wht eohn

5、ofen drinkatschool?A. Jice B ar .Cfee二、口语应用(共 5 个小题,每小题 2分,共 分)阅读下面对话从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成对话。请将正确答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。A:God mornng. Si don, pleae.B: Monig, doctorA: 21B: Iwas ught inerain. Iv gota hd cougad my hadhurts.A: oyou ave fve?B: 2 I elteribl.A: Let me eThere nothingerious. 23 Have godret, anyoul

6、l be fin oonB: Thks, Iwi. 4 A: Youd ttr che your cthes accoing to the eathe rp.Theather ftenhaesinsummr.: Hil teather be tomorro?A: 25 Nowwer n the seaon oain.B: Wha bad waher!: e yougo out, ps war war cth ad take an umbela wih you.: Thyou, ctoA.o justhave a cld. B. Illsil be ranytomorr.C. ats th we

7、ther lk? . Ye M tmperatur s 38. hae edache Whats theatterwith ou?G. Ay oheuggetios?【答案】1F2.23A24.25.【解析】试题分析:21.根据一二句可知是医生和病人之间的对话,根据回答 was aught the rain. vegot a cugh ad my head hurts.可知询问你怎么了,故选F。2.根据上句提问Doyou a fver?你发烧吗?及后文 feel trle.我感到不舒服,可知是肯定回答,故选D考点:情景交际。三、阅读理解(共5个小题,每小题2分,共0分)第一节:阅读A、两篇短文

8、,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。请将正确答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。() Iam Alic. seand spen u lat sumer oldays withu uncle h i olgi (地质学家) lovs to collect stons. Onedy ebohtus two backpacand ake to goto the mutaiith hiewlkthe whle day. Everyno ndhen he ut on nur ackpaks. Toorsurpe, he alsotooksomesones out from th. ut

9、 e tougt he hd jusfoud bttestones. Wenwerturned th houe,e we er tred. Te backpacks ero heavtha efet reef (轻松)whn we ook m off. Yt or unles backpck washalf emy "h di yu gieusso my stones?” w ased. " dintYou did." he d. “Yodntkowt,bu gaeyou alitl atiude(态度) est tod.I listned t every ord

10、 yu said Whneveyou wre complaining(抱怨) ,I added a tone o yor bakpcs.whenever you tadabosomthn w positve (积极的) thinkig, I ook out a stoe. Anolook a yorbckpack." Our backpcks wee ullfsones.“ornegave( 消极的) thoughts are just le toe. You carryem in your mjutie those stonesiyurbackpcks. Themoteneativ

11、e houghts you have, e heavr uri will e.” saidour unc. Witeat lv, r nce taught us o o ost imorntlessn i fte power of heattitude26. Alice's unce likesto _.A collctcois B. colect tones ec tms .cllec books2.W lice'unle tok ou ome stonefromher bacpack, se tought _.A she ad oo mnyors .her unclehaf

12、oundbeerstone. her unce antedhe feel ss f elief D. hetale bot somei with positie hikin28. Alic's andhe sier's bkaks erl of stones beaushey_ compained (抱怨) toomuch on he ay B. wer hrd workingC. enjyedlectig ses vry mch .choe wrng bckpacs to carry teone2. The uerlne wod "them" rerst&

13、quot;_" in the assge.A. he stons B. t backpacks C. teositive thoughts t. tuneaive thog0. hwrit wroeti passage to enourageus _. e lesd t take others' advce B.he a postive tteard ifeC mak a ln bfor ding somethng . e eople in troub【答案】2.27B2A29.D30.B【解析】 2.B细节理解题。根据To ur supris, ha tok sestoes

14、 o from tm. Btwe hogt he hajustfund tterstones.可知他们认为叔叔找到了更好的石头,才从背包中取出一些。故选B。28.A细节理解题。根据"I didntYou dd." h said “o in't now t, but av you a litteatitud(态度) tettody. listned to evry wrd yu sad. henever you wre omlaing (抱怨) , I ded a te to yourbcks.wheeve you alkd aout smething whposii

15、ve(积极的)thikg, Itoo u a one And nwlk tyrackpas."及Ourbkpas were ll of ste.可知作者抱怨太多,故选A。考点:故事类短文阅读。 (B)Laworisfu t y ms be ceul.Listen caully whn yor teacherreads and explaishe ruls beo yurfirst lab lesson.A UShouhouthelesos o not ener th ciencela wihout the eacer's erisio(允许) * ofood rdrinks

16、areobe allwe in the scencelab.Bfor the Experiment* Rea alnstrusrefll foreeve xpement(实验)* Prpare all ppa(仪器)and t the rightplace so tt you will no knockthem over whileoig the experient.urg the xperiment If youre unure ow to use pprats orowto opeate, a ur tahro elp.* Nve smellortaste chmcs uessyu tea

17、chergivespermssio.After e Epeient* Wsh all aparatusafterseand returnhe o he lace wre theywre.* Trow wate materals intoproerste asketFirst Aid* Report l ccidens toyourtacer immdiay* If you pil any chemicas on you body orcothing,wasth plenty fatr a repor to yourtecher.1. Y mu now theLB RULE _te fir lb

18、 lesons.A. befoe B sic C durn Dafer. I sncearyfor yo to _before every exeme.A rd a ntrctonscaefully B akeenoughfood d rinks. slchemcas immdiatey D. talk wit u clasat.33.f you are no sre how touseyapparatus, _. . read the rul cully B.try tem again ad againC.ask r tcher for hel Dreun all ppatu toth pl

19、aceher the ere4.T underlined wd “sill” means _A照射 B.伤害 .摔下 D.溅出5.hn you ae in the cie lab, y mst _.A e caefulin orer to prevninjuy B.istncaefulwen or eache eplan h le. tse chemicalwiou thteahrs prmsin . hrow wste materials into proerwate baskts【答案】31.A32.A33.C.D5C【解析】3C细节理解题。根据Ify are unsure of wto

20、sea pats orhow o operate,ask yur tehefr elp.故选C。3.D词义猜测题。根据假设的情景Iyousianychemicals ont yurdolothng,及wash wih plty o wter ad eprtto yo thr可知如果把药品溅到了身体或者衣服上,要用大量的水冲洗,并且报告老师。故选D。35C是非判断题。根据ever smell oras checls le you tehr ive rion.可知没有老师的允许不可以闻或者尝药品,故选C。考点:科普类短文阅读。第二节:根据短文内容,从方框内6个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成短文。请将

21、正确答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。 Readings a good hbby for kins of rason.Fist, readigis un. 3 .Yuwil vefeloedortid.x, y an ead bkanywherein acar, on a plne, eve in tebatroo. 7 It s so ea t ea bo.Anthr god reson forreading i ht it suseful f yo reada hoby, you wi t tte ad better attndyowill readfaste ad fn teasier

22、to undesndha u e. 8 ,you willprobalyind youschoolok becoms muh better.Some people ay that reani ntin fashon. 39 . Youc red n theIterne. he moryou ra, themre knwede yu wil get.Good reader may become wris, too. 40 Radii awonderfulhobb. Why ntstartreading riht now?A ut I dontthink o. B Everyon ike radn

23、gC. Thelwas hamre tigs rte about D. Yo ca alyskepyuelfhapy ifyu lke radingE All yu eed is aboo F. As yourrading skllimrove【答案】36D7.E38.F39.【解析】3.根据上文“你可以在任何地方读书”及后文ts seasy to get a bok.获得书是那么的容易故选E,你所需的就是一本书38.根据后文“你将可能发现你的功课变得更好”这一结果,故选F,由于你的阅读技能的改善。9.根据上文一些人说阅读不时尚了结合后文“你可以在网上阅读”可知句意发生改变,故选A,但是我不那

24、么认为。考点:学习类短文阅读。四、完形填空(共10个小题,每小题1分,共0分)通读下面短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。请将正确答案序号按要求涂在答题卡指定位置。 onfucis lidin the igd of Lu, ato todas Shano rovince epter 28th i hibirthday 4 he was borover 2,00 year ago, people stillremember im otis day.Hischilhood as ad. i fathe 4 wenhe ws oly 3 ad e had to

25、 wrkto hep i moe. But yungConfuciust 3 udying. isite man famos eahes andleand msi, hsry, potandspots t, he ecame techer andstat 44 privte schoolin hineseitory A tat tie, nly chidrn from ich mie co g t scol, ut Conuciu belie 45 should go tscool if hy wanted to earn Headou ,000 students in hslftime.To

26、day, eople stillfolow hi 4 .Hetolds tat each peron hs omeing ort t lr andtac. “When I am with thr eople, on of the ust be than e n somereas.I choose their go ualies(品质)ad follow tem.I ke tir ba qltis an changthem i mysl.”He also taght us hat thinkingis vrymport nsdy.“l studyn thining akes eoe puled(

27、迷惑)All thiking but no study ake eole 48 .”Cnfuusisot onla grea her butals a famous 49 wt wse thoughts about the word and scet Hi mos importan teacinsare abukindnes andgood nrs“An erson hould efor oths.Be strict 0 yourself, but e knd t others.” He said41. A Bcause B Ater C Augh D.Sinc42 A. di B. did

28、. ead . death. A. gieup B. pck p C.tkeff . putof44. oe to . first D. second5. A.none . somene C no one .veryone6 A. thougts B. es . ways D.mesags7. . good . wel C. better D. best48. A. zily .beautfl C.lzy beautiful49. cietst B. thinkr . engee D exporer5 A. at B. for C o D.th【答案】4C2.B 4. 44C 45 46 7.

29、C 8.C9B50.D【解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了孔子的生平及贡献。孔子少年不幸但是立志求学之后开办中国历史上的第一个私人学校。他不仅是一个伟大的教育家而且是一位伟大的思想家,至今他的思想仍然引导人们。41.C考查连词及语境的理解。A. cause 因为;B.Afte在后; C Altoug 尽管; . Sine自从。尽管他出生在200多年前,但是人们今天仍然记得他。根据句意,故选C。44C考查数词及语境的理解。A. one一个; .two 两个; . first 第一;D secon第二。之后,他成为了一名老师,开办了中国历史上的第一个私人学校。结合句意,故选。45.考查代词及语境的

30、理解。Anone一个也没有,都不; .someoe某人; C.noone 没有人; D everone每个人。根据上文及转折,可知孔子认为如果他们想学习的话人人都应该上学。故选D。46.A考查名词及语境的理解。A.ohs思想; B.news新闻; . wa方法; D. messgs信息。根据后文e told us that ach pero as somthngrthyto learn andtea.,可知现在人们遵循他的思想。结合句意,故选A。 47.C考查比较级及语境的理解。A. od 好的,形容词; B. well 好地,副词;身体好,形容词; . beter 更好; D best最好。

31、三人行,必有我师。根据比较的对象是两个,所以用比较级,故选。48.C考查形容词及语境的理解。A. lzy 懒惰地; B bautifully美丽地; C. lazy 懒的; D.baul美丽的。学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。总是思考而不学习使人懒惰。make+名词形容词,使怎么样。结合句意,故选C。考点:人物传记类短文。第II卷 非选择题(7分)五、词语运用(共2个小题,每小题1分,共20分)A.阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使语意通顺、完整。其中有两项是多余的。请将正确答案填写在答题卡指定的横线上。(每空一词,每词限用一次。)be hme during devep sual

32、lyinterst tniht tie play young the obllLeis aiiie(休闲活动)ar ery mprtan ow. They ae he kinsofhinspeopeie o relax ad enoy 5 when they are not ngo oing t chool Lse aciviis 52 an importnt r in peo livs.n thepa, tere 5 feeiseactivies.Cildrn oftngot togetrto pay hide-ad=seek.Pople 4 plaed cards r ches ihe s

33、tet. Fe people ha hance t travel. Wating oerasan liseing te radiare h ain tivitie in thirspar 55 Sincethe eor an opeing-u,Cinhas 56 rapily.Chiese peopl have hd oe im to spd on arous nd oflisure actiiies. l poelove ot toplayad towtchteamspors likesktalor 5 Mny eole stay at home hving est, reading boo

34、s andwatcing TV. 58 peope l t ply ames oncmputers o chto th nternt.I recntyas, more ad ore pele ove o travel 5 vaatios. Thygo to vsitme pacso ,n some popeeven make a tou aad osee the worldChnesepopenow hv thetime and ance to do morekisofleiur actiities.【答案】.tmselvs .la53we 54.sually5.ie56.vlped57foo

35、tall58.Yung59dring .intet【解析】4.人们通常打牌或者在街道上下象棋。根据句意,故填ually55.在他们的业余时间看戏听收音机是主要的活动。i ones spatm,在某人的业余时间。结合句意,故填time6.自从改革开放以来,中国迅速发展。hs+动词过去分词构成现在完成时,故填deel57.许多人喜欢参与并观看篮球或者足球运动。根据句意结合所给词汇,故填footbal58.年轻人喜欢玩电脑游戏或者网上聊天。根据活动内容,可知是年轻人,故填Young9最近几年,越来越多的人喜欢在假期期间旅行。结合句意,故填ding 60他们参观一些名胜地,一些人甚至到国外旅行看世界。

36、place fiteest名胜。结合句意,故填ineest考点:社会现象类短文。阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母、音标及语境提示,填写所缺单词,使短文意思完整。每空限填一词。请将正确答案填写在答题卡指定的横线上。at ont, I viited a shol n Cad Wa I 6 (听见)mst otn therews qusions lk“Shedo the taskin airs?”and “Four stuentseach group.” In ad,I fdstudents were often ak to act in oup. T 62 te piri reall urpisd

37、me.Thswas 63 wig lesn. Tetechekdevy ivestudetsowr n on group and ehgroup should ite oe aice 64 (一起). n a roup,t firt studen begn te tory. After that, thestudnt hd to pass he aper to e n 6 n. Tt sdet shold go on with the tory. Just like his,the papr ws 66 ntil the last stdent tried best o inish the s

38、tory wih agoodendig. Eac of themony hd ne 6 'nt t do the joband teyall ddwellFinally, goup f stuentso prizes ecaus f their bsttory llth8 wereecited because th len was actuly like a g.arning hot wite throh the meas fu to the. We al know t cooraton(合作),butow cnwe have 69 st a abiiy? Ihik e cn er s

39、meting 70 chsi Canada. Mayb ts a gd idea to benwit gup actvities.【答案】61.ard62.Tir /The 63. 4.tgeer6next6.pase67.inut68.sut 9such70.from【解析】试题分析:这篇短文主要介绍了作者上个月在加拿大学习参观时发现加拿大的学校非常重视学生间的合作。作者通过他们的一堂写作课生动的描述了他们是怎么合作的。 61.在那里我最经常听到是像“我们将以小组做这个任务吗” 这样的问题,和“每组四个学生”。根据时间st moth 可知用过去时态,故填hear62.他们的团队精神真地使我吃

40、惊。结合句意可知这里指他们的团队精神,即指上文的那种团队精神。故填her/Te 63这是一节写作课。根据句意,故填a 67他们每一个人只有一分钟的时间做这项工作,并且他们做地很好。根据句意及音标提示,故填minte所有的学生都很兴奋因为这节课确实像游戏一样。根据句意,故填sudents .我们都知道合作,但是我们怎样有这样的能力呢?suh这样,修饰名词或者名词短语,结合句意,故填ch70.我认为我们可以从加拿大的学校学到一些。learn fro,向学习。结合句意,故填from考点:学习生活类短文。六、读写实践(共0个小题,每小题2分,共0分)A.根据短文内容,完成表格,每空一词。请将正确答案填

41、写在答题卡指定的横线上。brham Lincowas bKntucy in 1809. is or die e eas tn years old.Lter, his aml moved o Ilinoi nd hs fthe raried. Thfmily was oor, o hey ad t trugge ju tolive. In Illinois, there we nthrtahers nor ools, butLicolnstepmoter enourged to suy. lerne rad and wiewhile worn on thefrm.At tweny-one, nc

42、n lf home. oonreceive llicens anbc lawyer. ople rus im and gan o cal him “Honst Abe”.Dnthe floing yes, to a moreacie part lities o h as not onlya highl espected lawer bualso a wellknw olitiian. He was electedth sixteenth pesidentof th UiedStes 1860,nd in th nexyear he Civi ar broke t.The Civil Wr wa

43、s btenhesouthern staes ht ted to leve the Unon nd formeir n counry, nd northrnstatetha wnted to keep althstates as one coutry. The souhe sat wae t ep thelaws that alloed hmtoown slaves. Bohhe rerntates andPresent Lincolnwand to get ridof thoe lws. n pri9, 1865, the vilWar ened and all slave wersetfre. Lessta ek te, oAri 14,186, Araha Lincows shot at theForTheater Wsh


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