五年级英语上册 unit4 Lesson27教案 冀教版_第1页
五年级英语上册 unit4 Lesson27教案 冀教版_第2页
五年级英语上册 unit4 Lesson27教案 冀教版_第3页




1、(冀教版)五年级英语上册教案 unit4 Lesson27Lesson 27 Li Ming Packs His Suitcase教学目标:1、Students can say and aurally understand:packing my/your/his/her suitcaseDont forget_. 2、Make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase教学重难点:1、重点:Students can say and understand:packing my/your/his/her suitcaseDont forget_.2、难点: 实际运

2、用, 能组织语言编排以打点行李为内容的对话并进行表演。教具、学具: flashcards for clothes, a big box, draw and cut out clothes on paper,recorder, audiotape.教学过程:一、Class Opening and Review:1、Play“This That” to review demonstrative pronouns. Ask the students to get out their flashcards for clothes.(指着自己拿的卡片): I (dont) like this/these

3、_.(指着伙伴的卡片): I (dont) like that/those_.2、“This That Chant”二、Key Concepts:packing my/your/his/her suitcase1、Introduce:(1)Use a big box as a pretend suitcase, draw and cut out clothes on paper to demonstrate“packing my suitcase”.Use demonstrative pronouns to make choices about the clothes you “pack”.教

4、师把自己需要的衣物放进手提箱去的同时可说:I want this/that/these/those_.通过演示使学生明白该情境是在打点行装。(2)让学生利用手中的道具:pencil case, flashcards for clothes 教师发指令, 学生做动作并回答问题, 如 T:packing your suitcase 也可走到一位正在打点行装的学生面前提问:What is he/she doing? C:He/She is packing his/her suitcase.进而理解:packing your/his/her suitcase2、Use the Student Book

5、 and Audiotape:(1)Review the story so far. Jenny, Danny and Li Ming are going on a trip to Beijing. Look at the pictures in the student book. Ask two questions:What is Li Ming doing in this lesson?What is Jenny doing?Listen to the tape and answer these questions:C1: Li Ming is packing his suitcase.C

6、2: Jenny is helping Li Ming.(2)Then listen again. Remember what “a pair of”means.屏幕出示袜子、裤子、手套、鞋的图片,帮助学生回想 a pair of 的含义, 进而说出: a pair of socks/pants/gloves/shoes 有学生还会回想起更多的如 a pair of jeans/glasses/shorts 教师及时表扬。(3)Guess what “Dont forget_.”means.课件出示几个场景,如出示一幅离开家准备上班的图片,鼓励学生说出:Dont forget your key

7、.再比如出示下雨天场景, 学生说出:Dont forget your umbrella.三、Practice:1、分角色对话:男女生分配不同角色,两组进行比赛,唤醒学生学习语言的竞争意识,提高学习的趣味性与自觉性。The boys will be Li Ming. The girls will be Jenny.2、Divide the class into pairs. Ask each pair of students to make up a dialogue about packing a suitcase. One student packs and one student help

8、s. They can use their flashcards for clothes, use a pencil case as a pretend suitcase for “packing”the clothes. Brainstorm some phrases with the students first and encourage them to experiment with different phrases:Do you like this/that/these/those_?Yes, please./No, thanks.a pair ofHow many _ do you have?Dont forget_!教师尽可能走到每组需要帮助的学生面前加以指导。3、 Check for Understanding: Ask for pairs of students to


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