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1、名师课堂辅导讲座名师课堂辅导讲座高中部分高中部分宋婕宋婕高级教师高级教师语法知识语法知识 语法知识语法知识 冠词、代词、形容词和副词、冠词、代词、形容词和副词、 动词时态和语态、情态动词、动词时态和语态、情态动词、 非谓语动词、定语从句、非谓语动词、定语从句、 名词性从句(主语、表语、宾语名词性从句(主语、表语、宾语 和同位语和同位语从句)、状语从句、从句)、状语从句、 倒装句等。重点是倒装句等。重点是动词动词的用法。的用法。冠词冠词基本规则:基本规则:1)单数可数名词泛指时用单数可数名词泛指时用 a 或或an。2)复数可数名词、不可数名词泛指时)复数可数名词、不可数名词泛指时不用不用 冠词冠

2、词。3)无论可数名词、不可数名词特指时都用)无论可数名词、不可数名词特指时都用 the。1.He has no sense of_humor.2.We didnt catch_humor in his remark.3. Good health is _ persons possession.4._ Dalian you see today is quite_ different city from what it used to be. A.The; /B.The; a C. /; the D. A; atheapleasure, success, failure, pity,honor,

3、surprise, knowledge, danger,history, education, welcome, war,art, culture, salary, sleep, cloth,rain, snow, fog, coffee, tea,ice-cream, soup, smoke 不定冠词与抽象名词不定冠词与抽象名词定语从句与名词性从句定语从句与名词性从句 who, which, that, whoever,what, where1._ comes will be welcome.2._will go there is not decided yet.3._he spoke at

4、 the meeting was true.4._he said at the meeting was true.5.The news_were having a holiday is true.WhoeverWhoThatthatWhatThe news _ you told me is true.Could it be in the meeting-room_ you had a talk with me last night_ you leftbehind your keys?A.that; whereB.which; thatC.where; thatD.where; where th

5、at/which动词时态与语态动词时态与语态1.The writer writes childrens story.2.The writer is now writing a story.3.The writer wrote a story last night.4.The writer was writing a story last night. 5.I have lost my pen.6.I lost my pen yesterday. eg. -Ive been told that John_from his journey to America. What about visiti

6、ng him tonight? -All right. Ill call for you at 6:00p.m. A.had come back B.is back C.came back D.coming backB 动词主动形式表被动意义动词主动形式表被动意义1.The door wont shut/lock.2.The book sells well. The book hardly sells.3.My pen writes well.4.Wood burns easily.5.The cloth washes well.6.The car drives smoothly.7.The

7、cloth wears long. 非谓语动词非谓语动词1.The platform having been built will be used to perform on. ()2.The platform built will be used to perform on.3.The platform being built will be used to perform on.4.The platform to be built will be used to perform on.1._ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may

8、produce variant(变异体变异体 ) of genes in human bodies. A.Being exposed B.Having exposed C.exposed D.after being exposed2.The village seemed deserted,the only sign of life_an ugly goat tied to a tree in a field nearby. A.isB.being C.was D.beAB 句子按结构分为三种:句子按结构分为三种:1、简单句、简单句 2、并列句、并列句 3、主从复合句、主从复合句1.He was

9、 ill. He didnt go to school.2.Being ill, he didnt go to school.3.He was ill, so he didnt go to school. 4.Because he was ill, he didnt go to school. 情态动词情态动词1.表推测表推测:must, may, might, could, should, mustcant mustnt( 禁止禁止 )2.情态动词情态动词+have done3.ShallI promise you shall see them again.Nobody shall leav

10、e the room.Shall I turn off the light?Shall he come in? should 1.I should help him because he is in trouble.2.They should be back by now.3.Im sorry that he should be so careless. 4.You should have come here earlier.5.They should have arrived in Shanghai by this time. 状语从句状语从句状语从句可分为时间、地点、原因、目的、状语从句可

11、分为时间、地点、原因、目的、结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。结果、条件、方式、比较、让步等。引导状语从句的连词应为从属连词。引导状语从句的连词应为从属连词。时间连词:时间连词: once, as, before, after, until(till), while, when, every time, the first time, the moment, the instant, the minute, the second, immediately, directly, no soonerthan, hardlywhen, scarcelywhen地点连词:地点连词: where,wher

12、ever,anywhere,everywhere原因连词:原因连词:because, since, now that, as目的连词:目的连词:so that, in order that, for fear (that), in case,lest,结果连词:结果连词:sothat, suchthat条件连词:条件连词:if, unless, as/so long as, on condition that,suppose/supposing, provide/providing方式连词:方式连词:as, as if/as though, the way比较连词:比较连词: asas, not as/soas, asso, than, the, the让步连词让步连词 as(倒装倒装), even if/even though, (al)though, while, whether(or), n


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