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1、Perceptions onReview onLearner to Teacher: EFL Student TeachersInternet-Assisted Language Learning and TeachingIntroductionOver the last decades of information age, the Internet has become an important part of moder n educati on. Accord ing to Abdallah (2007), appl ying the In ternet into En glish I

2、an guage teach ing process is useful for teachers to help stude nts develop Ian guage lear ning skills.Celik (2013) also regards In ternet-based facility in classroom as a sig nifica nt tool in teach ing procedure, especially in foreig n Ian guage teach ing. Rece nt years, a nu mber of studies, opin

3、ions and articles have bee n put forward to this topic of Internet and En glish Ian guage teachi ng. Eve n though these researches have been very useful to English teachers and students, some of their instructions and findings are not very practical and comprehe nsive in moder n En glish teachi ng p

4、rocess. Considering such situation, this paper examines Kuo' view on the perceptio ns for En glish teachers and EFL stude nts who use In ternet duri ng their teach ing or lear ning procedure in his article Lear ner to Teacher: EFL Stude nt Teachers Perceptions on Internet-Assisted Language Learn

5、ing and Teaching In order to delivery my review completely, a summary to Kuo 'article will be provided at first. And the n, this paper will discuss my review on the article by an alyz ing its content, findings and discussions. At the end of paper, a brief conclusion will be presented.SummaryAcco

6、rd ing to Kuo(2008), the rapid developme nt of Internet and computer promotes educators to in tegrate intern et-based tech no logy into classroom, because it can create a self-gover ned and cooperative lear ning circumsta nee for EFL stude nts. With the help of the In ternet, they can have access to

7、 practice their sec ond Ian guage skills. Even though the Internet and computers have bought great changes to the EFL education, how to take advantage of these new inventions is an unsettled issue in language teaching process. Kuo finds that this brings con troversial questi ons, such ascan every st

8、ude nt ben efit from this inno vati on” or Is there any problem they encoun ter whe n they use In tern et-based facility? ” The an swers to these questi ons will help educators to defi ne what kind of role should Intern et-assisted tech no logy plays in curre nt EFL in structi ons.In order to find o

9、ut opinions of Taiwan ELFstudent teachers on their experienee whe n apply the In ternet to the lear ning and teach ing procedure, Kuo con ducted a research at Wezao Ursuli ne College in Taiwa n. I n the research, 101 senior stude nt teachers who aged from 21 to 29 and on EFL courses were selected as

10、 samples. During this research, 101 questionnaires were sent out and 77 of them were returned. Kuo also used Likert scale which ranges from Strongly Disagree(4) to Strongly Agree (1) to evaluate students and teachers responses. In order to make the survey results more clear, all data are reported in

11、 numbers and percentages. He also prese nted three table charts to summarize the findings in the research.The first table illustrates the EFLstudent teachers' experience on Internet-based En glish lear ning. 81.8% of the participa nts who retur ned the questi onn aire agree or stro ngly agree th

12、at the Internet provide them with positive experie nce to promote English Ianguage skills; 83.1%indicated that more attention was paid to English Ian guage classes which base on Intern et; 84% teachers thought they have developed self-guided learning habit through Internet. In the article, Kuo discu

13、ssed that tech no logical educatio n has made an eleme ntary success in guidi ng stude nts to recog nize the sig ni fica nce of the In ternet and computers. He also con eluded that In ternet-based in structio n not only create self-guided lear ning en vir onment but also catch stude nt s atte nti on

14、 to lear ning Ian guage.The second table given by Kuo shows the EFLstudent teachers' personal belief on functions of Internet-assisted Ianguage instruction. Figures from this table indicate that the majority of those teachers (92.2%) confirm that they can get abundant learning en vir onment from

15、 the In ternet; 93.5% of them assert that in ternet is a helpful tool by assist ing teachi ng process in the future; moreover, ESL or ELF on li ne resources are found useful for EFL stude nt teachers teach ing. By an alyz ing the data, Kuo believes that EFL stude nt teachers lear ned the importa nee

16、 of In ternet-assisted language instruction and thought it is a helpful instrument to promote English lang uage teachi ng quality in the future.Kuos last table makes teachers pers onal attitude on future In ternet-based Ian guage teaching classes. As shown in this table, 80.5% participants said that

17、 they are willing to apply In ternet materials in their future En glish classroom and in troduce on li ne activities to the students. However, there are only 72.2% thought that they are con fide nt for tak ing adva ntage of the Internet and operati ng computers in their real teach ing classroom. 88.

18、3% EFL stude nt teachers felt that specific computer operat ing training courses are needed to promote their abilities and 80.5% recognized that they have to lear n how to comb ine In ternet resources with textbooks in the classroom circumstanee. From these data, Kuo claimed that most EFL student te

19、achers are lack of experienee to use computer in the future English Ianguage teach ing classroom.In the last section of Kuo ' s article, it has been concluded that an innovation of EFL in structi on are going to be developed by in tegrati ng traditi onal teach ing method and modern Internet-base

20、d facilities. He also pointed out that with the help of tech no logy trai ning courses EFLstude nts would have access to specific in structio n used to satisfy their n eeds by joining various on li ne in teract ion activities. Regard ing the results of Kuo' research, many EFL student teachers ar

21、e not certain whether they have the ability to apply tech no logy into their future En glish taught classroom, eve n though the majority of them are happy with their experie nee in structed by the Internet during learning process. Therefore, Kuo suggesting in the end of his article, EFL directors ne

22、ed to provide teachers with trainings to develop ability on building right perceptions of using the Internet and computers in the future.EvaluationOn the first inspection, Kuo' article seems to realize its aim commendably. This article is well-orga ni zed with impressive subtitle in each sect io

23、n. It helps readers to un dersta nd its main points in every part and quickly get invo Ived in what the author talks about. For example, from the abstract to conclusion section, the author' discussi on are cen teri ng on the main point and the research. This would con sta ntly remi nd the reader

24、 of the argume nt in this article so that they are not likely to get lost.Another advantage of this article is the way that the author deals with the original data collected though questionnaires. In the research, there are fifteen questions and every question has four options. That means the result

25、 figure would be very difficult to display. However, the author transformed the results into percentages and presented in three classified tables. In addition to readable data tables, the tone used to expla in and discuss the result by the author is formal and objective. In the discussi on secti on,

26、 the author also comb ined similar opinions to an alyze the result. For instanee, regarding to the question Through my learning experiences, I was motivated to learn En glish by the use of the In ternet,”e author cataloged opti ons such as Agree” and Strongly Agree" to positive attitude ”,which

27、 illustrates that the participa nt who agree or stro ngly agree held positive attitude toward the applicati on of the In ternet. By combi ning similar an swers, the author made it easier for his readers to un dersta nd the survey result and his discussi on on it. As a result, what the author wants t

28、o achieve in his article was successfully delivered to us.However, the major criticism of Kuois thertimeati on of samples selected inthe research. According to experience from former researchers, a qualified study would exam ine a large and ran domly selected sample (JR Frae nkel, NE Walle n, HH Hyu

29、n, 1993). At the beg inning of the article, Kuo in dicated that the aim of his research was to probe the opinions and attitude from Taiwa n EFL stude nt teachers on their experience of using Internet during Ianguage learning activities. However, there are 32 public colleges and uni versities who hav

30、e ope n EFL subject in Taiwa n, while Kuo only select samples from Wenzao Ursuline College. That means the outcome is more likely a result from only a small scale place of Taiwan. Furthermore, different teaching instructions and university conditions may have effect on students opinion on Internet-a

31、ssisted language teaching. For example, if EFLinstructors in a university often encourage their students to make use of the Internet and bring computer technology into their class, students is more likely to have a positive attitude towards Internet. On the contrary, it is possible that students who

32、 have a vintage tutor preferring traditional teaching method believe Internet-assisted language learning is not very helpful for them. Therefore, among 32 institutions in Taiwan, result from only one college is not persuasive enough.When looks into the details of questions used in the research, flaw

33、s can be found in some parts that the author put many similar questions which can be combined to a specific one. An academic research should be designed in a logical and clear way, while Kuo's questionnaire failed to achieve this goal. For instance, in the second table, questions such as: “The I

34、nternet in a useful tool for my teaching ”“EFL websites are useful for teaching English c”an be combined, since both questions are created to explore EFLstudents 'opinion on whether the Internet is useful for their future teaching. Another same problem can also be found in the third table, the l

35、ast two questions which aim to make out whether EFL student teachers need more knowledge to use and apply the Internet to practice can be summarized to a simple one.Another disappointment lying in Kuo 's article is the lack of practical suggestions for the result. As regarding to the finding, Ku

36、o recognized that EFL student teachers need more opportunities to strengthen their computer skills. But he did not make any practical suggestions for how to help students. What was recommended in his article is to combine traditional education with modern one. There is no doubt that this advice itse

37、lf is definitely right. But when one returns to the main topic of Kuo's article, this information seems unnecessary.ConclusionTo sum up, this paper summarized and reviewed Kuo's article on the research to explore EFL stude nt teacher' view on In ternet-assisted lear ning and teachi ng experienee. It is important to emphasize that Kuo 'article offered us a good sample of how to organize an article and


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