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1、.精品文档.人教版高中英语必修四Unit4单元测试题及答案(含听力材料)必修4第4单元检测题(总分120分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、三个选项中选由最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。 听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读 下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. hat happened t the an this rning?A. He uldn ' t talk. B. His ar brke dwn.He was knked dwn by a ar.2. h

2、at tie is it nw?A. 5:30. B. 5:45. . 6:30.3. hat are the tw speakers talking abut?A. The an ' s vaatin. B. kala.A funny an.4. hat is Sin like?A. He is friendly. B. He is funny.He is trublese.5. hat des the wan ean?A. She is tired f training. B. She enys the teawrk.She likes the 10-inute shw.第二节(共

3、15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、三个选项中选由最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给由5秒钟的作答时间。 每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. hat des the wan think f wrking in IT?A. The wrk is nt gd. B. The wrk is very hard.The wrk has tw advantages.7. hat des the wan advise the an

4、t d?A. The an shuldn ' t be in IT.B. The an shuld wrk hard.The an shuld take better are f hiself.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. hat is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?A. lleagues. B. Teaates. . lassates.2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作法家原创2 / 28.精品文档.9. hih sprt des the an like best?A. Baseball. B. Ten

5、nis. . Basketball.10. hat des the wan ean by saying "srry"?A. She has never dne sprts herself.B. She desn ' t like thse sprts.She has n tie t play tennis.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. hat is the an?A. A stry-teller. B. A teaher. . A 出r.12. hat is the prble f the wan' s sn?A. He annt tell st

6、ries well.B. He is pr in all his subets.He is nly interested in hinese.13. hat des the an advise the wan t d?A. Take her sn t the hspital.B. Bring her sn t eet hi.Teah her sn t have re interests.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. hat is the wan ' s artile abut?A. Grwing ld. B. Enying life.Understanding the wr

7、ld.15. hat is the an ' s pinin?法家原创3 / 282016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作A. Life is siple nw. B. Life is getting better.It ' s hard t grw Id.16. hat abut ther peple?A. They are enying getting lder.B. They get better as they get lder.They refuse t stay yung.17. Hw des the wan feel abut grwing ld?A. I

8、t ' s hard. B. It ' s natural. . It ' s gd.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. hat des the passage talk abut?A. Hw t d exerise every day.B. Hw t get a gd eating habit.Hw t build usle ass.19. hat is a gd way t build usle ass?A. eight training.B. ut ut ilk and fruit uie.D exerise tgether with yur teaher

9、.20. hih f the fllwing shuld yu eat r drink t gainweight?A. Baked hiken. B. High-sugar sdas.Fried hiken nuggets.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分 45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、D四个选项中,选由可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。21. As it was his first tie t visit the siene useu, the by seeedabut everything there.A. anxius B. urius . parti

10、ular D. frightened22. As we all knw, the dve and the live branh peae.A. present B. ark . replae D. represent23. The kids seated theselves t the teaherand listened with greatinterest.A. lsely; lse B. lse; lsely.lsely; lsely D. lse; lse24. The little by fr the apples n the tree,but f urse he was nttal

11、l enugh.A. handed ut B. went ut.reahed ut D. brught ut25. Daddy didn ' t ind what we were ding, as lng as we were tgether,fun.A. had B. have . t have D. having26. hildren, wh grw up in a large faily, are re t get alng wellwith thers.A. siilar B. prbable . likely D. pssible27. As a bus driver, yu

12、 shuld try yur best t aidents.A. eet B. avid . vere D. iss28. hat really brings us tgether is a(n) purpse t prtet wildlifefr being destryed.A. n B. general . rdinary D. nral29. e shuld d all we an t the rights f thefarer wrkers wh an ' tget their pay despite all their hard wrk.A. gain B. defend

13、. fight D. reeive30. The wan wanted t get her pay raised, s she ade every t apprahher bss.A. effrt B. strength . urage D. ind31. an yu think f a situatin peple uniatenly by eans f bdylanguage?A. that B. whih . where D. when32. New yrk send in the prdutin f appleslast year, prduing850,000,000 punds.A

14、. fred B. ranked . lated D. prdued33. the guide, the reprter entered the huse f the farer wh is fausfr helping ther villagers get rih.A. Fllwed B. Being fllwed.Fllwing D. T fll 34. Dn't e. hat I really ean is that he is sart and an deal witheah situatin well.A. believe B. refuse.isunderstand D.

15、disappint35. yu haven ' t been t Australia, have yu?. Hw I wish t g there!A. yes, I have B. yes, I haven ' t.N, I have D. N, I haven ' t第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短,从短后各题的A、B、D四个选项中,选由适合填入对应空白处的最佳选项。Peple spend their whle lives searhing fr Ive. I a n 36 . ne day, I deided t Ik int t

16、he 37 . There was 38 waiting fr e. The dg had been fund with nly three legs, and had a daaged ear. He was nsidered 39 . I ften 40 ut at the Huane Siety (动物保护协会)r ade se d-natins. That day I was 41 sething as usual, and happened t see hi. Lking dwn thrugh the wire net, I thught he was a 42 little thi

17、ng, and y heart went ut t hi. 43 I really uldn ' t take anther dg he; I had laied ( 领养)fur 44 . There had t be a 45 , I thught. I uldn ' t save the all.n y way he, I knew the dg wuld be 46 if I didn t take hi, and I felt s sad. As I passed a hurh, I saw a 47 n the wall saying "Is there

18、r at the htel?"I knew at that ent there was always 48 fr ne re, espeially ne that needed y 49 . As sn as the Huane Siety pened the next rning, their 50 rang. "I' ing fr that51 dg. Save hi fr e, "I tld the. I gt there as 52 as I uld.And he gave his heart t e pletely, fr the ent I 5

19、3 hi. In y experiene, there is 54 like the feeling fresuing the dg. He is a Ively reature and I wuldn' t55 hi fr ther puppies ( 幼犬)in the wrld.36. A. siilar B. urius . different D. dubtful37. A. z B. wrld . rwd D. age38. A. lve B. ystery . frt D. inspiratin39. A. dangerus B. ruel.unhealthy D. un

20、friendly40. A. helped B. exained . nduted D. wathed41. A. lking fr B. giving away . piking ut D. bringing bak42. A. happy B. lvely . strange D. funny43. A. S B. And . But D. Thugh44. A. ne B. even . still D. already45. A. hane B. disadvantage . liit D. dubt46. A. destryed B. fastened . threatened D.

21、 ntrlled47. A. pht B. sign . lue D. dr48. A. r B. tie . exuse D. prble49. A. treatent B. prise . guidane D. lve50. A. drbell B. alar . phne D. lk51. A. pretty B. ugly . rare D. disabled52. A. early B. fast . sn D. lng53. A. fund B. et . laied D. ntrlled54. A. nthing B. everything . anything D. sethi

22、ng55. A. harge B. prtet . fight D. trade第三部分阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下列短,从每小题后所给的A、B、D四个选项中选由最佳选项。A难度:The "Thubs-Up”hile estern ulture has bee used t the thubs-up asa psitive signal (prbably ing fr rld ar II pilts using the signal t uniate that they were "gd t g" with grund rews), the

23、re are ultures where a thubs-up ay land yu in truble. In est Afria, as well as Greee, Italy and iddle East, the thubs-up is pretty uh the biggest insult(侮辱).Rather re haring is a thubs-up in Gerany and in parts f apan they ust see it as the hand signal fr the nuber ne.The "A-k"This sign is

24、 ainly used by divers(潜水员 )t ean"k"(t prevent being nfused with the thubs-up sign, whih eans "rise"). Basially the eaning es ut as "great", r "pletely fine". Hwever, in a few untries in Eurpe, peple ay think yu ' re telling the that yu think they' re a

25、zer .The "V Sign"The sign es in tw frats: ne with the pal faed utwards, and ne with the pal inwards. In Aeria they ean the sae thing "vitry". Hwever, if the utside f yur hand is faing yur target, yu' re giving sebdy a lng-established insult in Great Britain and any English-sp

26、eaking untries suh as Australia, Ireland and New Zealand. instn hurhill fausly used the "inrret" versin f the V sign during the early years f the war, turning the utside inside later. The V sign is als nsidered rude in Italy.The "rna"The rna hand gesture has st reently been adpte

27、d by fans f rk and heavy etal usi. Nwadays any Aerians use the gesture siply t ean "rk n", r in supprt f the University f Texas in Austin (knwn as the "Hk' e Hrns").Tday it is still ppular in Spain, Brazil and Slvakia(斯洛伐克).Histrially, hwever, the sybl pssibly dates bak t Ani

28、ent Greee.56. hih f the fllwing signs desn' t have an insulting eaning?A. The "Thubs-Up”. B. The "A-k".The "V Sign". D. The "rna".57. The pilts in rld ar II used t ake the "Thubs-Up" sign t shw.A. the plane was very gdB. the plane was ready t take ff.

29、they were ging t land n the grundD. they were thankful t the grund rews58. hat infratin an we get fr the passage?A. The "V Sign" was first used by instn hurhill.B. Italians ften use the "Thubs-Up" t praise thers.yu are st likely t see the "rna" in a heavy etal usi nert.

30、D. The "A-k" and the "Thubs-Up" have the sae eaning t divers.59. If yu travel abrad, yu' d better nt use the"V Sign" in.A. Greee r Italy B. Gerany r apan .Ireland r Italy D. Spain r Brazil难度:The 1960 Presidential Debates between Vie President Nixn and kennedy were t

31、he first natinally televised de-bates in presidential apaign histry. 70 illin vters were given the pprtunity t nt nly hear the andidates ( 候选人),but t pare the as well.Surprisingly, there was a big differene between the TV viewers and the radi listeners. hile the radi listeners learly thught that Nix

32、n had wn the first debate, the televisin viewers were ipressed by kennedy' s sile, har and athleti appearane.Nw let ' s think abut se ther situatins: what if a baseball anager knew the ppsing tea' s signals and were able t antiipate ( 预期)their gae plan? Likewise, as a prfessinal salesper

33、sn, yu wuld be wise t ntie yur usters bdy language and adust yur presentatin ardingly.Tp salespeple regnize the iprtane f nn-verbaluniatin. They understand that ne f the easiest and steffetive ways t Ise sales is t be aware f their usters ' buy signals. In additin t nitring yur usters ' bdy

34、language, it ' s iprtant t be indful f yur wn gesturesand keep the psitive. Reeber t unfld yur ars, unrss yur legs, nd yur head in agreeent and sile frequently.athing and irrring yur bdy language gestures is away f telling anther that yu like the and agree withthe. The psyhlgial priniple behind

35、athing and irrring is that peple want t d business with salespeple that they believe are siilar t the.In 1872, harles Darwin published the bk The Expressins in an and Anials and launhed the dern study f nn-verbal uniatin. Atually, it is a ixture f veent, psture and tne f vie.60. The exaple f the 196

36、0 Presidential Debates is used t shw.A. the presidential debates were always fiereB. the debates always attrated a wide audiene.the vters paid re attentin t the andidates'debating skillsD. the vters ' pinins were affeted by the andidates 'nn-verbal uniatin61. Salespeple an Ise sales effe

37、tively beause they an.A. perfr bdy language wellB. ntie their usters ' bdy language .adust their bdy language t their usters'D. understand what their usters ' are saying 62. harles Darwin wrte the bk The Expressins in an and Anials t.A. reprt his researh n bdy languageB. nlude an an lear

38、n a lt fr anialsC. eah peple hw t uniate with anialsD. shw the big differene between an and anials难度:In the US and anada winter swiers are alled Plar Bears, but in Finland they ' re ust alled Finns. hy and hw d peple swi in near-freezing water during the winter?An ie hle in a lake, sub-zer (零度以下

39、的) teperatures, a bathing suit, a wl ap, glves, and shes are fr se peple the perfet nditins fr a quik dip in the water. inter swiing is an ativity that I never thught f befre ving t Finland, but thse wh take part in the Id-water sprt abslutely lve it.y Finnish friend katariina is the winter swiing l

40、eader f a grup f internatinal friends. She has been winter swiing fr three years, and says, "every tie I get ut f the water, I have a new level f energy. "katariina has persuaded any peple, bth Finns and freigners, t try this sprt, and has a grup f winter swiing lvers wh swi with her twie

41、per week.The best nditins fr winter swiing are -15 t -20 degrees with n wind. katariina says that the hardest part, espeially fr beginners, is t psyh (做好思想准备)yurself up fr the water; but ne yu d, it feels great. Swiers nly stay in the water fr 30-60 sends befre getting ut, getting dressed, and headi

42、ng t the frt f their war ars. inter swiers d nt put their heads in the water in ase f hyptheria ( 体温过低).katariina says that freigners wh g winter swiing feel prud f theselves, and happy that they have tried it at least ne.63. hat are Finns and Plar Bears, arding t thispassage?A. They are peple wh Iv

43、e winter swiing.B. The naes f anials living in Finland and at the Suth Ple.They are beginners at winter swiing.D. The peple f Finland.64. hat are perfet nditins fr winter swiing?A. A lake with ie, but war weather.B. A war ar, and a frzen lake nearby.An iy lake f -15 t -20 C withut wind.D. A bathing

44、suit, a wl ap and glves.65. hat ' s the st diffiult fr winter swiing beginners?A. Preparing things fr winter swiing.B. Persuading theselves t get int the winter.Getting int the water again.D. Staying lnger in the water.第四部分写作(共两节,满分 25分)第一节短改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)ne day, a ld an was in a hurry t r

45、ss the street.66. He saw a ar e. "Neve门nd," he thught. "I an 67.run rss befre it reahes e." He was wrng. Frtunately68. the driver stpped the ar in tie, and he didn ' t have69. tie t think f the ars that was behind hi. As a 70.result, the send ar ran int the first ne and the71

46、.third ar ran int a pst by radside. All f the 72.ars were brking. The drivers were all very angry.73. They quarreled with ne anther, and shuting at the74. ld an, but nne f the uld d anything until the plie has arrived t slve the atter. 75.第二节书面表达(满分15分)假如你是李华,你刚得知你们班的英国朋友Bb由了事故,对此你和你的同学们都感到很难过,现在同学们

47、决定让你代表他们给Bb写一封慰问信。信的内容如下:1 .所有同学对他都表示同情,打算星期五下午派你为代 表去看望他并给他带去他喜欢读的书;2 .让他不要担心学习,等他由院后,你们会帮他赶上;如 果有什么需要你们做的事情,请他告知;3 .希望他在病床上不要过于悲伤 ,祝愿他早日康复。4 意:(1) 参考词汇:n behalf f代表;(2)词数:100左右。阅读附加题Diving arund Halaveli Island was a really unfrgettable experiene. I partiipated in a day diving trip that had lunh n

48、 the bat. e went t aalhss Thila first. The urrent (水流)an be very strng here but we were luky and had a ild ne. e enyed all the different lrs f ral and fish. The axiu depth f this dive was 30, and we stayed fr abut 40 inutes. The water was reasnably war, s I was nt ld nly wearing a shrt-sleeved wetsu

49、it.I was a bit wrried abut having lunh n the bat, as seties y stah feels bad, but it was perfetly fine this tie perhaps beause the bat had nt stpped and was ving tward the ther dive plae, r beause the size f the bat was reasnably large.ur next diving plae was alled anta. And as expeted, the huge ant

50、a was sn arund us. It is ne f the st exiting ents I have had in y life.e nly dve t 14 this tie, whihallwed us t stay a bit lngeralst 50 inutes.n the way bak all the wen tk strategi psitin n the dek, sunbathing and relaxing, while the en were getting bred and ate the leftvers fr lunh. N atter hw diff

51、erent we were, we all enyed ur trip.Anther dive I wuld like t reend(推荐)is alled aayaThila, and it is the best night dive I have ever had.e saw a huge turtle sleeping in a ave, and sharks playfully hasing eah ther. They did nt lk friendly at all, but frtunately they did nt deided t have us frdinner.

52、But anyway what happened that night under water will reain a fnd ery t be retld n speial asins by allthe partiipants. It will be tld with a sile n ur faes.1. hat infratin an we get fr the passage?A. The authr enyed different lrs f fish in anta.B. Diving in aaya Thila is ne f the st unfrgettable expe

53、riene fr the authr.The authr dve int aaya Thila and stayed there fr50 inutes.D. There were n dangerus sharks in aaya Thila.2. The authr was wrried abut having lunh n the bat beause.A. the bat was nt stppedB. it was ving tward the ther dive plae .the bat was nt big enughD. he / she felt sik when eati

54、ng n bats3. Hw any diving plaes are entined in the passage?A. 1. B. 2. . 3. D. 4.4. e learn fr the last paragraph that.A. aaya Thila was nly suitable fr a night diveB. any peple had been killed at aaya Thila.aaya Thila is ppular ang all the partiipantsD. few peple have the urage t dive at aaya Thila

55、5. The authr wrte this passage t.A. share se wnderful experienes f diving with readersB. ake an attrative advertiseent fr a faus park.give yu se tips when yu g ut fr a diveD. tell the readers hw t spend a weekend r a lng hliday参考答案1-5 BAB 6-10 BBA11-15 BBAB 16-20 BAAA21-25 BDBD 26-30 BABA 31-35 BD36

56、-40 DAA 41-45 BBD 46-50 ABAD 51-55 DBAD56-60 DBD 61-65 AAB短改错66.第一个 a fan 67. e fing 68. rss farss 69. and fbut 70. wasfwere71. V72. radside 前力口 the 73. brking f brken 74.shuting -shuted 75. 去掉 has书面表达(ne pssible versin)Dear Bb,e were ust tld abut the aident yu had. I' srry thear abut it and ur

57、ther lassates are all sad abut the news. I ' ging t see yu n behalf f thers n this Friday afternn. I will bring yu a uple f bks yu will eny. ewill help yu t ath up in shl as sn as yu are ut f hspital. If there is anything else we an d fr yu, please let e knw.All f us send ur best wishes fr yur q

58、uik revery.Dn' t wrry abut yur studies.e d hpe that yu will nt be t sad in bed and that yu will rever sn.Sinerely yurs,Li Hua阅读附加题:1-5 BDA听力原Text1:hy didn ' t yu shw up fr lass this rning?:I dn ' t even want t talk abut it.y ar brke dwn.Text2:u, it ' s a quarter t 6 nw. Tie fr the BS

59、 TV shw!:Nt exatly, hney, ur lk is 15 inutes fast.Text3:I had a great tie in Australia. I et a very ute ld an with eyes like a kala.:hat ' s his nae?:I frgt his nae, s I ust all hi "kala an".Text4:Dn ' t yu like y friends, Lily?:They' re great! But I think Sin is a pain; he likes t ake fun f thers.Text5:I &


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