



1、Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 第 一课时教学设计#TRS_AUTOADD_1206066179269 MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px#TRS_AUTOADD_1206066179269 P MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px#TRS_AUTOADD_1206066179269 TD MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px#TRS_AUTOADD_1206066179269 DIV MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px

2、#TRS_AUTOADD_1206066179269 LI MARGIN-TOP: 0px; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 0px/*-JSON-"":"margin-top":"0","margin-bottom":"0","p":"margin-top":"0","margin-bottom":"0","td":"margin-top":"0&

3、quot;,"margin-bottom":"0","div":"margin-top":"0","margin-bottom":"0","li":"margin-top":"0 ","margin-bottom":"0" -*/单元名称Unit 1 How often do you exercise? 课时安排第一课时教学目标1能够谈论课余时间的活动并谈论

4、做事情的频率。2学习完成任务所需要的语言:1) 词汇:how often; exercise; skateboard; hardly; ever; shop; once; twice; time; surf; Internet; program 2) 句子: What do you usually do on weekends?I plaWhat ddo on weekends?gg. How often do you exercise?I exvery day/once a week.I hardly ever exHow often dg watchTV? He watches TVa w

5、eek. 3完成课本第1 页 1a,1b,1c和第 2 页 2a,2b,2c 的教学任务。教学环节突出内容教师活动 学生活动导入 新课板书标题单词卡片1. Goodmorning, boys and girls! Today we are going to learn Unit 1 How often do you exercise? (手指板书标题)2. Do you know the meaning of ? 你们知道的含义吗?You are right. S1, do youxercise? What kind ofexercise do you often do? Very good.

6、 S2, doyouxercise? Why not? Then, what do you often do onweekends? Great! I love reading, too. 3 . Look aard.What dbdo on weekends? Yes. Read aateboard,go skateboarding. Please readbGood morning, Ms/Mr .!2. Yes!锻炼身体!S1: Yes, I do. I playbasketball. S2: No, I don't. I'm not good aI often dadi

7、ng aHe goes skateboarding. skateboard,go skateboarding. 学生们依次读单词和短语。学习 1a1a的图片 1 . Well done! Nowpleaur textbook and turn to page 1. Look aure. Guess. What aldren doing, S1?Agood guess. S2, what do you think?INow let s do 1a. Look aure. Make a ldweekend activities.现在我们来做1a部分。看图片,列由不同的周末活动。2 . OK, le

8、t'answers. Please tellansw: Iare having a meeting. S2: Iare making a survey. 学生们开始在书中写出周末 活动。 2. 学生逐一说出答案。学习 1b 板书上的短语hardly ever 板书中的 1b 部分 1 . Well done! Do you often gg, girls? What about boys? So you hardly ever gg, right?( 老师手指着板书上的短语hardly ever)hardly 几乎不,几乎没有;ever 曾经 hardly ever 是几乎从不,几乎不

9、曾的含义。2 . Nowlet's look at 1b. 在 1b 中,有一些表示频率的副词按照频率的高低依次排.请同学们看各列。 S1, can you readus? S2, could you please tellaning of each word?Quite good!3 个频率副词大体上代表的频率比率(手指着板书)。4 Then we will lape and wlure abovlines below.么我们将要听录音,将上面图片中代表各个活动的字母a-e 写在这些频率副词旁的横线上。For example, whatdoes "a" stand

10、 for?a 指代那种活动?Right. If youhear "I usually ggu should write down "a" after "usually". Understand? 如果你听到了“我常常去购物” , 那你就应该在"usually" 后面的横线上写a. 明白了吗? Let's begin ! (播放录音)5 Have you got theanswers?Who can tellanswer? S3, please. Very good.1. Girls: Yes! Boys: No!Bo

11、ys: Right! 2. S: 1 Sure!( 学生 1 依次读出单词。)S2: Sure! Always 总是,一直;usually 通常; often 经常;有时;hardly ever 几乎从不; never 从不。 3. 学生看板书。4. Ss: gg. Ss:Yes. 学生听录音完成任务。5. S3 读出答案。Always ausualld hardly ever d never aPair work 1c 突出 1a 中的大图片。1. Let's lookaand S2 , could you readversaus? 2. Quite good.Let's l

12、ook aure again.S3, What dgirl often do onweekends? ( 老师手指图片a) Quite good. 3. Nowpleasewairs and talk about the activdo on weekends.下面请同学们两人一组,谈论图片中的人物周末进行哪些活动。4 OK! Which pair would like to do first?Please!Good. And this pair, plea: What ddo onweekends?S2:gvies. 2. S3:gg. 3. 学生开始练习。例子:S1: What dgirl

13、 in a red T-shirt do onweekends?S2:dading.4. S1: What dboy with red curlyhair do on weekends?S2: Hx: What do they do onweekends?S4: Tgo skateboardingS5: What dboy waighthair do on weekends? S6: Hwatches TV a2 a 2b 突出黑板上a month 这个短语板书中的once 板书中的twice 1. Do you watch TV, S2? Howoften do you watchTV? 2

14、. 当我们回答活动频率的时候,我们需要用到“次数”这个单词 time. It has aaning. What is it? 它还有一个含义,是什么?Yes. 做时间解释的时候,time 是一个不可数名词;做次数解释的时候,time 是一个可数名词。Howcan we say “三次” ? “五次”?”一个月三次”?“一年 10 次”? Right. 但是我们说“一次”的时候,有一个专门的单词是“once” ReadaleaHow can we say “每天一次”?“每年一次”? Good. 两次也有一个专门的单词twice Read aTwice Howcan wesay “每星期二次”?

15、“每月两次”? RigNowur booksat page 2. Look at 2a. Lg is talking about howdoesdactivities. Number the activu hear 1-5.现在请同学们翻开书第二页。看2a 部分。程正在谈论他作不同活动的频率。请按照听到的顺序给这些活动按1-5 排序。Let's begin. (播放录音2a) 4. Have you got the answer?Who can tellanswer?Very good. 5. Now we will listenagain. How often dg do the a

16、ctivities above?Maactivities wumbd 我们将再听一边录音,程多久做一次上面的这些活动呢?请将这些活动和频率连线。(播放录音2b) 6.Please tellanswer l:请这样告诉我答案:Cheng watches TV twice a week. Understand? Excellent!1. S2: Yes. I watch TVa week. 2. 时间! TFivTa monthTa yeaa day.Once a year.Twice Twice a weekTwice a翻开书。听录音,完成任务。4. S4:25. 听录音,完成活动。:Chen

17、g gva2: Cheng watches TV twice a week.53 : Chengwice a: Cheng exa week. S5: Cheng readsevery day. 2c 单词卡片( 此处共有三张,根据讲解进度逐一突出) 突出 2c 中的表格。1. Before we go into 2c,let's leaw words. 在我们进入2c 部分之前,让我们先学习一些单词:(手持单词卡片)Read a:surf.Can yousurf? I's difficult and dangerous. But maybeexciting. Let'

18、s look ad word: I(手持第二张卡片)Doyou know the Internet?What do you oftendInternet?Yes. We can do many thingIBut what does"surf the Ian? (老师将两张卡片并排展示)You areright. Let's look at this word: program What's yourfavorite TV program? 2. OK. Please look aHereaactivat we can do. Howoften do you do t

19、hem? Wdowand54 Could you please readversaus? 4. Well done!Please wairs. Tw howur partner dgs and gation.下面请二人一组活动。了解你同伴多久做一次这些事情,最好了解更多的信息。5 Who would lur conversaus ?1. Surf. No.Yes. I:I get news. S2:I la: I play games.54: I lusic. S5: I chat wds. 浏览互联网Animal World.TotalLucky 52.Super Girlgame. 2.填写表格。3. S 3and S4 readversag2c. 4. 学生两人一组对话练习。5. S5:How often do you surf the Internet? S6: I surf theIwice a week. S5: What do you dInternet? S6: I readnews. AndI lusic. Sum-mary 板书 1. See what we have l


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