重复抽样的蒙特卡洛方法代码实现数据(Program for_第1页
重复抽样的蒙特卡洛方法代码实现数据(Program for_第2页
重复抽样的蒙特卡洛方法代码实现数据(Program for_第3页




1、重复抽样的蒙特卡洛方法代码实现数据(Program forMonte Carlo resampling Data数据摘要:The file "GQ_data.txt" contains the data set that was used for illustration in the paper. There are 6510 observations (households, and for each we have the following variables recorded: (the data are in space-delimited format中文关键

2、词:算法, 统计, 蒙特卡洛方法, 重复抽样, 程序,英文关键词:algorithm,statistic,Monte Carlo,resampling,program,数据格式:TEXT数据用途:design of the algorithm数据详细介绍:Program for Monte Carlo resampling DataThe file "GQ_data.txt" contains the data set that was used for illustration in the paper. There are 6510 observations (hous

3、eholds, and for each we have the following variables recorded: (the data are in space-delimited format "area" - 0 = rural, 1 = urban"educ" - highest level of education attained by any of the household members, years"prov" - 0 = northern, 1 = southern"size" - n

4、o. of household members"empl" - no. of employed family members"depend" - number of dependents"roof" - type of roof in the house"inc" - daily expenditure on food, per adult equivalent unit (AEU"food" - daily per capita expenditure on food, including o

5、wn production"total" - total daily per capita expenditure on food and non-food related items PROGRAMS:All computations are performed using the GAMS modelling language: *GAMS IDE*The program "GQ_samp" performs GQ subsampling and Monte Carlo resampling. The file "GQ_sens" contains


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