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1、初三第一次月考复习卷知识点复习:Unit 1-2Thomas重点单词adj./adv.golden; correct; real; brave; certain; exactly; pale; v.doubt; solve; seem; fill; hit; consider; avoid; obey; trust; reduce;n.agreement; truth; prison; mistake; mind; invitation; sense; Pleasure; action; theory; university; lecture; audience; applause; achi

2、evement; humor;重点短语1. be happy with=_=_2. be made of/from/into/in区别3. _ the truth=discover4. solve=_=_5. _=consider6. fillwith be filled with=_7. Go_ (to)=walk directly to8. make sure=_9. be amazed at.=_.10. be certain=be_1. 根据_2. 注意_3. take out_4. in public_5. avoid doing sth=_6. let sb down=_7. wi

3、thout difficulty=_8. join in=_9. offer to do sth._10. play a joke on sb=_.trick sb=fool sb常考知识1.prison=jail 2.be certain to do/of/that 3.Greece-Greek(词形变换)4.weighweight 5.pleasepleasedpleasure 6.gold-golden 7.turetruth 8.correctcorrection 9.certaincertainly10.doubt=dont feel sure 11.agreeagreement 1

4、2.be made to do13.特殊(where)+ to do 14.displace=take the place of 15.humourhumorous16.inviteinvitation 17.dufficultdifficulty 18.applaudapplause19.theory(复数) 20.look+adv+at sth 21.mind +doing22.be+adv+adj 23.be in+ agreement 24.offer to do sth.25.wish+could/should/would+do 26.so.that/suchthat 27.with

5、+n./v-ing重点语法知识1. 反意疑问句 2.反意疑问句其回答要根据事实回答1.祈使句,will You/wont you lets.,shall we?(变态)2.陈述句,_助+主语_?第一步:判断肯否:前肯后否;前否后(never; hardly; seldom; little; few; nothing;)第二步:找主语第三步:找助动词(do, does, did, has, had, is, are, am, will, would, can)注意:1.表示否定意义的词:seldom, hardly, never, few, little, nothing, nobody2.d是

6、谁的缩写:youd better=You had better Youd like=you would like Youd rather=You would rather2. s是谁的缩写:shes doing.=she is Shes finished.=she has3. 陈述部分主语是something, everything, anything, nothing=主语要用it.4. 陈述部分主语是everyone, someone, anyone, no one, nobody=主语可he,也可they.5. I am.,arent I?6. 当陈述部分是主从结构,疑问部分助动词和主语

7、应与主句的主谓要一致,但当句中部分是I think/I suppose/I believe等结构时,疑问部分助动词和主语则与that从句中的主、谓保持一致.动词不定式(主语;表语;后置定语)1.n.+to do ( ability/plan/way/time/advice +to do) (做定语)2.to do +谓语 /It +be +adj.+ to do (做主语)3.主语n.(thing/plan/idea/job/dream/hope/wish)+be+ to do(做表语)4.特殊疑问词(when/how/what/which/where +to do)5.V(谓语)+ to d

8、o(做宾语)接+to do 的句型 u 1.Its ones turn to do轮到某人做u 2.Would like /love to do sthu 3.Its time to do sth. 现在是做某事的时候了 u 4.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人时间 u 5.Its good/bad to do sth. 做某事好、不好 u 6.be+adj.+enough to do sth. 足够+形容词做某事u 7.sb. is ready/afraid /able/sure/ to do sth. 某人准备好做某事 u 8.how/ w

9、hen/where/whether to do sth u 9.cant wait to do 迫不及待做某事 u 10.too to do 太怎么样而不能做某事 u 11.Its+adj.+ for sb. to do sth. (做这件事对你.) 12. Its+adj.+ of sb. to do sth. (你做这件事真.)接+do 的句型u 1.Would you please do sthu 2.Would rather do sthu 3.Why not do sth=Wht dont you do sthu 4.Youd better do sthu 5.Shall we do

10、 sthu 6.Lets/let us do sthu 7.Would rather do.than do sth =prefer to.rather than doV只能接+to do( would like/love, want, wish, hope, decide, plan, expect; offer ,intend, seem,agree;refuse)V既可以接to do又可以接doing(remember, forget, stop, go on, mean, try ;begin, start, like, hate)V+sb to do(不定式做宾补)(ask, tell

11、, get, wish, want;hate, expect, advise, warn; force; remind; invite; order; warn; encourage ;require; show)V+sb do(接省略to的不定式)(feel;hear;listen to;make, have let, watch, see, notice, observe, , ) 口诀:一感,二听,三让;四看;半帮助)V+sb do(全过程)/doing(正在进行)(see,hear,feel,smell,listen(to),notice,observe,smell,watch)I.词

12、语释义专题1.However,he doubted that it was a real golden crown.A. believed B. denied C. admitted D. didnt feel sure 2.We are pleased to learn that problems solve at yesterdays meeting. A. end B. finish C. work out D. hold3.The hall was full of people.A. was fill with B. was filled with C. belonged to D.

13、had4.She looks certain to win an Oscar.A. happy B. pleased C. sure D. angry5.We consider buying a new car .A. think of B. discuss C. think about D. discuss about6.Thomas will gave a lecture to all of you in Joyo this Sunday.A. formal talk B. joke C. story D. wonderful lesson7.You should avoid mentio

14、ning his divorce.A. stop B. keep away from C. give away from D. forget8.You shouldnt let your parents down.A. makedisappointed B. leavelonelyC .make.excited D. leavealone9.People usually make fun of their friends on April Fools Day.A. cheat B. hurt C. play jokes on D. play with 10.My mother is satis

15、fied with my homework.A. is moved by B. is good at C. is strict with D. is pleased with11.I made myself understood without difficulty.A. very fast B. very quickly C. easily D. exactly12.You can trust me. I am your honest friend.A. believe in B. fool C. help D. communicate with13.With the help of Joy

16、os teacher, Ive learnt 1000 words by heart.A. written B. memorized C. forgotten D. read14.I had no idea what to do next.A. didnt believe C. didnt know C. didnt think D. didnt recognize15.When I heard the bad news, my face turned pale at once.A. became ill C. got red C. became pale D. got angry16.Ein

17、stein stood up and answered the question perfectly.A. easily B. quickly C. without any mistakes D. with trouble17.The Kind wondered if the crown was made completely of gold.A. wanted to know B. asked C. wanted to told D. questioned18.When Lee Minho appeared in Shanghai, the fans ran straight to him.

18、A. said hello to B. said goodbye to C. ran todirectly D. ran toangrily19.A man half my size would displace half as much.A. repeat B. instead C. take the place of D. take place20.The three prison breakers were caught by police at last.A .record B. jail C. hotel D. schoolII语法专练反意疑问句一、完成下列反意疑问句 1、He ha

19、s a lot of work to do, _ _? 2、Uncle Wang forgot to bring your bag, _ _? 3、Therere more than ten pandas on the hill, _ _? 4、Tom wants to get his TV set back, _ _? 5、Its fine today, _ _? 6、Limas just come back from America, _ _?7、Mary bought some shampoo in the supermarket,_ _?8、Nobody was looking for

20、 me, _ _? 9、He needs our help, _ _? 10、We must study English hard or we can't be good at it, _ _? 11、You may use his eraser, _ _? 12、He didnt say you were foolish, _ _? 13、Theyll be on duty next Monday,_ _? 14、Tom didnt watch TV last night, _ _? 15、Shes been to Shanghai, _ _? 16、Open the windows

21、, _ _?17、Thats a model plant,_ _? 18、Robert knows little Chinese, _ _? 19、What an interesting story, _ _? 20、Your parents must be in the library, _ _? 21、You dont think he will come back before school, _ _? 22、Youd better do it now, _ _? 23、Everything is ready for the party,_ _? 24、I dont think you

22、are beautiful , _ _? 25、Mary made few mistakes in the exam, _ _? 26、He has never seen her before, _ _? 27、Jack hardly goes to the cinema, _ _? 28、Therere twenty-one girl students in your class, _ _? 29、Lets sing an English song together, _ _? 30、Let me try it a second time, _ _ 不定式一,选择填空1. Don't

23、 forget _ the letter.A. to send      B. send      C. sending      D. being sent2. The chair looks very old, but in fact it is very comfortable to _. A. sit          B. sit on 

24、    C. be sat        D. be sat on 3. Is _ necessary to return the book tomorrow? A. this         B. that        C. it           D.

25、 which4. I'm afraid they would not allow him _ here. A. to smoke     B. smoking   C. smokes      D. smoke5. Mother told me _ the water before I drank it. A. boiling       B. boiled    C. boil 

26、;         D. to boil6. On my way home, I stopped _ some food. A. buy         B. to buy     C. buying       D. bought7. John was made _ the car for a week as a punishment.

27、 A. to wash      B. washing   C. wash        D. to be washing8. The sitting-room needs _, but it'll have to wait until Saturday. A. be cleaning     B. to be cleaned    C. clean  

28、60;    D. being cleaned9. The first thing I want to do is _. A. visit to him    B. to visit him    C. visiting him     D. visited him10. Li Yang advised me _ too much, otherwise I would have been drunk. A. not to drink   

29、;  B. to drink    C. not drinking    D. drinking11.The teacher asked us _so much noise.    A .dont make   B. not make   C. not making   D .not to make12.Id rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than_ a room

30、with someone else.    A. to share        B. to have shared         C. share       D. sharing13. The meeting _ next week is sure to be a great success.    A. to take place

31、          B. to be taken place                  C. to have taken place           D. being taken place14. He found it very dif

32、ficult _. A. sleeping B. sleeps C. slept D. to fall asleep15.Robert often asks us _ his Chinese, so his Chinese is much better than before. A. help him B. to help him with C. to help with D. helps him with16. My mother was very glad _ her old friend. A. to meet B. meet C. met D. meets17. I have a lo

33、t of homework _. A. do B. doing C. did D. to do18. He is not an easy man _.A. get on B. to get on C. get on with D. to get on with19. There is going to _ an important meeting tomorrow. Please try _ late.A. have, not to be B. have, not be C. be, not to be D. be, not be20When I was walking in the stre

34、et I saw a plane _ over my head.A. flies B. flying C. flew D. to fly. 单选填空 (1)1.-Do you like_ ring I bought you? -Its nice, but is it made of_ gold?A. a; a B. the;/ C. a;/ D. the; a2.-_bad weather it is? -There is no doubt_ the sports meeting will be put off. A. What a; of B. What; that C. How; of D

35、. How; that3.-Why does Thomas look _at the good news. -Because he avoids_ his homework this week.A. happy; doing B. happy; to do C. happily; doing D. happily; to do4.-Will you please show me _next? -Sorry, it is important _it by yourself.A. what to do; solving B. how to do ;solving C. what to do ;to

36、 solve D. how to do ;to solve5.-A table _of wood is much more expensive than that made of glass. -Youre joking,_?A. made; arent B. made; are C. is made; arent D. is made; are6. Do you know who invented Chinese chess?Sorry. I dont know. Lets _ the Internet _ .A. search; find out it   &

37、#160;     B. to search; to find it outC. to search; to find out it    D. search; to find it out7.-I saw an injured dog walk_ the forest yesterday. Is it yours? -Yes, It is mine. I hoped it can go_ the forest safely.A. straight; across B. straightly; through C. stra

38、ight; through D. straightly; across8. - It is important to learn large numbers of words _ - Yes. _ words that I have memorized is about 2,000. A. with heart; The number of B. by heart; The number of C. with heart; A number of D. by heart; A number of 9.- He has _ and is very popular. What he says _

39、fails to please us.- Right We all like him very much. A. a sense of humor; .always B. sense of humor; always C. a sense of humor; never D. sense of humor; never 10. - What should we do if we want to _ the match?- You need to cooperate(合作) _?A. win; perfect B. beat; perfect C. win; perfectly D. beat;

40、 perfectly11. - Doctor,it seems _ you like animals very much.- Sure. I think they should _ as our friends. A. that; consider B. that; be considered C. to; consider D. to; be considered12.-The problem seems _hard. -I think so, but if we work together, Im sure we can find the solution _it.A. terribly;

41、 to B. terribly; of C. terrible; to D. terrible; of13.-Kate didnt go to Toms party, _she? -_.she was ill and stayed in bed.A. didnt; Yes, she did B. didnt; No, she didnt C. did; Yes, she did D. did; No, she didnt14. - _ is it from your home to school? - _ is about 20 minutes' walk.A. How far; It

42、 B. How long; There C. How far; There D. How long; It15.-I don't think he is right,_? -But I think it's brave _him to do that.A. isn't he ; for B. don't I; for C .is he; of D. do I; of (2)1. - I hope you don't mind my_ the window. - _. It's a bit hot here today.A. to open; Ce

43、rtainly B. opening; Of course not C. to open; All right D. opening; Never mind2. -Is first impression very important? -Yes, it is, because you never get_ second chance to make_ first impression.A. /, the B. a, the C. the, the D. a, a3. Not all the students would rather _ computer games than _.A. pla

44、y; study B. playing; studying C. to play; to study D. playing; study4. The boy looks nice _ white while the red sweater looks good _the girl. A. with; on B in; on C. on; in D. in; with 5. - Im sure I will get good marks in the mid-term exam. - I believe your parents will _ your study if you try your

45、 best. A. be satisfied with B. be angry with C. be bored of D. be worried about6. - Shall I get _ cake for you,Dad? - Thanks,but you _. I've had enough. A. another; can't B. other; mustn't C. others; needn't D. another; needn't 7. -_April 20 this year, a terrible earthquake hit Y

46、aan, Sichuan Province.-We all sorry for that. It is reported that_ houses were destroyed.A. On; thousands of B. On; thousand of C. In, thousands of D. In; thousand of8. -_see the film about Rise of the Planet of the Apes II(猩球崛起II) with me?-Great idea! Its said to be_ film of the year.A. What about;

47、 the funniest B. Why not; the funniestC. Why dont you; funnier D. Would you; funnier9. -I think the science problem is very difficult. Can you_?-No. Its too hard. Im afraid _ students are able to do it.A. work it out; a few B. work out it; fewC. work it out; few D. work out it; a few10. -There is no

48、thing wrong with the television, _ there?-Yes. It must _as soon as possible.A. is; repair B. is; be repaired C. isnt; repair D. isnt; be repaired11. -Many people in the world dont have enough to eat. _bad it is to waste food!-Yes. We should not order _ much food that we cant eat it up.A. How; so B.

49、What; such C. What; so D. How; such12. -Hello! May I speak to Mary? I have _ to tell her.-Please_. Ill go and get her.A. something important; go on B. important something; hold onC. something important; hold on D. important something; go on13. Are these books _?No, they are not mine. They belong to

50、_.A. your; her B. yours; her C. you; hers D. yours; she14. _will she stay here? -For _.A. How soon; one hour and a half B . How long; one and a half hoursC. How soon; one and a half hours D. How long; one hour and half15. Could you please tell me something about the two_? _. They are exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. A. Greeces; Yes, please B. Greeks; Come on C. Germen; Not at all D. Germans; All right .单词及语法填空题一,单词填空题1. To tell the t_, you didnt pass the English exam.2. Could you please tell me how to s _the problem.3. Mr. smith saved the boy in the water. And he was


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