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1、Made by Lauren ChanQUESTIONSHow does the title “Green Banana” strike you? What do you expect the story to tellThe text is taken from Beyond Experience: An Experiential Approach to Cross-cultural Education edited by Donald Batchelder and Elizabeth G. Warner in 1974. When the second edition of the boo

2、k was published in 1993, Batchelder explained his view on cross-cultural education:BACKGROUND INFORMATIONBACKGROUND INFORMATION“If some of the goals of education in modern times are to open up possibilities for discovery and expand learning and the chance for mutual acceptance and recognition in a w

3、ider world, it may be important to offer students a perspective on their own immediate center of the world by enabling them to participate sensitively as cross-cultural sojourners s sd d:n:n (旅居者,寄居者)to the center of someone elses world.”C CHECKHECK- -ONON P PREVIEWREVIEWWhat happened to the authors

4、 old jeep in Brazil? How did the villagers help repair it?What did the author learn about the center of the world (the rock)? How did he feel toward it?What are the two learning moments of the author? What did he learn?Whats the use of the green banana in the text? What does it symbolize?When the au

5、thor says we should leave our own centers of the world, does he mean we should travel to other countries more often? BACKGROUND INFORMATIONETHNOCENTRISM(种族优越论) Ethnic refers to cultural heritage, and centrism refers to the central starting point or the tendency of people to put their own group at th

6、e center. Thus, ethnocentrism basically refers to judging other groups from ones own cultural point of view, or misinterpreting other cultures because one uses the concepts of his own culture.Ethnocentrism can lead to making false assumptions about others ways based on ones own limited experience. T

7、he key word is assumptions, because we are not even aware that we are being ethnocentric. That is people dont understand that they dont understand.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONETHNOCENTRISM(种族优越论) Ethnocentrism may manifest itself in attitudes of superiority or sometimes hostility. Violence, discrimination

8、, proselytizing prsltaz (劝诱改宗), and verbal aggressiveness are other means whereby ethnocentrism may be expressed.BACKGROUND INFORMATIONETHNOCENTRISM(种族优越论) WHY ARE PEOPLE ETHNOCENTRIC?It is normal to assume things on the basis of ones own experience, although it is sometimes wrong. Peoples perceptio

9、ns of colors, time frames, values on industriousness, social roles, and beliefs about Life and the Universe provide important meanings in daily life. Therefore, peoples limited experiences they have already had are the basis for interpreting new experiences, and in the case of others behaviors.WHAT

10、IS THE PROBLEM WITH ETHNOCENTRISM?Ethnocentrism leads people to make false assumptions about other peoples. People are ethnocentric when they use their cultural norms as a universal yardstick to make generalizations about other peoples cultures and customs. People of one culture may falsely distort

11、what is meaningful and functional to other peoples through his own tinted glasses. At the best, people simply continue in his unawareness. You may be well meaning in interethnic relations, but can unintentionally offend others, generate ill feelings, and even set up situations that harm others. Ethn

12、ocentrism is evident in international relations, creating conflicts and inhibiting resolution of conflicts. There are extreme forms of ethnocentrism that pose serious social problems, such as racism, chauvinism, and ethnic cleansing. These views are generally condemned by the world community, but re

13、gular cases can be seen in the news.EXTREME FORMS OF ETHNOCENTRISMWHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT ETHNOCENTRISM?Addressing ethnocentrism is not a matter of just trying not to be ethnocentric. Since people will never experience every life situation of everyone around the world, assumptions about life are based

14、on existing limited experience. A more effective way is to catch yourself when you are being ethnocentric and seek to develop better understandings. Once we realize that we are not understanding, we are now in a better position to seek more valid and balanced understandings.CULTURAL RELATIVISM (文化相对

15、主义)Ethnocentrism is often linked to a sociological theory called cultural relativism. Cultural relativists assert that concepts are socially constructed and vary cross-culturally. These concepts may include such fundamental notions as what is considered true, morally correct, and what constitutes kn

16、owledge or even reality itself.Cultural Relativism is an attempt to understand the cultural development of societies and social groups on their own terms, that is, without trying to impose absolute ideas of moral value or trying to measure different cultural variations in terms of some form of absol

17、ute cultural standard. This may be a positive value in terms of interethnic relations. By cultural relativism, all cultures are equally worthy of respect and in studying another culture people need to suspend judgment, empathize and try and understand the way that particular culture sees the world.C

18、ULTURAL RELATIVISM (文化相对主义)BRAZILNational FlagFederative Republic of BrazilCapital : BrasiliaIndependent Day: September 7thTwo large terrain tren地形地形The Amazon plain (1/31/3)Brazil Plateau (2/3)Brazil is a Portuguese-speaking country in the Americas. It is the worlds fifth largest country, both by g

19、eographical area and by population.Bounded by the Atlantic Ocean on the east, Brazil has a coastline of over 7,491 kilometers. It is bordered on the north by Venezuela venvenzwezwel l , Guyana aiai:n:n, ,aiainn , Suriname s sr rnn:m:m and the French overseas department ofFrench Guiana; on the northw

20、est by Colombia; on the west by Bolivia and Peru; on the southwest by Argentina and Paraguay prprwawa 巴拉圭and on the south by Uruguay j jr rwawa 乌拉圭.Its size, relief, climate, and natural resources make Brazil geographically diverse.Brazil has a dense and complex system of rivers, one of the worlds m

21、ost extensive, with eight major drainage basins, all of which drain into the Atlantic. Major rivers include the AmazonCoffee has been one of the main beverages among Brazilians since the beginning of the 19th century.Brazilian cuisine varies greatly by region, reflecting the countrys mix of native a

22、nd immigrant populations. This has created a national cuisine marked by the preservation of regional differences. Examples are Feijoada, considered the countrys national dish.The most popular sport in Brazil is football soccer. The Brazilian national football team is ranked among the best in the wor

23、ld.Brazil has hosted several high-profile international sporting events, including the 1950 FIFA World Cup and has been chosen to host the 2014 FIFA World Cup. On 2 October 2009, Brazil was selected to host the 2016 Olympic Games, the first to be held in South America. Carnival is the most famous ho

24、liday in Brazil and has become an event of huge proportions. The country stops completely for almost a week and festivities are intense, day and night, mainly in coastal cities.Carnival Rio (late February - early March) 1 Flamboyant(艳丽的)(艳丽的)costumes2 Sexy Brazilian girls 3 Passionate Samba dance 亚马

25、孙河亚马孙河 The Amazon river is the great river on Earth.It is one of the The Amazon river is the great river on Earth.It is one of the worlds greatest rainforests and it is longer than any river but the worlds greatest rainforests and it is longer than any river but the Nile.Nile.亚马孙雨林亚马孙雨林Iguassu Falls

26、STRUCTUREPart1 (1- ) Part 2( )Part 3( ) 45-78The writers experiences in a mountain village in the central area of Brazil.The writers reflections on his experience.The writers conclusion: Each culture has hidden treasures to offer to the rest of the world.As often the case in an essay, it starts from

27、 As often the case in an essay, it starts from something specific and then moves on to a something specific and then moves on to a general conclusion.general conclusion.F FURTHERURTHER DISCUSSIONDISCUSSIONDo you think people who come from different cultures are unlikely to understand each other?Are

28、there cultural conflicts between students from different regions? If so, how do you settle the conflicts?D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISAlthough it might have happened anywhere, my encounter with the green banana started on a steep mountain road in the central area of Brazil. What does the “alth

29、ough-clause” imply?He could have his first experience with a foreign treasure anywhere outside of his home. It just HAPPENED to be in Brazil. So saying implies that every foreign culture has some treasures which remain unknown to outsiders. ancient old antique 这些形容词均含“古代的,古老的”之意。ancient:指很久以前发生或存在的事

30、物。用于描述历史时,指远古时代。ancient所指的时间一般比old长。old:指长期以来一直存在着的事物,与times连用指古代,与days连用时指从前或旧社会。 antique:指已经很古老或颇有古风的事物,一般都具有较高价值。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISstrain up: make a great effort to move upwardstrain: try very hard (vi.& vt.)她竖起耳朵听,但什么也没听见。 (vt.)他使劲转动车轮子,但没有成功。(vi.)D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNAL

31、YSISShe strained her ears, but no sound reached them.He strained to turn the wheel, but he couldnt. When and WhileWe can use both words to introduce a longer background action or situation, which is/was going on when something else happens/happened. Somebody broke into the house when they were playi

32、ng cards. While they were playing cards, somebody broke into the house. Note that when and while clauses can go at the beginning or end of sentences. D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISSimultaneous long actions We usually use while to say that two longer actions or situations go / went on at the sam

33、e time. While you were reading the paper, I was working.If we are talking about ages and periods of life, we use when: When I was a child we lived in London (NOT While I was a child ) His parents died when he was twelve (NOT while he was twelve) D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISSimultaneous short

34、actions We can use (just) when(just) when to say that two short actions or events happen / happened at the same time: I thought of it (just) when(just) when you opened your mouth. WhileWhile is not possible in this situation. Reduced clausesIt is often possible to leave out subject + be after whenwh

35、en and whilewhile: While/WhenWhile/When in Germany, he got to know a family of musicians. (=While/When he washe was in Germany ) I never thought Id cry when/while looking at my old pictures. D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISleakleak away 漏出 escape gradually through an accidental hole; 逐渐失去 be grad

36、ually lost 油渗出来了,因为油箱上有个小洞。leak out 泄露become known unintentionally没有人知道秘密是怎样泄露出去的。leak to 将泄露给 tell (a secret) to sb 他把消息泄露给了他的朋友。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISThe oil leaked away because there was a small hole in the tank.Nobody knew how the secret had leaked out.He leaked the news to his frie

37、nd.D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISThe over-heated engine forced me to stop at the next village, which consisted of a small store and a scattering of houses.be made up of; be compose of 由组成,由构成联合国安理会是由五个成员国组成的。UN Security Council consists of five member states.主语a whole 由构成/组成 宾语partsconsist ofbe

38、 made up ofbe composed ofbe comprised ofmake upcomposecompriseformconstitute 主语parts 构成/组成/形成 宾语a whole They could see three fine streams of hot water spouting from holes in the jacket of the radiator.fine: very thin or in very small pieces or drops.spout: gush forth in a sudden stream D DETAILEDETA

39、ILED A ANALYSISNALYSISassureassureto tell somebody that something is sure to happen or is definitely true我可以向你保证,你儿子在这里会很快乐的。to make sth. certain to happen Hard work has assured his success.D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISI can assure you that your son will be happy here.assure; ensure; insureass

40、ure to tell somebody that something is sure to happen or is definitely true使确信;使放心 ( sb. of sth.; sb. that ; sb. to do sth.)他要我们放心他有能力解决这个问题。老师使学生们相信学习英语的重要性。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISHe assured us of his ability to solve the problem.The teacher assured the students to know the importance o

41、f learning English.ensure make certain that something will occur or be the case保证,担保;保证获得 ( sth.; that)有准备,成功就有保证。Preparedness ensures success.我不能保证他能及时到达这里。 insure 保险 ( sb./sth. against) 我给我的房子保了火险I cant ensure that he would be here in time. D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISI insured my house aga

42、inst fire.work out解决解决,解答解答; 计算出计算出 be capable of being solved;我不能解答怎么做它。产生结果产生结果; 发展发展 turn out in the end; developI am glad that things are working out so well for them.形势发展得对他们如此有利,我感到高兴。锻炼锻炼 do exercise这些运动员每天都要在体育馆锻炼两个小时。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISI cant work out how to do it.These athl

43、etes work out at the gym for two hours every day.使筋疲力尽使筋疲力尽; ; 耗尽耗尽 exhaustexhaustHe never seems to be worked out.他好像永远不会疲乏似的。了解了解 understand the nature of understand the nature of sbsb他这个人很怪,我摸不透他。作出作出; 制订出制订出 devise; plan out; arrangeIt wasnt too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to

44、all.没多久我们就制订出一个大家都能接受的计划。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISI cant work him out, hes very strange. a casual remark a casual encounter a casual attitude a casual inspection a casual disregard for rumors casual wear a casual laborer a casual acquaintance a casual correspondence with a friend即席发言即席发言邂逅

45、邂逅漫不经心的态度漫不经心的态度草率的检查草率的检查对流言蜚语毫不在乎对流言蜚语毫不在乎便装便装/休闲装休闲装临时工临时工泛泛之交泛泛之交与朋友的不定期通信与朋友的不定期通信D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISHe was driving very fast because he was ignorant of the fact that there was a speed limit.他因为不知道有时速限制,把车开得很快。(不知道)He ignored the speed limit and drove very fast.他不顾时速限制,把车开得很快。(知

46、 道但不注意)D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSIS -ance (-ence):(from Latin) forming nouns, meaning “the action, quality or state of doing sth”D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISD DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSIS accept attend depend occur perform prefer refer assist appear differ acceptanceattendancedepe

47、ndenceoccurrenceperformancepreferencereferenceassistanceappearancedifferencelie lied lied lying 说谎lie lay lain lying 平躺,位于lay laid laid laying 放置,下蛋D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISHuge rock formations, like Sugar Loaf in Rio, rose up all around usone of Rios most famous attractions; 270 meters (8

48、87 feet) high and offers to visitors the best view of Rio, mainly the sunset. Rio de Janeiro里约热内卢-the capital of Brazil from 1822 to 1960, when the national capital was moved to Braslia;the countrys second largest manufacturing centre;Noted for its wide streets, public buildings, beaches, and public

49、 parks and gardens, it is a leading tourist and resort centre. “Do you see that tall one right over there?” asked my benefactor, pointing to a particular tall, slender pinnacle of dark rock. “That rock marks the center of the world.”high pointed rock or mountain peak尖锥形岩石;山峰not very wide but compara

50、tively long or high; (of a person) slim细长的;苗条的他四下看了看,目光最后落在一位身材苗条的女孩身上。He looked around and finally rested his eyes on a slender girl.He, in turn, inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement.as a result of something 转而;反过来理论来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。Theory originates in/from (

51、or comes/derives from) practice, and in turn serves practice.in succession; one after another; by turns 依次,轮流申请人被依次叫进去面见考官。The applicants were called in turn to see the interviewer.inspectto examine closely 仔细检查那海关官员颇为怀疑地检查了我的护照和行李。The customs officer inspected my passport and luggage suspiciously.t

52、o visit officially to see that rules are obeyed, that work is done properly, etc 视察;检阅消防安全员定期视察这座大楼以消除火灾隐患。The fire-safety officer regularly inspects the building so as to remove the dangers of fire.D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISinspect, examine, investigate, scrutinizeinspect, examine, investi

53、gate, scrutinize 这四个词均有“检查”“审查”的含义。它们之间的区别是:examine为最普通的用语,可指任何方式地、粗略或仔细地检查; inspect和scrutinize都有仔细检查仔细检查的含义,前者强调通过检查找出缺点或漏缺点或漏洞,后者强调在检查时注意细注意细节的审视节的审视。另外examine, inspect, scrutinize既可用于人,又可用于物,而investigate只能用于表示对情况、事态等的调查或检查。The detective investigating the murder case examined the body, inspected t

54、he scene of the crime, and scrutinized the weapon for clues.正在调查这一谋杀案的侦探检查了尸体,察看了犯罪现场,并仔细检查了凶器以寻找线索。D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISHe in turn inspected me carefully to be sure I grasped the significance of his statement.?to understand (sth.) fully全面理解;全面领会?我想你对这事情的重要性理解得还不够透彻。?I dont think youve

55、 quite grasped the significance of the matter.?seize (sb./sth.) firmly; take advantage of, not lose抓住;利用?grasp an opportunity抓住机会D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISD DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISThe occasion demanded some show of recognition on my part. n. special time for sth.on occasion: now a

56、nd then 偶尔; 有时 She goes to the cinema on occasion.on the occasion of sth.: at the time of a certain event 值此值此 . . 之际之际She was still absent-minded even on the occasion of her own wedding.The occasion demanded some show of recognition on my parton my part.(on sb.s part, on the part of sb.) made or do

57、ne by sb.由某人做出这是我的错。This is my fault.This is the fault on my part.这家医院医护人员的高度责任感给我留下了深刻的印象。I was deeply impressed by the high sense of responsibility on the part of the doctors and nurses in/of the hospital.D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISThey refilled my radiator and gave me extra bananas to tak

58、e along in case my radiator should give me trouble again.前缀re-加在名词或动词前面,构成新的名词或动词1.表示回或向后的意思。例如:return(回来,返回)recall(回忆,召回)retract(缩回,取回)2.表示再、重新、重复的意思。例如:review(复习)reunion(团圆,重聚)restart(重新开始)reconstruction(重建)3.表示相反、反对的意思。例如:rebel(反叛,谋反)reverse(反转,颠倒)resist(反抗,抵抗)D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISi

59、n case 以防;以防; 万一;万一; 如果如果It is followed by the simple present, simple past tense, or “should”.原则上说,若主句为现在时态,则从句也用现在时态;主句为过去时态,从句也用过去时态。Take a raincoat in case it rains.I gave him a call in case he didnt know.I dont let him go out in this weather in case he should catch cold.当主句为将来时态时,从句谓语不能用将来时态,而要用

60、一般现在时表示将来意义Ill keep a seat for you in case you change your mind. 我给你留一个座位,以防你会改变主意。Should: used to say that you believe sth. Is likely to happen in the future.D DETAILEDETAILED A ANALYSISNALYSISAs a product of American higher education, I had never paid the slightest attention to the green banana, e


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