1、情态动词一、Definition:表示说话人对某一行为的态度和观点。二、常见的情态动词的用法1. can, could, be able to1) Man cannot live without water.We shall be able to finish the work n ext week.2) A: Could I watch the Olympics ?B: Yes, you can. No, you can ' t.3) How can he be so rude like this?在疑问句中用can表示惊讶,怀疑,不相信的语气。4) 推测( 用于句,问)certai
2、ntyYou can'tcouldn 'tbe tired- you ve only been working for an hour. (2005 年全国 2)Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How cancould it be that he was late for the opening ceremony? (2001 '上海春季)5) The World Wide Web is sometimes jok in gly called the world Wide Wait because it can be very s
3、low. (2005 渐江)6) We can 'have too many frien ds.2. may/might1) 表示might 比 may 更A: May I have a look at your photo?B: Yes, you may (can).No, you mustn 't can't.No, you'd better not.2) .certainty推测(用于句和句)Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Summer Palace?Sorry, I am not sure. But it
4、might be.Is John comi ng by train? (2002)He should, but he may not. He likes driving his car.He may not have finished the work.( )He can 'thave left without saying goodbye to them for he always had good manners.( )may/might as well do sth.Now that no one wants to eat the food, youas well throw i
5、t i nto the dustb in.3. must1) . permissi on-Must I clea n all the rooms?-Yes, you must. -No, you needn 't No, you don 'have to.mustn't; You must n 'speak like that to your mother.You must n 'miss the good cha nee.2) .must, have to3) must在疑问句中还表示“硬要,偏要,一定要”Joh n, I ook at the tim
6、e.you play the pia no at such a late hour?3) 推测(只用于句)You must be hungry after the long walk.The classmates must have clea ned the classroom because it is very clea n.The boys must be play ing football on the playgro und.He plays basketball very well. He must have practiced it a lot.Our headmaster mu
7、st have bee n to USA, for he knows the country so much. must have done的反意疑问句? You must have seen the film, haven 'you? You must have seen the film last week, didn 'tyou?His pare nts must have beate n him, haven 'they?His pare nts must have beate n him yesterday, did n 'they?Practice:
8、I. Mary _ be in Paris , for I saw her in the town only a few minutes agoA . must n't B . can't C. should n't D . may not2. Peter come with us tonight , but he isn ' t very sure yetA. must B. mayC. can D. will3. -Are you coming to Jeff ' ?s party-I ' m not sure I go to the con
9、cert in stead.A. must B. would C . should D . might4.Itlast night , for the ground was wet this morning .A . must have rained B . may have rained C . must rain D . might rain5. Jenny must have won the match,?A. has n't sheB. does n't sheC. must n't sheD. can't she6. The river is risi
10、n g. Itlast ni ght.A.must be raining B. must rain C. might have rained D. must have rained7. Why! I could n't get you on the pho ne this morning.Wetennis in the yard whe n you phon ed.A. must be play ingB. could be play ingC. must have played D. must have bee n play ing8. You must have see n the
11、 film last ni ght,you?A. haven ' t B. must n't C. did n't D. had n't9. Mr. Zhou must be work ing in the office,he?A. must n'tB. can'tC. does n'tD. is n't10. There were already five people in the car,but they man aged to take me as well.Ita comfortable journeyA. can
12、39;beB. shouldn 'beC. mustn'have beenD. couldn 'have been4. should/ought to1).give adviceYou should no t/ought not to eat a lot before swim ming.The stude nts should spe nd all their time work ing at their less ons.I ofte n see lights in that empty house. Do you think I should report it
13、to the police.?2). Certai nty(推测)常译成: They should be there by no w, I think.3)虚拟语气中的用法5. shall1). permission常用于第人称的疑问句中,表示征求对方意见Shall we/l /He/She/They do some exercise this morning?A: Shall he come in? B: Ok.2).用于人称的陈述句,表示说话人给对方的命令,警告,允诺,威胁You shall fail if you don ' t work harder.He shall have
14、 the book whe n I finish readi ng.He shall be pu ni shed.(威胁)-Excuse me ,but I want to use your computer to type a report.-Youhave my computer if you don ' t take care of it.(2005 湖南)A. shan'tB. might not C. need n't D. shouldn't3)一些条约、规章制度中的规定,必须做或不能做的事。The stude nts sha n'tgo o
15、ut after 12.6. will/would1).决心(可译为决心(不),一定要)I will make this radio work even if I have to stay up all ni ght.I won 'have anything said against her.I promised I would do my best2).习惯(可译为总是,老是)He will sit for hours read ing.He will talk for hours if you give him the cha neeHe would sit there for h
16、ours sometimes, doing nothing at all.3).表示意愿(人愿意,肯,会)倾向(物能力)If you will allow me ,I will see you home.He wouldn 'tlet the doctor take his blood pressure.-Look, the lights are burning.Oh yes, I will go and tur n them off.The car won 'start.7. n eed/dare可兼做行为动词的情态动词:n eed、dare作为情态动词时,两个词常用于疑问句
17、和否定句;用作实义动词时,可用于各种句式. 情态动词时:-Need I help you? -Yes, please.You needn'ttelephone him now.How dare you talk to the teacher like that?The girl dare not go out alone at ni ght.用作实义动词时We need to tell him the n ews.You don 'tneed to tell him the news.Do the flowers need wateri ng?I didn 'tdare
18、 to tell you the truth.Would you dare to catch the sn ake with your hand?The boy dares to do anything he likes.判断下列句子的正确与否:How dare you say such a thing?How dare you to say such a thing?He daren ' t to speanglish before such a crowd, did he?He daren ' t speEnglish before such a crowd, dare h
19、e?Nobody need to be afraid of catching the disease.Nobody n eed be afraid of catchi ng the disease.These dishes needed be cleaned carefully.These dishes need to be cleaned carefully.These dishes need cleaning carefully.否定的情态动词的用法:mustn ' t needn ' t ( = don ' t have=d®n'tneed to
20、 do)can ' t ;may not 不可以;shouldn ' t( = ought not to )shan ' t daren ' t 不敢 used to和would的区别1都可以表示过去重复的习惯,used to含有“过去怎样而现在却不这样了”的意思;而would则单纯表示过去的习惯性动作,常和often, everyday等连用。He would take a walk near the forest in the evenin g.(现在可能散步也可能不散步了)He used to take a walk n ear the forest in
21、 the evening. (而现在不散步了)2. 不能用would的情况1). She isn' t what she used td她跟过去不一样了。(表示对比,不可用 would)2). There used to be a park.以前这里有一个公园。表示过去的状态,只能用 ,不可用would。情态动词+ have done的用法1 should/ ought to have done表示本应当做某事,而实际上并没有做”;should n ' / ought n 'to have done”表示 ”。2. could have done(用于句中时)could
22、n 'have done3. may/might have donemay/might not have done 也许没做过某事4. must have done5. n eed n'thave done 表示 ”You could have done better, but you didn 'ttry your best.He couldn 'thave been to that town.He may not have fini shed the work.If we had take n the other road, we might have ar
23、rived earlier.You needn'thave watered the flowers, for it is going to rain.You ought to have helped him.Practice1. I'm afraid Mr. Hardingsee you now. He 'busy. (2010全国卷I , 29)A. can'tB. must n'tC. shouldn'tD. need n't2. - Good morning. I ve got an appointment with Miss Sm
24、ith in the Personnel Department.- Ah, good morning. Yoube Mrs. Peters. (2010 北京,23)A. might B. must C. would D. can3. Youbuy a gift, but you can if you want to. (2010 湖南,23)A. mustB. mustn ' C. have to D. don 'have to4. I have told you the truth.I keep repeating it?(2010 江西,23)A. Must B. Can
25、 C. May D. Will5. I got up early, but Iso because I had no work to do that morning.A. must n 'have done B. would n 'have done C. n eed n'thave done D. can 'have done6. A left-luggage office is a place where bagsbe left for a short time, especially at a railwaystatio n.(2003')A. s
26、hould B. can C. must D. will7. I hear you've got a set of valuable Australian coins.I have a look? Yes, certa inly.A. Do B. May C. Shall D. Should8. Peterbe really difficult at times eve n though he 's a nice pers on in gen eral.A. shall B. should C. Can D. must9. Yoube hungry already you ha
27、d lunch only two hours ago.A. would n ' B. can't C. Must n 'D. need n't10. Ihave gone to the concernt because because I know nothing about that kind of music.A.couldn 'B. mustn 'C.shouldn ' D.oughtn '11. -Hi, Tom. Any idea where Jane is ?-Shein the classroom. I saw he
28、r there just now.A. shall be B. should have bee n C. must be D. might have bee n12. Youpark here! It 'san emergency exit.A. would n ' B. need n't C. couldn 'D. must n '13. - Can I pay the bill by check?-Sorry, sir. But it is the man ageme nt rules of our hotel that payme ntbe mad
29、e in cash.A. shall B. need C.will D. can14. -I don 'tmind telling you what I know.-You.I'm not aski ng you for it. (2004 江苏)A. must n'tB. may not C. can ' D. n eed n '15. -Write to me when you get home.-. ( 2 0 0 1 春季)A. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can16. Is Jack on duty to
30、day? It be him. It ' s his turn tomorr(v2.006 四川)A. mustn 't B. won 't C. can 't D. needn 't17. I won der how hethat to the teacher.A. dare to say B. dare say ing C. not dare say D. dared say18. Whe n the foreig n guest arrived, I found him speak ing good Chin ese, Ihis speech in
31、toChin ese the ni ght before.A. needn'ttranslateB. didn 'tneed to translateC. needn'thave translateD. didn 'tneed translating19. May I smoke here ? If you, choose a seat in the smok ing sect ion. (2006 山东)A. should B. could C. may D. must20. There is some one knocking at the door. it be Tom?A. canB. must C. should D. ought to21.Some aspects of a pilotjols be boring, and pilots often work at inconvenienthours. (2006 湖南)A. can; have to B. may; can C. have to; may D. ought to; must22. May I speak to
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