1、.电器Lliquid fuse = 液体熄弧保安器 liquid helium = 液氦 liquid insulation = 液体绝缘 liquid junction potential = 液体接触电位 liquid laser = 液体激光器 liquid level control = 液面调节器 liquid level controller = 液面调节器 liquid level governor = 液面调节器 liquid level indicator = 液面仪 liquid level manometer = 液面压力计 liquid level recorder =
2、 液面记录器 liquid level switch = 液位开关 liquid metal coolant = 液态金属冷却介质 liquid metal fueled reactor = 液体金属燃料堆 liquid metal ion source = 液态金属离子源 liquid-metal MHD generator = 液态金属磁流体发电机 liquid motor = 液体火箭发动机 liquid motor fuel = 液体动力燃料 liquid nitrogen = 液态氮 liquid nitrogen cooled generator = 液氮冷却超导发电机 liqui
3、d-nitrogen-cooled generator = 液氮冷却发电机 liquid oxygen generator = 液态氧发生器 liquid phase crystallization = 液相结晶 liquid phase epitaxial growth = 液相外延生长 liquid phase epitaxial layer = 液相外延生长层 liquid phase epitaxial regrowth = 液相外延再生长 liquid phase epitaxy = 液相外延 liquid phase reaction = 液相反应 liquid photoresi
4、st = 液体光刻胶 liquid resistance = 液体电阻 liquid resistance transducer = 液体电阻传感器 liquid resistor = 液体电阻器 liquid rheostat = 液体变阻器 liquid semiconductor = 液态半导体 liquid waste = 液体废料 liquidus = 液相线 liquidus temperature = 液线温度 Lissajous figures = 李萨如图形 list = 列表 list current file = 列表当前文件 list data = 表格数据 list
5、directed transmission = 表式传输 list directory = 列表目录 list directory menu = 列表目录菜单 list events = 列表事件 list of articles = 物品清单 list of award = 决标单 list of charts = 统计图 list of equipment and materials = 设备材料表 list of wire, cable and conduits = 电气管线表 list processing = 表处理 listener = 听众 listening = 截听 lite
6、r = 升 literal = 接字母顺序的 litharge = 氧化铅 lithium = 锂(Li) lithium blanket = 锂转换区 lithium borate solution = 硼(png)酸锂溶液 lithium bromide = 溴(xi)化锂 lithium bromide absorption type refrigerating machine = 溴化锂吸收式制冷机 lithium chloride resistance hygrometer = 氯化锂电阻湿度计 lithium concentration = 锂浓度 lithium cooled r
7、eactor = 锂冷却反应堆 lithium hydroxide = 氢氧化锂 lithium hydroxide inhibited = 氢氧化锂抑制的 lithium ion battery = 锂离子电池 lithium sulphur battery = 锂硫电池 litho = 光刻 lithographic equipment = 光刻装置 lithographic imagery = 光刻成象 lithographic mask = 光刻掩模 lithographic process = 光刻 lithographic resolution = 光刻清晰度 lithograph
8、y = 光刻 lithography machine = 光刻机 litz wire = 绞合线 live = 有电的,带电的,活动的,正极接地的 live axle = 动轴 live cable test cap = 带电电缆试验盖头 live circuit = 带电回路,反射性回路,有电压的电路 live conductor = 带电导线 live end = 有电端,加电压端,有效端 live-front switchboard = 盘面接线式配电盘 live gas = 新鲜空气 live input = 实际输入,恒定激励输入 live line = 带电线路 live part
9、 = 有电部件 live tank oil circuit breaker = 贫油断路器 live wire = 火线,有电导线 live wire maintenance = 带电线维修 living environmental condition = 生物生存环境条件 living filter = 生物滤池 living organism = 活有机体 living quarter = 宿舍,住宅区 living resources = 生物资源 living room = 起居室 living standard = 生活水平 lna = 低噪声放大器 load = 负载 load a
10、cceleration constant = 负载加速度常数 load adjustment = 负载调节 load admittance = 负载导纳 load aging = 负载老化 load analyzer = 负载分析器 load and go = 装入立即执行 load angle = 负载角 load angle characteristic = 负载角特性 load area = 负载区域 load balancing = 负载平衡 load bank = 负荷调节组 load break rating = 遮断容量 load break switch = 负载断路开关 lo
11、ad calculation = 负荷计算 load capacitor = 负载电容 load capacity = 负载能力 load center = 负载中心,负荷中心 load center of power system = 电力系统负荷中心 load center substation = 枢纽(shni)变电站 load center unit substation = 枢纽变电站,负荷中心配电变电站 load chamber = 装载室 load characteristic = 负载特性,负荷特性 load characteristic curve = 负载特性曲线 loa
12、d characteristic test = 负荷特性试验 load circuit = 负荷电路,负载电路 load control = 负载调节 load current = 负载电流 load curve = 负载曲线 load dispatch = 负载配电 load dispatcher = 供电调度员 load dispatching board = 负载配电盘 load dispatching office = 配电所 load diversity = 负载不同时率 load drop = 负载降低 load duration curve = 负载持续时间曲线 load est
13、imation = 负载估算,负荷估计 load extension diagram = 负载曲线 load factor = 负载系数 load feeder = 负载馈线 load flow = 电力潮流 load flow calculation = 潮流计算 load fluctuation = 负载变化 load forecasting = 负荷预测 load frequency control = 负载频率控制 load-frequency control = 负荷-频率控制 load hauled = 牵引载荷 load impedance = 负载阻抗 load impedan
14、ce diagram = 负载阻抗图 load limit = 负载极限 load limit motor = 负荷限制马达 load line = 负载曲线 load losses = 负载损耗 load module = 输入模块 load node = 负载节点 load peak = 负荷峰值 load per axle = 轴负重 load power = 负载功率 load power factor = 负载功率因数 load pulse = 负载脉冲 load rating = 额定负载 load ratio adjuster = 带负载电压调节器 load regulation
15、 = 负载调节 load removing = 负载除去 load resistance = 负载电阻 load resistor = 负荷电阻器,负载阻抗 load rise = 负载升高 load saturation curve = 负载饱和曲线 load scheduling = 负载编制 load selector = 负载选择器 load sharing = 均分负载 load sharing matrix switch = 均分负载矩阵开关 load-shedder = 自动甩负荷装置 load shedding = 甩负荷,减负荷,切负荷 load shedding capab
16、ility = 甩负荷能力 load shedding equipment = 甩负荷装置,减负荷装置 load shifting = 负载转移 load tap change = 带载抽头切换 load test = 负载试验 load torque = 负载转距 load transfer = 负载转移 load transfer switch = 负荷切换开关 load transformer = 负载变压器 load transient = 负荷暂态 load transistor = 负载晶体管 load trial = 负载试验,负荷试验,试加载 load-up condition
17、 = 负荷状态 load up variation = 负荷上升率 load valley = 负荷谷值,负荷曲线低谷 load-variant = 负载变动 load variation = 负荷波动,负载变动 load voltage = 负荷电压,负载电压 load winding = 负荷绕组,负载线圈 load zero = 寄存零 loadamatic = 随负载变化自动作用的 loadamatic control = 负载变化自动控制 loaded cable = 负载感电缆 loaded lightguide = 加载光波导 loaded line = 负载线路 loaded
18、q = 负载时q值 loaded resonator = 加载共振器 loader = 装载机 loading = 加负载 loading back method = 反馈法 loading coil = 加感线圈 loading coil pot = 加感线箱圈 loading factor = 负荷系数 loading gauge = 装载限界 loading machine = 装载机 loading motor = 加载电机 loading plug = 装料塞 loading point = 负载作用点 loading port = 装货口岸 loading port and des
19、tination = 装卸货物口岸 loading procedure = 装料程序 loading program = 装入程序 loading range = 负载范围 loading rate = 升负荷速率 loading rate limiter = 升负荷速率限制器 loading ratio = 充填比 loading regime = 负荷状态 loading resistor = 负荷电阻器 loading routine (input routine) = 装入程序 loading scheme = 装料方案 loading section = 加感部分 loading-s
20、ettlement curve = 荷载与减载曲线 loan = 贷款,借贷 loan account = 贷款帐户 loan agent = 贷款代理人 loan agreement = 贷款协定 loan and advance = 借款与预付 loan bank = 贷款银行 loan bond = 债劵 loan capital = 借贷资本 loan delinquency = 贷款拖欠 loan money = 借款 loan on security = 抵押贷款 loan regulation = 借贷条例 loan repayment schedule = 归回贷款进度 loa
21、n services = 贷款业务 loan with no or low interest = 无息或低息贷款 loan without security = 无担保贷款 loan worthy = 有偿付能力 lobe = 波瓣 lobe frequency = 波瓣频率 lobed rotor motor = 罗茨电动机,罗茨马达 lobewidth = 波瓣宽度 lobos = 局部隐埋氧化物隔离 local = 局部的 local action = 局部动作 local back up = 地方备用 local battery = 局部电池 local buried oxide is
22、olation = 局部隐埋氧化物隔离 local circuit = 局部电路 local coil = 局部线圈 local control = 局部控制 local current = 局部电流 local damage = 局部损坏 local data package = 局部数据包 local deformation = 局部变形,局部畸变 local dehomogenization = 局部非均匀化 local distribution = 局部分布 local distribution network = 市内配电网 local disturbance = 局部扰动 loca
23、l dose = 局部剂量 local dose rate = 局部剂量率 local duties = 地方税 local effect = 局部效应 local energy density = 局部能量密度 local epitaxy = 局部外延 local etching = 局部腐蚀 local exchange = 市内电话局 local feedback = 局部反馈 local frequency = 本振频率 local frequency control = 本机频率控制 local generator = 局部产生符,局部产生器,局部产生器 local heating
24、= 局部加热 local illumination = 局部照明 local lighting = 局部照明 local lighting fitting = 局部灯 local lighting transformer = 局部照明变压器 local line = 局部线路 local loop = 地区环路 local network = 局部网络 local oscillation = 局部振荡 local oscillator = 本地振荡器本机振荡器 local oxidation of silicon = 硅的局部氧化 local oxidation of silicon on s
25、apphire = 蓝宝石上硅局部氧化 local resonance = 局部共振 Local Run Stop Remote Starting Selector Switch = 运行-停机-摇控启动选择键 local standard = 本地标准 local telephone network = 市内电话网 local traffic = 本市通话 local trunk = 局内中继线 localization = 测位 localization nature = 局部化性质 localization of a fault = 确定障碍点 localized diffusion =
26、 定域扩散 localized doping = 定域掺杂 localizer = 飞机降落用的无线电信标 location of high resistance cable faults = 电缆高阻故障定位 location parameter = 位置参数 locator = 申波方向探测器定位器 locep = 局部外延 loci of root = 根轨迹 lock = 闭锁装置 lock down relay operation = 继电器锁定操作 lock-in = 同步跟踪 lock-in analyzer = 同步分析器 lock-in circuit = 强制同步电路 lo
27、ck in mixer = 同步混频器 lock magnet = 锁定磁铁 lock rotor frequency = 锁定转子频率 lock test = 锁定试验 lock test by low frequency = 低频牵引试验 lock unit = 同步装置 lock up relay = 闩锁继电器 lock valve = 锁紧阀 locked rotor current = 锁定转子电流 locked-rotor motor current = 电动机堵转电流 locked rotor test = 锁定转子试验 locked rotor torque = 锁定转子转矩
28、 locker = 衣帽柜 locker room = 更衣室 locking = 同步,锁定 locking apparatus = 锁定装置 locking blade = 锁紧叶片 locking bolt = 锁定螺栓 locking circuit = 锁定电路 locking device = 闭锁装置 locking frequency = 锁定频率 locking list = 连锁图表 locking phase = 同步相位 locking pulse = 锁定脉冲 locking range = 同步范围 locking signal = 同步信号 lockout = 闭
29、塞,闭锁 lockout relay = 闭锁继电器 locomotive = 机车 locomotive boiler = 机车锅炉 locomotive gas turbine = 机车燃气轮机 locomotive kilometer = 机车公里 locomotive traction motor = 牵引电动机 locos = 硅的局部氧化 locus = 轨迹 log = 日态,记录表 log characteristic = 对数特性 logarithm = 对数 logarithmic amplifier = 对数增幅器,对数放大器 logarithmic amplitude
30、characteristic = 对数振幅特性 logarithmic average = 对数平均 logarithmic decrement = 对数减缩量 logarithmic gain phase characteristic = 对数增益相位特性 logarithmic integral = 对数积分 logarithmic phasefrequency characteristic = 对数相位频率特性 logarithmic ratemeter = 对数强度计 logarithmic scale = 对数刻度 logbook = 记录表 logger = 记录器 logging
31、 = 记录 logging cable = 电测用电缆 logging desk = 值班工作台 logging device = 记录器 logic = 逻辑 logic array = 逻辑阵列 logic array device = 逻辑阵列装置 logic cell = 逻辑单元 logic chip = 逻辑集成电路 logic circuit = 逻辑电路 logic complexity = 逻辑复杂性 logic defect = 逻辑缺陷 logic design = 逻辑设计 logic element = 逻辑元件 logic equation generator =
32、控制逻辑生成器 logic equation simulation = 逻辑方程模拟 logic family = 逻辑系列 logic flowchart = 逻辑流程图 logic gate = 逻辑门 logic glue = 接口逻辑电路 logic instruction = 逻辑指令 logic integrated circuit = 逻辑集成电路 logic integration = 逻辑集成电路 logic level = 逻辑电平 logic probe = 逻辑探针 logic simulation = 逻辑模拟 logic structure = 逻辑结构 logic
33、 switch = 逻辑开关 logic symbol = 逻辑符号 logic tester = 逻辑试验器 logic trigger generator = 逻辑触发生成器 logic unit = 逻辑运算器 logical = 逻辑的 logical action = 逻辑作用 logical address = 逻辑地址 logical block = 逻辑块 logical circuit = 逻辑电路 logical comparison = 逻辑比较 logical design = 逻辑设计 logical element = 逻辑元件 logical expression
34、 = 逻辑表达式 logical function = 逻辑函数,逻辑功能 logical gate = 逻辑门 logical iocs = 逻辑输入输出控制系统 logical multiplication = 逻辑乘积 logical one = 逻辑1 logical one voltage = 逻辑1电压 logical operation = 逻辑运算 logical operator = 逻辑算符 logical product = 逻辑积 logical program = 逻辑程序 logical shift = 逻辑移位 logical simulation = 逻辑仿真,
35、逻辑模拟 logical sum = 逻辑和 logical zero = 逻辑零 logical zero voltage = 逻辑零电压 long = 长的 long chort winding = 长距绕组 long distance cable = 长途电缆 long distance circuit = 长途通信电路 long distance communication = 长途通信 long distance line = 长途线 long distance network = 长途网 long distance transmission = 长途输电 long distance
36、 transmission line = 长途输电线 long haul network = 广域网 long hour motor = 持续运行电动机 Long Island Power Authority = 长岛电力公司 long lifetime = 长寿命 long lifetime laser = 长寿命激光器 long line effect = 长线效应 long-line frequency control = 长线频率控制 long lived lasers = 长寿命激光器 long persistence screen = 长余辉荧光屏 long pitch windi
37、ng = 长距绕组 long power transmission line = 长输电线路 long pulse laser = 长脉冲激光器 long range holography = 远程全息术 long range navigation = 远程导航 long range radar = 远程雷达 long-rectangularwave generator = 长矩形波发生器 long rod insulator = 长杆绝缘子 long run frequency = 长期频率 long scale instrument = 长刻度仪表 long shunt compound
38、generator = 长并激复励发电机 long term drift = 长期漂移 long term dynamics = 长时间过渡过程 long-term frequency drift = 长期频率漂移 long-term frequency stability = 长期频率稳定度 long term overloading = 长时间过载 long term reliability = 长期使用的可靠性 long term stability = 长期稳定性 long term usage = 长期使用 long wavelength threshold = 长波长阈值 long
39、 wire antenna = 长线天线 longevity = 寿命 longitudinal = 纵联 longitudinal differential protection = 纵联差动保护 longitudinal field = 纵向场 longitudinal fundamental optical frequency = 纵向光学基频率 longitudinal load = 纵向负载 longitudinal magnetisation = 纵向磁化 longitudinal magnetization recording = 纵向磁化记录 longitudinal osci
40、llation = 纵向振动 longitudinal oscillations = 纵向振荡 longitudinal parity = 横向奇偶性 longitudinal pumping = 纵向激励 longitudinal redundancy check = 水平冗余校验 longitudinal section = 纵切面 longitudinal slicer = 晶锭的纵向切割机 longitudinal stability = 纵向稳定性 longitudinal stay = 纵向拉线 longitudinal stress = 纵向应力 longitudinal vib
41、ration = 纵向振动 longitudinal wave = 纵波 longtime rating = 长时间额定值 look ahead carry generator = 先行进位发生器,超前进位产生器 look up = 检查 look-up table = 查表法 looking glass = 观测窗 loom motor = 织布机电动机 loop = 回线,环 loop current = 回路电流 loop current equation = 回路电流方程 loop gain = 环路增益 loop gain characteristic = 环路增益特性 loop g
42、alvanometer = 回线检流计 loop line = 环形线路 loop method = 环形法 loop motor = 环流电动机 loop network = 环形网络,环状网络 loop oscillograph = 回线示波器 loop phase angle = 环路相位角 loop system = 环形系统 loop test = 环线试验 loop transfer function = 环路传递函数 loop transmission = 回线传输 loose contact = 接触不良 loose coupling = 弱耦合 loose standard
43、= 轻定额,保守定额 loran = 远程导航 losos = 蓝宝石上硅局部氧化 本文来自: 外贸学院(http:/www.trade-) 详细出处参考:http:/www.trade-loss = 损失 loss angle = 损耗角 loss angle measurement = 损耗角测量 loss angle measuring bridge = 损耗角测量用电桥 loss due to frequency conversion = 变频损耗 loss factor = 损失率 loss factor measurement = 损耗系数测量 loss free dielectr
44、ic = 无损耗电介质 loss free medium = 无损耗介质 loss meter = 损耗电度表 loss of excitation = 失磁 loss of information = 信息丧失 loss of load = 甩负荷 loss-of-load accident = 甩负荷事故 loss-of-load transient = 甩负荷瞬变 loss of off-site power = 失去厂外电源 loss of phase = 断相 loss of stability = 失去稳定性 loss of synchronism = 失步,失去同期 loss o
45、f synchronism protection = 失步保护 loss power = 损耗功率 loss probability = 损耗概率 loss reduction = 降损,节能 loss reduction measures = 降线损措施 loss resistence = 损耗电阻 lossfree condenser = 无损失电容器 lossfree line = 无损耗线路 lossless circuit = 无损失电路 lossless power divider = 无损耗功率分配器 lost call = 未接通的呼叫 lot = 组 loudness = 响
46、度 loudspeaker = 扩音器扬声器,扬声器 loudspeaker directional pattern = 扬声平向性图 loudspeaker telephone = 带有扬声器电话机 loudspeaker telephone device = 带有扬声器电话机 Lovibond glass standard = 洛维邦得玻璃标准 low & high-frequency capacitor = 高低压周波电容器 low band standard = 低带标准 low bandgap material = 窄带隙材料 low capacity cable = 小容量
47、电缆 low carbon steel = 低碳钢 low-compression motor = 低压缩发动机 low concentration doping = 轻微掺杂 low definition television = 低清晰度电视 low density ic = 低密度集成电路 low diffuser = 低扩散系数杂质 low dosage ion implantation = 低剂量离子注入 low electron affinity = 低电子亲合力 low end microprocessor = 低级微型处理机 low energy electron diffra
48、ction = 低能电子衍射 low energy gap = 窄禁带 low energy ion implantation = 低能离子注入 low energy logic = 低功耗逻辑电路 low energy relay = 低耗能继电器 low enriched uranium = 低浓铀 low excited state = 低激发态 low-flow frequency curve = 低流量频率曲线,枯水流量频率曲线 low frequency = 低频 low-frequency (LF) = 低频 low-frequency = 低频率,低频率的 low-freque
49、ncy acquisition = 低频探测,低频显示 low-frequency amplification = 低频放大 low-frequency amplification stage = 低频放大级 low-frequency amplifier = 低频放大器 low-frequency antenna = 低频天线 low-frequency band = 低频带 low-frequency cable = 低频电缆 low frequency ceramic filter = 低频陶瓷滤波器 low-frequency characteristic oscillograph =
50、 低频特性图示仪 low-frequency communication cable = 低频通信电缆 low-frequency compensation = 低频补偿 low frequency compensator = 低频补偿器 low-frequency compensator = 低频补偿器 low-frequency current = 低频电流 low-frequency cutoff = 低频截止 low-frequency cycle = 低频周期 low-frequency detector = 低频检波器 low-frequency direction finder
51、= 低频测向器 low frequency distortion = 低频失真 low-frequency distortion = 低频失真 low-frequency dry-flashover voltage = 低频干闪络电压 low-frequency electric furnace = 低频电炉 low-frequency electric smelting furnace = 低频电气熔铁炉 low frequency electrical porcelain = 低频电瓷 low-frequency electrical porcelain = 低频电瓷 low-frequency electromagnetometer = 低频电磁仪 low-frequency field = 低频场 low-frequency filter = 低频滤波器 low frequency fluctuation = 低频起伏 low frequency furnace = 低频炉 low-frequency furnace = 低频感应电炉,低频炉 low-frequency gain = 低频增益 low-frequency gauge = 低频仪 low-frequency generator = 低频发电机,低频振荡器 low-frequency head = 低频部件
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